author Pat Downey <patd@symbian.org>
Fri, 04 Jun 2010 10:37:54 +0100
changeset 32 8b9155204a54
parent 0 1fb32624e06b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert last code drop.

* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

#ifndef __FRMTVIEW_H__
#define __FRMTVIEW_H__

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <w32std.h>
#include <frmtlay.h>
#include <frmframe.h>

Internal class - not part of interface
class RScreenDisplay

	enum TClippingRects
		EFClipTextArea = 0x0001,
		EFClipLineCursor = 0x0002,
		EFClipExtendedTextArea = 0x0004,
		EFClipViewRect = 0x0008,
		EFClipExtendedViewRect = 0x0010,
		EFClipInvalid = 0x0200,
		EFClipAllFlags = 0xFFFF
	RScreenDisplay(TDrawTextLayoutContext* const aDrawTextLayoutContext); 
	void Close();
	void Destroy();
	void SetWindowsServer(RWsSession *aSession) { iSession = aSession; }
	void SetWindowGroup(RWindowGroup *aWin) { iGroupWin = aWin; }
	void SetWindow(RWindow *aWin);
	RWindow* Window() const { return iWin; }
	void SetBitmapContext(CBitmapContext* aGc) { iGc = aGc; }
	CBitmapContext* BitmapContext() const { return iGc; }
	RWsSession* WindowServerSession() { return iSession; }
	void SetGraphicsDeviceL(CBitmapDevice *aGd);
	CBitmapDevice* BitmapDevice() const {return iGd; }
	void CreateContextL(CBitmapDevice *aGd);
	void CreateContextL();
	void SetInvalidRect(const TRect& aRect);
	void SetInvalidRect(TInt aHeight);
	void SetInvalidRectHorizontal(TInt aWidth);
	void SetRects(TUint aRects);
	TRect LineCursorMargin() const;
	TPoint TopLeftTextArea() const;
	TBool IsLineCursor() const;
	void AddRects(TUint aRects);
	void SubRects(TUint aRects);
	TRect ClippingRect();	
	void ResetClippingRect();	
	void Scroll(TRect aRect,const TPoint& aBy,TBool aScrollBackground);
	void Flush();
	void ClearRect(const TRect& aRect);
	void InvertRect(TRect aRect,const TRgb aInvertColor);
	void SetTextCursor(TPoint aPos, const TTextCursor &aCursor);
	void RemoveTextCursor();
	void BlastBitmap(const TPoint& aPoint,const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,const TRect& aRect);
	void DrawPictureFrame(TFrameOverlay* aPictureFrame,const TRect& aLineRect);
	void Invalidate(TRect aRect);
	void ActivateContext();
	void ActivateContext(CGraphicsContext *aGc);
	void DeactivateContext();
	void DeactivateContext(CGraphicsContext *aGc);
	void SetLayout(CTextLayout* aLayout);
	CTextLayout* Layout();
	TBool UseWindowGc() const;

	void DestroyContexts();
	RWsSession *iSession;
	RWindowGroup *iGroupWin;
	RWindow *iWin;
	CBitmapContext *iGc;
	CBitmapDevice *iGd;
	TDrawTextLayoutContext* const iDrawTextLayoutContext;
	TUint iRects;
	TRect iInvalidRect;
	TLogicalRgb iBackground;
	CTextLayout* iTextLayout;

/** Visibility of line and text cursor.

The TVisibility enumeration defined in this class is used in calls to CTextView::SetCursorVisibilityL(). 
The remainder of this class does not form part of the API.
class TCursor
	enum TCursors
		EFNeitherCursor = 0,
		EFTextCursor = 1,
		EFLineCursor = 2,
		EFBothCursors = EFTextCursor | EFLineCursor

	/** Cursor visibility */
	enum TVisibility
		/** Indicates that the cursor should be invisible. */
		EFCursorInvisible = 0,
		/** Indicates that the cursor should be visible. */
		/** Indicates a flashing text cursor. When specified for the line
		cursor, is equivalent to EFCursorVisible, as the line cursor cannot
		flash. Note that a non-flashing text cursor should only be used when
		there is to be no editing, reformatting, scrolling or cursor movement.

	TCursor(TCursorPosition& aCursorPos,RScreenDisplay& aDisplay);
	void SetLineCursorBitmap(const CFbsBitmap* aLineCursorBitmap);
	inline TUint LineCursorVisibility();
	inline TUint TextCursorVisibility();
	void Draw(TUint aCursors);

	void SetVisibility(TVisibility aLineCursor,TVisibility aTextCursor);
	void SetType(TTextCursor::EType aType);
	void SetPlacement(TTmCursorPlacement aPlacement);
	void SetAscentAndDescent(TInt aAscent,TInt aDescent);
	void SetWeight(TInt aWeight);
	void SetFlash(TBool aEnabled);
	void SetXorColor(TRgb aColor);
	void MatchCursorHeightToAdjacentChar();
	void SetExtensions(TInt aFirstExtension, TInt aSecondExtension);
		ELineCursorToLabelGap = 2,
		ETextCursorWeight = 3,
		ETextCursorInvertColor = 0xFFFFFF

	void DrawLineCursor(TInt aHeight);
	void RemoveLineCursor();
	void DrawTextCursor(TPoint aOrigin,TInt aWidth,TInt aAscent,TInt aDescent);
	void RemoveTextCursor();

	RScreenDisplay& iDisplay;				// a reference to the object controlling drawing
	TCursorPosition& iCursorPos;			// a reference to the object holding the cursor's document position
	TBool iVisible;							// TRUE if the text cursor is currently visible in the displayed text
	TBool iFlash;							// TRUE if the text cursor should flash
	TVisibility iLineCursor;				// line cursor state
	TVisibility iTextCursor;				// text cursor state
	const CFbsBitmap* iLineCursorBitmap;	// if non-null, points to a non-owned bitmap representing the line cursor
	TInt iAscent;							// if non-negative, ascent used for vertical cursors
	TInt iDescent;							// if non-negative, descent used for vertical cursors
	TInt iWeight;							// width of vertical cursors, height of horizontal ones
	TTextCursor::EType iType;				// filled or hollow rectangle, etc.
	TRgb iXorColor;							// colour XORed with the background when the cursor is drawn
	TTmCursorPlacement iPlacement;			// vertical, underline, etc.
	TInt iFirstExtension;					// customise the cursor, extends vertical cursors upwards, horizontal cursors leftwards
	TInt iSecondExtension;					// customise the cursor, extends vertical cursors downwards, horizontal cursors rightwards
	TInt iReserved[2];

Lays out formatted text for display. 

The class provides functions to:

convert between document positions and x,y coordinates

set the dimensions of the rectangle in which text can be viewed (the view 

set margin widths

do horizontal and vertical scrolling

do text selection

set the cursor position and appearance

After a change has been made to the text layout, a reformat and redraw should 
normally take place. CTextView provides functions which are optimised to reformat 
the minimum amount necessary. For example, when a global formatting parameter 
is changed (e.g. the wrap width), the whole document's layout needs to be 
recalculated, so HandleGlobalChangeL() should be called. If the change involves 
the insertion or deletion of a single character, only a single line may be 
affected; for this, HandleCharEditL() is appropriate. Most CTextView reformatting 
functions do scrolling (using block transfer), if necessary, and a redraw.

For maximum responsiveness, CTextView uses an active object to carry out 
reformatting as a background task, so that the application can continue to 
receive user input. Many CTextView functions force background formatting to 
complete before they take effect.

When scrolling vertically, positive numbers of pixels, lines, paragraphs, 
pages, etc., mean that the text moves down, and vice versa. When scrolling 
horizontally, positive numbers of pixels mean that the text moves left and 
vice versa.

A text view can display up to two cursors and up to three margins. The cursors 
are the text cursor and the line cursor. The purpose of the line cursor is 
to make it easier to see which line the text cursor (or the selection extension 
point) is on. The three margins are the label margin (for paragraph labels), 
the line cursor margin (for the line cursor) and the left text margin (the 
gap between the edge of the page and the text). All are optional, but if present, 
they appear in that order, starting at the left edge of the view rectangle.

An object of class CTextLayout is used by the text view to calculate changes 
to the layout. This object must be specified when constructing the text view. 
It is also used to set layout attributes, including the wrap width, the height 
of the visible portion of the document (the "band"), whether formatting is 
set to the band or to the whole document and the text object which is the 
source of the text and formatting information.

The x-y pixel coordinates used by CTextView are called window coordinates. 
Window coordinates have their origin at the top left corner of the view window 
(unlike class CTextLayout whose coordinates have their origin at the top left 
corner of the area within the view rectangle in which text can appear). As 
in most bitmap graphics systems, x coordinates increase rightwards and y coordinates 
increase downwards. 
class CTextView : public CBase

friend class CTestTextView;
	enum TPriorities
		EFBackgroundFormattingPriority = (CActive::EPriorityIdle + CActive::EPriorityLow) / 2

	/** deprecated 8.0 */
		EFFirstCharOnLine = -1000000,
		EFLastCharOnLine = 1000000

	/** Cursor height matching.

	Passed as an argument to MatchCursorHeightToAdjacentChar(). */
	enum TBeforeAfter
		/** Text cursor height is matched to preceding character. */
		EFCharacterBefore = ETrue,
		/** Text cursor height is matched to following character. */
		EFCharacterAfter = EFalse


	/** Whether to reformat and redraw. Argument to SetViewL(). */
	enum TDiscard
		/** Discard all formatting; redraw. */
		/** Do not discard all formatting; redraw. */
		/** Discard all formatting; no redraw. */
		/** Do not discard all formatting; redraw. */
	Provides notification to the owner of the text view object of changes to the 

	Its OnReformatL() function is called after reformatting but before redisplay, 
	so that edit windows etc. can be resized. 
	class MObserver


		/** Called after reformatting but before redisplay, so that the height of edit windows, etc., 
		can be adjusted. There is no need to adjust the width of displaying components as formatting 
		is always done to fit the specified width.
		Implementers are not allowed to call any formatting functions while handling reformatting 
		notifications as it may cause recursive loops leading to unexpected consequences.
		@param aTextView A pointer to the current text view object. */
		virtual void OnReformatL(const CTextView* aTextView) = 0;

	// argument to SetViewL
	enum TDoHorizontalScroll
		EFNoHorizontalScroll = EFalse,
		EFCheckForHorizontalScroll = ETrue

	A standard inquiry interface for the text formatting engine, built on
	top of a CTextView object.

	To use it, construct a TTagmaForwarder object, then call InitL(), which
	finishes background formatting, then call the MTmTextLayoutForwarder
	The class should only be used internally by FORM component.
	class TTagmaForwarder: public MTmTextLayoutForwarder
		inline TTagmaForwarder();
		inline void InitL(CTextView* aView);
		// from MTmTextLayoutForwarder
		inline const CTmTextLayout& TextLayout() const;
		inline void GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const;

		CTextView* iView;

	enum TDrawParameters
		EFDrawAllWindow = CLayoutData::EFLargeNumber // must be larger than the pixel height of any window.

	// bit values used in iFlags
		EFSelectionVisible = 1,
		EFPictureFrameEnabled = 2,
		EFEverythingVisible = 3,
		EFFlickerFreeRedraw = 4,
		EFTextVisible = 8

	// horizontal scroll jump in pixels
	enum THorizontalScrollJump
		EFDefaultHorizontalScrollJump = 20
#ifdef _DEBUG
		,EFUnreasonablyLargeHorizontalScrollJump = 10000

	// picture frame blob widths in pixels
	enum TPictureFrameBlobWidths
		EFFrameVisibleBlobWidth = 10,
		EFFrameActiveBlobWidth = 20

	enum THorizontalScroll
		EFNoPreviousHorizontalScroll = 0,

	enum TMemoryStatus

	enum TExtendedHighlightRedraw
		EFTopEdge = 0x0001,
		EFBottomEdge = 0x0002

	IMPORT_C static CTextView *NewL(CTextLayout* aLayout,const TRect &aDisplay,CBitmapDevice* aGd,
									MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDeviceMap,RWindow* aWin,RWindowGroup* aGroupWin,
									RWsSession* aSession);
	IMPORT_C ~CTextView();
	IMPORT_C void SetDisplayContextL(CBitmapDevice* aGd,RWindow* aWin,RWindowGroup* aGroupWin,RWsSession* aSession);
	IMPORT_C void SetLayout(CTextLayout* aLayout);
	inline const CTextLayout* Layout() const;
	IMPORT_C void SetViewRect(const TRect& aDisplay);
	IMPORT_C void AlterViewRect(const TRect &aViewRect);
	IMPORT_C void SetMarginWidths(TInt aLabels,TInt aLineCursor);
	IMPORT_C void SetHorizontalScrollJump(TInt aScrollJump);
	IMPORT_C void SetLineCursorBitmap(const CFbsBitmap* aLineCursorBitmap);
	IMPORT_C void SetHighlightExtensions(TInt aLeftExtension, TInt aRightExtension, TInt aTopExtension, TInt aBottomExtension);
	IMPORT_C void SetExcessHeightRequired(TInt aExcessHeightRequired);
	IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aColor);
	IMPORT_C void SetTextColorOverride(const TRgb* aOverrideColor = NULL);
	IMPORT_C void SetCursorVisibilityL(TUint aLineCursor,TUint aTextCursor);
	IMPORT_C void SetSelectionVisibilityL(TBool aSelectionVisible);
	IMPORT_C TBool SelectionVisible() const;
	IMPORT_C void EnablePictureFrameL(TBool aEnabled);
	IMPORT_C const TRect& ViewRect() const;
	IMPORT_C const TRect& AlteredViewRect() const;
	IMPORT_C void MarginWidths(TInt& aLabels,TInt& aLineCursor) const;
	IMPORT_C TInt HorizontalScrollJump() const;
	IMPORT_C TInt LeftTextMargin() const;
 	IMPORT_C void SetLatentXPosition(TInt aLatentX);
	// deprecated 7.0
	IMPORT_C void SetParagraphFillTextOnly(TBool aFillTextOnly);
	IMPORT_C void SetCursorWidthTypeL(TTextCursor::EType aType,TInt aWidth = 0);
	IMPORT_C void SetCursorPlacement(TTmCursorPlacement aPlacement);
	IMPORT_C void SetCursorWeight(TInt aWeight);
	IMPORT_C void SetCursorFlash(TBool aEnabled);
	IMPORT_C void SetCursorXorColor(TRgb aColor);
	IMPORT_C void SetCursorExtensions(TInt aFirstExtension, TInt aSecondExtension);
	IMPORT_C TCursorSelection Selection() const;
	IMPORT_C TBool IsPictureFrameSelected(TRect& aPictureFrameRect,TInt& aDocPos) const;
	IMPORT_C TBool GetPictureRectangleL(TInt aDocPos,TRect& aPictureRect,TBool* aCanScaleOrCrop = NULL) const;
	IMPORT_C TBool GetPictureRectangleL(TPoint aXyPos,TRect& aPictureRect,TBool* aCanScaleOrCrop = NULL);
	IMPORT_C TBool FindXyPosL(const TPoint& aXyPos,TTmPosInfo2& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo* aLineInfo = NULL);
	IMPORT_C TInt XyPosToDocPosL(TPoint& aPoint);
	IMPORT_C TBool FindDocPosL(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo2& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo* aLineInfo = NULL);
	IMPORT_C TBool DocPosToXyPosL(TInt aDocPos,TPoint& aPoint);
	IMPORT_C TRect ParagraphRectL(TInt aDocPos) const;
	IMPORT_C void CalculateHorizontalExtremesL(TInt& aLeftX,TInt& aRightX,TBool aOnlyVisibleLines);
	IMPORT_C void MatchCursorHeightL(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec);
	IMPORT_C void MatchCursorHeightToAdjacentChar(TBeforeAfter aBasedOn = EFCharacterBefore);
	IMPORT_C TPoint SetSelectionL(const TCursorSelection& aSelection);
	IMPORT_C void CancelSelectionL();
	IMPORT_C void ClearSelectionL();
	IMPORT_C TPoint SetDocPosL(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TBool aDragSelectOn = EFalse);
	IMPORT_C TPoint SetDocPosL(TInt aDocPos,TBool aDragSelectOn = EFalse);
	IMPORT_C TPoint SetXyPosL(TPoint aPos,TBool aDragSelectOn,TRect*& aPictureRect,TInt& aPictureFrameEdges);
	IMPORT_C TPoint MoveCursorL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType& aMovement,TBool aDragSelectOn);
	IMPORT_C TInt ScrollDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType aMovement,
		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace=CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace);
	IMPORT_C TPoint SetViewLineAtTopL(TInt aLineNo);
    IMPORT_C void ScrollDisplayPixelsL(TInt& aDeltaY);
    IMPORT_C void ScrollDisplayPixelsNoLimitBorderL(TInt aDeltaY);
	IMPORT_C TInt ScrollDisplayLinesL(TInt& aDeltaLines,
		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace = CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace);
	IMPORT_C TInt ScrollDisplayParagraphsL(TInt& aDeltaParas,
		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace = CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace);
	IMPORT_C TPoint SetViewL(TInt aDocPos,TInt& aYPos,TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier(),
		TDiscard aDiscardFormat = EFViewDontDiscardFormat,
		TDoHorizontalScroll aDoHorizontalScroll = EFCheckForHorizontalScroll);
 	IMPORT_C void SetLeftTextMargin(TInt aLeftMargin);
	IMPORT_C void DrawL(TRect aRect);
	IMPORT_C void DrawL(TRect aRect,CBitmapContext& aGc);
	inline void SetObserver(MObserver* aObserver);
	IMPORT_C void SetPendingSelection(const TCursorSelection& aSelection);
	inline void EnableFlickerFreeRedraw();
	inline void DisableFlickerFreeRedraw();
	inline TBool FlickerFreeRedraw() const;
	inline void GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const;
	IMPORT_C TCursorSelection GetForwardDeletePositionL();
	IMPORT_C TCursorSelection GetBackwardDeletePositionL();

	// reformatting after changes to the content
 	IMPORT_C void FormatTextL();
	IMPORT_C TInt HandleCharEditL(TUint aType = CTextLayout::EFCharacterInsert,TBool aFormatChanged = EFalse);
	IMPORT_C TPoint HandleRangeFormatChangeL(TCursorSelection aSelection,TBool aFormatChanged = EFalse);
	IMPORT_C TPoint HandleInsertDeleteL(TCursorSelection aSelection,TInt aDeletedChars,TBool aFormatChanged = EFalse);
	IMPORT_C void HandleGlobalChangeL(TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier());
	IMPORT_C void HandleGlobalChangeNoRedrawL(TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier());
	IMPORT_C void HandleAdditionalCharactersAtEndL();
	IMPORT_C void FinishBackgroundFormattingL();

	IMPORT_C CBitmapContext* BitmapContext();
	IMPORT_C const TTmDocPos& VisualEndOfRunL(
		const TTmDocPos& aStart, const TTmDocPos& aEnd,
		TCursorPosition::TVisualEnd aDirection);
	IMPORT_C void GetCursorPos(TTmDocPos& aPos) const;

	IMPORT_C TPoint SetDocPosL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TBool aDragSelectOn = EFalse);

	IMPORT_C void SetCursorPositioningHintL(TCursorPosition::TPosHint aHint);

	IMPORT_C void SetOpaque(TBool aDrawOpaque);
	IMPORT_C void MakeVisible(TBool aVisible);

	IMPORT_C static TInt IdleL(TAny *aSelf);
	IMPORT_C CTextView();
	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CTextLayout* aLayout,const TRect &aDisplay,CBitmapDevice* aGd,MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDeviceMap,
							 RWindow* aWin,RWindowGroup* aGroupWin,RWsSession* aSession);
	inline TInt TopViewRect() const;
	inline TBool IsFormatting() const;
	TBool NoMemoryCheckL();
	void StartIdleObject();
	inline void DrawWithPreviousHighlight();
	inline void DrawWithCurrentHighlight();
	TInt CalculateBaseLinePos(TTmDocPos& aDocPos);
	TInt DrawAfterCursorMoveL(TInt aVerticalScrollBy);
	TBool NextLineL();
	void ClearRectAtBottom(TInt aHeight);
	void DrawTextL(TInt aFromHeight = 0,TInt aToHeight = EFDrawAllWindow);
	void DisplayNewLinesL(TInt aFrom,TInt aTo);
	void DrawCursor(TUint aCursors = TCursor::EFBothCursors);
	TPoint DoMoveCursorL(TBool aDragSelectOn,TCursorPosition::TMovementType& aMovement,TBool aAllowPictureFrame);
	void ScrollTextL(TInt aScrollY,TInt aFrom,TInt aScrollX,TBool aScrollBackground);
	void ScrollRect(TRect& aRect,TInt aScrollY,TInt aFrom,TInt aScrollX,TBool aScrollBackground);
	void ScrollRect(TInt aScrollY,TInt& aFrom,TInt& aTo);
	TPoint HandleBlockChangeL(TCursorSelection aSelection,TInt aOldCharsChanged,TBool aFormatChanged);
	void CheckScrollUpL();
	TInt CheckHorizontalScroll(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos);
	TInt DoHorizontalScrollDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType aMovement,
		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace);
	TInt DoScrollDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType aMovement,CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace);
	void ScrollDisplayL();
	TPoint ViewTopOfLineL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TInt& aYPos,
		CTextView::TDiscard aDiscardFormat = EFViewDontDiscardFormat,
		TDoHorizontalScroll aHorizontalScroll = EFCheckForHorizontalScroll);
	TPoint ViewL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TInt& aYPos,TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier(),
		CTextView::TDiscard aDiscardFormat = EFViewDontDiscardFormat,
		TDoHorizontalScroll aHorizontalScroll = EFCheckForHorizontalScroll);
	TPoint DoHandleGlobalChangeL(TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier,CTextView::TDiscard aDiscard);
	void UpdateHighlightL();
	void HighlightUsingExtensions(CTextLayout::TRangeChange aOptimizedRange, CTextLayout::TRangeChange aOriginalRange);
	void UpdatePictureFrameL();
	void RedrawPictureFrameRectL(TInt aPos);
	void DrawPictureFrameL(TRect& aClipRect);
	void DestroyWindowServerObjects();
	void NoMemoryL(TInt aErr);
	void RecoverNoMemoryL();
	void RecreateWindowServerObjectsL();
	void DrawTextSupportL(const TRect& aRect,const TCursorSelection* aHighlight);
	void DoDrawTextSupportL(const TRect& aRect,const TCursorSelection* aHighlight);
	void DoDrawTextSupportOpaqueL(const TRect& aRect,const TCursorSelection* aHighlight);
	void DisplayLineRangeL(TInt aFrom,TInt aTo);
	inline void NotifyReformatL();
	void CalculateHorizontalExtremes(TInt& aLeftX,TInt& aRightX,TBool aOnlyVisibleLines);
	TBool ExtendedHighlightExists() const;
	void DoClearSelectionL(const TCursorSelection& aSelection, TBool aIsPictureFrame);
	void AdjustRectForScrolling(TRect &aRect, TInt aScrollY, TInt aScrollX) const;
	static void ResetOffScreenBitmapContext(TAny* aTextView);
	static void ResetExternalDraw(TAny* aTextView);

	CIdle* iWrap;
	RScreenDisplay iDisplay;
	CTextLayout* iLayout;	// must not be moved
	TDrawTextLayoutContext iDrawTextLayoutContext;	// must not be moved
	TCursor iCursor;
	TCursorPosition iCursorPos;	// must not be moved
	TFrameOverlay* iPictureFrame;
	TMemoryStatus iNoMemory;
	TUint iFlags;	// must not be moved
	TUint iHorizontalScroll;
	TInt iGood;
	TInt iFormattedUpTo;
	TInt iHorizontalScrollJump;
	TInt iHeightNotDrawn;
	MObserver* iObserver;	// must not be moved
	CBitmapContext* iOffScreenContext; //Explicit off-screen bitmap to draw to.
	TRect iReducedDrawingAreaRect;
	TUint iDummy;// was iRedrawExtendedHighlight;
	TBool iContextIsNavigation;
	TBool iDrawOpaque;

inline TUint TCursor::LineCursorVisibility()
	return iLineCursor;

inline TUint TCursor::TextCursorVisibility()
	return iTextCursor;

/** Returns a pointer to the text layout object used by the text view.
@return A pointer to the text layout object used by the text view. */
inline const CTextLayout* CTextView::Layout() const
	return iLayout;

/** Sets a text view observer. This provides notification to the owner of the
text view object of changes to the formatting. Its OnReformatL() function is
called after reformatting but before redisplay, so that edit windows etc. can
be resized.

@param aObserver Pointer to text view observer object. */
inline void CTextView::SetObserver(MObserver* aObserver)
	iObserver = aObserver;

inline void CTextView::EnableFlickerFreeRedraw()
	iFlags |= EFFlickerFreeRedraw;

inline void CTextView::DisableFlickerFreeRedraw()
	iFlags &= ~EFFlickerFreeRedraw;

inline TBool CTextView::FlickerFreeRedraw() const
	return iFlags & EFFlickerFreeRedraw;

inline void CTextView::NotifyReformatL()
	if (iObserver)

inline TBool CTextView::IsFormatting() const
	return iLayout->IsBackgroundFormatting();

inline TInt CTextView::TopViewRect() const
	return iDrawTextLayoutContext.iViewRect.iTl.iY;

inline void CTextView::DrawWithPreviousHighlight()

inline void CTextView::DrawWithCurrentHighlight()

/** Gets the origin of the cursor.
@param aPoint On return, the cursor origin. */
inline void CTextView::GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const
	aPoint += iDrawTextLayoutContext.TopLeftText();

/** This constructor deliberately does not take a pointer or reference to
CTextView, to prevent the class from being used unless InitL() is called. */
inline CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::TTagmaForwarder():

/** Called after construction, to complete background reformatting.
@param aView A pointer to the text view object. */
inline void CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::InitL(CTextView* aView)
	iView = aView;

inline const CTmTextLayout& CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::TextLayout() const
	return iView->Layout()->TagmaTextLayout();

inline void CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const
