Revert last code drop.
* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#ifndef __T_PMLPAR_H__
#define __T_PMLPAR_H__
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
#include <txtfrmat.h>
#include <txtfmlyr.h>
#pragma warning ( disable : 4705 ) // turns off "statement has no effect" warning
const TInt KCharLength = 2;
// Clases defined in this file
class CFileApp;
class CParser;
const TChar KTabChar=TChar(9);
const TChar KLineFeed(10);
const TChar KComma=TChar(44);
const TInt KFileBufSize=128;
const TBuf<1> NEWLINE(_L("\n"));
class CFileApp : public CBase
{ // Reads a text file into a segmented buffer
static CFileApp* NewL();
CBufSeg* LoadFileL(CConsoleBase* aConsole);
CBufSeg* LoadFileL(const TFileName &aFileName);
TInt SaveFile(CBufSeg* aTextBuf, TFileName aFileName); // returns error level
inline TFileName ReturnFileName() {return iFileName;}
void ConstructApplicationL();
void OutputToScreen(const TDesC& aMessageBuffer);
void FileHandlingL();
void GetFileName();
void ReadChunkOfFileContents(RFile &aTextFile);
void WriteNewLine();
CConsoleBase* iConsole; // Pointer to the console window
TBool iConsoleExists;
TFileName iFileName; // Hmmm...
TUint iFilePos; // Current position within file
CBufSeg * iTextBuf; // Buffer for text file to be read into
TBuf<KFileBufSize> iFileBuf; // Buffer for reading file in
class CParser : public CBase
{ // Loads a segmented buffer full of text and parses it as PML, converting it into RichText
static CParser* NewL();
CRichText* ParseL(const TFileName &aFileName); // no GDI - Filename supplied
CRichText* ParseL(CConsoleBase* aConsole); // with E32 console interface
void ConstructApplicationL();
void ParseTextBufL();
TBool Validate();
TChar ReadChar();
void ProcessTextL(TChar aChar);
void AddCharToParaL(TChar aChar);
TChar ReadTagChar(); // Tag methods
void ProcessTagL(); //
void ClassifyTagL(TChar aTagChar); //
void AppendToArgBuf(TChar aTagChar); //
void ProcessArgBufL(); //
void ClassifyArgumentsL(); //
void TranslateTagArgL(); //
void TransGlobalArgL(); //
void TransParagraphArgL(); //
void TransCharArg(); //
void TransControlArgL(); //
TInt GetArgValue(); //
TInt GetArgValue(const TDes &aBuf); //
TBool BufIsNumeric(const TDes &aBuffer);//
void TransParaDefault(); // Argument translators for paragraph
void TransParaArgAlignment(); //
void TransParaArgLeftMargin(); //
void TransParaArgRightMargin(); //
void TransParaArgIndent(); //
void TransParaLineSpacing(); //
void TransParaArgLineSpacingControl(); //
void TransParaSpaceBefore(); //
void TransParaSpaceAfter(); //
void TransParaKeepTogether(); //
void TransParaKeepWithNext(); //
void TransParaStartNewPage(); //
void TransParaWidowOrphan(); //
void TransParaBorderMargin(); //
void TransParaBorderL(); //
void TransParaTabWidth(); //
void TransParaTabStopL(); //
void TransParaBullet(); //
void TransCharDefault(); // ... and character
void TransCharPosture(); //
void TransCharStrokeWeight(); //
void TransCharUnderline(); //
void TransCharStrikethrough(); //
void TransCharFontHeight(); //
void TransCharPrintPos(); //
void TransCharTypefaceName(); //
void TransCharTypefaceFlags(); //
void TransCharColor(); //
void TransCharLanguage(); //
void SetFormatLayerL(); // RT doc methods
void EmptyBuffer(TDes &aBuf);
void OutputToScreen(const TDesC& aMessageBuffer);
void WriteNewLine() {OutputToScreen(NEWLINE);}
void EmitErrorMessage();
TFileName iFileName;
TBuf8<512> SquashBuf(TDes aBuffer);
enum { // Error types
enum { // Possible types of tag
TUint iErrorLevel;
CConsoleBase* iConsole; // Pointer to the console window
TBool iConsoleExists;
CBufSeg * iTextBuf; // Buffer for the text file to be parsed
TUint iReadPos; // Current read position in iTextBuf
TUint iLineNo; // Current line no. in iTextBuf (for error messages)
TBool iParagraphIsOpen; // Self explanatory?
TBool iPhraseOpen; // Character formatting is being applied
TBool iArgValueExpected; // Set if a tag argument requires a value eg =120
TBool iArgStored; // Set if there is an argument in temp storage
TBool iCancelArg; // Set if the arg has been canceled - ie turns formatting off
TBool iBorderUsed;
TBool iBulletUsed;
TInt iTagType; // The type of tag: see enum above
TBuf<32> iArgType; // Buffer for tag arguments. Whole arg if they have no value
TBuf<32> iArgValue; // Buffer for arg values... (32 bytes) eg. <P ArgType=ArgValue>
// Rich Text document variables
CRichText* iRichTextDoc; // The RT doc
TInt iDocInsertPos; // Cursor position in RT doc
TUint iDocParaLength; // Length of current paragraph
TUint iDocPhraseLength; // ...
CParaFormatLayer* iGlobalParaFormatLayer;
TParaFormatMask iGlobalParaFormatMask;
CParaFormat* iGlobalParaFormat;
CCharFormatLayer* iGlobalCharFormatLayer;
TCharFormatMask iGlobalCharFormatMask;
TCharFormat iGlobalCharFormat;
CParaFormatLayer* iParaFormatLayer;
TParaFormatMask iParaFormatMask;
CParaFormat* iParaFormat;
CCharFormatLayer* iCharFormatLayer;
TCharFormatMask iCharFormatMask;
TCharFormat iCharFormat;
TParaBorder* iBorder;
TBullet* iBullet;