Re-merge fix for bug 1543.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
//#include "TCustomWrap.h"
#include "TGraphicsContext.h"
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <frmtlay.h>
#include <frmtview.h>
#include <txtlaydc.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <w32std.h>
#include <inlinetext.h>
namespace LocalToFile
_LIT(KTInlineText, "TInlineText");
const TInt KDisplayWidthWide = 202;
const TInt KDisplayWidthThin = 102;
const TInt KDisplayHeight = 100;
const TInt KPictureCharacter = 0xFFFC;
RTest test(KTInlineText);
enum TInlineTextPanic { EAccessOutsideText = 1 };
void Panic(TInlineTextPanic)
User::Panic(_L("TInlineText"), EAccessOutsideText);
class CPinkSquare : public CPicture
// Size of square in twips.
// 600 is 15 pixels using the standard test graphics device at
// its default resolution.
enum { KWidth = 600, KHeight = 600 };
void Draw(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aTopLeft, const TRect& aClipRect, MGraphicsDeviceMap* aMap) const
// This picture is a magenta square
TPoint size(KWidth, KHeight);
if (aMap)
size = aMap->TwipsToPixels(size);
TRect rect(aTopLeft, aTopLeft + size);
void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream&) const
void GetOriginalSizeInTwips(TSize& a) const
a.iWidth = CPinkSquare::KWidth;
a.iHeight = CPinkSquare::KHeight;
_LIT(KEnd, "\x2029");
class TDocModel : public MLayDoc
TDocModel(const TDesC& aDes)
: iDes(&aDes), iParagraphFormat(0)
void SetParagraphFormat(CParaFormat* a)
iParagraphFormat = a;
// From MLayDoc
TInt LdDocumentLength() const
{ return iDes->Length(); }
TInt LdToParagraphStart(TInt& a) const
TInt curr = a;
if (a < LdDocumentLength())
a = iDes->Left(a).LocateReverse(0x2029);
a = a < 0? 0 : a + 1;
return curr - a;
void GetParagraphFormatL(CParaFormat* aFormat, TInt) const
if (iParagraphFormat)
TTabStop tabStop;
tabStop.iTwipsPosition = 1000;
tabStop.iType = TTabStop::ELeftTab;
void GetChars(TPtrC& aView,TCharFormat& aFormat, TInt aStartPos)const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aStartPos <= LdDocumentLength(), Panic(EAccessOutsideText));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aStartPos >= 0, Panic(EAccessOutsideText));
TCharFormat cf;
aFormat = cf;
if (aStartPos == LdDocumentLength())
TInt GetPictureSizeInTwips(TSize& aSize, TInt aPos) const
if ((*iDes)[aPos] != KPictureCharacter)
return KErrNotFound;
aSize.iWidth = CPinkSquare::KWidth;
aSize.iHeight = CPinkSquare::KHeight;
return KErrNone;
CPicture* PictureHandleL(TInt aPos, TForcePictureLoad) const
if ((*iDes)[aPos] != KPictureCharacter)
return 0;
return new(ELeave) CPinkSquare;
TBool EnquirePageBreak(TInt aPos, TInt aLength)const
return iDes->Mid(aPos, aLength).Locate(0x000C) < 0?
EFalse : ETrue;
TBool SelectParagraphLabel(TInt)
{ return EFalse; }
void CancelSelectLabel()
const TDesC* iDes;
CParaFormat* iParagraphFormat;
using namespace LocalToFile;
class CTestTextView // slightly naughty
static void SetContextForFlickerFreeRedraw(CTextView* aView, CBitmapContext* aContext)
aView->iOffScreenContext = aContext;
// Utility functions to show contents of test data using test.Printf
_LIT(KAddressMarker, "> ");
_LIT(KSpace, " ");
_LIT(KLength, ", Length of Data = %d 16-bit words\r\n");
_LIT(KSpaces, " ");
_LIT(KPeriod, ".");
_LIT(KSingleString, "%s\r\n");
//_LIT(KDoubleString, "%s <%s>\r\n");
//_LIT(KLinefeed, "\r\n");
void PrintTestData (const TDesC& aTitle , const TDesC16& aData)
TInt i;
TInt j;
TInt end;
TInt length = aData.Length();
TBuf<80> buffer;
test.Printf(buffer, length);
for (i = 0 ; i < length ; i += 8)
buffer.AppendNumFixedWidth(i, EHex, 8);
buffer += KAddressMarker;
end = ((length-i) >= 8) ? i+8 : length;
for (j = i ; j < end ; ++j)
buffer.AppendNumFixedWidth(aData[j], EHex, 4);
buffer += KSpace;
buffer += TPtrC(KSpaces().Ptr(), ((8-(j-i))*5)+4);
for (j = i ; j < end ; ++j)
if (aData[j] >= 32)
buffer += KPeriod;
test.Printf(KSingleString, buffer.Ptr());
void PrintTestData(const TDesC& aTitle, const TText16* aDataBuffer, const TInt aSize)
PrintTestData(aTitle, TPtrC16(aDataBuffer, aSize));
class CTestInlineTextSource : public CBase, public MTmInlineTextSource
static CTestInlineTextSource* NewL(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar);
public: // From MTmInlineTextSource
Reports the next position into which inline text should be inserted
@param aFrom
The document position and character edge to start from.
@param aMaxLength
The maximum length within which to report inline text.
It means that inline text at position X should be reported if
aFrom <= X && X < aFrom + aMaxLength.
Also report trailing inline text at position aFrom + aMaxLength
because it is really attached to the preceding character.
Always report only the first inline text position >= aFrom.
@param aNext
On exit the position of the next bit of inline text to be inserted.
N.B. The position of trailing text following position N and the
position of leading text preceding position N+1 are both
considered to be N+1 - and the trailing text comes first so if
aFrom specifies a leading edge do not report trailing edge
inline text unless its position is greater than aFrom.
A panic EBadReturnValue will result otherwise.
KErrNone if a position is found within the specified range,
KErrNotFound otherwise.
if KErrNone returned then aFrom <= aNext
&& GetInlineText(aNext).Length() != 0
&& (GetInlineText(X).Length() == 0 for all
TTmDocPos X such that aFrom < X && X < aNext)
else if KErrNotFound returned
GetInlineText(X).Length() == 0 for all
TTmDocPos X such that aFrom <= X && X < aFrom + aMaxLength
virtual TInt GetNextInlineTextPosition(const TTmDocPos& aFrom, TInt aMaxLength, TTmDocPos& aNext);
Gets a view of the text to be inserted at aAt.
@param aAt
Document position, including character edge, being queried.
Any inline text that should be attached to the specified character edge at aAt.
virtual TPtrC GetInlineText(const TTmDocPos& aAt);
void Construct(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar);
TPtrC iNullText;
TPtrC iText;
TInt iNumChar;
CTestInlineTextSource* CTestInlineTextSource::NewL(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar)
CTestInlineTextSource* self= new(ELeave) CTestInlineTextSource();
self->Construct(aText, aNumChar);
return self;
void CTestInlineTextSource::Construct(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar)
iNumChar = aNumChar;
// This takes two inputs, each of which is either a real position,
// greater than or equal to 0, or KErrNotFound. If both are real
// positions then it should return the lower. If one is a real position
// then it should be returned. If neither are a real position then
// KErrNone is returned. It is all done with pointers to TInts so that
// when I get the result I can tell which one it is.
TInt* CustomMin(TInt* aPtrPos1, TInt* aPtrPos2)
if (*aPtrPos2 == KErrNotFound)
return aPtrPos1;
if (*aPtrPos1 == KErrNotFound)
return aPtrPos2;
if (*aPtrPos1 <= *aPtrPos2)
return aPtrPos1;
return aPtrPos2;
TInt CTestInlineTextSource::GetNextInlineTextPosition(const TTmDocPos& aFrom, TInt aMaxLength, TTmDocPos& aNext)
if (iNumChar == 0)
return KErrNotFound;
_LIT(KSS1, "A");
_LIT(KSS2, "B");
_LIT(KSS3, "C");
_LIT(KSS4, "\x05c0");//Hebrew character to test right-to-left text
TInt from = aFrom.iPos;
TInt from2 = from;
if ((from > 0) && (!aFrom.iLeadingEdge))
from2--; // adjustment takes care of not returning trailing edge if at start pos
TInt pos1 = iText.Mid(from).Find(KSS1);
TInt pos2 = iText.Mid(from2).Find(KSS2);
TInt pos3 = iText.Mid(from).Find(KSS3);
TInt pos4 = iText.Mid(from2).Find(KSS3);
TInt pos5 = iText.Mid(from2).Find(KSS4);
if (pos1 >= 0 ) // adjustments so we compare like for like
pos1 += from - from2;
if (pos3 >= 0 )
pos3 += from - from2;
// get the smallest real position, if any
TInt* ptrPos = CustomMin(CustomMin(&pos1, &pos3), CustomMin(CustomMin(&pos2, &pos4),&pos5));
if (pos1 > 0 ) // now adjust back
pos1 -= from - from2;
if (pos3 > 0 )
pos3 -= from - from2;
if (*ptrPos == KErrNotFound)
return KErrNotFound;
if ((ptrPos == &pos1) || (ptrPos == &pos3))
{ // it was an A or C with leading text
aNext.iPos = *ptrPos + from;
aNext.iLeadingEdge = ETrue;
else if ((ptrPos == &pos2) || (ptrPos == &pos4))
{ // it was an B oD with trailing text
aNext.iPos = *ptrPos + from2 + 1;
aNext.iLeadingEdge = EFalse;
else if (ptrPos == &pos5)
{ // it was an Hebrew char with trailing text
aNext.iPos = *ptrPos + from2 + 1;
aNext.iLeadingEdge = EFalse;
// something has gone horribly wrong
return KErrNotFound;
if (aNext.iPos - aFrom.iPos > aMaxLength + (aNext.iLeadingEdge ? 0 : 1))
return KErrNotFound;
return KErrNone;
TPtrC CTestInlineTextSource::GetInlineText(const TTmDocPos& aAt)
if (iNumChar == 0)
return iNullText;
if ((aAt.iPos == 0) && (!aAt.iLeadingEdge))
return iNullText;
_LIT(KSS1, "A");
_LIT(KSS2, "B");
_LIT(KSS3, "C");
_LIT(KSS4, "\x05c0");//Hebrew character to test right-to-left text
TInt at = aAt.iPos;
TInt at2 = at;
if ((at2 > 0) && (!aAt.iLeadingEdge))
at2--; // adjustment takes care of not returning trailing edge if at start pos
TInt pos1 = iText.Mid(at).Find(KSS1);
TInt pos2 = iText.Mid(at2).Find(KSS2);
TInt pos3 = iText.Mid(at).Find(KSS3);
TInt pos4 = iText.Mid(at2).Find(KSS3);
TInt pos5 = iText.Mid(at2).Find(KSS4);
if (pos1 == 0)
pos1 += at;
if ((pos1 == aAt.iPos) && aAt.iLeadingEdge)
TPtrC tPtrC;
if (iNumChar == 1)
_LIT(KIS11, "a");
else if (iNumChar == 2)
_LIT(KIS12, "aa");
return tPtrC;
if (pos2 == 0)
pos2 += at2;
if ((pos2 + 1 == aAt.iPos) && !aAt.iLeadingEdge)
TPtrC tPtrC;
if (iNumChar == 1)
_LIT(KIS21, "b");
else if (iNumChar == 2)
_LIT(KIS22, "bb");
return tPtrC;
if ((pos3 == 0) || (pos4 == 0))
if (((pos3 + at == aAt.iPos) && aAt.iLeadingEdge) || ((pos4 + at2 + 1 == aAt.iPos) && !aAt.iLeadingEdge))
TPtrC tPtrC;
if (iNumChar == 1)
_LIT(KIS31, "c");
else if (iNumChar == 2)
_LIT(KIS32, "cc");
return tPtrC;
if (pos5 == 0)
pos5 += at2;
if ((pos5 + 1 == aAt.iPos) && !aAt.iLeadingEdge)
TPtrC tPtrC;
if (iNumChar == 1)
_LIT(KIS41, "\05be");
else if (iNumChar == 2)
_LIT(KIS42, "\05be\05be");
return tPtrC;
return iNullText;
class CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider: public CBase, public MFormCustomInterfaceProvider
static CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider* NewL(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar);
TAny* GetExtendedInterface(const TUid& aInterfaceId);
void ConstructL(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar);
CTestInlineTextSource* iTestInlineTextSource; // Owned
CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider* CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider::NewL(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar)
CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider* self= new(ELeave) CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider();
self->ConstructL(aText, aNumChar);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
delete iTestInlineTextSource;
void CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider::ConstructL(TPtrC aText, TInt aNumChar)
iTestInlineTextSource = CTestInlineTextSource::NewL(aText, aNumChar);
TAny* CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider::GetExtendedInterface( const TUid& aInterfaceId )
if (aInterfaceId == KInlineTextApiExtensionUid)
return static_cast<MTmInlineTextSource*>(iTestInlineTextSource);
return NULL;
// When referring to test cases the following shorthand is used:
// P Primary text that has inline text (leading and/or trailing) attached
// to it
// L Leading inline text attached to primary text
// T Trailing inline text attached to primary text
// X Secondary text that precedes primary text
// Y Secondary text that follows primary text
// S A special case of P where the primary text is a single character
// which has both leading and trailing inline text attached to it
// So, for example, X L-P will indicate some normal secondary text,
// followed by a <space>, followed by some primary text which will get
// leading text added to the start of it.
// When defining a test string the following are significant characters:
// A An 'A' will get zero or more 'a's of leading text attached to it
// B A 'B' will get zero or more 'b's of trailing text attached to it
// C A 'C' will get zero or more 'c's of both leading and trailing text
// attached to it
// All other characters are used normally.
// N.B. Spaces have significance as potential line-breaking points.
// So the example X L-P could be implemented as "ij Axyz". The 'A'
// indicating that leading inline text should be attatched to it.
// All test are carried out 3 times, once with inline text set to add zero
// characters for each inline text (i.e. switched off), once with inline
// text set to add one character for each inline text and once with inline
// text set to add two characters for each inline text.
// All tests use a special test graphics device and test graphics context
// to enable us to catch the output and use a special "pseudo" test font
// where all characters are exactly 10 pixels wide and 10 pixels high (to
// make the calculations easier).
// General combination tests
// These are simple tests, which would take a single line of input on the
// display and produce a single line of output on the display (if we
// weren't using a special CTestGraphicsContext to catch the output).
// These tests check that, without the complications of line-breaking,
// inline text is inserted where we expect it to be. This is why a display
// that is capable of taking 20 chars on a line is used for these tests.
// Future extensions:
// These tests could be extended to do similar tests using Right-to-Left
// (RtoL) text. This would require the inline text mechanism to be
// extended to also use RtoL trigger characters (and inserts). The
// expected results would need to take account of the fact that the output
// would be in display order rather than buffer order.
// Specific tests
// These tests check specific cases that involve line-breaking. They
// produce more than one line of output, apart from some (not all) cases
// when inline text is switched off. To force the line-breaking these
// tests use a display that is obly capable of taking 10 chars on a line
// is used. Detailed info for each test is given in comments in the test
// data.
// Future extensions:
// These tests could be extended to check the behaviour of truncation and
// the insertion of an ellipsis. These tests could also be extended to
// include some RtoL examples.
static const TInt KTestCases = 18;
static const TInt KInlineTextOptions = 3;
static const TInt KVariants = 6;
static const TPtrC KTestStrings[KTestCases][KInlineTextOptions][KVariants] =
{ // Start of General Combination tests
{ // Test L-P
{ // Test X L-P
_S("ij Axyz"),
_S("ij Axyz"),
_S("ij Axyz"),
_S("ij "),
_S("ij Axyz"),
_S("ij "),
{ // Test P-T
{ // Test P-T Y
_S("xyzB pq"),
_S("xyzB pq"),
_S("xyzB pq"),
_S(" pq"),
_S("xyzB pq"),
_S(" pq"),
{ // Test L-P-T
{ // Test L-C-T
{ // Test X L-P-T
_S("ij AxyzB"),
_S("ij AxyzB"),
_S("ij AxyzB"),
_S("ij "),
_S("ij AxyzB"),
_S("ij "),
{ // Test X L-C-T
_S("ij C"),
_S("ij C"),
_S("ij C"),
_S("ij "),
_S("ij C"),
_S("ij "),
{ // Test L-P-T Y
_S("AxyzB pq"),
_S("AxyzB pq"),
_S("AxyzB pq"),
_S(" pq"),
_S("AxyzB pq"),
_S(" pq"),
{ // Test L-C-T Y
_S("C pq"),
_S("C pq"),
_S("C pq"),
_S(" pq"),
_S("C pq"),
_S(" pq"),
{ // Test X L-P-T Y
_S("ij AxyzB pq"),
_S("ij AxyzB pq"),
_S("ij AxyzB pq"),
_S("ij "),
_S(" pq")
_S("ij AxyzB pq"),
_S("ij "),
_S(" pq")
{ // Test X L-C-T Y
_S("ij C pq"),
_S("ij C pq"),
_S("ij C pq"),
_S("ij "),
_S(" pq")
_S("ij C pq"),
_S("ij "),
_S(" pq")
}, // End of General Combination tests
{ // Start of Specific tests
{ // Test P-T Y
// primary text with trailing inline text, secondary text secondary
// text won't fit on line
_S("wxyzB pqrstuv"),
_S(" "),
_S("wxyzB pqrstuv"),
_S(" "),
_S("wxyzB pqrstuv"),
_S(" "),
{ // Test X P-T one
// secondary text, primary text with trailing inline text trailing
// text won't fit and there is no line breaking point inside primary
// text and the primary text plus trailing text will fit on next line
_S("ijklm xyzB"),
_S("ijklm xyzB"),
_S("ijklm xyzB"),
_S(" "),
_S("ijklm xyzB"),
_S(" "),
{ // Test X P-T two
// secondary text, primary text with trailing inline text primary
// text won't fit and there is no line breaking point inside primary
// text and the primary text plus trailing text will fit on next line
_S("ijklm uvwxyzB"),
_S(" "),
_S("ijklm uvwxyzB"),
_S(" "),
_S("ijklm uvwxyzB"),
_S(" "),
{ // Test X L-P-T one
// secondary text, primary text with leading and trailing inline text trailing
// text won't fit and there is no line breaking point inside primary text and
// the leading text plus primary text plus trailing text will fit on the next line
_S("ij AwxyzB"),
_S("ij AwxyzB"),
_S("ij AwxyzB"),
_S(" "),
_S("ij AwxyzB"),
_S(" "),
{ // Test X L-P-T two
// secondary text, primary text with leading and trailing inline text primary
// text won't fit and there is no line breaking point inside primary text and
// the leading text plus primary text plus trailing text will fit on the next line
_S("ijkl AxyzB"),
_S("ijkl AxyzB"),
_S("ijkl AxyzB"),
_S(" "),
_S("ijkl AxyzB"),
_S(" "),
{ // Test X L-P-T three
//secondary text, primary text with leading and trailing inline text leading
// text won't fit and the leading text plus primary text plus trailing text
// will fit on the next line
_S("ijklmnop AxyzB"),
_S(" "),
_S("ijklmnop AxyzB"),
_S(" "),
_S("ijklmnop AxyzB"),
_S(" "),
} // End of Specific tests
static const TInt KTestCount[KTestCases][KInlineTextOptions] =
{ // Start of General Combination tests
1, // Test L-P
1, // Test X L-P
1, // Test P-T
1, // Test P-T Y
1, // Test L-P-T
1, // Test L-C-T
1, // Test X L-P-T
1, // Test X L-C-T
1, // Test L-P-T Y
1, // Test L-C-T Y
1, // Test X L-P-T Y
1, // Test X L-C-T Y
}, // End of General Combination tests
{ // Start of Specific tests
3, // Test P-T B
1, // Test X P-T one
3, // Test X P-T two
1, // Test X L-P-T one
1, // Test X L-P-T two
3, // Test X L-P-T three
} // End of Specific tests
void DoLineTestL(TDes& aText, CTextLayout* aLayout, CTestGraphicsDevice* aDevice, CTextView* aView, TInt aNumChar, TInt aIndex)
aText = KTestStrings[aIndex][aNumChar][0];
CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider* interfaceProvider = CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider::NewL(aText, aNumChar); // owned here
// now that we've redrawn the actual ooutput (what went through DrawText(), including
// any inline text) has been stored in the LineArray. So we#'ll have a look and see
// if it contains what we expect it to.
// Each line may produce one or more LineArray() entries as there is one created for
// each call to DrawText()
const TTestGCDisplayLine* line1 = 0;
const TTestGCDisplayLine* line2 = 0;
// Find out how many LineArray entries are expected for the output of this test
TInt count = KTestCount[aIndex][aNumChar];
// And test them (in reverse order, because it's easier)
switch (count)
case 5:
line1 = &(aDevice->LineArray().Line(4));
line2 = aDevice->LineArray().Find(KTestStrings[aIndex][aNumChar][5]);
test(0 != line1);
test(0 != line2);
test(line1->iLineData.Compare(line2->iLineData) == 0);
case 4:
line1 = &(aDevice->LineArray().Line(3));
line2 = aDevice->LineArray().Find(KTestStrings[aIndex][aNumChar][4]);
test(0 != line1);
test(0 != line2);
test(line1->iLineData.Compare(line2->iLineData) == 0);
case 3:
line1 = &(aDevice->LineArray().Line(2));
line2 = aDevice->LineArray().Find(KTestStrings[aIndex][aNumChar][3]);
test(0 != line1);
test(0 != line2);
test(line1->iLineData.Compare(line2->iLineData) == 0);
case 2:
line1 = &(aDevice->LineArray().Line(1));
line2 = aDevice->LineArray().Find(KTestStrings[aIndex][aNumChar][2]);
test(0 != line1);
test(0 != line2);
test(line1->iLineData.Compare(line2->iLineData) == 0);
case 1:
line1 = &(aDevice->LineArray().Line(0));
line2 = aDevice->LineArray().Find(KTestStrings[aIndex][aNumChar][1]);
test(0 != line1);
test(0 != line2);
// Can't always do a direct comparison of lines because same string
// may appear in more than one line, so compare contents
test(line1->iLineData.Compare(line2->iLineData) == 0);
void GeneralCombinationTestsTextViewL(TDes& aText, CTextLayout* aLayout, CTestGraphicsDevice* aDevice, CTextView* aView, TInt aNumChar)
// For all tests carried out from here up to 20 chars will fit on a line
test.Start(_L("Test L-P"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 0);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-P"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 1);
test.Next(_L("Test P-T"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 2);
test.Next(_L("Test P-T Y"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 3);
test.Next(_L("Test L-P-T"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 4);
test.Next(_L("Test L-C-T"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 5);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-P-T"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 6);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-C-T"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 7);
test.Next(_L("Test L-P-T Y"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 8);
test.Next(_L("Test L-C-T Y"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 9);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-P-T Y"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 10);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-C-T Y"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 11);
void SpecificTestsTextViewL(TDes& aText, CTextLayout* aLayout, CTestGraphicsDevice* aDevice, CTextView* aView, TInt aNumChar)
// For all tests carried out from here up to 10 chars will fit on a line
test.Start(_L("Test P-T B"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 12);
test.Next(_L("Test X P-T one"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 13);
test.Next(_L("Test X P-T two"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 14);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-P-T one"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 15);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-P-T two"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 16);
test.Next(_L("Test X L-P-T three"));
DoLineTestL(aText, aLayout, aDevice, aView, aNumChar, 17);
void DoLineTestForINC141914L(TDes& aText, CTextLayout* aLayout, CTestGraphicsDevice* aDevice, CTextView* aView)
* This case is to test whether or not inline text will find the correct format after changing the text content.
* In bytecode, there is one value to record the postion(iInlineTextFormat) to which inline text chunk attaches,
* INC141914 is raised because this value is not updated correctly after text change.
* The text string is as the following 3 lines:
* 111111;
* 222222;
* wxyBbz
* Where the 'b' is the inline text.
* 1st step:
* delete 5 leading '1's in the first line,
* 2nd step:
* delete 5 leading '2's in the second line.
* after the 2 steps, inline text is still able to use iInlineTextFormat to find its attached text string
aText = _S("\x31\x31\x31\x31\x31\x31\x3B\x2029\x32\x32\x32\x32\x32\x32\x3B\x2029\x77\x78\x79\x42\x7A");
CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider* interfaceProvider = CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider::NewL(aText, 1); // owned here
void DoLineTestForINC143086L(TDes& aText, CTextLayout* aLayout, CTestGraphicsDevice* aDevice, CTextView* aView)
* This case is to test inline text behaviour for right-to-left text
* The text string is as the following characters:
* \x5e0\x5e1\x5e2\x5e3\x5e4\x5c0\x5e5;
* Where the '\x5c0' is the inline text.
aText = _S("\x5e0\x5e1\x5e2\x5e3\x5e4\x5c0\x5e5");
CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider* interfaceProvider = CTestFormExtendedInterfaceProvider::NewL(aText, 1); // owned here
// aNumChar determines what kind of inline text is in force
// 0 means no inline text, 1 means insert a single char for
// each possible inline text and 2 means insert two chars
void RunGeneralCombinationTestsL(TInt aNumChar)
CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
TBuf<100> text;
TDocModel docModel(text);
// This time make it capable of 20 chars + a couple of spare pixels
// so all of these tests should result in a single line of output
TRect displayRect(0, 0, KDisplayWidthWide, KDisplayHeight);
CTextLayout* layout = CTextLayout::NewL(&docModel, displayRect.Width());
CTestGraphicsDevice* device = CTestGraphicsDevice::NewL(displayRect.Size(), 0);
CTextView* view = CTextView::NewL(layout, displayRect, device, device, 0, 0, 0);
// This is used to force the use of CTestGraphicsContext instead of a normal one
CWindowGc* offScreenContext;
CTestTextView::SetContextForFlickerFreeRedraw(view, offScreenContext);
GeneralCombinationTestsTextViewL(text, layout, device, view, aNumChar);
// aNumChar determines what kind of inline text is in force
// 0 means no inline text, 1 means insert a single char for
// each possible inline text and 2 means insert two chars
void RunSpecificTestsL( TInt aNumChar)
// Note: If you need to move these heap checks any further "in" to focus
// on a specific test then you will have to move all the setup code in as
// well - and still preserve the two different display widths in use
CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
TBuf<100> text;
TDocModel docModel(text);
// This time make it capable of 10 chars + a couple of spare pixels
// so that line wrapping will occur
TRect displayRect(0, 0, KDisplayWidthThin, KDisplayHeight);
CTextLayout* layout = CTextLayout::NewL(&docModel, displayRect.Width());
CTestGraphicsDevice* device = CTestGraphicsDevice::NewL(displayRect.Size(), 0);
CTextView* view = CTextView::NewL(layout, displayRect, device, device, 0, 0, 0);
// This is used to force the use of CTestGraphicsContext instead of a normal one
CWindowGc* offScreenContext;
CTestTextView::SetContextForFlickerFreeRedraw(view, offScreenContext);
SpecificTestsTextViewL(text, layout, device, view, aNumChar);
void RunTestsForINC141914L()
CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
TBuf<100> text;
TDocModel docModel(text);
// This time make it capable of 10 chars + a couple of spare pixels
// so that line wrapping will occur
TRect displayRect(0, 0, KDisplayWidthWide, KDisplayHeight);
CTextLayout* layout = CTextLayout::NewL(&docModel, displayRect.Width());
CTestGraphicsDevice* device = CTestGraphicsDevice::NewL(displayRect.Size(), 0);
CTextView* view = CTextView::NewL(layout, displayRect, device, device, 0, 0, 0);
// This is used to force the use of CTestGraphicsContext instead of a normal one
CWindowGc* offScreenContext;
CTestTextView::SetContextForFlickerFreeRedraw(view, offScreenContext);
DoLineTestForINC141914L(text, layout, device, view);
DoLineTestForINC143086L(text, layout, device, view);
TInt E32Main()
static CTrapCleanup* TrapCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
test.Start(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-FORM-LEGACY-INLINETEXT-0001 General combination tests - no inline text "));
TInt error = RFbsSession::Connect();
if (error == KErrNotFound)
error = RFbsSession::Connect();
test(error == KErrNone);
TRAP(error, RunGeneralCombinationTestsL(0));
test(error == KErrNone);
test.Next(_L("General combination tests - single char inline text"));
TRAP(error, RunGeneralCombinationTestsL(1));
test(error == KErrNone);
test.Next(_L("General combination tests - multi char inline text"));
TRAP(error, RunGeneralCombinationTestsL(2));
test(error == KErrNone);
test.Next(_L("Specific tests - no inline text"));
TRAP(error, RunSpecificTestsL(0));
test(error == KErrNone);
test.Next(_L("Specific tests - single char inline text"));
TRAP(error, RunSpecificTestsL(1));
test(error == KErrNone);
test.Next(_L("Specific tests - multi char inline text"));
TRAP(error, RunSpecificTestsL(2));
test(error == KErrNone);
test.Next(_L("Defect tests - for INC141914"));
TRAP(error, RunTestsForINC141914L());
test(error == KErrNone);
delete TrapCleanup;
return error;