changeset 0 c9bc50fca66e
child 29 59aa7d6e3e0f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c9bc50fca66e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <e32std.h>
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    20 #include <e32svr.h>
    21 #include <c32comm.h>
    22 #include "CdcControlInterface.h"
    23 #include "CdcControlInterfaceReader.h"
    24 #include "ClassDescriptor.h"
    25 #include "CdcAcmClass.h"
    26 #include "AcmPanic.h"
    27 #include "AcmUtils.h"
    28 #include <usb/usblogger.h>
    30 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
    31 _LIT8(KLogComponent, "ECACM");
    32 #endif
    34 CCdcControlInterface::CCdcControlInterface(const TUint8 aProtocolNum, const TDesC16& aIfcName)
    35 /**
    36  * Constructor using interface name.
    37  * @param aProtocolNum Contains the Table 17 protocol number.
    38  * @param aIfcName contains the interface name
    39  */
    40  :	CCdcInterfaceBase(aIfcName), 
    41 	iSerialState(0xFFFF),
    42 	iProtocolNum(aProtocolNum)
    43 	{
    44 	}
    46 CCdcControlInterface* CCdcControlInterface::NewL(CCdcAcmClass& aParent, const TUint8 aProtocolNum, const TDesC16& aIfcName)
    47 /**
    48  * Create a new CCDCCommClass object and construct it using interface name
    49  * This call will return an object with a valid USB configuration
    50  *
    51  * @param aParent Pointer to the Port using this object
    52  * @param aProtocolNum contains the Table 17 protocol number.
    53  * @param aIfcName Contains the interface name
    54  * @return A pointer to the new object
    55  */
    56 	{
    59 	LOGTEXT2(_L("\tControl Ifc Name = %S"), &aIfcName);
    61 	CCdcControlInterface* self = new(ELeave) CCdcControlInterface(aProtocolNum, aIfcName);
    62 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    63 	self->ConstructL(aParent);
    64 	CLEANUPSTACK_POP(self);
    65 	return self;
    66 	}
    68 void CCdcControlInterface::ConstructL(CCdcAcmClass& aParent)
    69 /**
    70  * 2nd-phase construction.
    71  * This call registers the object with the USB device driver
    72  *
    73  * @param aParent The ACM class.
    74  */
    75 	{
    76 	BaseConstructL();
    78 	iReader  = CCdcControlInterfaceReader::NewL(aParent, iLdd);
    80 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tcreated CdcControlInterface iProtocolNum = %d"), iProtocolNum);
    81 	}
    83 TInt CCdcControlInterface::SetUpInterface()
    84 /**
    85  * Set up the interface for use. This involves finding a "Interrupt IN" 
    86  * endpoint and, if found, configuring the interface.
    87  */
    88 	{
    89 	LOGTEXT(_L8(">>CCdcControlInterface::SetUpInterface"));
    91 	TUsbDeviceCaps dCaps;
    92 	TInt ret = iLdd.DeviceCaps(dCaps);
    93 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tchecking result of DeviceCaps"));
    94 	if ( ret )
    95 		{
    96 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("<<CCdcControlInterface::SetUpInterface ret=%d"), ret);
    97 		return ret;
    98 		}
   100 	const TUint KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints = 1; // in addition to endpoint 0.
   102 	const TUint totalEndpoints = static_cast<TUint>(dCaps().iTotalEndpoints);
   103 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tiTotalEndpoints = %d"), totalEndpoints);
   104 	if ( totalEndpoints < KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints )
   105 		{
   106 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("<<CCdcControlInterface::SetUpInterface ret=%d"), 
   107 			KErrGeneral);
   108 		return KErrGeneral;
   109 		}
   111 	// Endpoints
   112 	TUsbcEndpointData data[KUsbcMaxEndpoints];
   113 	TPtr8 dataptr(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(data), sizeof(data), sizeof(data));
   114 	ret = iLdd.EndpointCaps(dataptr);
   115 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tchecking result of EndpointCaps"));
   116 	if ( ret )
   117 		{
   118 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("<<CCdcControlInterface::SetUpInterface ret=%d"), ret);
   119 		return ret;
   120 		}
   122 	// Set the active interface
   123 	TUsbcInterfaceInfoBuf ifc;
   124 	TBool epFound = EFalse;
   125 	for ( TUint i = 0 ; i < totalEndpoints ; i++ )
   126 		{
   127 		const TUsbcEndpointCaps* caps = &data[i].iCaps;
   128 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(caps, 
   129 			_USB_PANIC(KAcmPanicCat, EPanicInternalError));
   131 		if (data[i].iInUse)
   132 			{
   133 			continue;
   134 			}
   136 		if ((caps->iTypesAndDir & (KUsbEpTypeInterrupt | KUsbEpDirIn)) == 
   137 			(KUsbEpTypeInterrupt | KUsbEpDirIn))
   138 			{
   139 			// EEndpoint1 is interrupt endpoint
   140 			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iType  = KUsbEpTypeInterrupt;
   141 			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iDir   = KUsbEpDirIn; 
   143 			//get the max packet size it can potentially support
   144 			//it's possible that it can support Isoch (1023) which is greater
   145 			//than max for Int at 64
   146 			TInt maxSize = Min(caps->MaxPacketSize(), KMaxPacketTypeInterrupt);
   148 			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iSize  = maxSize;
   150 			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iInterval = KPollInterval; 
   151 			epFound = ETrue;
   152 			break;
   153 			}
   154 		}
   155 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tchecking epFound"));
   156 	if ( !epFound )
   157 		{
   158 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("<<CCdcControlInterface::SetUpInterface ret=%d"), 
   159 			KErrGeneral);
   160 		return KErrGeneral;
   161 		}
   163 	ifc().iString = &iIfcName;
   164 	ifc().iTotalEndpointsUsed = KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints;
   165 	// Codes taken from USBCDC 1.1.
   166 	ifc().iClass.iClassNum	  = 0x02; // Table 15- Communication Interface Class
   167 	ifc().iClass.iSubClassNum = 0x02; // Table 16- Abstract Control Model
   168 	ifc().iClass.iProtocolNum = iProtocolNum; // Table 17
   170 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tabout to call SetInterface"));
   171 	// Zero effectively indicates that alternate interfaces are not used.
   172 	ret = iLdd.SetInterface(0, ifc);
   174 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("<<CCdcControlInterface::SetUpInterface ret=%d"), ret);
   175 	return ret;
   176 	}
   178 TInt CCdcControlInterface::SetupClassSpecificDescriptor(
   179 							TUint8 aDataInterfaceNumber)
   180 /**
   181  * Setup the Class Descriptors
   182  *
   183  * @param aDataInterfaceNumber The interface number of the data class
   184  * @return Error.
   185  */
   186 	{
   187 	LOG_FUNC
   188 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taDataInterfaceNumber = %d"), aDataInterfaceNumber);
   190 	TInt res;
   192 	TUsbCsClassDescriptor descriptor;
   194 	// Header Functional Descriptor- table 26
   195 	descriptor.iHdrSize 		 = 0x05; // bFunctionLength
   196 	descriptor.iHdrType 		 = 0x24; // bDescriptorType- CS_INTERFACE
   197 	descriptor.iHdrSubType		 = 0x00; // Table 25- Header FD
   198 	descriptor.iHdrBcdCDC		 = 0x0110; // release number
   200 	// Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor- table 28
   201 	descriptor.iAcmSize 		 = 0x04; // bFunctionLength
   202 	descriptor.iAcmType 		 = 0x24; // bDescriptorType- CS_INTERFACE
   203 	descriptor.iAcmSubType		 = 0x02; // Table 25- ACM FD
   204 	descriptor.iAcmCapabilities  = 0x0f; // capabilities- all
   206 	// Union functional descriptor- table 33
   207 	descriptor.iUnSize			 = 0x05; // bFunctionLength
   208 	descriptor.iUnType			 = 0x24; // bDescriptorType- CS_INTERFACE
   209 	descriptor.iUnSubType		 = 0x06; // Table 25- Union FD
   210 	// Set the control interface as the master...
   211 	res = GetInterfaceNumber(descriptor.iUnMasterInterface);
   212 	// ... and the data interface as the slave.
   213 	descriptor.iUnSlaveInterface = aDataInterfaceNumber;
   217 	// no functional descriptor needed
   219 #elif defined(ENABLE_ACM_CF_COUNTRY_SETTING)
   221 	// CDC Country Selection Functional Descriptor
   222 	descriptor.iCsSize			 = 0x04 + (0x02*KUsbCommNumCountries); // bFunctionLength
   223 	descriptor.iCsType			 = 0x24; // bDescriptorType- CS_INTERFACE
   224 	descriptor.iCsSubType		 = 0x07; // Table 25- Country Selection FD
   225 	descriptor.iCsRelDate		 = 0x07; // Release date of ISO3166 country codes.
   226 	descriptor.iCsCountryCode[0] = KUsbCommCountryCode0; // Country cide
   228 #endif
   230 	if ( res )
   231 		{
   232 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t***GetInterfaceNumber=%d"), res);
   233 		return res;
   234 		}
   236 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tabout to call SetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlock"));
   237 	res = iLdd.SetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlock(0, descriptor.Des());
   238 	if ( res )
   239 		{
   240 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\t***SetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlock=%d"), res);
   241 		return res;
   242 		}
   244 	return KErrNone;
   245 	}
   247 CCdcControlInterface::~CCdcControlInterface()
   248 /**
   249  * Destructor
   250  */
   251 	{
   252 	LOG_FUNC
   254 	delete iReader;
   255 	}
   257 /**
   258  * Special data object used to send a NETWORK_CONNECTION notification
   259  * up to the (USB) Host, using whatever size is available on the
   260  * control endpoint (derived in the driver below)
   261  */
   262 const TUint KUSBNotificationNetworkConnectionSize = 8;
   264 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUSBNotificationNetworkConnection)
   265 	{
   266 public:
   267 	TUint8	bmRequestType;	///< Request type
   268 	TUint8	bNotification;	///< Notification number
   269 	TUint16 wValue; 		///< Notification value
   270 	TUint16 wIndex; 		///< Notification index
   271 	TUint16 wLength;		///< Notification length
   272 public:
   273 	TDes8&	PackBuffer();
   275 private:
   276 	TBuf8<KUSBNotificationNetworkConnectionSize> iBuffer;
   277 	};
   279 TDes8& TUSBNotificationNetworkConnection::PackBuffer()
   280 /**
   281  * This function packs the TUSBNotificationSerialState class into a 
   282  * byte buffer with the correct byte alignment for transmission on 
   283  * the little-endian USB bus.
   284  */
   285 	{
   286 	iBuffer.SetLength(KUSBNotificationNetworkConnectionSize);
   288 	iBuffer[0] = bmRequestType;
   289 	iBuffer[1] = bNotification;
   290 	iBuffer[2] = static_cast<TUint8>( wValue	& 0x00ff);
   291 	iBuffer[3] = static_cast<TUint8>((wValue	& 0xff00) >> 8);
   292 	iBuffer[4] = static_cast<TUint8>( wIndex	& 0x00ff);
   293 	iBuffer[5] = static_cast<TUint8>((wIndex	& 0xff00) >> 8);
   294 	iBuffer[6] = static_cast<TUint8>( wLength & 0x00ff);
   295 	iBuffer[7] = static_cast<TUint8>((wLength & 0xff00) >> 8);
   297 	return iBuffer;
   298 	}
   300 TInt CCdcControlInterface::SendNetworkConnection(TBool aValue)
   301 /**
   302  * Sends a Network Connection message to the host.
   303  * Note that this function has not been tested. It is included for 
   304  * completeness as it may need to be used in modem (DCE) mode. However, it is 
   305  * unclear how a C32 client would indicate to the CSY that a network 
   306  * connection had been established.
   307  *
   308  * @param aValue	ETrue if Network Connected
   309  * @return Error.
   310  */
   311 	{
   312 	LOGTEXT2(_L8(">>CCdcControlInterface::SendNetworkConnection aValue=%d"), 
   313 		aValue);
   315 	// form the message and prime it down to the interrupt handler
   316 	// (that is 'interrupt' in the USB sense)
   318 	// Note that this does not need to be aware of endian-ness, this
   319 	// is taken care of in the PackBuffer() function.
   320 	TUSBNotificationNetworkConnection notification;
   322 	notification.bmRequestType = 0xA1;
   323 	notification.bNotification = 0x00; // NETWORK_CONNECTION
   324 	notification.wValue 	   = static_cast<TUint16>((aValue)?0x0001:0x0000); //1 - connected, 0 - disconnected
   325 	notification.wIndex 	   = static_cast<TUint16>((aValue)?0x0001:0x0000);
   326 	notification.wLength       = 0x00;
   328 	TInt ret = WriteData(EEndpoint1, 
   329 		notification.PackBuffer(), 
   330 		notification.PackBuffer().Length());
   332 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("<<CCdcControlInterface::SendNetworkConnection ret=%d"), ret);
   333 	return ret;
   334 	}
   336 /**
   337  * Special data object used to send a SERIAL_STATE notification
   338  * up to the (USB) Host, using whatever size is available on the
   339  * control endpoint (derived in the driver below)
   340  */
   341 const TUint KUSBNotificationSerialStateSize = 10;
   343 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUSBNotificationSerialState)
   344 	{
   345 public:
   346 	TUint8	bmRequestType;	///< Request type
   347 	TUint8	bNotification;	///< Notification number
   348 	TUint16 wValue; 		///< Notification value
   349 	TUint16 wIndex; 		///< Notification index
   350 	TUint16 wLength;		///< Notification length
   351 	TUint16 wData;			///< 2-byte data payload
   352 public:
   353 	TDes8&	PackBuffer();
   355 private:
   356 	TBuf8<KUSBNotificationSerialStateSize> iBuffer;
   357 	};
   359 TDes8& TUSBNotificationSerialState::PackBuffer()
   360 /**
   361  * This function packs the TUSBNotificationSerialState class into a 
   362  * byte buffer with the correct byte alignment for transmission on 
   363  * the little-endian USB bus.
   364  */
   365 	{
   366 	iBuffer.SetLength(KUSBNotificationSerialStateSize);
   368 	iBuffer[0] = bmRequestType;
   369 	iBuffer[1] = bNotification;
   370 	iBuffer[2] = static_cast<TUint8>( wValue	& 0x00ff);
   371 	iBuffer[3] = static_cast<TUint8>((wValue	& 0xff00) >> 8);
   372 	iBuffer[4] = static_cast<TUint8>( wIndex	& 0x00ff);
   373 	iBuffer[5] = static_cast<TUint8>((wIndex	& 0xff00) >> 8);
   374 	iBuffer[6] = static_cast<TUint8>( wLength & 0x00ff);
   375 	iBuffer[7] = static_cast<TUint8>((wLength & 0xff00) >> 8);
   376 	iBuffer[8] = static_cast<TUint8>( wData & 0x00ff);
   377 	iBuffer[9] = static_cast<TUint8>((wData & 0xff00) >> 8);
   379 	return iBuffer;
   380 	}
   382 TInt CCdcControlInterface::SendSerialState(TBool aOverRun, 
   383 									 TBool aParity, 
   384 									 TBool aFraming, 
   385 									 TBool aRing,
   386 									 TBool aBreak, 
   387 									 TBool aTxCarrier, 
   388 									 TBool aRxCarrier)
   389 /**
   390  * Sends a Serial State message to the host
   391  * 
   392  * @param aOverRun True if data discarded due to overrun
   393  * @param aParity True if a parity error has occured
   394  * @param aFraming True if a framing error has occured
   395  * @param aRing True if the device is Ringing
   396  * @param aBreak True if the device is detecting a break condition
   397  * @param aTxCarrier True if the transmit carrier is present
   398  * @param aRxCarrier True if the receive carrier is present
   399  * @return Error.
   400  */
   401 	{
   402 	LOG_FUNC
   403 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taOverRun=%d"), aOverRun);
   404 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taParity=%d"), aParity);
   405 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taFraming=%d"), aFraming);
   406 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taRing=%d"), aRing);
   407 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taBreak=%d"), aBreak);
   408 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taTxCarrier=%d"), aTxCarrier);
   409 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taRxCarrier=%d"), aRxCarrier);
   411 	// First work out what might need to be sent by assembling the bits into 
   412 	// the correct places. See CDC spec table 69 (UART state bitmap values).
   413 	TUint16 data = static_cast<TUint16>
   414 					(
   415 						(aRxCarrier 	) |
   416 						(aTxCarrier << 1) |
   417 						(aBreak 	<< 2) |
   418 						(aRing		<< 3) |
   419 						(aFraming	<< 4) |
   420 						(aParity	<< 5) |
   421 						(aOverRun	<< 6)
   422 					);
   424 	// now check to see if this has created a different state than
   425 	// last time it was sent, if it is the same, don't bother to
   426 	// send it off.
   427 	if ( data == iSerialState )
   428 		{
   429 		LOGTEXT(_L8("\tdata == iSerialState"));
   430 		return KErrNone;
   431 		}
   433 	// state is different, store local to the class object ready for
   434 	// testing next time through
   435 	iSerialState = data;
   437 	// now form the message and prime it down to the interrupt handler
   438 	// (that is 'interrupt' in the USB sense)
   440 	// Note that this does not need to be aware of endian-ness, this
   441 	// is taken care of in the PackBuffer() function.
   442 	TUSBNotificationSerialState notification;
   444 	notification.bmRequestType = 0xA1;
   445 	notification.bNotification = 0x20; // SERIAL_STATE
   446 	notification.wValue 	   = 0x0000;
   447 	notification.wIndex 	   = 0x0000;
   448 	notification.wLength	   = 0x0002;
   449 	notification.wData		   = data;
   451 	TInt ret = WriteData(	EEndpoint1, 
   452 							notification.PackBuffer(), 
   453 							notification.PackBuffer().Length());
   454 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\tWriteData = %d"), ret);
   456 	return ret;
   457 	}
   459 TInt CCdcControlInterface::WriteData(TEndpointNumber aEndPoint, 
   460 							   TDes8& aDes, 
   461 							   TInt aLength)
   462 /**
   463  *
   464  *
   465  * @param aEndPoint
   466  * @param aDes
   467  * @param aLength
   468  */
   469 	{
   470 	LOG_FUNC
   471 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\taEndpoint=%d"), aEndPoint);
   473 	TInt ret;
   474 	RTimer timer;
   475 	ret = timer.CreateLocal();
   476 	if ( ret )
   477 		{
   478 		LOGTEXT2(_L8("\ttimer.CreateLocal = %d- returning"), ret);
   479 		return ret;
   480 		}
   481 	TRequestStatus status;
   482 	TRequestStatus timerStatus;
   483 	LOGTEXT(_L8("\tAttempting to write data to control interface"));
   484 	iLdd.Write(status, aEndPoint, aDes, aLength);
   485 	timer.After(timerStatus, KWriteDataTimeout);
   486 	User::WaitForRequest(status, timerStatus);
   487 	if ( timerStatus != KRequestPending )
   488 		{
   489 		// Timeout occurred, silently ignore error condition.
   490 		// Assuming that the line has been disconnected
   491 		LOGTEXT(_L8("CCdcControlInterface::WriteData() - Timeout occurred"));
   492 		iLdd.WriteCancel(aEndPoint);
   493 		User::WaitForRequest(status);
   494 		ret = timerStatus.Int();
   495 		}
   496 	else
   497 		{
   498 		LOGTEXT(_L8("CCdcControlInterface::WriteData() - Write completed"));
   499 		timer.Cancel();
   500 		User::WaitForRequest(timerStatus);
   501 		ret = status.Int();
   502 		}
   504 	LOGTEXT2(_L8("\treturning %d"), ret);
   505 	return ret;
   506 	}
   508 //
   509 // End of file