changeset 43 012cc2ee6408
parent 42 f92a4f87e424
child 45 ee9b31ff95f7
child 52 3d9964be03bc
--- a/usbmgmt/usbmgrtest/t_ncm/src/tcptest.cpp	Tue Aug 31 17:01:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-/** @file
- @internalComponent
- @test
- */
-#include "tcptest.h"
-#include <in_sock.h>
-#include <commdbconnpref.h>
-#include <es_enum.h>
-#include "tcpcommand.h"
-#include "ncmtestconsole.h"
-_LIT8(KSendData, "TCP-Packet::HelloWorld\n");
-static const TInt KMaxNumOfChars = 255;
-//The title of TCP test console
-_LIT(KTcpServerMode, "Tcp Server");
-_LIT(KTcpClientMode, "Tcp Client");
-//The default value of data size
-static const TInt KDefaultDataSize = 30;
-CTcpProcess* CTcpProcess::NewL(CConsoleBase& aConsole, TInetAddr& aAddr, TInt aPort, TInt aSize, TBool aMode)
-	{
-	CTcpProcess* self = new(ELeave) CTcpProcess(aConsole, aAddr, aPort, aSize, aMode);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-	return self;
-	}
-	{
-	Cancel();
-	iRecvBuf.Close();
-    iSendBuf.Close();
-    iSocket.Close();
-    iListenSocket.Close();
-    iSockServ.Close();
-	}
-CTcpProcess::CTcpProcess(CConsoleBase& aConsole, TInetAddr& aAddr, TInt aPort, TInt aSize, TBool aMode) 
-		:  CActive(EPriorityStandard), iConsole(aConsole), iAddr(aAddr), iPort(aPort), iSize(aSize), iMode(aMode)
-	{
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-	}
-void CTcpProcess::ConstructL()
-	{
-	//Create the data buffer
-	User::LeaveIfError(iSendBuf.Create(iSize));
-	User::LeaveIfError(iRecvBuf.Create(iSize));
-	iRecvSize = iSize;
-	iProcessState = ECreateConnection;
-	User::LeaveIfError(iSockServ.Connect());
-	if(iMode)
-		{
-		//Listen at specified port
-		TBuf<5>		 protocol = _L("tcp");
-		User::LeaveIfError(iListenSocket.Open(iSockServ, protocol));
-		User::LeaveIfError(iListenSocket.SetOpt(KSoReuseAddr, KProtocolInetIp, 1));
-		User::LeaveIfError(iListenSocket.SetLocalPort(iPort));
-		User::LeaveIfError(iListenSocket.Listen(5));
-		User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Open(iSockServ));
-		iListenSocket.Accept(iSocket, iStatus);
-		iConsole.Printf(_L("\nWait for a connection at port[%d].\n"), iPort);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-        RConnection conn;  
-        User::LeaveIfError(conn.Open(iSockServ));
-        TCommDbConnPref pref;
-        pref.SetIapId(13);
-        pref.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
-        User::LeaveIfError(conn.Start(pref));
-		//Connect to specified server
-		User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Open(iSockServ, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, conn));
-		iSocket.Connect(iAddr, iStatus);
-		iConsole.Printf(_L("\nConnecting....\n"));
-		}
-	SetActive();
-	}
-void CTcpProcess::RunL()
-	{
-	switch(iProcessState)
-		{
-		case ECreateConnection:
-			//Get result of connect
-			if(iStatus.Int() != KErrNone)
-				{
-				iConsole.Printf(_L("Connect err[%d].\nPress any key to quit."), iStatus.Int());
-				return;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				//A TCP connection is created.
-				if(iMode)
-					{
-					iConsole.Printf(_L("Get a connection.\n"));
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					iConsole.Printf(_L("\nConnected.\n"));					
-					}
-				iProcessState = EDataTransfer;
-				//Ready for read data
-				iSocket.RecvOneOrMore(iRecvBuf, 0, iStatus, iRecvSize);
-				__FLOG_STATIC1(KSubSys, KLogComponent , _L8("Ready for read data"), iRecvSize);
-				SetActive();
-				if(!iMode)
-					{
-					//As a client, send data first.
-					iSendBuf.SetLength(iSize);
-					iSendBuf.Repeat(KSendData());
-					iConsole.Printf(_L("Send data."));
-					PrintData(iSendBuf);
-					TInt sendLen = SendDataL(iSendBuf, iSize);
-					if(sendLen != iSize)
-						{
-						iConsole.Printf(_L("The length of data sent is not equal to requested! requested[%d], sent[%d]"),
-											iSize, sendLen);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			break;
-		case EDataTransfer:
-			//In data transfer, some data is received
-			iConsole.Printf(_L("recv Package, size[%d], status[%d]\n"), iRecvSize(), iStatus.Int());
-			if((KErrEof == iStatus.Int()) || (KErrDisconnected == iStatus.Int()))
-				{
-				iConsole.Printf(_L("Connection closed!"));
-				return;
-				}
-			else if(KErrNone == iStatus.Int())
-				{
-				iConsole.Printf(_L("Receive data."));
-				PrintData(iRecvBuf);
-				if(iMode)
-					{
-					//As a server, send back the data received
-					TInt len = SendDataL(iRecvBuf, iRecvSize());
-					iConsole.Printf(_L("Send back the data. len[%d]"), len);
-					}
-				}	
-			iRecvBuf.SetLength(0);
-			iRecvSize = iSize;
-			iSocket.RecvOneOrMore(iRecvBuf, 0, iStatus, iRecvSize);
-			SetActive();	
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-void CTcpProcess::DoCancel()
-	{
-	switch(iProcessState)
-		{
-		case ECreateConnection:
-			if(iMode)
-				{
-				iListenSocket.CancelAccept();
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				iSocket.CancelConnect();
-				}
-			break;
-		case EDataTransfer:
-			iSocket.CancelRecv();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-TInt CTcpProcess::RunError(TInt aError)
-	{
-	User::Panic(_L("CTcpProcess"), aError);
-	return aError;
-	}
-TInt CTcpProcess::SendDataL(TDes8& aData, TInt aSize)
-Send data.
-  @return the size of data sent
- */
-	{
-	TRequestStatus status;
-	TSockXfrLength sendSize = aSize;
-	iSocket.Send(aData, 0, status, sendSize);
-	User::WaitForRequest(status);
-	switch(status.Int())
-		{
-		case KErrEof:
-			iConsole.Printf(_L("Connection closed!"));
-			return 0;		
-		case KErrNone:
-			iConsole.Printf(_L("Send successfully."));
-			break;
-		default:
-			User::LeaveIfError(status.Int());
-			break;
-		}
-	return sendSize();
-	}
-void CTcpProcess::PrintData(TDes8& aData)
-	{
-	iConsole.Printf(_L("The data is: \n"));
-	for(TInt i=0; i< aData.Length();i++)
-		{
-		iConsole.Printf(_L("%c"), aData[i]);
-		}
-	iConsole.Printf(_L("\n"));
-	}
-CUdpProcess* CUdpProcess::NewL(CConsoleBase& aConsole, TInetAddr& aAddr,
-        TInt aPort, TInt aSize, TBool aMode)
-    {
-    CUdpProcess* self = new (ELeave) CUdpProcess(aConsole, aAddr, aPort,
-            aSize, aMode);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    return self;
-    }
-    {
-    Cancel();
-    iRecvBuf.Close();
-    iSendBuf.Close();
-    iSocket.Close();
-    iListenSocket.Close();
-    iSockServ.Close();
-    }
-CUdpProcess::CUdpProcess(CConsoleBase& aConsole, TInetAddr& aAddr,
-        TInt aPort, TInt aSize, TBool aMode) :
-    CActive(EPriorityStandard), iConsole(aConsole), iAddr(aAddr),
-            iPort(aPort), iSize(aSize), iMode(aMode)
-    {
-    CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-    }
-void CUdpProcess::ConstructL()
-    {
-    //Create the data buffer
-    User::LeaveIfError(iSendBuf.Create(iSize));
-    User::LeaveIfError(iRecvBuf.Create(iSize));
-    iRecvSize = iSize;
-    User::LeaveIfError(iSockServ.Connect());
-    // Start NCM IAP
-    RConnection conn;
-    User::LeaveIfError(conn.Open(iSockServ));
-    TCommDbConnPref pref;
-    pref.SetIapId(13);
-    pref.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
-    User::LeaveIfError(conn.Start(pref));
-    User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Open(iSockServ, KAfInet, KSockDatagram,
-            KProtocolInetUdp, conn));
-    iConsole.Printf(_L("In constructL, port=%d"), iAddr.Port());
-    if (iMode)
-        {
-        iProcessState = EDataTransfer;
-        User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.SetLocalPort(iPort));
-        iSocket.RecvFrom(iRecvBuf, iPeerAddr, 0, iStatus);
-        iConsole.Printf(_L("\nWait for UDP incoming data at port[%d]...\n"),iPort);
-        SetActive();
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        iProcessState = EDataSending;
-        SetActive();
-        TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
-        User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
-        }
-    }
-void CUdpProcess::RunL()
-    {
-    __FLOG_STATIC0(KSubSys, KLogComponent , _L8("CUdpProcess::RunL"));
-    switch (iProcessState)
-        {
-        case EDataSending:
-            //As a client, send data first.
-            iSendBuf.SetLength(iSize);
-            iSendBuf.Repeat(KSendData());
-            iConsole.Printf(_L("Send data.."));
-            PrintData(iSendBuf);
-            iConsole.Printf(_L("In RunL, port=%d"), iAddr.Port());
-            TInt sendLen = SendDataL(iSendBuf, iAddr, iSize);
-            if (sendLen != iSize)
-                {
-                iConsole.Printf(
-                        _L("The length of data sent is not equal to requested! requested[%d], sent[%d]"),
-                        iSize, sendLen);
-                }
-            break;
-        case EDataTransfer:
-            //In data transfer, some data is received
-            iConsole.Printf(_L("recv Package, size[%d], status[%d]\n"),
-                    iRecvSize(), iStatus.Int());
-            if (KErrNone == iStatus.Int())
-                {
-                iConsole.Printf(_L("Receive data."));
-                PrintData(iRecvBuf);
-                if (iMode)
-                    {
-                    //As a server, send back the data received
-                    TInt len = SendDataL(iRecvBuf, iPeerAddr, iRecvBuf.Length());
-                    iConsole.Printf(_L("Send back the data. len[%d]"), len);
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iConsole.Printf(_L("Something is wrong..."));
-                return;
-                }
-            iRecvBuf.SetLength(0);
-            iRecvSize = iSize;
-            //iListenSocket.RecvFrom(iRecvBuf, iPeerAddr, 0, iStatus);
-            iSocket.RecvFrom(iRecvBuf, iPeerAddr, 0, iStatus);
-            SetActive();
-            iConsole.Printf(_L("\nWait for UDP incoming data at port[%d]...\n"),iPort);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-void CUdpProcess::DoCancel()
-    switch(iProcessState)
-    {
-    case EDataTransfer:
-        //iListenSocket.CancelRecv();
-        iSocket.CancelRecv();
-        break;
-    }
-TInt CUdpProcess::RunError(TInt aError)
-    User::Panic(_L("CUdpProcess"), aError);
-    return aError;
-TInt CUdpProcess::SendDataL(TDes8& aData, TInetAddr& aAddr, TInt aSize)
-    /**
-      Send data.
-      @return the size of data sent
-      */
-    TRequestStatus status;
-    TInt port = aAddr.Port();
-    iConsole.Printf(_L("Before sending, size = %d, port=%d\n"), aSize, port);
-    TSockXfrLength sendSize = 0; //aSize;
-    iSocket.SendTo(aData, aAddr, 0, status, sendSize);
-    User::WaitForRequest(status);
-    iConsole.Printf(_L("Sending result = %d, and sent=%d\n"), status.Int(), sendSize());
-    switch(status.Int())
-    {
-    case KErrEof:
-        iConsole.Printf(_L("Connection closed!"));
-        return 0;       
-    case KErrNone:
-        iConsole.Printf(_L("Send successfully.\n"));
-        break;
-    default:
-        User::LeaveIfError(status.Int());
-        break;
-    }
-    return sendSize();
-void CUdpProcess::PrintData(TDes8& aData)
-    iConsole.Printf(_L("The data is: \n"));
-    for(TInt i=0; i< aData.Length();i++)
-    {
-    iConsole.Printf(_L("%c"), aData[i]);
-    }
-    iConsole.Printf(_L("\n"));
-CTcpTestConsole* CTcpTestConsole::NewL(TBool aIsTcp, TBool aMode, TDesC& aDefautAddr, TInt aIndex, CTcpCommand& aOwner)
-	{
-	CTcpTestConsole* self = new(ELeave) CTcpTestConsole(aIsTcp, aMode, aDefautAddr, aIndex, aOwner);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-	return self;
-	}
-CTcpTestConsole::CTcpTestConsole(TBool aIsTcp, TBool aMode, TDesC& aDefautAddr, TInt aIndex, CTcpCommand& aOwner) 
-	: CActive(EPriorityStandard),iCommandMode(ECommandInit),  iIsTcp(aIsTcp), iMode(aMode), 
-	  iDefaultAddr(aDefautAddr), iIndex(aIndex), iOwner(aOwner)
-	{	
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
-	}
-	{
-	Cancel();
-	delete iTcp;
-	delete iUdp;
-    delete iConsole;
-    iChars.Close();
-	}
-void CTcpTestConsole::ConstructL()
-	{
-	if(iMode)
-		{
-		iConsole = Console::NewL(KTcpServerMode(),TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iConsole = Console::NewL(KTcpClientMode(),TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
-		}	
-	User::LeaveIfError(iChars.Create(KMaxNumOfChars));
-	//Generate the default value and display on screen, user can modify it if they want to use other value.
-	iChars.AppendFormat(_L("%S %d"), &iDefaultAddr, KDefaultDataSize);
-	Help();
-	//wait user input
-	iConsole->Read(iStatus);
-	SetActive();
-	}
-void CTcpTestConsole::Help()
-	{
-	iConsole->Printf(_L("Please change the parameters, then press enter\n"));
-	if(iMode)
-		{
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("   The parameters are port size \n"));
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("   port - The port of the Tcp/udp Server listen to \n"));
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("   size - the max package size \n"));
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("   The parameters are destAddr port size \n"));
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("   destAddr - The ip address of Tcp/udp Client connect to.\n"));
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("   port - The port of Tcp Client connect to \n"));
-		iConsole->Printf(_L("   size - the package size \n"));
-		}
-	//Display the default value
-	iConsole->Printf(_L("%S"), &iChars);
-	}
-TBool CTcpTestConsole::StartL()
-	{
-	TLex args(iChars);
-	// args are separated by spaces
-	args.SkipSpace(); 
-	TInetAddr addr;
-	TInt size;
-	if(!iMode)
-		{
-		//Get ip addr
-		TPtrC cmdAddr = args.NextToken();
-		if(!args.Eos())
-			{
-			if(KErrNone == addr.Input(cmdAddr))
-				{
-				args.Inc();
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				return EFalse;
-				}
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return EFalse;
-			}
-		}
-	//Get port
-	TInt port;
-	if(KErrNone != args.Val(port))
-		{
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	addr.SetPort(port);
-	//Get pkg size
-	args.Inc();
-	if(KErrNone != args.Val(size))
-		{
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	iCommandMode = ECommandRunning;
-    if (iIsTcp)
-        {
-        iConsole->Printf(_L("Test for TCP...\n"));
-        iTcp = CTcpProcess::NewL(*iConsole, addr, port, size, iMode);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iConsole->Printf(_L("Test for UDP...\n"));
-        iUdp = CUdpProcess::NewL(*iConsole, addr, port, size, iMode);
-        }
-	return ETrue;
-	}
-void CTcpTestConsole::DoCancel()
-	{
-	iConsole->ReadCancel();
-	}
-void CTcpTestConsole::RunL()
-	{
-	User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
-	switch(iCommandMode)
-		{
-		case ECommandInit:
-			{
-			TKeyCode code = iConsole->KeyCode();
-			switch(code)
-				{
-				case EKeyEnter:
-					{
-					//User input ok
-					if(!StartL())
-						{
-						Help();
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				case EKeyEscape:
-					//connection has not been created. User want to cancel and quit
-					iOwner.CloseTcpTest(iIndex);
-					return;
-				case EKeyBackspace:
-					if(iChars.Length() > 0)
-						{
-						iConsole->SetCursorPosRel(TPoint(-1, 0));
-						iConsole->ClearToEndOfLine();
-						iChars.SetLength(iChars.Length()-1);
-						}
-					break;
-				default:
-					iChars.Append(code);
-					iConsole->Printf(_L("%c"), code);
-					break;
-				}
-			iConsole->Read(iStatus);
-			SetActive();
-			}
-			break;
-		case ECommandRunning:
-			//Connection has been created. User quit by press any key.
-			iOwner.CloseTcpTest(iIndex);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-TInt CTcpTestConsole::RunError(TInt aError)
-	{
-	User::Panic(_L("CTcpTestConsole"), aError);
-	return aError;
-	}