changeset 33 089413cdde3c
child 48 21625e5de155
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usbdrv/peripheral/public/usbcshared.h	Fri Jul 23 15:54:47 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\drivers\usbcshared.h
+// Kernel side definitions for the USB Device driver stack (PIL + LDD).
+ @file usbcshared.h
+ @internalTechnology
+#ifndef __USBCSHARED_H__
+#define __USBCSHARED_H__
+//#include <drivers/usbcque.h>
+#include <usb/usbcque.h>
+// Define here what options are required:
+//  have never been tested though...)
+//#include <drivers/usbcdesc.h>
+#include <usb/usbcdesc.h>
+//#include <drivers/usbotgperipheralcontrolif.h>
+#include <usb/usbotgperipheralcontrolif.h>
+#include <usb/usb_peripheral_shai.h>
+#include <usb/usb_charger_detection_shai.h>
+#include <usb/usbcontrolxferif.h>
+// FIXME: Remove this typedef once PIL and LDD are ready for SHAI
+typedef UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralEvent TUsbcDeviceEvent;
+typedef UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralPacketArray TUsbcPacketArray;
+// Forward declaration
+class DControlTransferManager;
+class TUsbcSetup;
+// Debug Support
+// Use for debugging purposes only (commented out for normal operation):
+static const char KUsbPILPanicCat[] = "USB PIL FAULT"; // kernel fault category
+_LIT(KUsbPILKillCat, "USB PIL KILL");                    // thread kill category
+_LIT(KUsbLDDKillCat, "USB LDD KILL");                    // thread kill category
+/** Error code for stalled endpoint.
+const TInt KErrEndpointStall = KErrLocked;
+/** Error code for Ep0 write prematurely ended by a host OUT token.
+const TInt KErrPrematureEnd = KErrDiskFull;
+/** The following constants control the buffer arrangement for OUT transfers (IN transfers have only 1
+    buffer). The total size of buffering for an OUT endpoint will be number of buffers * buffersize,
+    so that, for example, a Bulk OUT endpoint will have KUsbcDmaBufNumBulk * KUsbcDmaBufSzBulk bytes of
+    buffering.
+    These buffers will be physically contiguous, so that DMA may be used.
+    The number of buffers MUST be >=2 - otherwise the buffering scheme won't work.
+    The buffer sizes should be an exact fraction of 4kB and the number of buffers such that the
+    buffersize * number of buffers is an exact multiple of 4kB, otherwise memory will be wasted.
+/** Size of a Control ep buffer.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufSzControl = 1024;
+/** Size of a Bulk ep buffer.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufSzBulk = 4096;
+/** Size of an Interrupt ep buffer.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufSzInterrupt = 4096;
+/** Size of an Isochronous ep buffer.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufSzIsochronous = 4096;
+/** Number of buffers for Control OUT endpoints.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufNumControl = 2;
+/** Number of buffers for Isochronous OUT endpoints.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufNumIsochronous = 2;
+/** Number of buffers for Bulk OUT endpoints.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufNumBulk = 2;
+/** Number of buffers for Interrupt OUT endpoints.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufNumInterrupt = 2;
+/** Maximum buffer number.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufNumMax = MAX4(KUsbcDmaBufNumControl, KUsbcDmaBufNumIsochronous,
+                                    KUsbcDmaBufNumBulk, KUsbcDmaBufNumInterrupt);
+/** Maximum number of recorded packets possible.
+const TUint KUsbcDmaBufMaxPkts = 2;
+/** Number of arrays.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufNumArrays = 2;
+/** Max size that Ep0 packets might have.
+const TInt KUsbcBufSzControl = 64;
+/** The Ep0 RX data collection buffer area.
+    (Arbitrary size, judged to be sufficient for SET_DESCRIPTOR requests)
+const TInt KUsbcBufSz_Ep0Rx = 1024;
+/** The Ep0 TX buffer area.
+    (Size sufficient to hold as much data as can be requested via GET_DESCRIPTOR)
+const TInt KUsbcBufSz_Ep0Tx = 1024 * 64; 
+/** The USB version the stack is compliant with: 2.0 (BCD).
+const TUint16 KUsbcUsbVersion = 0x0200;
+/** Maximum number of endpoints an interface (i.e. LDD) may have.
+const TInt KUsbcMaxEpNumber = 5;
+/** Status FIFO depth; enough for 2 complete configs.
+const TInt KUsbDeviceStatusQueueDepth = 15;
+/** = 'no status info'.
+const TUint32 KUsbDeviceStatusNull = 0xffffffffu;
+/** = 'no buffer available'.
+const TInt KUsbcInvalidBufferIndex = -1;
+/** = 'no packet available'.
+const TUint KUsbcInvalidPacketIndex = (TUint)(-1);
+/** = 'no drainable buffers'.
+const TInt KUsbcInvalidDrainQueueIndex = -1;
+/** Number of possible bandwidth priorities.
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufMaxPriorities = 4;
+// The following buffer sizes are used within the LDD for the different
+// user-selectable endpoint bandwidth priorities
+// (EUsbcBandwidthOUTDefault/Plus1/Plus2/Maximum + the same for 'IN').
+// These values, in particular those for the Maximum setting, were obtained
+// empirically.
+/** Bulk IN buffer sizes for different priorities (4K, 16K, 64K, 512K).
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufSizesBulkIN[KUsbcDmaBufMaxPriorities] =
+    {KUsbcDmaBufSzBulk, 0x4000, 0x10000, 0x80000};
+/** Bulk OUT buffer sizes for different priorities (4K, 16K, 64K, 512K).
+const TInt KUsbcDmaBufSizesBulkOUT[KUsbcDmaBufMaxPriorities] =
+    {KUsbcDmaBufSzBulk, 0x4000, 0x10000, 0x80000};
+/** Number of UDCs supported in the system.
+    (Support for more than one UDC is preliminary.)
+const TInt KUsbcMaxUdcs = 2;
+/** Number of endpoints a USB device can have.
+    (30 regular endpoints + 2 x Ep0)
+const TInt KUsbcEpArraySize = KUsbcMaxEndpoints + 2;
+/** Number of notification requests of the same kind that can be registered at
+    a time. As normally not more than one request per kind per LDD is
+    permitted, this number is roughly equivalent to the maximum number of LDDs
+    that can be operating at the same time.
+    This constant is used by the PIL while maintaining its request lists
+    (iClientCallbacks, iStatusCallbacks, iEpStatusCallbacks, iOtgCallbacks) to
+    ensure that the lists are of a finite length and thus the list traverse
+    time is bounded.
+    This value is chosen with the maximum number of USB interfaces (not
+    settings) allowed by the spec for a single device in mind.
+const TInt KUsbcMaxListLength = 256;
+ * device event FIFO depth, there are 5 different event define currently,
+ * 10 should be enough
+ */
+const TInt KUsbDeviceEventQueueDepth = 10;
+/** USB LDD client callback.
+class TUsbcClientCallback
+    {
+    inline TUsbcClientCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority);
+    inline DBase* Owner() const;
+    inline TInt DoCallback();
+    inline void Cancel();
+    inline void SetDfcQ(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
+    /** Used by the PIL to queue callback objects into a TSglQue. */
+    TSglQueLink iLink;
+    DBase* iOwner;
+    TDfc iDfc;
+    };
+/** The endpoint halt/clear_halt status.
+class TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback
+    {
+    inline TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority);
+    inline void SetState(TUint aState);
+    inline TUint State() const;
+    inline DBase* Owner() const;
+    inline TInt DoCallback();
+    inline void Cancel();
+    inline void SetDfcQ(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
+    /** Used by the PIL to queue callback objects into a TSglQue. */
+    TSglQueLink iLink;
+    DBase* iOwner;
+    TDfc iDfc;
+    TUint iState;
+    };
+/** Maximum number of device status requests that can be queued at a time.
+    The value chosen is thought to be sufficient in all situations.
+const TInt KUsbcDeviceStateRequests = 8;
+/** The USB device status.
+class TUsbcStatusCallback
+    {
+    inline TUsbcStatusCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority);
+    inline void SetState(UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState aState);
+    inline UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState State(TInt aIndex) const;
+    inline void ResetState();
+    inline DBase* Owner() const;
+    inline TInt DoCallback();
+    inline void Cancel();
+    inline void SetDfcQ(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
+    /** Used by the PIL to queue callback objects into a TSglQue. */
+    TSglQueLink iLink;
+    DBase* iOwner;
+    TDfc iDfc;
+    UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState iState[KUsbcDeviceStateRequests];
+    };
+/** A USB transfer request.
+    @publishedPartner
+    @released
+class TUsbcRequestCallback : public UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralRequest
+    {
+    /** @internalTechnology */
+    inline TUsbcRequestCallback(const DBase* aOwner, TInt aEndpointNum, TDfcFn aDfcFunc,
+                         TAny* aEndpoint, TDfcQue* aDfcQ, TInt aPriority);
+    /** @internalTechnology    */
+    inline ~TUsbcRequestCallback();
+    IMPORT_C void SetRxBufferInfo(TUint8* aBufferStart,
+                                      TUintPtr aBufferAddr,
+                                      TUint32* aPacketIndex,
+                                      TUint32* aPacketSize, 
+                                      TInt aLength);
+    IMPORT_C void SetTxBufferInfo(TUint8* aBufferStart, 
+                                      TUintPtr aBufferAddr,
+                                      TInt aLength);
+    /** @internalTechnology    */
+    inline void SetTransferDirection(UsbShai::TTransferDirection aTransferDir);
+    /** @internalTechnology    */
+    inline const DBase* Owner() const;
+    /** @internalTechnology    */
+    inline TInt DoCallback();
+    /** @internalTechnology    */
+    inline void Cancel();
+    /** Used by the PIL to queue callback objects into a TSglQue.
+        @internalTechnology
+    */
+    TSglQueLink iLink;
+    /** The endpoint number. */
+    const TInt iEndpointNum;
+    /** Indicates the LDD client for this transfer. */
+    const DBase* const iOwner;
+    /** DFC, used by PIL to call back the LDD when transfer completes to the LDD. */
+    TDfc iDfc;
+    };
+/** USB On-The-Go feature change callback.
+class TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback
+    {
+    inline TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority);
+    inline void SetFeatures(TUint8 aFeatures);
+    inline TUint8 Features() const;
+    inline DBase* Owner() const;
+    inline TInt DoCallback();
+    inline void Cancel();
+    inline void SetDfcQ(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
+    /** Used by the PIL to queue callback objects into a TSglQue. */
+    TSglQueLink iLink;
+    DBase* iOwner;
+    TDfc iDfc;
+    TUint8 iValue;
+    };
+//########################### Physical Device Driver (PIL + PSL) ######################
+class TUsbcLogicalEndpoint;
+/** This models a physical (real) endpoint of the UDC.
+class TUsbcPhysicalEndpoint
+    {
+    TUsbcPhysicalEndpoint();
+    ~TUsbcPhysicalEndpoint();
+    TBool EndpointSuitable(const TUsbcEndpointInfo* aEpInfo, TInt aIfcNumber) const; // Check Todo, SC will pass pointer to derived class
+    TInt TypeAvailable(TUint aType) const;
+    TInt DirAvailable(TUint aDir) const;
+    /** This endpoint's capabilities. */
+    UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralEndpointCaps iCaps;
+    /** USB address: 0x00, 0x80, 0x01, 0x81, etc. */
+    TUint8 iEndpointAddr;
+    /** Pointer to interface # this endpoint has been assigned to. */
+    const TUint8* iIfcNumber;
+    /** Pointer to corresponding logical endpoint or NULL. */
+    const TUsbcLogicalEndpoint* iLEndpoint;
+    /** Only used when searching for available endpoints. */
+    TBool iSettingReserve;
+    /** True if endpoint is halted (i.e. issues STALL handshakes), false otherwise. */
+    TBool iHalt;
+    };
+class DUsbClientController;
+class TUsbcInterface;
+/** This is a 'logical' endpoint, as used by our device configuration model.
+class TUsbcLogicalEndpoint
+    {
+    TUsbcLogicalEndpoint(DUsbClientController* aController, TUint aEndpointNum,
+                         const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo, TUsbcInterface* aInterface,
+                         TUsbcPhysicalEndpoint* aPEndpoint);        // Check Todo, SC will pass pointer to derived class
+    ~TUsbcLogicalEndpoint();
+    /** Pointer to controller object. */
+    DUsbClientController* iController;
+    /** The virtual (logical) endpoint number. */
+    const TInt iLEndpointNum;
+    /** This endpoint's info structure. */
+    TUsbcEndpointInfo iInfo;                                        // Check Todo, SC will pass pointer to derived class
+    /** Stores the endpoint size to be used for FS. */
+    TInt iEpSize_Fs;
+    /** Stores the endpoint size to be used for HS. */
+    TInt iEpSize_Hs;
+    /** 'Back' pointer. */
+    const TUsbcInterface* iInterface;
+    /** Pointer to corresponding physical endpoint, never NULL. */
+    TUsbcPhysicalEndpoint* const iPEndpoint;
+    };
+class TUsbcInterfaceSet;
+/** This is an 'alternate setting' of an interface.
+class TUsbcInterface
+    {
+    TUsbcInterface(TUsbcInterfaceSet* aIfcSet, TUint8 aSetting, TBool aNoEp0Requests);
+    ~TUsbcInterface();
+    /** Array of endpoints making up (belonging to) this setting. */
+    RPointerArray<TUsbcLogicalEndpoint> iEndpoints;
+    /** 'Back' pointer. */
+    TUsbcInterfaceSet* const iInterfaceSet;
+    /** bAlternateSetting (zero-based). */
+    const TUint8 iSettingCode;
+    /** KUsbcInterfaceInfo_NoEp0RequestsPlease: stall non-std Setup requests. */
+    const TBool iNoEp0Requests;
+    };
+/** This is an 'interface' (owning 1 or more alternate settings).
+    @see TUsbcInterface
+class TUsbcInterfaceSet
+    {
+    TUsbcInterfaceSet(const DBase* aClientId, TUint8 aIfcNum);
+    ~TUsbcInterfaceSet();
+    inline const TUsbcInterface* CurrentInterface() const;
+    inline TUsbcInterface* CurrentInterface();
+    /** Array of alternate settings provided by (belonging to) this interface. */
+    RPointerArray<TUsbcInterface> iInterfaces;
+    /** Pointer to the LDD which created and owns this interface. */
+    const DBase* const iClientId;
+    /** bInterfaceNumber (zero-based). */
+    TUint8 iInterfaceNumber;
+    /** bAlternateSetting (zero-based). */
+    TUint8 iCurrentInterface;
+    };
+/** This is a 'configuration' of the USB device.
+    Currently we support only one configuration.
+class TUsbcConfiguration
+    {
+    TUsbcConfiguration(TUint8 aConfigVal);
+    ~TUsbcConfiguration();
+    /** Array of interfaces making up (belonging to) this configuration. */
+    RPointerArray<TUsbcInterfaceSet> iInterfaceSets;
+    /** bConfigurationValue (one-based). */
+    const TUint8 iConfigValue;
+    };
+/** The USB controller's power handler class.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DUsbcPowerHandler) : public DPowerHandler
+    {
+    void PowerUp();
+    void PowerDown(TPowerState);
+    DUsbcPowerHandler(DUsbClientController* aController);
+    DUsbClientController* iController;
+    };
+This is the EndpointInfo class used by the usb shared chunk client driver. 
+class TUsbcScEndpointInfo;
+Used to represent an array of (or inheriting from) TUsbcEndpointInfo objects.
+@see DUsbClientController::SetInterface
+class TUsbcEndpointInfoArray
+    {
+    typedef enum {EUsbcEndpointInfo, EUsbcScEndpointInfo} TArrayType;
+    TUsbcEndpointInfoArray(const TUsbcEndpointInfo* aData, TInt aDataSize=0);
+    TUsbcEndpointInfoArray(const TUsbcScEndpointInfo* aData, TInt aDataSize=0);
+    inline TUsbcEndpointInfo& operator[](TInt aIndex) const; 
+    TArrayType iType;
+    TUint8* iData;
+    TInt iDataSize;
+    };
+class TUsbPeriDeviceEventQueue
+    {
+    TUsbPeriDeviceEventQueue();
+    void FifoAdd(TUsbcDeviceEvent aDeviceStatus);
+    TUsbcDeviceEvent FifoGet();
+    TUsbcDeviceEvent iDeviceEventQueue[KUsbDeviceEventQueueDepth];
+    TInt iDeviceQueueHead;
+    TInt iDeviceQueueTail;
+    };
+class TUsbcRequestCallback; // todo?? required only for class below
+/** The USB Device software controller class.
+    Implements the platform-independent layer (PIL), and defines the interface to the
+    platform-specific layer PSL).
+    The implementation of the platform-specific layer interfaces with the hardware.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DUsbClientController) : public DBase, 
+                                          public MUsbOtgPeripheralControlIf,
+                                          public UsbShai::MUsbPeripheralPilCallbackIf, 
+                                          public MControlTransferIf, 
+                                          public UsbShai::MChargerDetectorObserverIf
+    {   
+    friend class UsbShai::UsbPeripheralPil;
+    friend class TUsbHostWrapperEntry;
+    friend class DUsbcPowerHandler;
+    friend TUsbcLogicalEndpoint::~TUsbcLogicalEndpoint();
+    //
+    // --- Platform Independent Layer (PIL) ---
+    //
+    /**
+     * Two-phase constructor used by the friend classes that receive
+     * the registration calls for peripheral controllers.
+     *
+     * @param aPeripheralControllerIf Reference to the Peripheral
+     *   Controller interface implemented by the registering PSL.
+     *
+     * @param aProperties Reference to an object describing the
+     *   static properties of the Peripheral Controller. The PIL
+     *   layer requires that the supplied reference remains valid
+     *   indefinitely, as a Peripheral Controller cannot unregister.
+     *
+     * @param aIsOtgPort ETrue if this Peripheral Controller is part
+     *   of an OTG port. EFalse otherwise.
+     *
+     * @return Pointer to a new instance or NULL if failed
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static DUsbClientController* Create(UsbShai::MPeripheralControllerIf& aPeripheralControllerIf, 
+                                                 const UsbShai::TPeripheralControllerProperties& aProperties,
+                                                 TBool aIsOtgPort);
+    //
+    // --- The following functions constitute the PIL interface to the LDD ---
+    //
+    virtual ~DUsbClientController();
+    IMPORT_C void DisableClientStack();
+    IMPORT_C void EnableClientStack();
+    IMPORT_C TBool IsActive();
+    IMPORT_C TInt RegisterClientCallback(TUsbcClientCallback& aCallback);
+    IMPORT_C static DUsbClientController* UsbcControllerPointer(TInt aUdc=0);
+    IMPORT_C void EndpointCaps(const DBase* aClientId, TDes8 &aCapsBuf) const;
+    IMPORT_C void DeviceCaps(const DBase* aClientId, TDes8 &aCapsBuf) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetInterface(const DBase* aClientId, DThread* aThread, TInt aInterfaceNum,
+                               TUsbcClassInfo& aClass, TDesC8* aString, TInt aTotalEndpointsUsed,
+                               const TUsbcEndpointInfo aEndpointData[], TInt (*aRealEpNumbers)[6],
+                               TUint32 aFeatureWord);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetInterface(const DBase* aClientId, DThread* aThread,
+                                                 TInt aInterfaceNum, TUsbcClassInfo& aClass,
+                                                 TDesC8* aString, TInt aTotalEndpointsUsed,
+                                                 const TUsbcEndpointInfoArray aEndpointData,
+                                                 TInt aRealEpNumbers[], TUint32 aFeatureWord);
+    IMPORT_C TInt ReleaseInterface(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aInterfaceNum);
+    IMPORT_C TInt ReEnumerate();
+    IMPORT_C TInt PowerUpUdc();
+    IMPORT_C TInt UsbConnect();
+    IMPORT_C TInt UsbDisconnect();
+    IMPORT_C TInt RegisterForStatusChange(TUsbcStatusCallback& aCallback);
+    IMPORT_C TInt DeRegisterForStatusChange(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt RegisterForEndpointStatusChange(TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback& aCallback);
+    IMPORT_C TInt DeRegisterForEndpointStatusChange(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetInterfaceNumber(const DBase* aClientId, TInt& aInterfaceNum) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt DeRegisterClient(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt Ep0PacketSize() const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt Ep0Stall(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C void SendEp0StatusPacket(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState GetDeviceStatus() const;
+    IMPORT_C TEndpointState GetEndpointStatus(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aEndpointNum) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetupReadBuffer(TUsbcRequestCallback& aCallback);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetupWriteBuffer(TUsbcRequestCallback& aCallback);
+    IMPORT_C void CancelReadBuffer(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aRealEndpoint);
+    IMPORT_C void CancelWriteBuffer(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aRealEndpoint);
+    IMPORT_C TInt HaltEndpoint(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aEndpointNum);
+    IMPORT_C TInt ClearHaltEndpoint(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aEndpointNum);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetDeviceControl(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt ReleaseDeviceControl(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C TUint EndpointZeroMaxPacketSizes() const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetEndpointZeroMaxPacketSize(TInt aMaxPacketSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetDeviceDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aDeviceDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetDeviceDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aDeviceDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetDeviceDescriptorSize(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetConfigurationDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aConfigurationDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetConfigurationDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aConfigurationDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetConfigurationDescriptorSize(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetOtgDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDesC8& aOtgDesc);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetOtgDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aOtgDesc) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetOtgFeatures(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aFeatures) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetCurrentOtgFeatures(TUint8& aFeatures) const;
+    IMPORT_C TInt RegisterForOtgFeatureChange(TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback& aCallback);
+    IMPORT_C TInt DeRegisterForOtgFeatureChange(const DBase* aClientId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetInterfaceDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                         TDes8& aInterfaceDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetInterfaceDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                         const TDes8& aInterfaceDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetInterfaceDescriptorSize(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                             TDes8& aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetEndpointDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                        TInt aEndpointNum, TDes8& aEndpointDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetEndpointDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                        TInt aEndpointNum, const TDes8& aEndpointDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetEndpointDescriptorSize(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                            TInt aEndpointNum, TDes8& aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetDeviceQualifierDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aDeviceQualifierDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetDeviceQualifierDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aDeviceQualifierDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aConfigurationDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aConfigurationDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlock(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                                TDes8& aInterfaceDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlock(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                                const TDes8& aInterfaceDescriptor, TInt aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlockSize(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId,
+                                                    TInt aSettingNum, TDes8& aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetCSEndpointDescriptorBlock(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                               TInt aEndpointNum, TDes8& aEndpointDescriptor);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetCSEndpointDescriptorBlock(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                               TInt aEndpointNum, const TDes8& aEndpointDescriptor,
+                                               TInt aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetCSEndpointDescriptorBlockSize(DThread* aThread, const DBase* aClientId, TInt aSettingNum,
+                                                   TInt aEndpointNum, TDes8& aSize);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetStringDescriptorLangId(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aLangId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetStringDescriptorLangId(TUint16 aLangId);
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetManufacturerStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetManufacturerStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt RemoveManufacturerStringDescriptor();
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetProductStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetProductStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt RemoveProductStringDescriptor();
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetSerialNumberStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetSerialNumberStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt RemoveSerialNumberStringDescriptor();
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetConfigurationStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetConfigurationStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt RemoveConfigurationStringDescriptor();
+    IMPORT_C TInt GetStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TUint8 aIndex, TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt SetStringDescriptor(DThread* aThread, TUint8 aIndex, const TDes8& aString);
+    IMPORT_C TInt RemoveStringDescriptor(TUint8 aIndex);
+    IMPORT_C TBool QueryEndpointResource(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aEndpointNum,
+                                         TUsbcEndpointResource aResource);
+    IMPORT_C TInt EndpointPacketSize(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aEndpointNum);
+    // Called by LDD
+    IMPORT_C TDfcQue*  DfcQ(TInt aIndex);
+    IMPORT_C void DumpRegisters();
+    IMPORT_C TInt SignalRemoteWakeup();
+    IMPORT_C TBool CurrentlyUsingHighSpeed();
+    TInt RegisterUdc(TInt aUdc);
+    // From base class MUsbPeripheralPilCallbackIf
+    void EnablePeripheralStack();
+    void DisablePeripheralStack();
+    void SetOtgObserver(MUsbOtgPeripheralObserverIf* aObserver);
+    // Function derived from MUsbPeripheralPilCallbackIf
+    UsbShai::TControlStage EnquireEp0NextStage(const TUint8* aSetupBuf) const;
+    TInt Ep0RequestComplete(TInt aRealEndpoint, TInt aCount, TInt aError,UsbShai::TControlPacketType aPktType);
+    void EndpointRequestComplete(UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralRequest* aCallback);
+    TInt DeviceEventNotification(TUsbcDeviceEvent aEvent);
+    void MoveToAddressState();
+    TInt ProcessSetConfiguration(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void HandleHnpRequest(TInt aHnpState);
+    void GetEp0RxBufferInfo(TUint8*& aBuffer, TInt& aBufferLen); 
+    void SetRmWakeupStatusEnabled(TBool aRmEnabled);
+    UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState DeviceStatus() const;
+    TBool Ep0ReceivedNonStdRequest();
+    // Functions derived from MControlTransferIf
+    // PSL -> PIL
+    void ProcessDataInPacket(TInt aCount,TInt aErrCode);
+    void ProcessStatusInPacket(TInt aErrCode);
+    void ProcessDataOutPacket(TInt aCount,TInt aErrCode);
+    void ProcessStatusOutPacket(TInt aErrCode);
+    void ProcessSetupPacket(TInt aCount,TInt aErrCode);
+    // Request from PIL -> PSL
+    TInt ProcessSetupEndpointZeroRead();
+    TInt ProcessSetupEndpointZeroWrite(const TUint8* aBuffer, TInt aLength, TBool aZlpReqd=EFalse);
+    TInt ProcessSendEp0ZeroByteStatusPacket();
+    TInt ProcessStallEndpoint(TInt aRealEndpoint);
+    // Flow control PIL <--> PSL
+    void ProcessEp0SetupPacketProceed();
+    void ProcessEp0DataPacketProceed();
+    // Functions from MChargerDetectorObserverIf
+    void NotifyPortType(UsbShai::TPortType aPortType);
+    //
+    //
+    // --- Functions and data members provided by PIL, called by PSL ---
+    //
+    struct TUsbPeripheralDescriptorPool
+        {
+        TUsbcDeviceDescriptor* iDeviceDesc;
+        TUsbcConfigDescriptor* iConfigDesc;
+        TUsbcLangIdDescriptor* iLangId;
+        TUsbcStringDescriptor* iManufacturer;
+        TUsbcStringDescriptor* iProduct;
+        TUsbcStringDescriptor* iSerialNum;
+        TUsbcStringDescriptor* iConfig;
+        TUsbcOtgDescriptor* iOtgDesc;
+        };
+    // Internal functions that used in Construct only
+    // This function will new a set of descriptors
+    TBool CreateDescriptors(TUsbPeripheralDescriptorPool& aOutput);
+    TBool Initialise(TUsbPeripheralDescriptorPool& aDescPool,
+                     const UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralEndpointCaps* aEndpointCaps,
+                     TInt aTotalEndpoint);                    
+    DUsbClientController(UsbShai::MPeripheralControllerIf&               aPeripheralControllerIf, 
+                         const UsbShai::TPeripheralControllerProperties& aProperties,
+                         TBool                                  aIsOtgPort);
+    TInt Construct();
+    void ProcessStandardRequest(TInt aCount,const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);    
+    void ProcessNonStandardRequest(TInt aCount,const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    const DBase* FindNonStandardRequestClient(TUint8 aPacketTypeDestination,const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    TInt SetupEp0StateMachine();
+    /** This info can be used by the PSL before sending ZLPs.
+        @publishedPartner @released
+    */
+    TBool iEp0ReceivedNonStdRequest;
+    /** True if RMW is currently enabled (set by either PIL or PSL).
+        @publishedPartner @released
+    */
+    TBool iRmWakeupStatus_Enabled;
+    /** Ep0 incoming (rx) data is placed here (one packet).
+        @publishedPartner @released
+    */
+    TUint8 iEp0_RxBuf[KUsbcBufSzControl];
+    //
+    // --- Private member functions (used by PIL) ---
+    //
+    TInt DeRegisterClientCallback(const DBase* aClientId);
+    TBool CheckEpAvailability(TInt aEndpointsUsed, const TUsbcEndpointInfoArray& aEndpointData, TInt aIfcNumber)
+        const;
+    TUsbcInterface* CreateInterface(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aIfc, TUint32 aFeatureWord);
+    TInt CreateEndpoints(TUsbcInterface* aIfc, TInt aEndpointsUsed, const TUsbcEndpointInfoArray& aEndpointData,
+                         TInt *aRealEpNumbers);
+    TInt SetupIfcDescriptor(TUsbcInterface* aIfc, TUsbcClassInfo& aClass, DThread* aThread, TDesC8* aString,
+                            const TUsbcEndpointInfoArray& aEndpointData);
+    TInt ClientId2InterfaceNumber(const DBase* aClientId) const;
+    TUsbcInterfaceSet* ClientId2InterfacePointer(const DBase* aClientId) const;
+    const DBase* InterfaceNumber2ClientId(TInt aIfcSet) const;
+    TUsbcInterfaceSet* InterfaceNumber2InterfacePointer(TInt aIfcSet) const;
+    inline const DBase* PEndpoint2ClientId(TInt aRealEndpoint) const;
+    inline TInt PEndpoint2LEndpoint(TInt aRealEndpoint) const;
+    TInt ActivateHardwareController();
+    void DeActivateHardwareController();
+    void DeleteInterfaceSet(TInt aIfcSet);
+    void DeleteInterface(TInt aIfcSet, TInt aIfc);
+    void CancelTransferRequests(TInt aRealEndpoint);
+    void DeleteRequestCallback(const DBase* aClientId, TInt aEndpointNum, UsbShai::TTransferDirection aTransferDir);
+    void DeleteRequestCallbacks(const DBase* aClientId);
+    void StatusNotify(UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState aState, const DBase* aClientId=NULL);
+    void EpStatusNotify(TInt aRealEndpoint);
+    void OtgFeaturesNotify();
+    void RunClientCallbacks();
+    void ProcessDataTransferDone(TUsbcRequestCallback& aRcb);
+    void NextDeviceState(UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState aNextState);
+    TInt ProcessSuspendEvent();
+    TInt ProcessSuspendEventProceed();
+    TInt ProcessResumeEvent();
+    TInt ProcessResetEvent(TBool aPslUpcall=ETrue);
+    TInt ProcessVbusRisenEvent();
+    TInt ProcessVbusFallenEvent();
+    void ProcessGetDeviceStatus(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessGetInterfaceStatus(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessGetEndpointStatus(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessSetClearDevFeature(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessSetClearIfcFeature(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessSetClearEpFeature(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessSetAddress(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessGetDescriptor(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessSetDescriptor(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessGetConfiguration(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessGetInterface(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessSetInterface(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProcessSynchFrame(const TUsbcSetup& aPacket);
+    void ProceedSetDescriptor();
+    void ProcessDeviceEventNotification(TUsbcDeviceEvent aEvent);
+    void SetClearHaltFeature(TInt aRealEndpoint, TUint8 aRequest);
+    TInt ClearHaltFeature(TInt aRealEndpoint);
+    void ChangeConfiguration(TUint16 aValue);
+    void InterfaceSetup(TUsbcInterface* aIfc);
+    void InterfaceSetTeardown(TUsbcInterfaceSet* aIfc);
+    void ChangeInterface(TUsbcInterface* aIfc);
+    TInt DoForEveryEndpointInUse(TInt (DUsbClientController::*aFunction)(TInt), TInt& aCount);
+    void EnterFullSpeed();
+    void EnterHighSpeed();
+    TInt EvaluateOtgConnectFlags();
+    inline const TUsbcConfiguration* CurrentConfig() const;
+    inline TUsbcConfiguration* CurrentConfig();
+    inline TBool InterfaceExists(TInt aNumber) const;
+    inline TBool EndpointExists(TUint aAddress) const;
+    void Buffer2Setup(const TAny* aBuf, TUsbcSetup& aSetup) const;
+    inline TUint EpIdx2Addr(TUint aRealEndpoint) const;
+    inline TUint EpAddr2Idx(TUint aAddress) const;
+    inline void SetEp0DataOutVars(const DBase* aClientId = NULL);
+    inline void ResetEp0DataOutVars();
+    inline TBool IsInTheStatusList(const TUsbcStatusCallback& aCallback);
+    inline TBool IsInTheEpStatusList(const TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback& aCallback);
+    inline TBool IsInTheOtgFeatureList(const TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback& aCallback);
+    inline TBool IsInTheRequestList(const TUsbcRequestCallback& aCallback);
+    static void ReconnectTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);
+    static void CableStatusTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);
+    static void PowerUpDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+    static void PowerDownDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+    static void DeviceEventNotifyDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+    static void ThreadContextFinderDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+    //
+    // --- Private data members ---
+    //
+    static DUsbClientController* UsbClientController[KUsbcMaxUdcs];
+    TInt iDeviceTotalEndpoints;                                 // number of endpoints reported by PSL
+    TInt iDeviceUsableEndpoints;                                // number of endpoints reported to LDD
+    UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState iDeviceState;                              // states as of USB spec chapter 9.1
+    UsbShai::TUsbPeripheralState iDeviceStateB4Suspend;                     // state before entering suspend state
+    TBool iSelfPowered;                                         // true if device is capable of beeing self-powered
+    TBool iRemoteWakeup;                                        // true if device is capable of signalling rmwakeup
+    TBool iHardwareActivated;                                   // true if controller silicon is in operating state
+    TBool iOtgSupport;                                          // true if OTG is supported by this device
+    TUint8 iOtgFuncMap;                                         // bitmap indicating OTG extension features
+    TBool iHighSpeed;                                           // true if currently operating at high-speed
+    TInt iEp0MaxPacketSize;                                     // currently configured max packet size for Ep0    
+    const DBase* iEp0ClientId;                                  // see comment at the begin of ps_usbc.cpp
+    TUint16 iEp0DataReceived;                                   // indicates how many bytes have already been received
+    TBool iEp0WritePending;                                     // true if a write on ep0 has been set up
+    TBool iEp0ClientDataTransmitting;                           // true if ep0's in DATA_IN on behalf of a client
+    const DBase* iEp0DeviceControl;                             // Device Ep0 requests are delivered to this LDD
+    TUsbcDescriptorPool iDescriptors;                           // the descriptors as of USB spec chapter 9.5
+    TUint8 iCurrentConfig;                                      // bConfigurationValue of current Config (1-based!)
+    RPointerArray<TUsbcConfiguration> iConfigs;                 // the root of the modelled USB device
+    TUsbcPhysicalEndpoint iRealEndpoints[KUsbcEpArraySize];     // array will be filled once at startup
+    TUint8 iEp0_TxBuf[KUsbcBufSz_Ep0Tx];                        // ep0 outgoing (tx) data is placed here
+    TUint8 iEp0_RxCollectionBuf[KUsbcBufSz_Ep0Rx];              // used for (optional) SET_DESCRIPTOR request
+    TInt iEp0_RxExtraCount;                                     // number of bytes received but not yet delivered
+    TBool iEp0_RxExtraData;                                     // true if iEp0_RxExtraCount is valid
+    TInt iEp0_TxNonStdCount;                                    // number of bytes requested by non-std Ep0 request
+    TUsbcRequestCallback* iRequestCallbacks[KUsbcEpArraySize];  // xfer requests; indexed by real ep number
+    TSglQue<TUsbcRequestCallback> iEp0ReadRequestCallbacks;     // list of ep0 read requests
+    TSglQue<TUsbcClientCallback> iClientCallbacks;              // registered LDD clients and their callback functions
+    TSglQue<TUsbcStatusCallback> iStatusCallbacks;              // list of device state notification requests
+    TSglQue<TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback> iEpStatusCallbacks;    // list of endpoint state notification requests
+    TSglQue<TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback> iOtgCallbacks;             // list of OTG feature change requests
+    NTimer iReconnectTimer;                                     // implements USB re-enumeration delay
+    NTimer iCableStatusTimer;                                   // implements USB cable status detection delay
+    DUsbcPowerHandler* iPowerHandler;                           // pointer to USB power handler object
+    TSpinLock iUsbLock;                                         // implement SMP for USB PDD and LDD
+    NFastMutex iMutex;                                          // To pretect interface set with NFastMutex
+    UsbShai::MPeripheralControllerIf& iController;              // PSL code
+    const UsbShai::TPeripheralControllerProperties& iControllerProperties;   // Static configuration from PSL
+    TBool iIsOtgPort;                                               // Is this instance a driver for otg port,
+                                                                    // Set at construction time.
+    /**
+     * Pointer to the currently set OTG Observer, if any. Not owned.
+     */
+	MUsbOtgPeripheralObserverIf* iOtgObserver;  // Otg interface which is used to listen event from DeviceEventNotification
+    DControlTransferManager* iConTransferMgr;    // Usb Control transfer manager, responsible for chaptor9
+    TInt iLastError;                            // Used by chaptor9 sm. No else.
+    TBool iSetupPacketPending;                  // Indicate whether the no-req-callback data is a setup packet
+    TUsbPeriDeviceEventQueue iDevEventQueue;    // PSL can call DeviceEventNotification(...) at any context, 
+                                                // but for PIL, we want to serialize the execution of each event
+    // The thread context for the DfcQ pass by PSL to us.
+    NThread* iCommonDfcQThread;
+    TDfc iPowerUpDfc;                         // queued by power handler upon power-up
+    TDfc iPowerDownDfc;                       // queued by power handler upon power-down
+    TDfc iDeviceEventNotifyDfc;               // queued by device event notification
+    TDfc iThreadContextFinder;                // this is used to find which thread does the DfcQ passed by PSL
+                                              // is runing.
+    TBool iStandby;                           // toggled by power handler as appropriate
+    TBool iStackIsActive;                     // client stack's function is usable
+    TBool iClientSupportReady;                // user-side USB Client support is loaded & active
+    TBool iUsbResetDeferred;                  // set when user-side wasn't ready yet
+    // FIXME: These used to be filled by the OTG component Dummy DCD
+    // so that the PIL layer can call it to enable and disable the D+
+    // pull-up. This mechanism is no longer used
+    TInt (*iEnablePullUpOnDPlus)(TAny* aOtgContext);
+    TInt (*iDisablePullUpOnDPlus)(TAny* aOtgContext);
+    TAny* iOtgContext;
+    };
+/** Simple queue of status changes to be recorded.
+    Items are fetched by userside when able.
+class TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue
+    {
+    TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue();
+    void AddStatusToQueue(TUint32 aDeviceStatus);
+    TInt GetDeviceQueuedStatus(TUint32& aDeviceStatus);
+    void FlushQueue();
+    TUint32 iDeviceStatusQueue[KUsbDeviceStatusQueueDepth];
+    TInt iStatusQueueHead;
+    };
+#include <usb/usbcshared.inl>
+#endif    // __USBCSHARED_H__