// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32/include/drivers/usbcdesc.h
// USB descriptors and their management.
@file usbcdesc.h
#ifndef __USBCDESC_H__
#define __USBCDESC_H__
#include <kernel/kernel.h>
// Hard-wired positions of some descriptors in iDescriptors array (whether present or not):
static const TInt KDescPosition_Device = 0;
static const TInt KDescPosition_DeviceQualifier = 1;
static const TInt KDescPosition_OtherSpeedConfig = 2;
static const TInt KDescPosition_Config = 3;
static const TInt KDescPosition_Otg = 4;
static const TInt KDescPosition_FirstAvailable = 5;
// Hard-wired positions of string descriptors in iStrings array (whether present or not):
static const TInt KStringPosition_Langid = 0;
static const TInt KStringPosition_Manufact = 1;
static const TInt KStringPosition_Product = 2;
static const TInt KStringPosition_Serial = 3;
static const TInt KStringPosition_Config = 4;
static const TInt KStringPosition_OtherSpeedConfig = 5;
static const TInt KStringPosition_FirstAvailable = 6;
virtual ~TUsbcDescriptorBase();
void SetByte(TInt aPosition, TUint8 aValue);
void SetWord(TInt aPosition, TUint16 aValue);
TUint8 Byte(TInt aPosition) const;
TUint16 Word(TInt aPosition) const;
void GetDescriptorData(TDes8& aBuffer) const;
TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer) const;
TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aMaxSize) const;
const TDes8& DescriptorData() const;
TDes8& DescriptorData();
TUint Size() const;
TUint8 Type() const;
virtual void UpdateFs();
virtual void UpdateHs();
void SetBufferPointer(const TDesC8& aDes);
TUint8 iIndex; // only needed for SET_DESCRIPTOR
TPtr8 iBufPtr;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcDeviceDescriptor) : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
/** aMaxPacketSize0 should be the Ep0 max packet size for FS operation (as the HS size
is fixed and known).
static TUsbcDeviceDescriptor* New(TUint8 aDeviceClass, TUint8 aDeviceSubClass,
TUint8 aDeviceProtocol, TUint8 aMaxPacketSize0,
TUint16 aVendorId, TUint16 aProductId,
TUint16 aDeviceRelease, TUint8 aNumConfigurations);
virtual void UpdateFs();
virtual void UpdateHs();
TInt Construct(TUint8 aDeviceClass, TUint8 aDeviceSubClass, TUint8 aDeviceProtocol,
TUint8 aMaxPacketSize0, TUint16 aVendorId, TUint16 aProductId,
TUint16 aDeviceRelease, TUint8 aNumConfigurations);
TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Device> iBuf;
TUint8 iEp0Size_Fs; // holds Ep0 size for FS (could be < 64)
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcDeviceQualifierDescriptor) : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
/** aMaxPacketSize0 should be the Ep0 max packet size for FS operation (as the HS size
is fixed and known).
static TUsbcDeviceQualifierDescriptor* New(TUint8 aDeviceClass, TUint8 aDeviceSubClass,
TUint8 aDeviceProtocol, TUint8 aMaxPacketSize0,
TUint8 aNumConfigurations, TUint8 aReserved=0);
virtual void UpdateFs();
virtual void UpdateHs();
TInt Construct(TUint8 aDeviceClass, TUint8 aDeviceSubClass, TUint8 aDeviceProtocol,
TUint8 aMaxPacketSize0, TUint8 aNumConfigurations, TUint8 aReserved);
TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_DeviceQualifier> iBuf;
TUint8 iEp0Size_Fs; // holds Ep0 size for FS (could be < 64)
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcConfigDescriptor) : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
/** aMaxPower should be given here in milliamps (not mA/2). */
static TUsbcConfigDescriptor* New(TUint8 aConfigurationValue, TBool aSelfPowered, TBool aRemoteWakeup,
TUint16 aMaxPower);
TInt Construct(TUint8 aConfigurationValue, TBool aSelfPowered, TBool aRemoteWakeup, TUint16 aMaxPower);
TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Config> iBuf;
// The Other_Speed_Configuration descriptor has same size and layout as the
// standard Configuration descriptor, therefore we don't need a new definition.
typedef TUsbcConfigDescriptor TUsbcOtherSpeedConfigDescriptor;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcInterfaceDescriptor) : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
static TUsbcInterfaceDescriptor* New(TUint8 aInterfaceNumber, TUint8 aAlternateSetting, TInt NumEndpoints,
const TUsbcClassInfo& aClassInfo);
TInt Construct(TUint8 aInterfaceNumber, TUint8 aAlternateSetting, TInt aNumEndpoints,
const TUsbcClassInfo& aClassInfo);
TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Interface> iBuf;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcEndpointDescriptorBase) : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
virtual void UpdateFs();
virtual void UpdateHs();
TInt Construct(const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
/** Stores the endpoint size to be used for FS. */
TInt iEpSize_Fs;
/** Stores the endpoint size to be used for HS. */
TInt iEpSize_Hs;
/** Stores the endpoint polling interval to be used for FS. */
TInt iInterval_Fs;
/** Stores the endpoint polling interval to be used for HS. */
TInt iInterval_Hs;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcEndpointDescriptor) : public TUsbcEndpointDescriptorBase
static TUsbcEndpointDescriptor* New(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
TInt Construct(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Endpoint> iBuf;
class TUsbcAudioEndpointDescriptor : public TUsbcEndpointDescriptorBase
static TUsbcAudioEndpointDescriptor* New(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
TInt Construct(TUint8 aEndpointAddress, const TUsbcEndpointInfo& aEpInfo);
TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_AudioEndpoint> iBuf;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcOtgDescriptor) : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
static TUsbcOtgDescriptor* New(TBool aHnpSupport, TBool aSrpSupport);
TInt Construct(TBool aHnpSupport, TBool aSrpSupport);
TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Otg> iBuf;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcClassSpecificDescriptor) : public TUsbcDescriptorBase
virtual ~TUsbcClassSpecificDescriptor();
static TUsbcClassSpecificDescriptor* New(TUint8 aType, TInt aSize);
TInt Construct(TUint8 aType, TInt aSize);
HBuf8* iBuf;
virtual ~TUsbcStringDescriptorBase();
TUint16 Word(TInt aPosition) const;
void SetWord(TInt aPosition, TUint16 aValue);
TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer) const;
TInt GetDescriptorData(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aMaxSize) const;
const TDes8& StringData() const;
TDes8& StringData();
TUint Size() const;
void SetBufferPointer(const TDesC8& aDes);
TBuf8<2> iSBuf;
TPtr8 iBufPtr;
// TUint8 iIndex; // not needed in DescriptorPool: position == index
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcStringDescriptor) : public TUsbcStringDescriptorBase
virtual ~TUsbcStringDescriptor();
static TUsbcStringDescriptor* New(const TDesC8& aString);
TInt Construct(const TDesC8& aString);
HBuf8* iBuf;
// Currently we support only one language, and thus there's no need to provide
// a LangId string descriptor with more than one array element.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TUsbcLangIdDescriptor) : public TUsbcStringDescriptorBase
virtual ~TUsbcLangIdDescriptor();
static TUsbcLangIdDescriptor* New(TUint16 aLangId);
TInt Construct(TUint16 aLangId);
TBuf8<2> iBuf;
class TUsbcDescriptorPool
TUsbcDescriptorPool(TUint8* aEp0_TxBuf);
TInt Init(TUsbcDeviceDescriptor* aDeviceDesc, TUsbcConfigDescriptor* aConfigDesc,
TUsbcLangIdDescriptor* aLangId, TUsbcStringDescriptor* aManufacturer,
TUsbcStringDescriptor* aProduct, TUsbcStringDescriptor* aSerialNum,
TUsbcStringDescriptor* aConfig, TUsbcOtgDescriptor* aOtgDesc);
TInt InitHs();
TInt UpdateDescriptorsFs();
TInt UpdateDescriptorsHs();
// Descriptors
TInt FindDescriptor(TUint8 aType, TUint8 aIndex, TUint16 aLangid, TInt& aSize) const;
void InsertDescriptor(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
void DeleteIfcDescriptor(TInt aNumber, TInt aSetting=0);
// The TC in many of the following functions stands for 'ThreadCopy' because that's what happens there.
TInt GetDeviceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer) const;
TInt SetDeviceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer);
TInt GetConfigurationDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer) const;
TInt SetConfigurationDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer);
TInt GetOtgDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer) const;
TInt SetOtgDescriptor(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
TInt GetInterfaceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting) const;
TInt SetInterfaceDescriptor(const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting);
TInt GetEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
TUint8 aEndpointAddress) const;
TInt SetEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
TUint8 aEndpointAddress);
TInt GetEndpointDescriptorSize(TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting, TUint8 aEndpointAddress, TInt& aSize) const;
TInt GetDeviceQualifierDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer) const;
TInt SetDeviceQualifierDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer);
TInt GetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer) const;
TInt SetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer);
TInt GetCSInterfaceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting) const;
TInt SetCSInterfaceDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
TInt aSize);
TInt GetCSInterfaceDescriptorSize(TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting, TInt& aSize) const;
TInt GetCSEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
TUint8 aEndpointAddress) const;
TInt SetCSEndpointDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting,
TUint8 aEndpointAddress, TInt aSize);
TInt GetCSEndpointDescriptorSize(TInt aInterface, TInt aSetting, TUint8 aEndpointAddress, TInt& aSize) const;
// String descriptors
void SetIfcStringDescriptor(TUsbcStringDescriptor* aDesc, TInt aNumber, TInt aSetting=0);
TInt GetStringDescriptorLangIdTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aLangId) const;
TInt SetStringDescriptorLangId(TUint16 aLangId);
TInt GetManufacturerStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
TInt SetManufacturerStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
TInt RemoveManufacturerStringDescriptor();
TInt GetProductStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
TInt SetProductStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
TInt RemoveProductStringDescriptor();
TInt GetSerialNumberStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
TInt SetSerialNumberStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
TInt RemoveSerialNumberStringDescriptor();
TInt GetConfigurationStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString) const;
TInt SetConfigurationStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString);
TInt RemoveConfigurationStringDescriptor();
TInt GetStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TInt aIndex, TDes8& aString) const;
TInt SetStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TInt aIndex, const TDes8& aString);
TInt RemoveStringDescriptor(TInt aIndex);
// Descriptors
void InsertIfcDesc(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
void InsertEpDesc(TUsbcDescriptorBase* aDesc);
TInt FindIfcDescriptor(TInt aIfcNumber, TInt aIfcSetting) const;
TInt FindEpDescriptor(TInt aIfcNumber, TInt aIfcSetting, TUint8 aEpAddress) const;
void DeleteDescriptors(TInt aIndex, TInt aCount = 1);
void UpdateConfigDescriptorLength(TInt aLength);
void UpdateConfigDescriptorNumIfcs(TInt aNumber);
void UpdateIfcNumbers(TInt aNumber);
TInt GetDeviceDescriptor(TInt aIndex) const;
TInt GetConfigurationDescriptor(TInt aIndex) const;
TInt GetOtgDescriptor() const;
// String descriptors
TInt GetStringDescriptor(TInt aIndex) const;
TInt GetDeviceStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, TDes8& aString, TInt aIndex, TInt aPosition) const;
TInt SetDeviceStringDescriptorTC(DThread* aThread, const TDes8& aString, TInt aIndex, TInt aPosition);
TInt RemoveDeviceStringDescriptor(TInt aIndex, TInt aPosition);
void ExchangeStringDescriptor(TInt aIndex, const TUsbcStringDescriptor* aDesc);
TBool AnyStringDescriptors() const;
TBool StringDescriptorExists(TInt aIndex) const;
TInt FindAvailableStringPos() const;
// Data members
RPointerArray<TUsbcDescriptorBase> iDescriptors;
RPointerArray<TUsbcStringDescriptorBase> iStrings;
TInt iIfcIdx;
TUint8* const iEp0_TxBuf; // points to the controller's ep0 TX buffer
TBool iHighSpeed; // true if currently operating at high-speed
#endif // __USBCDESC_H__