changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c40eb8fe8501
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Class template for constant size arrays.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 /*
    19 * %version: 8 %
    20 */
    22 #ifndef _CARRAY_H
    23 #define _CARRAY_H
    25 /*
    26  *
    27  * The following code declares class array,
    28  * an STL container (as wrapper) for arrays of constant size.
    29  *
    30  * compile time modifiable polies:
    31  * - to call delete or not to 4 members of array
    32  * - copy ctor and assignment operator policies; see umaccarraypolicy.h         
    33  */
    35 #include "algorithm.h"
    37 typedef TUint size_t;
    39 #include "umactypemanip.h"
    40 #include "umaccarraypolicy.h"
    42 template
    43 <
    44         class T, 
    45         size_t the_size,
    46         bool deletepointees = EFalse,           // call delete or not 4 members of array
    47         class CopyingPolicy = ShallowCopy<T>,   // check out policyCarray.h 4 these
    48         class HeapAllocationPolicy = OpNewAlloc // our allocation policy 4 a heap allocated Carray         
    49 > 
    50 class Carray :  protected CopyingPolicy,
    51                 public HeapAllocationPolicy 
    52 {
    53 	typedef Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, HeapAllocationPolicy> Self;
    55 private:
    56 	T v[the_size];
    58         // compile time function selectives
    59         void delete_pointees( Int2Type<ETrue> );
    60         void delete_pointees( Int2Type<EFalse> ) {};
    62 public:
    64 	// type definitions
    65 	typedef T		    value_type;
    66 	typedef T*		    iterator;
    67 	typedef const T*	const_iterator;
    68 	typedef T&		    reference;
    69 	typedef const T&	const_reference;
    70 	typedef size_t	    size_type;
    71 	typedef size_t	    TUint;
    73 	// default constructor
    74 	Carray() {};
    75 	// construct with inital data
    76 	// do not allow to be used in explicit conversations
    77 	explicit 
    78         Carray(T* p) { copy(p, p + the_size, begin()); }
    80     ~Carray() { delete_pointees( Int2Type<deletepointees>() ); }
    82 	// iterator support
    83 	iterator begin() {return v;}
    84 	const_iterator begin() const {return v;}
    85 	iterator end() {return v + the_size;}
    86 	const_iterator end() const {return v + the_size;}
    88 	// size is constant
    89 	size_type size() const {return the_size;}
    90 	size_type max_size() const {return the_size;}
    92 	// direct element access
    93 	reference operator[](size_t i) {return v[i];} 
    94 	const_reference operator[](size_t i) const {return v[i];} 
    96 	// front() and back()
    97         reference front() {return v[0]; }
    98         const_reference front() const {return v[0]; }
    99         reference back() {return v[the_size-1]; }
   100         const_reference back() const {return v[the_size-1];}
   102 	//swap
   103     void swap(Self& r) { swap_ranges(begin(), end(), r.begin()); }
   105 	// conversion to ordinary array
   106 	const T* data() const {return v;}
   107 	T* data() {return v;}
   109 	// assignment
   110 	Self& operator=(const Self&);
   112 	// copy ctor
   113     Carray(const Self& o) 
   114         { Copy(const_cast<iterator>(o.begin()), const_cast<iterator>(o.end()), begin()); }
   115 };
   117 template<class T, size_t the_size, bool deletepointees, 
   118 class CopyingPolicy, class HeapAllocationPolicy>
   119 inline
   120 void Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, 
   121 HeapAllocationPolicy>::delete_pointees(Int2Type<ETrue>)
   122     {
   123     for( size_t i = 0 ; i < size() ; ++i )
   124         {
   125         delete v[i];
   126         }
   127     }
   129 // asignment operator
   130 template<class T, size_t the_size,  bool deletepointees, class CopyingPolicy, class HeapAllocationPolicy>
   131 inline
   132 Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, HeapAllocationPolicy>& 
   133 Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, HeapAllocationPolicy>::operator=(const Self& o)
   134     {
   135     // use policy chosen at compile time
   136     Copy(const_cast<iterator>(o.begin()), const_cast<iterator>(o.end()), begin());      
   137 	return (*this);
   138     }
   140 // comparisons
   141 template<class T, size_t the_size, bool deletepointees, class CopyingPolicy, class HeapAllocationPolicy>
   142 inline
   143 bool operator == (const Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, HeapAllocationPolicy>& x, 
   144 const Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, HeapAllocationPolicy>& y)
   145     {
   146     return equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
   147     }
   149 // global swap()
   150 template<class T, size_t the_size, bool deletepointees, class CopyingPolicy, class HeapAllocationPolicy>
   151 inline void swap (Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, HeapAllocationPolicy>& x, 
   152 Carray<T, the_size, deletepointees, CopyingPolicy, HeapAllocationPolicy>& y)
   153     {
   154     x.swap(y);
   155     }
   157 #endif //_CARRAY_H