changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
child 21 af3fb27c7511
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanldd/wlan_common/umac_common/inc/UmacDot11Associated.h	Tue Feb 02 02:03:13 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Declaration of the WlanDot11Associated class
+* %version: 46 %
+#include "UmacDot11State.h"
+#include "FrameXferBlock.h"
+#include "umacinternaldefinitions.h"
+class TWlanUserTxDataCntx;
+* This is a state where STA has entered to state where 
+* it is able send MPDU's to a network 
+class WlanDot11Associated : public WlanDot11State
+    {
+    /**
+    * Transmit a protocol stack frame
+    * 
+    * The frame to be sent needs to be in 802.3 format
+    * @param aCtxImpl global state machine context
+    * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
+    * @param aMore ETrue if another frame is also ready to be transmitted
+    *              EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool TxData( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer,
+        TBool aMore );
+    virtual TAny* RequestForBuffer( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TUint16 aLength );
+    virtual void ReceivePacket( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::TStatus aStatus,
+        const void* aFrame,
+        TUint16 aLength,
+        WHA::TRate aRate,
+        WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
+        WHA::TChannelNumber aChannel,
+        TUint8* aBuffer,
+        TUint32 aFlags );
+    /**
+    * C++ default constructor.
+    */
+        WlanDot11Associated() {};
+    /**
+    * Destructor.
+    */
+    virtual ~WlanDot11Associated() {};
+    virtual void DoSetTxMpduDaAddress( 
+        SDataFrameHeader& aDataFrameHeader, 
+        const TMacAddress& aMac ) const = 0;
+    virtual TBool DoIsRxFrameSAourAddress( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const SDataFrameHeader& aFrameHeader,
+        const SAmsduSubframeHeader* aSubFrameHeader = NULL ) const = 0;
+    /**
+    * Called to check is To/From DS bit combination valid
+    * @return ETrue valid combination, EFalse else
+    */
+    virtual TBool DoIsValidAddressBitCombination(
+        const SDataFrameHeader& aFrameHeader ) const = 0;
+    virtual void DoBuildEthernetFrame(
+        TDataBuffer& aBuffer,
+        const SDataMpduHeader& aDot11DataMpdu,
+        const TUint8* aStartOfEtherPayload,
+        TUint aEtherPayloadLength,
+        TBool aAmsdu,
+        TUint8* aCopyBuffer ) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Handles a received frame having a proprietary SNAP header
+    *
+    * @since S60 3.1
+    * @param aBuffer meta header for the Rx frame
+    * @param aQosData ETrue if this is a QoS data frame
+    * @param aFrame pointer to the start of the frame
+    * @param aSubFrameHeader Pointer to the beginning of the subframe header.
+    *        NULL if the MSDU is not a subframe within an A-MSDU
+    * @param aLength frame length
+    * @param aDecryptHeaderLen length of the decrypt header of the 
+    *        frame (e.g. IV etc.)
+    * @param aDecryptTrailerLen length of the decrypt trailer of the 
+    *        frame (e.g. MIC etc.)
+    * @param aHtControlLen length of the HT Control field of the 
+    *        frame's MAC header; or zero if field is not present
+    * @param aCopyBuffer If not NULL, the frame is part of an A-MSDU
+    *        and it needs to be copied to the buffer denoted by this
+    *        pointer
+    */
+    void HandleProprietarySnapRxFrame( 
+        TDataBuffer& aBuffer,
+        TBool aQosData, 
+        const TAny* const aFrame, 
+        const SAmsduSubframeHeader* aSubFrameHeader,
+        TUint aLength,
+        TUint aDecryptHeaderLen,
+        TUint aDecryptTrailerLen,
+        TUint aHtControlLen,
+        TUint8* aCopyBuffer ) const;
+    /**
+    * Called upon receiving a beacon frame
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aRcpi RCPI of the frame
+    * @param aBuffer pointer to the beginning of the Rx buffer allocated
+    *        for the frame
+    */
+    virtual void OnBeaconFrameRx( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TAny* aFrame,
+        const TUint32 aLength,
+        WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
+        TUint8* aBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Called upon receiving a probe response frame
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aRcpi RCPI of the frame
+    * @param aBuffer pointer to the beginning of the Rx buffer allocated
+    *        for the frame
+    */
+    virtual void OnProbeResponseFrameRx( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TAny* aFrame,
+        const TUint32 aLength,
+        WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
+        TUint8* aBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Called upon receiving a deauthentication frame
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aBuffer pointer to the beginning of the Rx buffer allocated
+    *        for the frame
+    */
+    virtual void OnDeauthenticateFrameRx( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TUint8* aBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Called upon receiving a disassociation frame
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aBuffer pointer to the beginning of the Rx buffer allocated
+    *        for the frame
+    */
+    virtual void OnDisassociateFrameRx( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TUint8* aBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Determines if the received 802.11 Data MPDU - excluding the contained
+    * MSDU or A-MSDU - is valid
+    * @param aLength Length of the MPDU
+    * @param aFrameHeader MAC header of the MPDU
+    * @param aQosData ETrue if the MPDU is a QoS Data frame
+    *        EFalse othwerwise
+    * @param aAmsdu ETrue if the MPDU contains an A-MSDU
+    *        EFalse othwerwise
+    * @param aHtControlLen Length of the HT Control field in the MPDU's MAC
+    *        header. Zero if the field is not present
+    * @param aSecurityHeaderLen Length of the security header of the MPDU.
+    *        Zero if the payload is not encrypted
+    * @param aSecurityTrailerLen Length of the security trailer of the MPDU.
+    *        Zero if the payload is not encrypted
+    * @return ETrue if the MPDU is valid, EFalse otherwise 
+    */
+    inline TBool RxDataMpduValid(
+        const TUint32 aLength,
+        const SDataFrameHeader& aFrameHeader,
+        TBool aQosData,
+        TBool aAmsdu,
+        TUint aHtControlLen,
+        TUint aSecurityHeaderLen,
+        TUint aSecurityTrailerLen ) const;
+    /**
+    * Determines the minimum length that the received 802.11 Data MPDU must
+    * have so that we are able to process is
+    * @param aQosData ETrue if the frame is a QoS Data frame
+    *        EFalse othwerwise
+    * @param aAmsdu ETrue if the MPDU contains an A-MSDU
+    *        EFalse othwerwise
+    * @param aHtControlLen Length of the HT Control field in the MPDU's MAC
+    *        header. Zero if the field is not present
+    * @param aSecurityHeaderLen Length of the security header of the MPDU.
+    *        Zero if the payload is not encrypted
+    * @param aSecurityTrailerLen Length of the security trailer of the MPDU.
+    *        Zero if the payload is not encrypted
+    * @return   
+    */
+    inline TUint MinAcceptableRxDataMpduLen(
+        TBool aQosData,
+        TBool aAmsdu,
+        TUint aHtControlLen,
+        TUint aSecurityHeaderLen,
+        TUint aSecurityTrailerLen ) const;
+    /**
+    * Determines whether the Destination Address (DA) of the received MPDU is
+    * a unicast, a brodcast or a multicast (but not a broadcast) address  
+    * @param aFrameHeader MAC header of the MPDU
+    * @return See above  
+    */
+    inline TDaType RxFrameDaType(
+        const SDataFrameHeader& aFrameHeader ) const;
+    /**
+    * Determines if the received MSDU is valid to be forwarded to the
+    * relevant client 
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aFrameHeader MAC header of the MPDU encapsulating the MSDU
+    * @param aSubFrameHeader Pointer to the beginning of the subframe header.
+    *                        NULL if the MSDU is not a subframe within an A-MSDU
+    * @param aStartOfSnap Pointer to the beginning of the SNAP header
+    * @param aEtherType Ethernet type of the received MSDU
+    * @param aMulticast ETrue if the frame is a multicast, EFalse otherwise
+    * @param aFlags Flags from WHA frame receive method
+    * @param aSnapstatus Result of the SNAP header check of the received MSDU
+    * @return ETrue if the MSDU is valid, EFalse otherwise 
+    */
+    inline TBool RxMsduValid(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const SDataFrameHeader& aFrameHeader,
+        const SAmsduSubframeHeader* aSubFrameHeader,
+        const TUint8* aStartOfSnap,
+        TUint16 aEtherType,
+        TBool aMulticast,
+        TUint32 aFlags,
+        TSnapStatus& aSnapStatus ) const;
+    /**
+    * Determines the Ethernet payload length of an MSDU, which may or may not
+    * be a part of an A-MSDU
+    * @param aMpduLength Length of the received MPDU
+    * @param aSubframeLength Length of the A-MSDU subframe. Zero if the MPDU
+    *        doesn't contain an A-MSDU
+    * @param aQosData ETrue if the frame is a QoS Data frame
+    *        EFalse othwerwise
+    * @param aHtControlLen Length of the HT Control field in the MPDU's MAC
+    *        header. Zero if the field is not present
+    * @param aSecurityHeaderLen Length of the security header of the MPDU.
+    *        Zero if the payload is not encrypted
+    * @param aSecurityTrailerLen Length of the security trailer of the MPDU.
+    *        Zero if the payload is not encrypted
+    * @return Ethernet payload length of the MSDU
+    */
+    inline TUint RxMsduEthernetPayloadLength(
+        const TUint32 aMpduLength, 
+        TUint aSubframeLength, 
+        TBool aQosData,
+        TUint aHtControlLen,
+        TUint aSecurityHeaderLen,
+        TUint aSecurityTrailerLen ) const;
+    /**
+    * Allocates a new Rx buffer for a frame to be forwarded to WLAN Mgmt client
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aProprieatarySnapFrame ETrue if the frame contains a proprietary
+    *        SNAP header, EFalse othwerwise
+    * @param aQosFrame ETrue if the frame is a QoS Data frame
+    *        EFalse othwerwise
+    * @param aHtControlLen Length of the HT Control field in the frame's MAC
+    *        header. Zero if the field is not present
+    * @param aEtherPayloadLength Length of the frame's Ethernet payload
+    * @return Pointer to the beginning of the allocated buffer
+    *         NULL if allocation is unsuccessful
+    */
+    inline TUint8* NewBufForMgmtClientRxFrame(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TBool aProprieatarySnapFrame,
+        TBool aQosFrame,
+        TUint aHtControlLen,
+        TUint aEtherPayloadLength ) const;
+    /**
+    * Determines if the received MSDU is for the protocol stack client
+    * @param aEtherType Ethernet type of the received MSDU
+    * @param aSnapstatus Result of the SNAP header check of the received MSDU
+    * @return ETrue if the MSDU is for the protocol stack client
+    *         EFalse if the MSDU is for the WLAN Mgmt client
+    */
+    inline TBool RxMsduForUser(
+        TUint16 aEtherType,
+        TSnapStatus aSnapstatus ) const;
+    /**
+    * Updates 802.11 Data frame Rx statistics
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aEtherType Ethernet type of the received frame
+    * @param aMulticast ETrue if the frame is a multicast, EFalse otherwise
+    * @param aAccessCategory Access Category of the received frame
+    */
+    inline void UpdateDataFrameRxStatistics(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TUint16 aEtherType,
+        TBool aMulticast,
+        WHA::TQueueId aAccessCategory ) const;
+    /**
+    * Called upon receiving a dot11 data MPDU
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aFlags Flags from WHA frame receive method
+    * @param aRcpi RCPI of the frame
+    * @param aBuffer pointer to the beginning of the Rx buffer allocated
+    *        for the frame
+    */
+    virtual void OnDataFrameRx(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TAny* aFrame,
+        const TUint32 aLength,
+        TUint32 aFlags,
+        WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
+        TUint8* aBuffer );
+    /**
+    * Called upon receiving a 802.11 Management Action frame.
+    *
+    * @since S60 3.2
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aFrame Pointer to the beginning of the received frame
+    * @param aLength Length of the frame. Measured from the first byte of 
+    *                the MAC header to the last byte of the frame body
+    * @param aRcpi Received channel power indicator
+    * @param aBuffer pointer to the beginning of the Rx buffer allocated
+    *        for the frame
+    */
+    void OnManagementActionFrameRx(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TAny* aFrame,
+        const TUint32 aLength,
+        WHA::TRcpi aRcpi,
+        TUint8* aBuffer ) const;
+    void EncapsulateFrame(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TWlanUserTxDataCntx& aDataCntx,
+        TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer,
+        TUint16& aEtherType );
+    /**
+    * Determines if Tx frames need to be encrypted
+    *
+    * @since S60 3.2
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
+    * @return ETrue if Tx frames need to be encrypted
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    TBool EncryptTxFrames( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+        const TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer ) const;
+    /**
+    * Determines the space in bytes to be reserved for the security header
+    * in the MPDU to be transmitted 
+    *
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
+    * @return See above
+    */
+    TUint ComputeEncryptionOffsetAmount(
+        const WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer ) const;
+    /**
+    * Determines the space in bytes to be reserved for the security trailer
+    * in the MPDU to be transmitted 
+    *
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
+    * @return See above
+    */
+    TUint EncryptTrailerLength( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer ) const;
+    TUint ComputeQosOffsetAmount( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl ) const;
+    TUint DecryptHdrOffset( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+        TUint32 aFlags ) const;
+    TUint DecryptTrailerOffset( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+        TUint32 aFlags ) const;
+    /**
+    * Checks the validity of SNAP header
+    *
+    * @since S60 3.1
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aStartOfSnap is a pointer to the start of the SNAP header
+    */
+    TSnapStatus ValiDateSnapHeader(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TUint8* aStartOfSnap ) const;
+    void EncapsulateEthernetFrame( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+        TWlanUserTxDataCntx& aDataCntx, 
+        TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer,
+        TUint16& aEtherType ) const;
+    /**
+    * Encapsulates a frame starting with a proprietary SNAP header inside an 
+    * MPDU
+    *
+    * @since S60 3.1
+    * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
+    * @param aDataCntx user Tx frame context
+    * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
+    * @param aEncrypt ETrue if the frame needs to be encrypted
+    *        EFalse otherwise
+    * @param aEncryptionOffset Length (bytes) to be reserved for the 
+    *        encryption header
+    * @param aEncryptTrailerLength Length (bytes) to be reserved for the 
+    *        encryption trailer
+    * @param aQosOffset Length (bytes) to be reserved for the 
+    *        QoS Control field
+    * @param aHtControlOffset Length (bytes) to be reserved for the 
+    *        HT Control field
+    */
+    void EncapsulateSnapFrame(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TWlanUserTxDataCntx& aDataCntx,
+        TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer,
+        TBool aEncrypt,
+        TUint aEncryptionOffset,
+        TUint aEncryptTrailerLength,
+        TUint aQosOffset,
+        TUint aHtControlOffset ) const;
+    /**
+    * Sets a ready made 802.11 frame to Tx buffer
+    *
+    * @since S60 3.2
+    * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
+    * @param aDataCntx user Tx frame context
+    * @param aDataBuffer meta header of the frame to be transmitted
+    */
+    void SetDot11FrameToTxBuffer(
+        const WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TWlanUserTxDataCntx& aDataCntx,
+        TDataBuffer& aDataBuffer ) const;
+    /**
+    * Indicates Consecutive Beacons Lost 
+    * to WLAN Mgmt Client; if necessary
+    * 
+    * @since S60 5.0
+    * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
+    */
+    virtual void DoConsecutiveBeaconsLostIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
+    /**
+    * Indicates Consecutive Tx Failures
+    * to WLAN Mgmt Client; if necessary
+    * 
+    * @since S60 5.0
+    * @param aCtxImpl global statemachine context
+    */
+    virtual void DoConsecutiveTxFailuresIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
+    virtual void DoRegainedBSSIndication( WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
+    virtual void OnPacketSendComplete(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl, 
+        WHA::TStatus aStatus,
+        TUint32 aPacketId,
+        WHA::TRate aRate,
+        TUint32 aPacketQueueDelay,
+        TUint32 aMediaDelay,
+        TUint aTotalTxDelay,
+        TUint8 aAckFailures,
+        WHA::TQueueId aQueueId,
+        WHA::TRate aRequestedRate,
+        TBool aMulticastData );            
+    /**
+    * Adds a multicast MAC address and starts to filter (Rx) multicast 
+    * traffic sent to any other MAC addresses than those that have been 
+    * specified using this method
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aMacAddr The address to be added
+    * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool AddMulticastAddr(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TMacAddress& aMacAddr );
+    /**
+    * Removes a multicast MAC address from multicast (Rx) filtering
+    * configuration. So any packet that we receive and which has been sent
+    * to the multicast address in question is not accepted any more (i.e. 
+    * it is filtered).
+    * However, if there are no addresses left in the multicast (Rx) filtering
+    * configuration after this remove, the multicast filtering is disabled
+    * and all (otherwise acceptable) multicast packets are accepted again.
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aMacAddr The address to be removed
+    * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool RemoveMulticastAddr(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TBool aRemoveAll,
+        const TMacAddress& aMacAddr );
+    /**
+     * From MWlanUserEvent
+     * Add/set (or replace) a broadcast WEP key
+     *
+     * @since S60 3.1
+     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+     * @param aKeyIndex Index of the key in the default key table 
+     * @param aKeyLength Length of the key in BYTES
+     * @param aKey The WEP key
+     * @param aMac MAC address associated with the key
+     * @return ETrue if state transition occurred, EFalse otherwise
+     */
+    virtual TBool AddBroadcastWepKey(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TUint32 aKeyIndex,             
+        TBool aUseAsDefaulKey,                
+        TUint32 aKeyLength,                      
+        const TUint8 aKey[KMaxWEPKeyLength],
+        const TMacAddress& aMac );   
+    /**
+     * From MWlanUserEvent
+     * Reconfigures the specified Tx queue if necessary
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.2
+     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+     * @param aQueueId ID of the queue to reconfigure
+     * @param aMediumTime The amount of time the queue is allowed to access 
+     *                    the WLAN air interface.
+     * @param aMaxTxMSDULifetime Maximum Transmit MSDU Lifetime to be used 
+     *                           for the specified queue.
+     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
+     *         EFalse otherwise
+     */
+    virtual TBool ConfigureTxQueueIfNecessary( 
+            WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+            TQueueId aQueueId,
+            TUint16 aMediumTime,
+            TUint32 aMaxTxMSDULifetime );
+    /**
+    * Sets the WHA::KMibDot11GroupAddressesTable MIB
+    * 
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    TBool SetGroupAddressesTableMib(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl );
+    /**
+    * If the power mgmt mode needs to be changed - based on 
+    * aPowerMgmtModeChange - proceeds with the necessary actions
+    * 
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aPowerMgmtModeChange 
+    * @return ETrue if a state change occurred in the state machine 
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    TBool PowerMgmtModeChange(
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TPowerMgmtModeChange aPowerMgmtModeChange );
+    /**
+     * Configures Tx rate policy objects, sets the policy object to use for 
+     * every Tx Queue / QoS AC, and also sets the Initial Max Tx Rate to be 
+     * used for the configured policy objects
+     *
+     * @since S60 v3.1
+     * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+     * @param aRatePolicy rate policy (policy objects)
+     * @param aQueue2RateClass Tx queue (AC) to rate policy object mapping
+     * @param aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass initial max Tx rate for the
+     *        policy objects
+     * @param aAutoRatePolicy auto rate policy
+     * @param aHtMcsPolicy HT MCS policy
+     * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
+     *         EFalse otherwise
+     */
+    virtual TBool ConfigureTxRatePolicies( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        const TTxRatePolicy& aRatePolicy,
+        const TQueue2RateClass& aQueue2RateClass,
+        const TInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass& aInitialMaxTxRate4RateClass,
+        const TTxAutoRatePolicy& aAutoRatePolicy,
+        const THtMcsPolicy& aHtMcsPolicy );
+    /**
+    * Configures dynamic power mode management traffic override
+    *
+    * The settings here become effective once using the PS mode has been 
+    * allowed by WLAN Mgmt Client.
+    * When a setting below is ETrue, any amount of Rx or Tx traffic via
+    * the AC in question won't cause a change from PS to CAM mode once PS
+    * mode has been entered, and traffic via that AC won't make us to 
+    * stay in CAM either.
+    * Every AC has a separate setting for U-APSD and legacy PS.
+    * The U-APSD setting is used if U-APSD is used for the AC in question.
+    * Otherwise the corresponding legacy setting is used.
+    *    
+    * @since S60 3.2
+    * @param aCtxImpl statemachine context
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVoiceTraffic U-APSD Voice AC setting
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVideoTraffic U-APSD Video AC setting
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBestEffortTraffic U-APSD Best Effort AC 
+    *                                               setting
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBackgroundTraffic U-APSD Background AC 
+    *                                               setting
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVoiceTraffic legacy Voice AC setting
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVideoTraffic legacy Video AC setting
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBestEffortTraffic legacy Best Effort AC 
+    *                                                setting
+    * @param aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBackgroundTraffic legacy Background AC 
+    *                                                setting
+    * @return ETrue if a state change occurred
+    *         EFalse otherwise
+    */
+    virtual TBool ConfigurePwrModeMgmtTrafficOverride( 
+        WlanContextImpl& aCtxImpl,
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVoiceTraffic,
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdVideoTraffic,
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBestEffortTraffic, 
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteUapsdBackgroundTraffic,
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVoiceTraffic,
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyVideoTraffic,
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBestEffortTraffic,
+        TBool aStayInPsDespiteLegacyBackgroundTraffic );
+    // Prohibit copy constructor
+    WlanDot11Associated( const WlanDot11Associated& );
+    // Prohibit assigment operator
+    WlanDot11Associated& operator= ( const WlanDot11Associated& );  
+    };
+#endif      // WLANDOT11ASSOCIATED_H