changeset 0 c40eb8fe8501
child 25 a0fdcd0e4c56
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanldd/wlan_common/umac_common/src/umacnullsendcontroller.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:03:13 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Implementation of the WlanNullSendController class
+* %version: 15 %
+#include "config.h"
+#include "umacnullsendcontroller.h"
+#include "umacnullsender.h"
+#include "UmacContextImpl.h"
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::StartVoiceOverWlanCallMaintenance()
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::StartVoiceOverWlanCallMaintenance") );
+    iFlags |= KVoiceOverWlanCallMaintenanceStarted;
+    if ( iFlags & KInVoiceCallState )
+        {
+        RegisterNoVoiceTimeout( iNoVoiceTimeout );
+        if ( ( iWlanContextImpl.UapsdUsedForVoice() ) &&
+             ( iWlanContextImpl.CurrentDot11PwrMgmtMode() == 
+               WHA::KPsEnable ) )
+            {
+            // U-APSD is used for Voice and we are also in PS mode,
+            // so initiate QoS Null Frame sending by arming the timer
+            RegisterNullTimeout( iNullTimeout );
+            }            
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::ResumeQosNullSending()
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::ResumeQosNullSending") );                
+    if ( ( iWlanContextImpl.UapsdUsedForVoice() )&&
+         ( iFlags & KInVoiceCallState ) &&
+         ( iWlanContextImpl.CurrentDot11PwrMgmtMode() == WHA::KPsEnable ) )
+        {
+        // U-APSD is used for Voice, we are in Voice Call state and in PS
+        // mode, so resume QoS null frame sending by re-arming the timer
+        RegisterNullTimeout( iNullTimeout );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::OnFrameRx( 
+    WHA::TQueueId aQueueId,
+    TUint aPayloadLength )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnFrameRx entry: iFlags: 0x%08x"),
+        iFlags );        
+    if ( iFlags & KVoiceOverWlanCallMaintenanceStarted )
+        {
+        if ( iFlags & KInVoiceCallState )
+            {
+            // we are already in Voice Call state
+            const TInt64 KTimeNow( os_systemTime() );
+            if ( aQueueId == WHA::EVoice )
+                {
+                // and this is a Voice priority frame.
+                iLatestVoiceRxOrTxInVoiceCallState = KTimeNow;
+                }
+            else if ( ( aQueueId == WHA::ELegacy ) && 
+                      ( aPayloadLength < 
+                        iBestEffortVoiceRxLengthThreshold ) )
+                {
+                iBestEffortVoiceRxTimeStamp[iBestEffortVoiceRxInd] = KTimeNow;
+                iBestEffortVoiceRxInd = 
+                    ( iBestEffortVoiceRxInd == 
+                      KBestEffortVoiceRxTimeStampCnt - 1 ) ? 0 :
+                      ++iBestEffortVoiceRxInd;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // no action
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( iFlags & KVoiceCallEntryPending )
+            {
+            // we are in Voice Call Entry Pending state
+            if ( aQueueId == WHA::EVoice )
+                {
+                // this is a Voice priority frame
+                ++iVoiceCallEntryRxCount;
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnFrameRx: iVoiceCallEntryRxCount is now: %d"),
+                    iVoiceCallEntryRxCount );
+                if ( iVoiceCallEntryRxCount >= iVoiceCallEntryThreshold )
+                    {
+                    // We will enter the Voice Call state
+                    EnterVoiceCallState();
+                    }
+                }            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // we are neither in Voice Call Entry Pending nor Voice Call state
+            if ( aQueueId == WHA::EVoice )
+                {
+                // this is a Voice priority frame. 
+                // It is the 1st Voice priority frame in the period starting
+                // now
+                iVoiceCallEntryRxCount = 1;
+                iVoiceCallEntryTxCount = 0;
+                // We enter the Voice Call Entry Pending state by arming
+                // the relevant timer
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnFrameRx: Enter Voice Call Entry pending state") );
+                RegisterVoiceCallEntryTimeout();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::OnFrameTx( WHA::TQueueId aQueueId )
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnFrameTx entry: iFlags: 0x%08x"),
+        iFlags );        
+    iLatestTx = os_systemTime();
+    if ( iFlags & KVoiceOverWlanCallMaintenanceStarted )
+        {
+        if ( iFlags & KInVoiceCallState )
+            {
+            // we are already in Voice Call state
+            if ( aQueueId == WHA::EVoice )
+                {
+                // and this is a Voice priority frame.
+                iLatestVoiceRxOrTxInVoiceCallState = iLatestTx;
+                }
+            }
+        else if ( iFlags & KVoiceCallEntryPending )
+            {
+            // we are in Voice Call Entry Pending state
+            if ( aQueueId == WHA::EVoice )
+                {
+                // this is a Voice priority frame
+                ++iVoiceCallEntryTxCount;
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnFrameTx: iVoiceCallEntryTxCount is now: %d"),
+                    iVoiceCallEntryTxCount );
+                if ( iVoiceCallEntryTxCount >= iVoiceCallEntryThreshold )
+                    {
+                    // We will enter the Voice Call state
+                    EnterVoiceCallState();
+                    }
+                }            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // we are neither in Voice Call Entry Pending nor Voice Call state
+            if ( aQueueId == WHA::EVoice )
+                {
+                // this is a Voice priority frame. 
+                // It is the 1st Voice priority frame in the period starting
+                // now
+                iVoiceCallEntryTxCount = 1;
+                iVoiceCallEntryRxCount = 0;
+                // We enter the Voice Call Entry Pending state by arming
+                // the relevant timer
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnFrameTx: Enter Voice Call Entry pending state") );
+                RegisterVoiceCallEntryTimeout();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::OnVoiceCallEntryTimerTimeout()
+    {
+    // as this timer expired we are no more in Voice Call Entry Pending state
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnVoiceCallEntryTimerTimeout: exit entry pending (to idle) state") );
+    iFlags &= ~KVoiceCallEntryPending;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::OnNullTimerTimeout()
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnNullTimerTimeout") );
+    iFlags &= ~KNullTimerArmed;
+    if ( iWlanContextImpl.CurrentDot11PwrMgmtMode() == WHA::KPsEnable )
+        {        
+        // we are still in PS mode (as we were when this timer was 
+        // armed)
+        TUint32 KTimeAfterLatestTx ( 
+            static_cast<TUint32>(os_systemTime() - iLatestTx) );
+        if ( KTimeAfterLatestTx >= iNullTimeout )
+            {
+            // request a QoS Null Data frame to be sent.
+            // However, if there is a frame Tx (of any frame) already pending, 
+            // we won't request a new frame to be sent. Note that it can really
+            // be any frame, i.e. for any AC, as we currently always set all the
+            // ACs as trigger enabled if U-APSD is used
+            if ( !iWlanContextImpl.UnsentTxPackets() )
+                {
+                if ( !iNullSender.TxNullDataFrame( iWlanContextImpl, ETrue ) )
+                    {
+                    // frame was not sent because we didn't get a Tx buffer.
+                    // In this case we'll skip the sending
+                    // However, we need to re-arm the timer to trigger the next
+                    // QoS Null Data frame sending
+                    RegisterNullTimeout( iNullTimeout );
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // frame Tx already pending, so we don't ask a QoS Null to be sent
+                OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                    ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnNullTimerTimeout: frame Tx already pending. New QoS Null Tx request skipped") );
+                // However, we need to re-arm the timer to trigger the next
+                // QoS Null Data frame sending
+                RegisterNullTimeout( iNullTimeout );
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // No need to send QoS Null; yet. Re-arm the timer with 
+            // a suitable timeout relative to the time of the latest Tx
+            // in QoS Null frame sending state
+            RegisterNullTimeout( iNullTimeout - KTimeAfterLatestTx );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::OnQosNullDataTxCompleted()
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnQosNullDataTxCompleted entry: iFlags: 0x%08x"),
+        iFlags );
+    if ( iFlags & KVoiceOverWlanCallMaintenanceStarted &&
+         iFlags & KInVoiceCallState &&
+         iWlanContextImpl.CurrentDot11PwrMgmtMode() == WHA::KPsEnable )
+        {
+        // we are doing Voice over WLAN Call maintenance, in Voice Call 
+        // state and also in PS mode 
+        // as the previous QoS Null Data, i.e. U-APSD Trigger, Frame has been
+        // transmitted, re-arm the timer for the next round
+        RegisterNullTimeout( iNullTimeout );
+        }
+    iLatestTx = os_systemTime();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::OnNoVoiceTimerTimeout()
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnNoVoiceTimerTimeout entry: iFlags: 0x%08x"),
+        iFlags );    
+    iFlags &= ~KNoVoiceTimerArmed;
+    const TInt64 KTimeNow( os_systemTime() );
+    const TUint32 KTimeAfterLatestVoiceRxOrTxInVoiceCallState ( 
+        static_cast<TUint32>(KTimeNow - 
+                             iLatestVoiceRxOrTxInVoiceCallState) );
+    if ( KTimeAfterLatestVoiceRxOrTxInVoiceCallState >= iNoVoiceTimeout )
+        {
+        // no real Voice priority traffic any more.
+        // check if there still is traffic which may be Voice traffic
+        // erroneously tagged as Best Effort priority 
+        if ( KTimeNow -
+             // the oldest time stamp of these frames that we have in our
+             // records - or zero if such a time stamp doesn't exist
+             iBestEffortVoiceRxTimeStamp[iBestEffortVoiceRxInd] > 
+             iBestEffortVoiceRxTimeWindow )
+            {
+            // exit Voice Call state
+            iFlags &= ~KInVoiceCallState;
+            // Send voice call state change indication to engine
+            iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.OnInDicationEvent( EVoiceCallOff );
+            OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnNoVoiceTimerTimeout: Exit Voice Call state") );
+            // stop the possibly ongoing Null frame sending by canceling the 
+            // Null timer
+            CancelNullTimeout();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnNoVoiceTimerTimeout: Continue in Voice Call state") );
+            RegisterNoVoiceTimeout( iNoVoiceTimeout );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // don't exit Voice Call state. Re-arm the timer instead with a 
+        // suitable timeout relative to the latest Voice priority frame 
+        // Rx or Tx in Voice Call state 
+        RegisterNoVoiceTimeout( 
+            iNoVoiceTimeout - KTimeAfterLatestVoiceRxOrTxInVoiceCallState );        
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::OnKeepAliveTimerTimeout()
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnKeepAliveTimerTimeout") );
+    iFlags &= ~KKeepAliveTimerArmed;
+    TUint32 KTimeAfterLatestTx ( 
+        static_cast<TUint32>(os_systemTime() - iLatestTx) );
+    if ( KTimeAfterLatestTx >= iKeepAliveTimeout )
+        {
+        // request a regular Null Data frame to be sent
+        // however, if there is a frame Tx (of any frame) already pending, 
+        // we won't request a new frame to be sent. 
+        if ( !iWlanContextImpl.UnsentTxPackets() )
+            {
+            if ( !iNullSender.TxNullDataFrame( iWlanContextImpl, EFalse ) )
+                {
+                // frame was not sent because we didn't get a Tx buffer.
+                // In this case we'll skip the sending
+                // However, we need to re-arm the timer to trigger the next
+                // Null Data frame sending
+                RegisterKeepAliveTimeout( iKeepAliveTimeout );
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // frame Tx already pending, so we don't ask a Null Data to be sent
+            OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+                ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::OnKeepAliveTimerTimeout: frame Tx already pending. New Null Data Tx request skipped") );
+            // However, we need to re-arm the timer to trigger the next
+            // Null Data frame sending
+            RegisterKeepAliveTimeout( iKeepAliveTimeout );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // No need to send keep alive; yet. Re-arm the timer with 
+        // a suitable timeout relative to the time of the latest frame Tx
+        RegisterKeepAliveTimeout( iKeepAliveTimeout - KTimeAfterLatestTx );        
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::RegisterVoiceCallEntryTimeout()
+    {
+    CancelVoiceCallEntryTimeout();
+    iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.RegisterTimeout( 
+        iVoiceCallEntryTimeout, 
+        EWlanVoiceCallEntryTimer );
+    iFlags |= KVoiceCallEntryPending;
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::RegisterVoiceCallEntryTimeout: timer armed") );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::RegisterNullTimeout( 
+    TUint32 aTimeoutInMicroSeconds )
+    {
+    CancelNullTimeout();
+    iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.RegisterTimeout( 
+        aTimeoutInMicroSeconds, 
+        EWlanNullTimer );
+    iFlags |= KNullTimerArmed;
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::RegisterNullTimeout: timer armed") );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::RegisterNoVoiceTimeout( 
+    TUint32 aTimeoutInMicroSeconds )
+    {
+    CancelNoVoiceTimeout();
+    iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.RegisterTimeout( aTimeoutInMicroSeconds, 
+                                            EWlanNoVoiceTimer );
+    iFlags |= KNoVoiceTimerArmed;                                            
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::RegisterNoVoiceTimeout: timer armed") );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::RegisterKeepAliveTimeout( 
+    TUint32 aTimeoutInMicroSeconds )
+    {
+    CancelKeepAliveTimeout();
+    iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.RegisterTimeout( aTimeoutInMicroSeconds, 
+                                            EWlanKeepAliveTimer );
+    iFlags |= KKeepAliveTimerArmed;
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::RegisterKeepAliveTimeout: timer armed") );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::CancelVoiceCallEntryTimeout()
+    {
+    if ( iFlags & KVoiceCallEntryPending )
+        {
+        iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.CancelTimeout( EWlanVoiceCallEntryTimer );        
+        iFlags &= ~KVoiceCallEntryPending;
+        OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::CancelVoiceCallEntryTimeout: timer cancelled") );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::CancelNullTimeout()
+    {
+    if ( iFlags & KNullTimerArmed )
+        {
+        iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.CancelTimeout( EWlanNullTimer );        
+        iFlags &= ~KNullTimerArmed;
+        OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::CancelNullTimeout: timer cancelled") );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::CancelNoVoiceTimeout()
+    {
+    if ( iFlags & KNoVoiceTimerArmed )
+        {
+        iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.CancelTimeout( EWlanNoVoiceTimer );    
+        iFlags &= ~KNoVoiceTimerArmed;
+        OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::CancelNoVoiceTimeout: timer cancelled") );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::CancelKeepAliveTimeout()
+    {
+    if ( iFlags & KKeepAliveTimerArmed )
+        {
+        iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.CancelTimeout( EWlanKeepAliveTimer );        
+        iFlags &= ~KKeepAliveTimerArmed;
+        OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+            ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::CancelKeepAliveTimeout: timer cancelled") );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void WlanNullSendController::EnterVoiceCallState()
+    {
+    OsTracePrint( KUmacDetails, (TUint8*)
+        ("UMAC: WlanNullSendController::EnterVoiceCallState") );
+    CancelVoiceCallEntryTimeout();
+    iFlags |= KInVoiceCallState;
+    // Send voice call state change indication to engine
+    iWlanContextImpl.iUmac.OnInDicationEvent( EVoiceCallOn );
+    // arm the No Voice timer so that we also exit the Voice Call
+    // state at some point
+    iLatestVoiceRxOrTxInVoiceCallState = os_systemTime();
+    RegisterNoVoiceTimeout( iNoVoiceTimeout );
+    if ( ( iWlanContextImpl.UapsdUsedForVoice() ) &&
+         ( iWlanContextImpl.CurrentDot11PwrMgmtMode() == WHA::KPsEnable ) )
+        {
+        // U-APSD is used for Voice and we are also in PS mode,
+        // so initiate QoS Null Frame sending by arming the timer
+        RegisterNullTimeout( iNullTimeout );                        
+        }
+    }