changeset 43 d3d7683d16f5
parent 42 a828660c511c
--- a/wlan_bearer/wlanengine/wlan_common/wlanengine_common_3.1/src/core_eapol_handler.cpp	Tue Aug 31 17:02:06 2010 +0300
+++ b/wlan_bearer/wlanengine/wlan_common/wlanengine_common_3.1/src/core_eapol_handler.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:41:05 2010 +0100
@@ -110,17 +110,6 @@
             send_unencrypted );
-    if ( !server_m->get_connection_data()->current_ap_data() )
-        {
-        /**
-         * EAPOL might try to send packets after a failed connection attempt,
-         * filter them out. This check is only valid when no handler is registered.
-         */
-        DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::packet_send() - not connected or attempting connection, ignoring" );
-        return core_error_ok;
-        }
@@ -593,20 +582,6 @@
-        case wlan_eapol_if_message_type_function_complete_disassociation:
-            {
-            network_id_c network_id( NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0 );
-            error = function.parse_complete_disassociation(
-                &network_id );
-            if ( error == core_error_ok )
-                {
-                error = complete_disassociation(
-                    &network_id );
-                }
-            break;
-            }
         case wlan_eapol_if_message_type_function_none:
             DEBUG1( "core_eapol_handler_c::send_data() - Error: unknown function %i", func );
@@ -878,69 +853,6 @@
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-core_error_e core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation(
-    network_id_c * receive_network_id )
-    {
-    DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation()" );
-    if( !server_m->get_connection_data() ||
-        !server_m->get_connection_data()->is_eapol_disconnecting() )
-        {
-        DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::handle_wlan_authentication_state() - complete_disassociation received while not disconnecting, ignoring" );
-        return core_error_general;
-        }
-    const core_mac_address_s cur_bssid(
-        server_m->get_connection_data()->eapol_auth_bssid() );
-    const core_mac_address_s bssid(
-        receive_network_id->source() );
-    DEBUG6( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - function BSSID is %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
-        bssid.addr[0], bssid.addr[1], bssid.addr[2], 
-        bssid.addr[3], bssid.addr[4], bssid.addr[5] );
-    DEBUG6( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - current BSSID is %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
-        cur_bssid.addr[0], cur_bssid.addr[1], cur_bssid.addr[2], 
-        cur_bssid.addr[3], cur_bssid.addr[4], cur_bssid.addr[5] );
-    DEBUG1( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - EAPOL authentication failure status is %u",
-        server_m->get_connection_data()->eapol_auth_failure() );
-    bool_t is_eapol_authentication_started(
-        server_m->get_connection_data()->is_eapol_authentication_started() );
-    DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - marking is_eapol_authenticating as false" );
-    server_m->get_connection_data()->set_eapol_authenticating(
-        false_t );
-    DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - marking is_eapol_authentication_started as false" );
-    server_m->get_connection_data()->set_eapol_authentication_started(
-        false_t );
-    DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - marking is_eapol_disconnecting as false" );
-    server_m->get_connection_data()->set_eapol_disconnecting(
-        false_t );
-    /**
-     * We only care about the pending status notification in case the authentication
-     * has been started by us, otherwise we'll just ignore it. 
-     */
-    if ( is_eapol_authentication_started )
-        {
-        DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - completing request" );
-        server_m->request_complete(
-            server_m->get_connection_data()->eapol_auth_failure() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::complete_disassociation() - completing request (authentication not started)" );
-        server_m->request_complete(
-            core_error_ok );
-        }
-    return core_error_ok;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void core_eapol_handler_c::handle_error(
     wlan_eapol_if_error_e errorcode,
     wlan_eapol_if_message_type_function_e function )
@@ -1062,18 +974,8 @@
-    server_m->get_connection_data()->set_eapol_auth_failure(
-        eapol_wlan_authentication_state_to_error( state )  );
-    if ( server_m->get_connection_data()->is_eapol_disconnecting() )
-        {
-        DEBUG( "core_ap_data_c::instance() - disassociation pending, request cannot be completed yet" );
-        return;
-        }
     bool_t is_authentication_started( server_m->get_connection_data()->is_eapol_authenticating() );
     DEBUG( "core_eapol_handler_c::handle_wlan_authentication_state() - marking is_eapol_authenticating as false" );
         false_t );