changeset 0 e35f40988205
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // GZIP output stream functions
    15 //
    17 #include "xmlenggzipfileoutputstream.h"
    18 #include <ezstream.h>
    19 #include <ezcompressor.h>
    21 /**
    22  * Default input buffers size.
    23  */
    24 const TInt CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::KDefaultInputBufferSize = 4096;
    26 /**
    27  * Output buffer size. It determines, how often output data will be written
    28  * to disk. (it's written to disk, when buffer is full.
    29  *
    30  */
    31 const TInt CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::KOutputBufferSize = 0x8000;
    33 CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream* CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::NewLC( RFile& aOutputFile, 
    34                                                                 RFs& aRFs )
    35     {
    36     CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream* gzfos = new (ELeave) CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream( aOutputFile, 
    37 	                                                                                aRFs );
    38     CleanupStack::PushL( gzfos );
    39     gzfos->ConstructL();
    40     return gzfos;	
    41     }
    43 CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream* CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::NewL( RFile& aOutputFile, 
    44                                                                 RFs& aRFs )
    45     {
    46     CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream* gzfos = CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::NewLC( aOutputFile, 
    47 	                                                                                aRFs );
    48     CleanupStack::Pop( gzfos );
    49     return gzfos;	
    50     }
    52 CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream( RFile& aOutputFile, RFs& aRFs )
    53     {
    54     iKeepGoing = ETrue;
    55     iOutputFile = aOutputFile;
    56     iRFs = aRFs;
    57     iCrc = crc32( iCrc, NULL, 0 );
    58     }
    60 void CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::ConstructL()
    61     {
    62     EZGZipFile::WriteHeaderL( iOutputFile, iHeader );
    63     //we can't create compressor here, because we heve no input at this moment
    64     iOutputDescriptor.CreateL( KOutputBufferSize );
    65     iInputDescriptor.CreateL( KDefaultInputBufferSize );
    66     iOldInputDescriptor.CreateL( KDefaultInputBufferSize );
    67     }
    69 CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::~CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream()
    70     {
    71     delete iCompressor;
    72     iOutputDescriptor.Close();
    73     iInputDescriptor.Close();
    74     iOldInputDescriptor.Close();
    75     }
    77 TInt CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::Write( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
    78     {
    79     TRAP ( iError, WriteL( aBuffer ) );
    80     if ( iError )
    81         {
    82         return KErrNotFound;
    83         }
    85     TInt bufferSize = aBuffer.Size();
    86     iUncompressedDataSize += bufferSize;
    88     return bufferSize;
    89     }
    91 void CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::WriteL( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
    92     {
    93     iNoInputNeeded = ETrue;
    94     if ( !iCompressor )
    95         {
    96         const TInt newLength = aBuffer.Length();
    97         if ( newLength > iInputDescriptor.MaxLength() )
    98             {
    99             iInputDescriptor.ReAllocL( newLength );
   100             }
   101         iInputDescriptor.Copy( aBuffer );
   102         iCompressor = CEZCompressor::NewL( *this, CEZCompressor::EDefaultCompression,
   103 		                                                             -CEZCompressor::EMaxWBits );    
   104         }
   105     else
   106         {
   107         iInputDescriptor.Swap( iOldInputDescriptor );
   108         const TInt newLength = aBuffer.Length();
   109         if ( newLength > iInputDescriptor.MaxLength() )
   110             {
   111             iInputDescriptor.ReAllocL( newLength );
   112             }
   113         iInputDescriptor.Copy( aBuffer );		    
   115         while ( iNoInputNeeded )
   116             {
   117             iCompressor->DeflateL();
   118             }		        
   119         }       		
   120     }
   122 TInt CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::Close()
   123     {
   124     iCloseInvoked = ETrue;
   125     if ( iError )
   126 		    {
   127 	        return -1;
   128 		    }
   129     TRAP ( iError, CloseL() );
   130     if ( iError )
   131         {
   132         return KErrNotFound;
   133         }		
   134     return KErrNone;
   135     }
   137 void CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::CloseL()
   138     {
   139     while ( iKeepGoing )
   140         {
   141         iKeepGoing = iCompressor->DeflateL();
   142         }
   143     TEZGZipTrailer trailer( iCrc, iUncompressedDataSize );
   144     EZGZipFile::WriteTrailerL( iOutputFile, trailer );
   145     }
   147 TInt CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::CheckError()
   148     {
   149     return iError;
   150     }
   152 void CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::InitializeL( CEZZStream& aZStream )
   153     {
   154     aZStream.SetInput(iInputDescriptor);
   155     aZStream.SetOutput(iOutputDescriptor);
   156     iCrc = crc32(iCrc,iInputDescriptor.Ptr(),iInputDescriptor.Size());
   157     iNoInputNeeded = EFalse;
   158     }
   160 void CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::NeedInputL( CEZZStream& aZStream )
   161     {
   162     if ( iCloseInvoked )
   163         {
   164         aZStream.SetInput( KNullDesC8 );
   165         iCrc = crc32( iCrc, (unsigned char*)18, 0 );    
   166         //second argument can't be null, and third should be 0 !!!
   167         }
   168     else        
   169         {
   170         aZStream.SetInput( iInputDescriptor );
   171         iCrc = crc32( iCrc, iInputDescriptor.Ptr(), iInputDescriptor.Size() );
   172         iNoInputNeeded = EFalse;
   173         }
   174     }
   176 void CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::NeedOutputL( CEZZStream& aZStream )
   177     {
   178     TPtrC8 od = aZStream.OutputDescriptor();    	
   179     User::LeaveIfError( iOutputFile.Write(od) );
   180     aZStream.SetOutput( iOutputDescriptor );
   181     }
   183 void CXmlEngGZIPFileOutputStream::FinalizeL( CEZZStream& aZStream )
   184     {
   185     TPtrC8 od = aZStream.OutputDescriptor();    	
   186     User::LeaveIfError( iOutputFile.Write(od) );    
   187     }