1 |
2 Expat, Release 1.95.5 |
3 |
4 This is Expat, a C library for parsing XML, written by James Clark. |
5 Expat is a stream-oriented XML parser. This means that you register |
6 handlers with the parser before starting the parse. These handlers |
7 are called when the parser discovers the associated structures in the |
8 document being parsed. A start tag is an example of the kind of |
9 structures for which you may register handlers. |
10 |
11 Windows users should use the expat_win32bin package, which includes |
12 both precompiled libraries and executalbes, and source code for |
13 developers. |
14 |
15 Expat is free software. You may copy, distribute, and modify it under |
16 the terms of the License contained in the file COPYING distributed |
17 with this package. This license is the same as the MIT/X Consortium |
18 license. |
19 |
20 Versions of Expat that have an odd minor version (the middle number in |
21 the release above), are development releases and should be considered |
22 as beta software. Releases with even minor version numbers are |
23 intended to be production grade software. |
24 |
25 If you are building Expat from a check-out from the CVS repository, |
26 you need to run a script that generates the configure script using the |
27 GNU autoconf and libtool tools. To do this, you need to have |
28 autoconf 2.52 or newer and libtool 1.4 or newer. Run the script like |
29 this: |
30 |
31 ./buildconf.sh |
32 |
33 Once this has been done, follow the same instructions as for building |
34 from a source distribution. |
35 |
36 To build Expat from a source distribution, you first run the |
37 configuration shell script in the top level distribution directory: |
38 |
39 ./configure |
40 |
41 There are many options which you may provide to configure (which you |
42 can discover by running configure with the --help option). But the |
43 one of most interest is the one that sets the installation directory. |
44 By default, the configure script will set things up to install |
45 libexpat into /usr/local/lib, expat.h into /usr/local/include, and |
46 xmlwf into /usr/local/bin. If, for example, you'd prefer to install |
47 into /home/me/mystuff/lib, /home/me/mystuff/include, and |
48 /home/me/mystuff/bin, you can tell configure about that with: |
49 |
50 ./configure --prefix=/home/me/mystuff |
51 |
52 After running the configure script, the "make" command will build |
53 things and "make install" will install things into their proper |
54 location. Note that you need to have write permission into the |
55 directories into which things will be installed. |
56 |
57 If you are interested in building Expat to provide document |
58 information in UTF-16 rather than the default UTF-8, following these |
59 instructions: |
60 |
61 1. For UTF-16 output as unsigned short (and version/error |
62 strings as char), run: |
63 |
64 ./configure CPPFLAGS=-DXML_UNICODE |
65 |
66 For UTF-16 output as wchar_t (incl. version/error strings), |
67 run: |
68 |
69 ./configure CFLAGS="-g -O2 -fshort-wchar" \ |
71 |
72 2. Edit the MakeFile, changing: |
73 |
74 LIBRARY = libexpat.la |
75 |
76 to: |
77 |
78 LIBRARY = libexpatw.la |
79 |
80 (Note the additional "w" in the library name.) |
81 |
82 3. Run "make buildlib" (which builds the library only). |
83 |
84 4. Run "make installlib" (which installs the library only). |
85 |
86 Note for Solaris users: The "ar" command is usually located in |
87 "/usr/ccs/bin", which is not in the default PATH. You will need to |
88 add this to your path for the "make" command, and probably also switch |
89 to GNU make (the "make" found in /usr/ccs/bin does not seem to work |
90 properly -- appearantly it does not understand .PHONY directives). If |
91 you're using ksh or bash, use this command to build: |
92 |
93 PATH=/usr/ccs/bin:$PATH make |
94 |
95 When using Expat with a project using autoconf for configuration, you |
96 can use the probing macro in conftools/expat.m4 to determine how to |
97 include Expat. See the comments at the top of that file for more |
98 information. |
99 |
100 A reference manual is available in the file doc/reference.html in this |
101 distribution. |
102 |
103 The homepage for this project is http://www.libexpat.org/. There |
104 are links there to connect you to the bug reports page. If you need |
105 to report a bug when you don't have access to a browser, you may also |
106 send a bug report by email to expat-bugs@mail.libexpat.org. |
107 |
108 Discussion related to the direction of future expat development takes |
109 place on expat-discuss@mail.libexpat.org. Archives of this list and |
110 other Expat-related lists may be found at: |
111 |
112 http://mail.libexpat.org/mailman-21/listinfo/ |