changeset 32 889504eac4fb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xml/cxmllibrary/src/xmlp/src/XmlpEntity.cpp	Tue Aug 31 17:02:56 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2001 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "cxml_internal.h"
+#include <xml/cxml/nw_xmlp_xmlreader.h>
+#include <xml/cxml/nw_xmlp_xmlparser.h>
+#include <xml/cxml/nw_string_string.h>
+#include "cxml_xmlp_entity.h"
+#include "cxml_xmlp_int_entity.h"
+/*IMPORTANT NOTE: This array must be sorted by entity name.  The lookup function
+ *				  does a binary search.
+ *
+ *                When you update this table make sure the constant 
+ *				  CXML_Num_CaseInsensitive_Entries which is the count of 
+ *				  caseinsensitive entries is updated correctly 
+ */
+#define CXML_Num_CaseInsensitive_Entries 126
+const CXML_EntitySet_Entry_t CXML_EntitySet_Array[] = 
+   // CaseSensitive entries
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "AElig", 198 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Aacute", 193 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Acirc", 194 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Agrave", 192 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Alpha", 913 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Aring", 197 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Atilde", 195 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Auml", 196 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Beta", 914 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ccedil", 199 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Chi", 935 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Dagger", 8225 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Delta", 916 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ETH", 208 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Eacute", 201 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ecirc", 202 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Egrave", 200 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Epsilon", 917 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Eta", 919 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Euml", 203 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Gamma", 915 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Iacute", 205 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Icirc", 206 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Igrave", 204 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Iota", 921 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Iuml", 207 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Kappa", 922 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Lambda", 923 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Mu", 924 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ntilde", 209 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Nu", 925 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "OElig", 338 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Oacute", 211 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ocirc", 212 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ograve", 210 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Omega", 937 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Omicron", 927 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Oslash", 216 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Otilde", 213 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ouml", 214 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Phi", 934 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Pi", 928 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Prime", 8243 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Psi", 936 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Rho", 929 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Scaron", 352 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Sigma", 931 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "THORN", 222 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Tau", 932 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Theta", 920 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Uacute", 218 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ucirc", 219 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Ugrave", 217 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Upsilon", 933 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Uuml", 220 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Xi", 926 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Yacute", 221 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Yuml", 376 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "Zeta", 918 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "aacute", 225 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "acirc", 226 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "acute", 180 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "aelig", 230 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "agrave", 224 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "alpha", 945 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "atilde", 227 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "auml", 228 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "beta", 946 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ccedil", 231 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "chi", 967 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "dArr", 8659 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "dagger", 8224 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "darr", 8595 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "delta", 948 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "eacute", 233 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ecirc", 234 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "egrave", 232 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "epsilon", 949 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "eta", 951 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "euml", 235 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "gamma", 947 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "hArr", 8660 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "harr", 8596 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "iacute", 237 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "icirc", 238 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "igrave", 236 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "iota", 953 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "iuml", 239 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "kappa", 954 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lArr", 8656 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lambda", 955 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "larr", 8592 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "mu", 956 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ntilde", 241 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "nu", 957 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "oacute", 243 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ocirc", 244 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "oelig", 339 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ograve", 242 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "omega", 969 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "omicron", 959 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "oslash", 248 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "otilde", 245 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "otimes", 8855 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ouml", 246 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "phi", 966 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "pi", 960 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "psi", 968 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rArr", 8658 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rarr", 8594 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rho", 961 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "scaron", 353 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sigma", 963 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "tau", 964 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "theta", 952 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "thorn", 254 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "uArr", 8657 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "uacute", 250 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "uarr", 8593 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ucirc", 251 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ugrave", 249 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "upsilon", 965 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "uuml", 252 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "xi", 958 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "yacute", 253 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "yuml", 255 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "zeta", 950 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "zwj", 8205 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "zwnj", 8204 },
+// Case Insensitive entries
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "alefsym", 8501 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "amp", 38 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "and", 8743 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ang", 8736 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "apos", 39 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "aring", 229 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "asymp", 8776 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "bdquo", 8222 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "brvbar", 166 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "bull", 8226 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "cap", 8745 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "cedil", 184 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "cent", 162 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "circ", 710 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "clubs", 9827 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "cong", 8773 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "copy", 169 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "crarr", 8629 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "cup", 8746 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "curren", 164 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "deg", 176 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "diams", 9830 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "divide", 247 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "empty", 8709 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "emsp", 8195 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ensp", 8194 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "equiv", 8801 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "eth", 240 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "euro", 8364 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "exist", 8707 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "fnof", 402 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "forall", 8704 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "frac12", 189 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "frac14", 188 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "frac34", 190 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "frasl", 8260 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ge", 8805 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "gt", 62 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "hearts", 9829 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "hellip", 8230 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "iexcl", 161 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "image", 8465 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "infin", 8734 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "int", 8747 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "iquest", 191 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "isin", 8712 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lang", 9001 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "laquo", 171 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lceil", 8968 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ldquo", 8220 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "le", 8804 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lfloor", 8970 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lowast", 8727 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "loz", 9674 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lrm", 8206 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lsaquo", 8249 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lsquo", 8216 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "lt", 60 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "macr", 175 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "mdash", 8212 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "micro", 181 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "middot", 183 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "minus", 8722 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "nabla", 8711 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "nbsp", 160 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ndash", 8211 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ne", 8800 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ni", 8715 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "not", 172 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "notin", 8713 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "nsub", 8836 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "oline", 8254 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "oplus", 8853 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "or", 8744 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ordf", 170 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "ordm", 186 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "para", 182 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "part", 8706 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "permil", 8240 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "perp", 8869 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "piv", 982 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "plusmn", 177 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "pound", 163 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "prime", 8242 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "prod", 8719 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "prop", 8733 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "quot", 34 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "radic", 8730 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rang", 9002 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "raquo", 187 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rceil", 8969 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rdquo", 8221 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "real", 8476 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "reg", 174 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rfloor", 8971 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rlm", 8207 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rsaquo", 8250 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "rsquo", 8217 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sbquo", 8218 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sdot", 8901 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sect", 167 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "shy", 173 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sigmaf", 962 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sim", 8764 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "spades", 9824 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sub", 8834 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sube", 8838 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sum", 8721 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sup", 8835 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sup1", 185 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sup2", 178 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "sup3", 179 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "supe", 8839 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "szlig", 223 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "there4", 8756 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "thetasym", 977 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "thinsp", 8201 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "tilde", 732 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "times", 215 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "trade", 8482 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*)"uml", 168 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "upsih", 978 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "weierp", 8472 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "yen", 165 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "zwj", 8205 },
+  {(CXML_Uint8*) "zwnj", 8204 },
+const CXML_Uint32 CXML_ALL_PREDEFINE_ENTITIES = (sizeof(CXML_EntitySet_Array)
+   / sizeof(CXML_EntitySet_Entry_t));
+/* It assumes the parser at the begginning i.e '&' symbol. 
+ * The entity name stops at (;) or at '>'. If it is stopped
+ * at (;) then it is a valid entity.
+ * If it stops at '>' then it is not a valid entity.
+ */
+NW_Status_t CXML_XML_Parser_Entity(NW_XML_Reader_t* pT,
+							    NW_XML_Reader_Interval_t* I_entityData,
+							    NW_Bool* entityFound)
+ NW_Status_t s;
+ NW_Bool endFound = NW_FALSE;
+ //NW_Uint32 isSpace;
+ NW_Uint32 cnt=0;
+ NW_Uint32 match;
+ s = NW_XML_Reader_Advance(pT); //Pass over the '&' symbol
+ {
+  return NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ NW_XML_Reader_Interval_Start(I_entityData, pT);
+ // Just check for false entity or error in entity e.g. If entity is not 
+ // terminated by (;)
+ for(cnt=0; ; )
+ {
+  cnt++;
+  //check for terminating entity character
+  s = NW_XML_Reader_AsciiCharMatch(pT, ';', &match); 
+  {
+    return NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(match)
+  {
+   endFound = NW_TRUE;
+   break;
+  }
+  //Check condition if it is malformed entity. Exit at least 
+  //at the end of attribute or contents.
+  s = NW_XML_Reader_AsciiCharMatch(pT, '>', &match); 
+  {
+    return NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+  }
+    if(match)
+    {
+     endFound = NW_FALSE;
+     break;
+    }
+   //Move to next character
+   s = NW_XML_Reader_Advance(pT); 
+   if (NW_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s))
+   {
+    return NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+   }
+ }//end for
+ if(endFound == NW_TRUE)
+ {
+	 NW_XML_Reader_Interval_Stop(I_entityData, pT);
+	 *entityFound = NW_TRUE;
+    //Move over end of entity i.e. (;) character.
+    s = NW_XML_Reader_Advance(pT); 
+    if (NW_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s))
+    {
+     return NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+    }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+	*entityFound = NW_FALSE;
+ }
+ return s;
+}//end CXML_Parser_Entity(...)
+/* Function to verify the digit depending on its base */
+CXML_Int32 CXML_XML_IsValidDigit (const CXML_Ucs2 ch, 
+                       NW_Int32 base) 
+  switch (base) {
+    case 10: 
+      return CXML_Str_Isdigit (ch);
+    case 16:
+      return CXML_Str_Isxdigit (ch);
+    default:
+      return 0;
+  }
+ * Function converts the entity string to the entity value.
+ */
+NW_Bool CXML_XML_GetNumEntityChar (const CXML_Ucs2* instring, 
+                           CXML_Ucs2 *retchar, 
+                           CXML_Int32 base) 
+  CXML_Int32 result = 0;
+  CXML_Int32 prevResult;
+  CXML_Uint32 currDigit = 0;
+  if (*instring == 0) {
+    return NW_FALSE;
+  }
+  while (*instring != 0) {
+    if (!(CXML_XML_IsValidDigit (*instring, base)))
+      return NW_FALSE;
+    if (CXML_Str_Isdigit (*instring)) {
+      currDigit = *instring - CXML_ASCII_0;
+      instring++;
+    } 
+    else {
+      currDigit = CXML_Str_ToUpper (*instring) - CXML_ASCII_UPPER_A + 10;
+      instring++;
+    }
+    prevResult = result;
+    result = result * base + currDigit;
+    if (result < prevResult) {
+      return NW_FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  if (result > 0xffff || result < 0x0) 
+    return NW_FALSE;
+  *retchar = (NW_Ucs2) result;
+  return NW_TRUE;
+}//end NW_Bool CXML_XML_GetNumEntityChar(..)
+/* This function uses the binary search to find the predefined
+ * entity names and corresponding value if found in the array.
+ */
+static NW_Ucs2
+CXML_Get_Entity_Val (NW_Ucs2 *name)
+  CXML_Int32 index;
+  NW_Status_t s = NW_STAT_SUCCESS;
+  const CXML_EntitySet_Entry_t* entry;
+  NW_Ucs2* ucs2TempStr = NULL;
+  CXML_Uint32 entityLength = 0;
+  /* First do a binary search search in the case sensitive part of the array */
+  CXML_Int32 low = 0;
+  CXML_Int32 high = CXML_ALL_PREDEFINE_ENTITIES - CXML_Num_CaseInsensitive_Entries - 1;
+  CXML_Int32 res = 0;
+  while (low <= high ) {
+    index = (high + low) / 2;
+    entry = & (CXML_EntitySet_Array[index]);
+    entityLength = CXML_Asc_strlen((CXML_Int8 *)entry->name);
+    s = NW_String_byteToUCS2Char(entry->name,entityLength,&ucs2TempStr);
+	 {
+	  return 0;
+	 }
+    // do a case insensitive string comparison
+    res = CXML_Str_StrcmpConst( name, ucs2TempStr );
+    if(ucs2TempStr != NULL)
+	 {
+	  NW_Mem_Free(ucs2TempStr);
+      ucs2TempStr = NULL;
+	 }
+    if ( res > 0 ) {
+      /* name is ahead of this slot.  Increase low bound. */
+      low = index + 1;
+    } else if ( res < 0 ) {
+      /* name is behind this slot.  Decrease high bound. */
+      high = index - 1;
+    } else {
+      /* Found the entity name.  Return its value. */
+      return entry->value;
+    }
+  }
+  /* if no match was found search in the case insensitive part of the table. */
+  low = CXML_ALL_PREDEFINE_ENTITIES - CXML_Num_CaseInsensitive_Entries;
+  res = 0;
+  while (low <= high )
+  {
+    index = (high + low) / 2;
+    entry = &(CXML_EntitySet_Array[index]);
+    entityLength = CXML_Asc_strlen((CXML_Int8 *)entry->name);
+    s = NW_String_byteToUCS2Char(entry->name,entityLength,&ucs2TempStr);
+	 {
+	  return 0;
+	 }
+    // do a case insensitive string comparison
+    res = CXML_Str_Stricmp( name, ucs2TempStr );
+    if(ucs2TempStr != NULL)
+	 {
+	  NW_Mem_Free(ucs2TempStr);
+      ucs2TempStr = NULL;
+	 }
+    if ( res > 0 ) {
+      /* name is ahead of this slot.  Increase low bound. */
+      low = index + 1;
+    } else if ( res < 0 ) {
+      /* name is behind this slot.  Decrease high bound. */
+      high = index - 1;
+    } else {
+      /* Found the entity name.  Return its value. */
+      return entry->value;
+    }
+  }/*end while */
+  /* if no match were found we return 0 */
+  return 0;
+/* This function is called when entity of valid syntax is found. The 
+ * entity validity is checked here.
+ *
+ * E.g. &ggg; is valid syntax entity but not a valid entity. In this 
+ *             case continue parsing the entity as it is. Create this
+ *             as normal contents not as the entity.
+ *
+ * entityContent ==> Entity Name (e.g. "amp")
+ * length        ==> Length of Entity Name.
+ * entityVal     ==> This parameter will contain the entity value.
+ *                   if it is character entites (decimal, hex or predefined)
+ *
+ * entityFound  ==> TRUE if it is valid entity of any kind.
+ * encoding     ==> Encoding of input string.
+ *
+ * Resolve the following type of entities 
+ * 1) Character hex entry
+ * 2) Character decimal entry
+ * 3) Prefined entry
+ * 4) Internal Entities defined in the DTD.
+ *
+ */
+NW_Status_t CXML_XML_Resolve_Entity( CXML_Uint8* entityContent,
+									CXML_Uint32 length,
+									NW_Uint32* entityVal,
+                                    CXML_Uint8** entityValStr,
+									NW_Bool* entityFound,
+                                    NW_Uint32 encoding,
+                                    void* internalEntityList)
+ NW_Status_t s = NW_STAT_SUCCESS;
+ NW_Ucs2 entityChar = 0;
+ NW_Ucs2* ucs2Str = NULL;
+ NW_Bool entityGot = NW_FALSE;
+    if( encoding == HTTP_iso_10646_ucs_2 )
+    {
+     /* Extra two bytes for NULL termination as UCS should be always 
+      * even bytes.
+      */
+     ucs2Str = (NW_Ucs2*) NW_Mem_Malloc(length+2);
+     if(ucs2Str != NULL)
+     {
+      (void)NW_Mem_memcpy(ucs2Str, entityContent, length );
+      /* Null-terminate the string */
+       ucs2Str[length/2] = '\000';
+     }
+     else
+     {
+     }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+     s = NW_String_byteToUCS2Char(entityContent,length,&ucs2Str);
+    }
+	 if (NW_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s)) 
+	 {
+          if(ucs2Str != NULL)
+          {
+           NW_Mem_Free(ucs2Str);
+          }
+	  return s;
+	 }
+ /*Check and validate for Hex/Decimal numeric character entry */
+ if(ucs2Str[0] == '#')
+ {
+	entityGot = CXML_TRUE;
+	if( (ucs2Str[1] == 'x') || (ucs2Str[1] == 'X') )  //Hex entity
+	{
+	  if(CXML_XML_GetNumEntityChar(ucs2Str + 2,&entityChar,16) != NW_TRUE)
+	  {
+       /* Entity syntax is valid, but entity value is wrong so continue parsing it as
+        * normal syntax.
+        */
+       *entityFound = CXML_FALSE;
+         if(ucs2Str != NULL)
+          {
+           NW_Mem_Free(ucs2Str);
+          }
+	   return NW_STAT_SUCCESS;
+	  }
+      *entityVal = (entityChar);
+      *entityValStr = NULL;
+	}
+  else
+	{
+      /*Check and validate for Decimal numeric character entry */ 
+	  if(CXML_XML_GetNumEntityChar(ucs2Str + 1,&entityChar,10) != NW_TRUE)
+	  {
+       /* Entity syntax is valid, but entity value is wrong so continue parsing it as
+        * normal syntax.
+        */
+       *entityFound = CXML_FALSE;
+         if(ucs2Str != NULL)
+          {
+           NW_Mem_Free(ucs2Str);
+          }
+	   return NW_STAT_SUCCESS;
+	  }
+      *entityVal = (entityChar);
+      *entityValStr = NULL;
+	}
+   *entityFound = CXML_TRUE;
+ } //end if(ucs2Str[0] == '#')
+ /* Check for only predefined entities */
+ if(entityGot != CXML_TRUE)
+ {	
+	 if( ( entityChar = CXML_Get_Entity_Val(ucs2Str) ) != 0)
+	 {
+	  entityGot = NW_TRUE;
+	 }
+	 if(entityGot == NW_TRUE)
+	 {
+	  *entityVal =  entityChar;
+      *entityValStr = NULL;
+	  *entityFound = CXML_TRUE;
+	 }
+ } //end if(..)
+ /*Check for the Internal Entity */
+ if(entityGot != CXML_TRUE)
+ {	
+  s = CXML_XML_Resolve_Internal_Entity(ucs2Str, entityValStr, entityFound, encoding, internalEntityList);  
+  *entityVal =  0;
+ }
+ if(ucs2Str != NULL)
+ {
+  NW_Mem_Free(ucs2Str);
+ }
+}//end CXML_XML_Resolve_Entity()
+/* Reads the entity data. Decide about the entity. */
+NW_Status_t CXML_XML_Handle_entity(NW_XML_Reader_t* pT,
+								   NW_XML_Reader_Interval_t* pI_entityData,
+								   NW_Uint32* entityVal,
+                                   NW_Uint8** entityValStr,
+								   NW_Bool* entityFound,
+                                   void* internalEntityList)
+   NW_Status_t s;
+   NW_Uint32 length;
+   NW_Uint32 byteLength;
+   NW_Uint8* pContent;
+	if (!NW_XML_Reader_Interval_IsWellFormed(pI_entityData)) {
+        return NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    length = pI_entityData->stop - pI_entityData->start;
+    byteLength = length;
+    s = NW_XML_Reader_DataAddressFromBuffer(pT, pI_entityData->start,
+                                            &byteLength,
+                                            &pContent);
+    if (NW_STAT_IS_FAILURE(s)) {
+        return s;
+    }
+    if (byteLength != length) {
+        return NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+    }
+	s = CXML_XML_Resolve_Entity(pContent,length,entityVal,entityValStr,entityFound,
+                                pT->encoding, internalEntityList);
+return s;
+}//end CXML_XML_Handle_entity(..)
+ /* The following function converts the numeric entities to the 
+  * predefined entity.
+  */
+NW_Status_t CXML_XML_Entity_to_Ascii(CXML_Uint32 entityVal,
+									CXML_Byte* entityStr,
+									CXML_Uint32* strLen)
+ NW_Uint32 i = 0, j=0;
+ CXML_Uint32 entityLength = 0;
+ NW_Status_t s = NW_STAT_FAILURE;
+ for(i=0; i < CXML_ALL_PREDEFINE_ENTITIES; i++)
+ {
+  if(CXML_EntitySet_Array[i].value == entityVal)
+  {
+   entityStr[0] = '&'; //Starting of the entity
+   entityLength = CXML_Asc_strlen((CXML_Int8 *)CXML_EntitySet_Array[i].name);
+   for(j=0; j < entityLength; j++)
+   {
+    entityStr[j+1] = CXML_EntitySet_Array[i].name[j];
+   }
+    entityStr[j + 1] = ';' ; //end of entity
+    *strLen = entityLength + 2;
+    entityStr[*strLen] = '\0';
+	break;
+  }//endif
+ }//end for(..)
+ return s;
+}//end CXML_XML_Ascii_to_Entity(..)
+/* This function assumes that predefined entities. The predefined
+ * entities are defined in the CXML_EntitySet_Array[].
+ * 
+ */
+NW_Status_t CXML_XML_Get_Entity(CXML_Uint32 entityVal,
+								CXML_Byte* entityStr,
+								CXML_Uint32* strLen)
+ NW_Status_t s = NW_STAT_SUCCESS;
+ *strLen = 0;
+  s = CXML_XML_Entity_to_Ascii( entityVal,entityStr,strLen);
+ if(s == NW_STAT_FAILURE)
+ {
+  *entityStr = NULL;
+  *strLen    = NULL;
+ }
+ return s;
+}//end CXML_XML_Get_Entity()