changeset 34 c7e9f1c97567
parent 25 417699dc19c9
child 36 172b09aa4eb6
--- a/xml/legacyminidomparser/XMLParser/INC/GMXMLComposer.h	Thu Jul 01 15:13:40 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// This file contains the declaration of the generic CMDXMLComposer class
-// which is responsible for creating an XML file
-// from a given DOM structure.
- @file
-#ifndef __GMXMLCOMPOSER_H__
-#define __GMXMLCOMPOSER_H__
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <f32file.h>
-#include <gmxmlconstants.h>
-#include <charconv.h>
-//forward reference
-class CMDXMLDocument;
-class CMDXMLEntityConverter;
-class CMDXMLNode;
-class MMDXMLComposerObserver
-/** Abstract observer interface for notification when XML composition is complete.
-It should be implemented by users of CMDXMLComposer.
-	{
-	/**
-	 Call back function used to inform a client of the composer that the composer has completed.
-	 */
-	virtual void ComposeFileCompleteL() = 0;
-	};
-class CMDXMLComposer: public CActive
-/** Creates an XML file from a given DOM structure.
-	@publishedPartner
-    @released
- */
-	{
-	/** Destructor. */
-	IMPORT_C ~CMDXMLComposer();
-	/** Allocates and constructs a new XML composer.
-	@param aComposerObserver Composer observer
-	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-	@return New XML composer */
-	IMPORT_C static CMDXMLComposer* NewL(MMDXMLComposerObserver* aComposerObserver);
-	/** Allocates and constructs a new XML composer.
-	@param aComposerObserver Composer observer
-	@param aOutputProlog Whether to output Version and Doctype tags.
-	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-	@return New XML composer */
-	IMPORT_C static CMDXMLComposer* NewL(MMDXMLComposerObserver* aComposerObserver, TBool aOutputProlog);
-	/** Allocates and constructs a new XML composer, leaving the object on the cleanup 
-	stack.
-	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-	@param aComposerObserver Composer observer
-	@return New XML composer */
-	IMPORT_C static CMDXMLComposer* NewLC(MMDXMLComposerObserver* aComposerObserver);
-	/** Allocates and constructs a new XML composer, leaving the object on the cleanup 
-	stack.
-	@leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-	@param aComposerObserver Composer observer
-	@param aOutputProlog Whether to output Version and Doctype tags.
-	@return New XML composer */
-	IMPORT_C static CMDXMLComposer* NewLC(MMDXMLComposerObserver* aComposerObserver, TBool aOutputProlog);
-	/** Starts file composition.
-	This function must not be called when file sizing is in progress. If it is necessary to calulate
-	the size and generate the XML simultaneously then two instances of the composer should be used,
-	one for sizing and one for composition.
-	@param aRFs A file server session
-	@param aFileToCompose Name of the file to create
-	@param aDocument The document object to compose to the file
-	@param aFileType Type of the output file
-	@return KErrNone if successful */
-	IMPORT_C TInt ComposeFile(RFs aRFs, const TDesC& aFileToCompose, CMDXMLDocument* aDocument, TXMLFileType aFileType);
-	IMPORT_C TInt ComposeFile(RFile& aFileHandleToCompose, CMDXMLDocument* aDocument, TXMLFileType aFileType);
-	/** Starts calculating the size of the XML output without actually writing it to the file.
-	File size calculation is asyncronous, the size value is only updated when ComposeFileComplete
-	is called on the MMDXMLComposerObserver passed in in the NewL.
-	This function must not be called when file composition or another sizing operation is
-	in progress. If it is necessary to calulate the size and generate the XML simultaneously
-	then two instances of the composer should be used, one for sizing and one for composition.
-	@param aSize Will be set to the size of the XML document when composition has completed.
-	@param aDocument The document object to size
-	@param aFileType Type of the output file, required because it will affect the size of the XML
-	@return KErrNone if successful */
-	IMPORT_C TInt CalculateFileSize(TInt& aSize, CMDXMLDocument* aDocument, TXMLFileType aFileType);
-	/** Gets the composer's last error.
-	@return Error code */
-	IMPORT_C TInt Error() const;
-	/**
-	 Get the severity of the most severe error found.
-	 @return the maximum error severity
-	 */
-	IMPORT_C TXMLErrorCodeSeverity ErrorSeverity() const; 
-	//Defect fix for INC036136 - Enable the use of custom entity converters in GMXML
-	/** Outputs raw data.
-	    it's only intended to be used from within a custom entity converter as
-        it relies on a Composer sesssion already being in progress
-	   @param aData Data to output
-	   @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. 
-	 */
-	IMPORT_C TInt OutputDataL(const TDesC& aData);
-	/**
-	 * Sets the entity converter to be used
-	 * and  take ownership of the passed entity converter
-	 * @param aEntityConverter The entity converter to be used
-	 */
-	IMPORT_C void SetEntityConverter(CMDXMLEntityConverter* aEntityConverter); 
-	//End Defect fix for INC036136
-public: // public functions used by other classes within the .dll, not for Export.
-	/** Gets the entity converter used by the composer.
-	@return The entity converter used by the composer. */
-	IMPORT_C CMDXMLEntityConverter* EntityConverter() const;
-	/** Outputs a comment.
-	@param aComment Comment to output
-	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. */
-	TInt OutputCommentL(const TDesC& aComment);
-	/** Outputs a processing instruction.
-	@param aInstruction Processing instruction text to output
-	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. */
-	TInt OutputProcessingInstructionL(const TDesC& aInstruction);
-	/** Outputs a CDATA section.
-	@param aCDataSection CDATA section to output
-	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. */
-	TInt OutputCDataSectionL(const TDesC& aCDataSection);
-	/** Outputs a start of element tag.
-	@param aElementName The name of the tag to output
-	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. */
-	IMPORT_C TInt OutputStartOfElementTagL(const TDesC& aElementName);
-	/** Outputs an end of element start tag (</).
-	@param aHasChildren True if the element has children
-	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. */
-	IMPORT_C TInt OutputEndOfElementTagL(const TBool aHasChildren);
-	/** Output an end of element tag.
-	@param aElementName The name of the tag to output
-	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. */
-	TInt OutputEndTagL(const TDesC& aElementName);
-	/** Outputs an attribute name and value. 
-	@param aAttributeName Attribute name
-	@param aAttributeValue Attribute value
-	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a file writing error. */
-	IMPORT_C TInt OutputAttributeL(const TDesC& aAttributeName, const TDesC& aAttributeValue);
-	/*
-	 * BaseConstructL function to be called by dervived classes during their construction
-	 */
-	void BaseConstructL();
-	/*
-	 * RunError function inherited from CActive base class - intercepts any Leave from
-	 * the RunL() function, sets an appropriate errorcode and calls ComposeFileCompleteL
-	 */
-	IMPORT_C TInt RunError(TInt aError);
-	 /*
-	 * DoCancel function inherited from CActive base class
-	 */
-	IMPORT_C virtual void DoCancel();
-	/*
-	 * RunL function inherited from CActive base class - does the actual composition
-	 * @leave can Leave due to OOM
-	 */
-	virtual void RunL();
-	/*
-	 * Function to write string to required file format - handles format conversion
-	 * @param aStringToWrite the string to output
-	 * @return returns KERRNone if successful or a file write error.
-	 */
-	virtual TInt WriteFileL(const TDesC& aStringToWrite);
-	/*
-	 * Function to flush output string to required file format - handles format conversion
-	 * @return returns KERRNone if successful or a file write error.
-	 */
-	virtual TInt FlushOutputBufferL();
-	/*
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	CMDXMLComposer(MMDXMLComposerObserver* aComposerObserver);
-	/*
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	CMDXMLComposer(MMDXMLComposerObserver* aComposerObserver, TBool aOutputProlog);
-	/*
-	 * Sets iError to new errorcode if more serious than any error so far encountered
-	 */
-	IMPORT_C void SetError(const TInt aErrorCode, const TXMLErrorCodeSeverity aSeverity);
-	/*
-     * Outputs a start tag for the node which includes the
-     * tag name and all attribute name value pairs currently
-     * specified.  If the node is an empty node then it
-     * makes the tag an empty node tag, otherwise it creates
-     * a start tag.
-     * @param aNode The Node for which the start tag is being written
-     * @return Returns KerrNone if successful or a file write error
-     */
-	IMPORT_C TInt ComposeStartTagL(CMDXMLNode& aNode);
-	/*
-     * Outputs an end tag for the node.
-     * @param aNode the node for which the tag is being written.
-     * @return Returns KerrNone if successful or a file write error
-     */
-	IMPORT_C TInt ComposeEndTagL(CMDXMLNode& aNode);
-	/*
-	 * Second stage constructor
-	 * @param aEntityStrings the string table which lists the entity references and conversion
-	 */
-	void ConstructL();
-	TInt ComposeL();
-	void InitialiseCompose(CMDXMLDocument* aDocument, TXMLFileType aFileType);
-	IMPORT_C void PlaceholderForRemovedExport1(MMDXMLComposerObserver* aComposerObserver);
-	IMPORT_C void PlaceholderForRemovedExport2();
-	IMPORT_C void PlaceholderForRemovedExport3();
-	TInt ReplaceXmlCharactersL(const TDesC16& aXmlData, const TDesC& aString);
-	MMDXMLComposerObserver* iComposerObserver;
-	CMDXMLEntityConverter* iEntityConverter;	// Entity converter to use
-	CMDXMLDocument* iXMLDoc;					// XML document being composed
-	RFile iXMLFile;								// File being composed
-	TXMLFileType iFileType;						// Type of file being composed
-	TInt iError;								// Current error
-	TXMLErrorCodeSeverity iSeverity;			// ErrorCode severity
-	CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iCharconv;
-	TBuf<KWriteBufferLen> iOutputBuffer;
-	RFs iRFs;									// File system to use
-	TBool iOutputProlog;							// Whether to output Version and Doctype tags
-	TInt iSizeTally;
-	TInt* iSize;
-	TBool iOnlyCalculatingSize;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	TInt iIndentationLevel;
-	};