changeset 34 c7e9f1c97567
parent 25 417699dc19c9
child 36 172b09aa4eb6
--- a/xml/legacyminidomparser/XMLParser/test/t_Smildtd.cpp	Thu Jul 01 15:13:40 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// CSMILDTD.cpp
-// @file
-// This file contains the definition of the SMILDTD class
-// which describes the SMIL DTD and is responsible for validation
-// of SMIL documents
-#include "t_smildtdenum.h"
-#include "t_SmilDtd.h"
-#include "t_SmilData.h"
-#include <stringpool.h>
-#include "smilelements.h"
-#include "smilattributes.h"
-#include "smilgenericelements.h"
-#include <gmxmlconstants.h>
-// Global functions					//
-// Two phase static factory function constructor
-// @return Created CSMILDtd
-// @leave can Leave due to OOM
-	{
-	CSMILDtd* self = NewLC();
-	CleanupStack::Pop();
-	return self;
-	}
-// Two phase static factory function constructor
-// @return Created CSMILDtd
-// @leave can Leave due to OOM
-	{
-	CSMILDtd* self = new (ELeave) CSMILDtd();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-	self->ConstructL();
-	return self;
-	}
-void CSMILDtd::ConstructL()
-// Second stage constructor
-// @leave can Leave due to OOM
-	{
-	// nothing to do
-	}
-	{
-	}
-	{
-	}
-TBool CSMILDtd::IsValidElementL(const TDesC& aElement) const
-	{
-// Checks to see if the element name passed in has been specified in the string table
-// @param aElementName the element name to be checked
-// @return ETrue if defined in the string table else EFalse
-// @leave Leave due to OOM
-	// Use the string table SMILElements to validate the element name
-	TBool validElement = EFalse;
-	RStringPool pool;
-	CleanupClosePushL(pool);
-	pool.OpenL(SMILElements::Table);
-	int numTableEntries = SMILElements::Table.iCount;
-	if(numTableEntries != 0)
-		{
-	    // Using a binary search since the table is always sorted alphabetically by element.
-		// Set us search indices to outer bounds of array
-		TInt left = 0;
-		TInt right = numTableEntries - 1;
-		TInt compareResult = 0;
-		TInt pos;
-		while (right >= left)
-			{
-			pos = (left + right) / 2;
-			RStringF tableEntry = pool.StringF(pos, SMILElements::Table);
-			HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(tableEntry.DesC().Length());
-			buf->Des().Copy(tableEntry.DesC());
-			TLex string(*buf);
-			TPtrC token = string.NextToken();
-			compareResult = aElement.Compare(token);
-			if(compareResult == 0)
-				validElement = ETrue;
-			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
-			if(compareResult == 0)
-				break;
-			else if (compareResult > 0)
-				left = pos + 1;
-			else
-				right = pos - 1;
-  			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // close pool
-	return validElement;
-	}
-TInt CSMILDtd::IsValidAttributeForElementL(const TDesC& aElement, const TDesC& aAttribute, const TDesC& aAttributeValue) const
-	{
-// Checks that both the Attribute Name & Attribute Value are valid using string tables stored in the document
-// @param aAttributeName - name of attribute to be checked
-// @param aAttributeValue - value of attribute to be checked
-// @return KErrNone if attribute & value are valid, otherwise KErrXMLBadAttributeName or KErrXMLBadAttributeValue
-// @leave Leave due to OOM
-	// To reduce the size of the element/attribute/value generic element names are used
-	// So for example 'img' and 'video' are both represented by the genericelement 'media'
-	// A table exists (SMILGenericElements) detailing these relationships
-	// So first we see if there is a generic element name for this element
-	// If not then genericElementName will just be the element name passed in
-	HBufC* genericElementName = NULL;
-	RStringPool pool;
-	CleanupClosePushL(pool);
-	pool.OpenL(SMILGenericElements::Table);
-	TInt numTableEntries = SMILGenericElements::Table.iCount;
-	if(numTableEntries != 0)
-		{
-		// Using a binary search since the table is always sorted alphabetically by element.
-		// Set us search indices to outer bounds of array
-		TInt left = 0;
-		TInt right = numTableEntries - 1;
-		TInt pos;
-		while (right >= left)
-			{
-			pos = (left + right) / 2;
-			RStringF elementAndGeneric = pool.StringF(pos, SMILGenericElements::Table);
-			HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(elementAndGeneric.DesC().Length());
-			buf->Des().Copy(elementAndGeneric.DesC());
-			TLex string(*buf);
-			TPtrC token = string.NextToken();
-			TInt compare = aElement.Compare(token);
-			if(compare == 0)
-				{
-				// We've got a match so use the generic name
-				// This isn't pushed on the CleanupStack here as we need to be able to pop
-				// buf and pool whilst genericElementName is still in scope.  It will be
-				// pushed once these aren't necessary.  Because of this THERE MUST BE
-				genericElementName =(string.NextToken()).AllocL();
-				}
-			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf); //buf
-			if(compare == 0)
-				break;
-			else if (compare > 0)
-				left = pos + 1;
-			else
-				right = pos - 1;
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// Close pool
-	if(genericElementName != NULL)
-		{
-		CleanupStack::PushL(genericElementName);
-		}
-	else 
-		{
-		// We didn't find a generic name so use the element name passed in
-		genericElementName = HBufC::NewLC(aElement.Length());
-		genericElementName->Des().Copy(aElement);
-		}
-	// Using the generic element name test to see if we have a valid attribute and value
-	// assume the attribute name is invalid
-	TInt error = KErrXMLBadAttributeName;
-	// retrieve the attributeValue string table
-	// this is of the form elementName attributeName attribValue1 attribValue2 ...
-	CleanupClosePushL(pool);
-	pool.OpenL(SMILAttributes::Table);
-	numTableEntries = SMILAttributes::Table.iCount;
-	if(numTableEntries != 0)
-		{
-	    // Using a binary search since the table is always sorted alphabetically by element+attribute.
-		// Set us search indices to outer bounds of array
-		TInt left = 0;
-		TInt right = numTableEntries - 1;
-		TInt compareResult = 0;
-		TInt pos;
-		while (right >= left)
-			{
-			pos = (left + right) / 2;
-			RStringF tableEntry = pool.StringF(pos, SMILAttributes::Table);
-			HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(tableEntry.DesC().Length());
-			buf->Des().Copy(tableEntry.DesC());
-			TLex string(*buf);
-			// Get the element name from the string table (the first token)
-			TPtrC token = string.NextToken();
-			// Is this the element name we are interested in
-			compareResult = genericElementName->Compare(token);
-			if(compareResult == 0)
-				{
-				// we're looking at an entry in the string table for this element
-				// so test to see if it's the correct attribute too.
-				token.Set(string.NextToken());
-				compareResult =  aAttribute.Compare(token);
-				if(compareResult == 0)
-					{
-					// we've got the correct entry in the table (both element & attribute match)
-					// so now assume the error is an incorrect attribute value
-					error = KErrXMLBadAttributeValue;
-					// get hold of the first valid attribure value
-					token.Set(string.NextToken());
-					// if we don't have a list of attribute values then we can assume whatever we've got is valid
-					// so set the error to KErrNone
-					if (token.Length() == 0)
-						error = KErrNone;
-					else
-						{
-						// Cycle through all listed attribute values to see if we have a valid one
-						while (token.Length() != 0)
-							{
-							if (aAttributeValue.Compare(token) == 0)
-								{
-								// value of attribute is valid
-								error = KErrNone;
-								break;
-								}
-							else
-								token.Set(string.NextToken());
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);	// buf
-			if (compareResult == 0)         // Matching item found
-				break;
-			else if (compareResult > 0)
-				left = pos + 1;
-			else
-				right = pos - 1;
-  			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);  // pool, genericElementName
-	return error;
-	}
-TBool CSMILDtd::AreValidChildElementsL(const TDesC& aParentElement, const CDesCArray& aChildElements) const
-// Function to determine whether the parent/child relationship is valid in DTD
-// @return ETrue if parent/child relationship is valid
-// @param aParentElement the name of the parent element to be tested
-// @param aChildElements an array of child element name to be tested
-// @leave leave due to OOM
-	{
-	TBool retVal = EFalse;
-	if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDElta)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDAChildStates,KSMILDTDAChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	else if( aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltDoc)
-		{
-		retVal = ETrue;
-		}
-	else if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltanimation || aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltaudio || aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltimg || aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltref
-		    || aParentElement == KSMILDTDElttext || aParentElement == KSMILDTDElttextstream || aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltvideo)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDMediaChildStates, KSMILDTDMediaChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	else if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltbody)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDBodyChildStates, KSMILDTDBodyChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	else if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDElthead)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDHeadChildStates, KSMILDTDHeadChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	else if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltlayout)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDLayoutChildStates, KSMILDTDLayoutChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	else if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltpar || aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltseq)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDTimingChildStates, KSMILDTDTimingChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	else if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltsmil)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDSmilChildStates, KSMILDTDSmilChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	else if(aParentElement == KSMILDTDEltswitch)
-		{
-		retVal = CheckValidChildren(SMILDTDSwitchChildStates, KSMILDTDSwitchChildStateTranCount, aChildElements);
-		}
-	return retVal;
-	}
-TBool CSMILDtd::CheckValidChildren(const TSMILDTDChildStateType aStateTrans[],TInt aStateCount, const CDesCArray& aChildElements) const
-// Checks child element ownership based on a Finite State Machine
-// @param aFirstChild - pointer to first child element
-// @param aStateTrans - Array of state transition elements.
-//        The elements must be ordered by tag name first and then starting state
-//        as this routine uses the ordering to drive an efficient search.
-// @param aStateCount - the number of state transitions in the array
-// @return true if the list of children matches the defined state machine
-	{
-	// This routine works by considering the allowed set of child elements as a Finite State
-	// Machine.  When tracing through the list of children, each child encountered causes
-	// a state transition.  The actual states are 'between' elements.  The states are
-	// simply referred to by numbers, 0 is the starting state, the legal final state is
-	// state -1, other states are positive integers (the actual values have no significance,
-	// only the transitions and the start and end are of importance.
-	// When the list of children ends, a special 'empty tag' element is considered to be
-	// found.  If this empty tag element causes a transition to the final state then the list
-	// has been successfully traversed.
-	// If, at any point, a child element is encountered which does not lead to a valid
-	// transition from the current state then the list is invalid.  By considering the
-	// empty tag element to be on the end of the list we handle the requirements for valid
-	// completion.
-	// This routine is general - it just needs to be fed a set of state transitions for a specific
-	// element type.
-	TBool returnValue = true; // We are successful until proved otherwise
-	if( aStateCount < 1 )
-		{
-		returnValue = false; // Just check for a duff count
-		}
-	TInt fromState=KSMILDTDStartState; // Current state - the one we are looking for a transition from
-	TInt toState=KSMILDTDEndState;   // State to which this tag leads us - initialised to avoid warning
-	TInt midPoint= aStateCount / 2; // Middle of the state array, used for binary search
-	TInt initJump = midPoint / 2; // Size of initial jump for binary search
-	TInt tranArrInd; // Index into the state transition array
-	// Prime the search with the initial state and the tag for the first element
-	// We skip nodes which are not elements (e.g. text, comments or processing instructions)
-	for (TInt i = 0; i<aChildElements.Count(); i++)
-	  {
-		// Check for the 'empty tag'.  We could take a local copy but that would
-		// not be most efficient so we have slightly more complex code.
-			{
-			// Given a current state and tag, find a valid transition.
-			// Use a binary search - the array is sorted on tag name first and then
-			// from state.  We binary chop to a suitable level and then do a linear
-			// search until we hit pay-dirt or find an element which proves.  We
-			// only bother to binary search based on the tag name.
-			// This is a home baked binary chop and could potentially be made more elegant.
-			tranArrInd = midPoint;
-			TInt jump = initJump;
-			TBool keepChopping = true;
-			TInt compVal;
-			TPtrC tranTag;
-			while(keepChopping)
-				{
-				tranTag.Set( aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagName, aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagLength);
-				compVal = aChildElements[i].Compare(tranTag);
-				if(compVal < 0)
-					{
-					tranArrInd -= jump;
-					}
-				else if(compVal > 0)
-					{
-					tranArrInd += jump;
-					}
-				jump = jump / 2;
-				if((compVal == 0) || (jump < KSMILDTDMinJump))
-					{
-					keepChopping = false;
-					}
-				}// endwhile
-			// We have now finished binary chopping, either because we matched the tag or because
-			// We got to a small jump size.  Now do a linear scan, up or down, to fimd a match.
-			TBool up = true; // Direction of scan
-			tranTag.Set( aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagName, aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagLength);
-			compVal = aChildElements[i].Compare(tranTag);
-			if((compVal < 0) ||
-			   ((compVal == 0) && (fromState < aStateTrans[tranArrInd].FromState)))
-				{
-				up = false;
-				}
-			if( up )
-				{
-				while((tranArrInd < aStateCount) &&
-					  ((compVal > 0) ||
-					   ((compVal == 0) && (fromState > aStateTrans[tranArrInd].FromState))))
-					{
-					tranArrInd ++;
-					tranTag.Set( aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagName, aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagLength);
-					if(tranArrInd < aStateCount)
-						{
-						compVal = aChildElements[i].Compare(tranTag);
-						}
-					}// endwhile stepping up
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				while((tranArrInd >= 0) &&
-					  ((compVal < 0) ||
-					   ((compVal == 0) && (fromState < aStateTrans[tranArrInd].FromState))))
-					{
-					tranArrInd --;
-					tranTag.Set( aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagName, aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagLength);
-					if(tranArrInd >= 0)
-						{
-						compVal = aChildElements[i].Compare(tranTag);
-						}
-					}// endwhile stepping down
-				}
-			// If we have a match, fine, else this is an illegal transition
-			if((tranArrInd >= 0) && (tranArrInd < aStateCount) &&
-			   (compVal == 0) && (fromState == aStateTrans[tranArrInd].FromState))
-				{
-				toState = aStateTrans[tranArrInd].ToState;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				returnValue = false;
-				break;
-				}
-			}//end else not reached end of list of children
-		fromState = toState;
-		}// endfor
-		if(returnValue)
-			{
-			tranArrInd = 0;
-			while((tranArrInd < aStateCount) &&
-				  (aStateTrans[tranArrInd].FromState != fromState) &&
-				  (aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagLength == 0))
-				{
-				tranArrInd++;
-				}
-			if((tranArrInd < aStateCount) &&
-			   (aStateTrans[tranArrInd].FromState == fromState) &&
-			   (aStateTrans[tranArrInd].TagLength == 0))
-				{
-				toState = aStateTrans[tranArrInd].ToState ; // Better be the final state!
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				returnValue = false ; // No legal transition
-				}
-			}
-	return returnValue;
-	}
-TBool CSMILDtd::CanElementHaveChildren(const TDesC& aElement) const
-// Function to determine whether it is valid for a particular element to
-// have children
-// @param aElement the name of the element to be tested
-// @return ETrue if it is valid for element to have children
-	{
-	TBool retVal = ETrue;
-	if(aElement == KSMILDTDEltanchor || aElement == KSMILDTDEltmeta || aElement == KSMILDTDEltroot_layout
-		|| aElement == KSMILDTDEltregion || aElement == KSMILDTDEltarea || aElement == KSMILDTDEltmetadata
-		|| aElement == KSMILDTDEltprefetch || aElement == KSMILDTDEltTrans)
-		retVal = EFalse;
-	return retVal;
-	}