* Copyright (c) 2006-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class with methods used during signing and verification process.
#ifndef C_SIGN_H
#define C_SIGN_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <xml/dom/xmlengdocument.h>
class CXmlSecKeyManager;
class TXmlEngElement;
* Class used to sign data.
* How to use:
* Signing with key from file:
* <pre>
* 1. Create new object:
* CXmlSecSign* sign = CXmlSecSign::NewLC();
* 2. Set template for signing:
* sign->SetTemplateFromFileL(doc);
* 3. Set the key that should be used during signing:
* sign->SetKeyFromFileL(keyfilename,keyname,CXmlSecSign::ERSA_PRIVATE);
* 4. Sign xml node:
* element = sign->SignXmlDocumentL(doc);
* </pre>
* Signing with key from SymbianKeyStore:
* <pre>
* 1. Create new object:
* CXmlSecSign* sign = CXmlSecSign::NewLC();
* 2. Set template for signing:
* sign->SetTemplateFromFileL(doc);
* 3. Set the name of the key that should be used during signing:
* sign->SetKeyInfoL(keyname);
* 4. Sign xml node:
* element = sign->SignXmlDocumentL(doc,FALSE);
* second parameter sets to FALSE determine using keys from SymbianKeyStore.
* </pre>
* Verification with key:
* <pre>
* 1. Create new object:
* CXmlSecSign* sign = CXmlSecSign::NewLC();
* 3. Set the key that should be used during verification (it should be set before verification):
* sign->SetKeyFromFileL(keyfilename, keyname, CXmlSecSign::ERSA_PUBLIC);
* 3. Verify the signature
* ver=sign->VerifyXmlNodeL(element);
* function will return true if sign is correct
* </pre>
* Verification with certificate from root's cert chain:
* <pre>
* 1. Create new object:
* CXmlSecSign* sign = CXmlSecSign::NewLC();
* 2. Add trusted root certificate from file:
* sign->AddTrustedCertFromFileL(trustedCert);
* 3. Verify the signature:
* ver=sign->VerifyXmlNodeL(element, CXmlSecSign::ERootCertChain);
* Function will return true if sign is correct.
* </pre>
* Verification with certificate from SymbianCertStore:
* <pre>
* 1. Create new object:
* CXmlSecSign* sign = CXmlSecSign::NewLC();
* 2. Verify the signature:
* ver=sign->VerifyXmlNodeL(element, CXmlSecSign::ECertStore);
* Function will return true if sign is correct
* </pre>
* @lib XmlSecWrapper.dll
* @since S60 v3.2
class CXmlSecSign : public CBase
* Key types.
* Currently simmetric key (used by HMAC algorithm) and
* asimmetric key (used by RSA algorithm) is supported.
* RSAPrivate is for private key (PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* RSAPrivate is for public key (DER encoding)
enum TXmlSecKeyType
ERSAPrivate = 0,
* Verification key repository.
* A place where is key to use in verification.
* EThisObject - Key can set by SetKey method
* ECertStore - Symbian certificate store (@see CUnifiedCertStore)
* ERootCertChain - Trusted root cert set can be add by AddTrustedCertFrom(File/Buffer)L method
enum TXmlSecVerificationKeyRepository
EThisObject = 0,
/** Use Enveloped Signature Transform */
static const TUint KEnvelopedSignature = 0x01;
/** Use c14n Transform */
static const TUint KC14N = 0x02;
/** Use Exclusive c14n Transform */
static const TUint KExclusiveC14N = 0x04;
* Creates new object.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return pointer to new object
IMPORT_C static CXmlSecSign* NewL();
* Creates new object and puts it on cleanup stack.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return pointer to new object
IMPORT_C static CXmlSecSign* NewLC();
* Destructor
virtual ~CXmlSecSign();
* Signs xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument DOM tree that should be signed.
* @param aUseCurrentKey Current key (sets by SetKey function) will be used.
* If sets to FALSE then key manager will be used.
* @return TElement with signature node (It is part of the document).
* @note If signature template was used, result should be added by user to
* correct node in the document. If signature context was in
* document previously, no action is needed (signature is in place
* where it was before signing)
IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement SignXmlDocumentL(RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
TBool aUseCurrentKey = ETrue);
* Signs xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument DOM tree that should be signed.
* @param aTemplate Template document
* @param aKeyFile File with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TElement with signature node (It is part of the document).
* @note If signature template was used, result should be added by user to
* correct node in the document. If signature context was in
* document previously, no action is needed (signature is in place
* where it was before signing)
IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement SignXmlDocumentKeyFromFileL(RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
RXmlEngDocument& aTemplate,
const TDesC8& aKeyFile,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Signs xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument DOM tree that should be signed.
* @param aKeyFile File with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TElement with signature node (It is part of the document).
* @note Signature context should be in the document that should be sign
* @note If signature template was used, result should be added by user to
* correct node in the document. If signature context was in
* document previously, no action is needed (signature is in place
* where it was before signing)
IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement SignXmlDocumentKeyFromFileL(RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
const TDesC8& aKeyFile,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Signs xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument DOM tree that should be signed.
* @param aTemplate Template document
* @param aKey Buffer with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TElement with signature node (It is part of the document).
* @note If signature template was used, result should be added by user to
* correct node in the document. If signature context was in
* document previously, no action is needed (signature is in place
* where it was before signing)
IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement SignXmlDocumentKeyFromBufferL(RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
RXmlEngDocument& aTemplate,
const TDesC8& aKey,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Signs xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument DOM tree that should be signed.
* @param aKey Buffer with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TElement with signature node (It is part of the document).
* @note Signature context should be in the document that should be sign
* @note If signature template was used, result should be added by user to
* correct node in the document. If signature context was in
* document previously, no action is needed (signature is in place
* where it was before signing)
IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement SignXmlDocumentKeyFromBufferL(RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
const TDesC8& aKey,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Signs xml nodes.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aNodes Nodes that should be signed.
* @param aUseCurrentKey Current key (sets by SetKey method) will be used.
* If sets to FALSE then key manager will be used.
* @return TElement with signature node (It is part of the document).
* @note If signature template was used, result should be added by user to
* correct node in the document. If signature context was in
* document previously, no action is needed (signature is in place
* where it was before signing)
IMPORT_C TXmlEngElement SignXmlNodesL(RArray<TXmlEngElement>& aNodes,
TBool aUseCurrentKey = ETrue);
* Verifies xml node.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aNode Node that should be verified (<Signature> element).
* @param aKeySource place from key to verification will be taken. @see TXmlSecVerificationKeyRepository
* @return ETrue if correctly verificated.
IMPORT_C TBool VerifyXmlNodeL(TXmlEngElement aNode,
TXmlSecVerificationKeyRepository aKeyRepository = EThisObject);
* Verifies xml node.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aNode Node that should be verified (<Signature> element).
* @param aKeyFile File with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TRUE if node was correctly verificated.
IMPORT_C TBool VerifyXmlNodeKeyFromFileL(TXmlEngElement aNode,
const TDesC8& aKeyFile,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Verifies xml node.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aNode Node that should be verified (<Signature> element).
* @param aKey Buffer with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TRUE if node was correctly verificated.
IMPORT_C TBool VerifyXmlNodeKeyFromBufferL(TXmlEngElement aNode,
const TDesC8& aKey,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Verifies xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument Document that should be verified.
* @param aKeySource place from key to verification will be taken. @see TXmlSecVerificationKeyRepository
* @return TRUE if node was correctly verificated.
IMPORT_C TBool VerifyXmlDocumentL(const RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
TXmlSecVerificationKeyRepository aKeyRepository = EThisObject);
* Verifies xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument DOM tree that should be verified.
* @param aKeyFile File with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TRUE if document was correctly verificated.
IMPORT_C TBool VerifyXmlDocumentKeyFromFileL(const RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
const TDesC8& aKeyFile,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Verifies xml document.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aDocument DOM tree that should be verified.
* @param aKey Buffer with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key
* @param aKeyType key type (i.e. HMAC)
* @return TRUE if document was correctly verificated.
IMPORT_C TBool VerifyXmlDocumentKeyFromBufferL(const RXmlEngDocument& aDocument,
const TDesC8& aKey,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Sets signing template (parses template file).
* This template will be used until new template will be set.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aTemplate template file
IMPORT_C void SetTemplateFromFileL(const TDesC8& aTemplate);
* Sets signing template (parses template file).
* This template will be used until new template will be set.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aRFs handle to a file server session.
* @param aTemplate template file
IMPORT_C void SetTemplateFromFileL(RFs& aRFs, const TDesC8& aTemplate);
* Sets signing template (parses buffer that contains template xml).
* This template will be used until new template will be set.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aTemplate template xml in buffer
IMPORT_C void SetTemplateFromBufferL(const TDesC8& aTemplate);
* Set copy of the argument as a sign template.
* This template will be used until new template will be set.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aTemplate DOM tree with template document
IMPORT_C void SetTemplateL(const RXmlEngDocument& aTemplate);
* Adds <KeyName> element to <KeyInfo> node and sets the value of it.
* The element will be added to current template.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aKeyName Key name that should be set.
IMPORT_C void SetKeyInfoL(const TDesC8& aKeyName);
* Adds element to <KeyInfo> node. This method allows to add specific data
* to <KeyInfo> element.
* The element will be added to current template.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aKeyProp Element that should be set.
IMPORT_C void SetKeyInfoL(TXmlEngElement aKeyProp);
* Creates template for singning. Template is created for specific key algorithm.
* This templete will sign whole xml document.
* This template will be used until new template will be set.
* Only SHA1 digest method is supported.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aKeyType Key type determine signatureMethod.
* @param aCert If sets to TRUE then element <X509Certificate> will be added to template.
* @param aTransform Decide what transform should be used in reference elements
* Use one or more const (e.g. KEnvelopeSignature | KExclusiveC14N)
* @param aPref prefix that will be used for signature namespace
* @param aNewLine should new line be used in template
* @return template document
IMPORT_C const RXmlEngDocument& CreateTemplateL(TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType,
TBool aCert = EFalse,
TUint aTransforms = KEnvelopedSignature,
const TDesC8& aPref = KNullDesC8(),
TBool aNewLine = TRUE);
* Creates template for signing. Template is created for specific key algorithm.
* Templete allows to sign element(s) identified by id.
* This template will be used until new template will be set.
* Only SHA1 digest method is supported.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aKeyType Key type determine signatureMethod.
* @param aNodes Array with nodes that should be signed
* @param aId Id name that should be used in Reference (i.e."ns:Id")
* @param aCert If sets to TRUE then element <X509Certificate> will be added to template.
* @param aTransform Decide what transform should be used in reference elements
* Use one or more const (e.g. KEnvelopeSignature | KExclusiveC14N)
* @param aPref prefix that will be used for signature namespace
* @param aNewLine should new line be used in template
* @return template document
IMPORT_C const RXmlEngDocument& CreateTemplateL(TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType,
RArray<TXmlEngElement>& aNodes,
const TDesC8& aId,
TBool aCert = EFalse,
TUint aTransforms = KEnvelopedSignature,
const TDesC8& aPref = KNullDesC8(),
TBool aNewLine = TRUE);
* Gets current template.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @return template document
IMPORT_C const RXmlEngDocument& CurrentTemplate() const;
* Destroys current template.
* @since S60 v3.2
IMPORT_C void DestroyCurrentTemplate();
* Reads key from file and puts it to the SymbianKeyStore.
* Key will be used during signing/verification action until new key will be set.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aKeyFile File with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA private key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key (it can be null descriptor when HMAC key is used)
* @param aKeyFormat key type (i.e. HMAC)
IMPORT_C void SetKeyFromFileL(const TDesC8& aKeyFile,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Reads key from buffer and puts it to the SymbianKeyStore.
* Key will be used during signing/verification action until new key will be set.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aKey Buffer with key (only binary format.
* In case of RSA private key type - PKCS#8 syntax, DER encoding)
* @param aKeyName name of the key (it can be null descriptor when HMAC key is used)
* @param aKeyFormat key type (i.e. HMAC).
IMPORT_C void SetKeyFromBufferL(const TDesC8& aKey,
const TDesC8& aKeyName,
TXmlSecKeyType aKeyType);
* Reads certificate from file.
* This certificate will be added to current key.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aCertFile Name of the file with certificate inside
IMPORT_C void SetCertFromFileL(const TDesC8& aCertFile);
* Reads certificate from buffer.
* This certificate will be added to current key.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aCert Buffer with certificate inside
IMPORT_C void SetCertFromBufferL(const TDesC8& aCert);
* Reads X509 certificate from file and adds it to root's cert chain handled in memory (destroyed after session).
* This certificate IS NOT added to SymbianCertStore.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aCertFile Name of the file with certificate.
IMPORT_C void AddTrustedCertFromFileL(const TDesC8& aCertFile);
* Reads X509 certificate from buffer and adds it to root's cert chain handled in memory (destroyed after session).
* This certificate IS NOT added to SymbianCertStore.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aCert Buffer with certificate.
IMPORT_C void AddTrustedCertFromBufferL(const TDesC8& aCert);
* Default constructor.
* @since S60 v3.2
* Second phase constructor.
* @since S60 v3.2
void ConstructL();
* Signs the xml node.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aNode TElement Node that should be sign.
* @param aUseCurrentKey Current key (set by SetKey method) will be used.
* If sets to FALSE then key manager will be used.
* @return TElement with signed node.
TXmlEngElement CXmlSecSign::SignXmlNodeL(TXmlEngElement aNode, TBool aUseCurrentKey);
* DOM tree with template
RXmlEngDocument iTemplate;
* Signing context
void* iSigCtx;
* Key manager
CXmlSecKeyManager* iMngr;
* Flag to skip searching for Template in document
TBool iSkipTmplLookUp;
#endif // C_SIGN_H