// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <xml/contentprocessor.h>
#include <xml/contenthandler.h>
#include <xml/matchdata.h>
#include <xml/stringdictionarycollection.h>
#include <xml/xmlframeworkconstants.h>
#include <xml/xmlframeworkerrors.h>
#include "XmlFrameworkPanics.h"
#include <xml/plugins/charsetconverter.h>
#include <xml/plugins/contentprocessorinitparams.h>
#include <xml/plugins/parserinitparams.h>
#include <xml/plugins/parserinterface.h>
#include "parserimpl.h"
Indicates the custom resolver implementation for XML parser framework.
const TUid KCustomResolverUid = {0x10273862};
using namespace Xml;
void TParserImpl::DestroyContentProcessorPtrMapping(TAny* aPtr)
Tidy memory associated with this object.
@param aPtr The ContentProcessor pointer.
TDtorContentProcessorPtrMapping* ptr = static_cast<TDtorContentProcessorPtrMapping*>(aPtr);
if (ptr->iDtorKey != KNullUid && ptr->iContentProcessor)
// Tell ECom to destroy its plugin details
// Free memory
delete (ptr);
Default constructor
@post This object is properly constructed.
: iParser(NULL),
void TParserImpl::OpenL(const CMatchData& aCriteria, MContentHandler& aCallback)
This method opens and sets all the objects contents.
The StringDictionaryCollection is created and Opened.
@pre The object has just been constructed and no other values have been set.
@post The objects members have been set to the values given.
@param aCriteria Detailed criteria for parser resolution.
@param aCallback client to pass data to.
if (!iCharSetConverter)
iCharSetConverter = CCharSetConverter::NewL();
if (!iStringDictionaryCollection)
iStringDictionaryCollection = new(ELeave) RStringDictionaryCollection();
//verify mime type
if (aCriteria.MimeType() != KNullDesC8)
// Create and remember the current mime type
iCurrentParserMatchData = aCriteria;
iDefParserMatchData = aCriteria;
iParser = ConstructParserL(aCriteria, aCallback);
iClient = &aCallback;
void TParserImpl::Close()
This method cleans up the object before destruction. It releases all resources in
accordance to the R Class pattern.
The framework will Close the StringDictionaryCollection and if owned will
delete it.
@post This object may be allowed to go out of scope.
// Close any remaining RStrings owned by iElementStack. This will prevent a
// memory leak from occuring when parsing a document that is not complete AND
// ParseEndL is NOT called before destroying the CParser object.
for (TInt i=0;i<iElementStack.Count();i++)
// Destroy the chain of plugins
if (iParser)
// Delete the Parser
iParser = NULL;
delete iCharSetConverter;
iCharSetConverter = NULL;
if (iStringDictionaryCollection)
delete iStringDictionaryCollection;
iStringDictionaryCollection = NULL;
iClient = NULL;
void TParserImpl::ParseChunkL(const TDesC8& aChunk)
This method starts the parser parsing a descriptor.
The descriptor does not contain the last part of the document.
@pre OpenL has been called
@param aChunk the chunk to parse - not the last chunk
void TParserImpl::ParseLastChunkL(const TDesC8& aFinalChunk)
This method starts the parser parsing a descriptor.
The descriptor contains the last part of the document.
@pre OpenL has been called
@param aFinalChunk the final chunk to parse
void TParserImpl::SetContentHandler(MContentHandler& aCallback)
Allows the user to set/change the client for this parse session.
@pre OpenL has been called
@param aCallback the client at the end of the callback
chain that is to receive the parsed document information.
iClient = &aCallback;
MContentSource* prev;
if (iDtorKeyAndPluginList.Count())
// set the last plugin to point to the client
prev = iDtorKeyAndPluginList[iDtorKeyAndPluginList.Count()-1]->iContentProcessor;
// set the parser to point to the client as there is no chain
prev = iParser;
void TParserImpl::SetProcessorChainL(const RContentProcessorUids& aPlugins)
Allows the user to change the client and set the plugin chain for
this parse session.
@pre OpenL has been called
@param aCallback the client at the end of the callback
chain that is to receive the parsed document information.
@param aPlugins a list of plugin implementation uids that
make up the callback chain.
// If there is an existing chain delete all but the parser
// Rebuild the chain.
MContentHandler* callback = BuildChainL(*iClient, aPlugins);
void TParserImpl::ResetMimeTypeL()
if ( !(iCurrentParserMatchData == iDefParserMatchData) )
void TParserImpl::SetMimeTypeL(const CMatchData& aCriteria)
Allows the user to set/change the parser mime type used for
this parse session.
@pre OpenL has been called
@param aParserMimeType the mime type of the requested parser
// Check if we are already using this parser
if (aCriteria == iCurrentParserMatchData)
// There is no change to the parser.
// Delete the Parser
if (iParser)
iParser = NULL;
MContentHandler* next;
if (iDtorKeyAndPluginList.Count())
// point the parser to the first plugin in the chain
next = iDtorKeyAndPluginList[0]->iContentProcessor;
// point the parser to the client as there is no chain
next = iClient;
// Create the new parser and point to the next plugin
iParser = ConstructParserL(aCriteria, *next);
// Remember what parser we are using.
iCurrentParserMatchData = aCriteria;
TInt TParserImpl::EnableFeature(TInt aParserFeature)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iParser, Panic(EXmlFrameworkPanicUnexpectedLogic));
return iParser->EnableFeature(aParserFeature);
TInt TParserImpl::DisableFeature(TInt aParserFeature)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iParser, Panic(EXmlFrameworkPanicUnexpectedLogic));
return iParser->DisableFeature(aParserFeature);
TBool TParserImpl::IsFeatureEnabled(TInt aParserFeature) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iParser, Panic(EXmlFrameworkPanicUnexpectedLogic));
return iParser->IsFeatureEnabled(aParserFeature);
void TParserImpl::AddPreloadedDictionaryL(const TDesC8& aPublicId)
RStringPool& TParserImpl::StringPool()
return iStringDictionaryCollection->StringPool();
RStringDictionaryCollection& TParserImpl::StringDictionaryCollection()
return *iStringDictionaryCollection;
MContentHandler* TParserImpl::BuildChainL(MContentHandler& aCallback,
const RContentProcessorUids& aPlugins)
This method builds the chain of plugins, so that information may flow down
the chain.
The first in the chain is the parser, the last is the client.
@param aCallback client to pass data to.
@param aPlugins the list of plugins in the chain.
@return the first plugin in the chain. If there is no chain
the client is returned.
// Start with the last plugin first and point it to the callback passed.
// Then work you way up the chain, ending with the Parser calling the first plugin.
TInt count = aPlugins.Count();
MContentHandler* callback = &aCallback;
while (count>0)
callback = ConstructPluginInReverseL(aPlugins[--count], *callback);
return (callback);
void TParserImpl::DestroyChain()
Destroys the client and the chain of plugins not including the parser.
@post The chain and client are destroyed and parsing
cannot take place.
TInt count = iDtorKeyAndPluginList.Count();
while (count)
MParser* TParserImpl::ConstructParserL(const CMatchData& aCriteria,
MContentHandler& aCallback)
This method constructs a MParser derived object.
@return A pointer to the parser found.
@leave KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound If ECom fails to find
the object a leave occurs.
@leave KErrArgument If CMatchData is lacking mandatory mime type field.
@param aCriteria Detailed criteria for parser resolution.
@param aCallback client to pass data to.
TInt err;
HBufC8* stream = NULL;
// Check entry criteria
if (aCriteria.MimeType() == KNullDesC8)
// Set resolving parameters to find a plug-in with a matching parser
TEComResolverParams resolverParams;
stream = aCriteria.PackToBufferL();
// Package up the parameters to pass
TParserInitParams initParams;
initParams.iCharSetConverter = iCharSetConverter;
initParams.iContentHandler = &aCallback;
initParams.iStringDictionaryCollection = iStringDictionaryCollection;
initParams.iElementStack = &iElementStack;
// do this for now until I work out what to do with the other params
TAny* any = NULL;
TRAP(err, any = REComSession::CreateImplementationL(KParserInterfaceUid,
if (err != KErrNone)
if (err == KErrNotFound)
MParser* object = static_cast<MParser*>(any);
return object;
MContentProcessor* TParserImpl::ConstructPluginInReverseL(const TUid& aImplementationUid,
MContentHandler& aCallback)
This method constructs a CContentProcessor and places it in reverse order in the chain.
@return A pointer to the plugin found.
@leave KErrXmlPluginNotFound If ECom fails to find
the object a leave occurs.
@param aImplementationUid The implementation uid of the plugin.
@param aCallback client to pass data to.
TDtorContentProcessorPtrMapping* mapping = new(ELeave) TDtorContentProcessorPtrMapping;
mapping->iDtorKey = KNullUid;
mapping->iContentProcessor = NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(DestroyContentProcessorPtrMapping, mapping));
// Package up the parameters to pass
TContentProcessorInitParams initParams;
initParams.iContentHandler = &aCallback;
initParams.iStringDictionaryCollection = iStringDictionaryCollection;
initParams.iElementStack = &iElementStack;
// Client knows specific implementation.
// Pass the callback object of the next thing in the chain.
TAny* any = NULL;
TRAPD(err, any = REComSession::CreateImplementationL(aImplementationUid,
if (err != KErrNone)
if (err == KErrNotFound)
mapping->iContentProcessor = static_cast<MContentProcessor*>(any);
// We insert at the start as we are building the chain backwards, last till first.
User::LeaveIfError(iDtorKeyAndPluginList.Insert(mapping, 0));
return (mapping->iContentProcessor);