// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Implementation of XOP serializer
#include <xml/dom/xmlengserializer.h>
#include <xml/dom/xmlengdataserializer.h>
#include <f32file.h>
class CDesC8ArrayFlat;
class TXmlEngNode;
class TXmlEngDataContainer;
class MXmlEngSXOPOutputStream;
const TInt KInitBufferSize = 4096; //initial output buffer size
const TInt KXopStubMaxSize = 256; // href='cid:' + cid length
* XOP serializer
class CXmlEngSerializerXOP: public CXmlEngSerializer, public MXmlEngDataSerializer
* Creates an instance of CXmlEngSerializerXOP class
* @param aCleanXOPInfoset Indicates that MIME headers
* should be skipped upon serialization
* @return Pointer to instance of CXmlEngSerializerXOP class
* @leave KErrNoMemory, KErrGeneral, KXmlEngErrWrongEncoding.
IMPORT_C static CXmlEngSerializerXOP* NewL( TBool aCleanXOPInfoset );
* Serializes TXmlEngNode
* @param aRoot Root node of a DOM tree to be serialized
* @return Number of bytes written
* @leave KErrNoMemory, KErrGeneral, KXmlEngErrWrongEncoding.
TInt SerializeL(const TXmlEngNode aRoot);
* Serializes TXmlEngNode to file in XOP format
* @param aFileName File to which DOM tree will be serialized
* @param aRoot Root node of a DOM tree to be serialized
* @param aOptions Serialization options
* @return Number of bytes written
* @leave KErrNoMemory, KErrGeneral, KXmlEngErrWrongEncoding.
TInt SerializeL(const TDesC& aFileName,
const TXmlEngNode aRoot,
const TXmlEngSerializationOptions& aOptions);
* Serializes TXmlEngNode to file in XOP format
* @param aRFs File server handle
* @param aFileName File to which DOM tree will be serialized
* @param aRoot Root node of a DOM tree to be serialized
* @param aOptions Serialization options
* @return Number of bytes written
* @leave KErrNoMemory, KErrGeneral, KXmlEngErrWrongEncoding.
TInt SerializeL(RFs& aRFs,
const TDesC& aFileName,
const TXmlEngNode aRoot,
const TXmlEngSerializationOptions& aOptions);
* Serializes TXmlEngNode to buffer in XOP format
* @param aBuffer Buffer to which DOM tree will be serialized
* @param aRoot Root node of a DOM tree to be serialized
* @param aOptions Serialization options
* @return Number of bytes written
* @leave KErrNoMemory, KErrGeneral, KXmlEngErrWrongEncoding.
TInt SerializeL( RBuf8& aBuffer,
const TXmlEngNode aRoot,
const TXmlEngSerializationOptions& aOptions );
* Destructor.
* Determines how data node should be serialized
* @param aRoot Root node of a DOM tree to be serialized
TPtrC8 SerializeDataL(TXmlEngNode aNode);
protected: //functions
private: //functions
* Constructor
* @param aCleanXOPInfoset Indicates that MIME headers
* should be skipped upon serialization
CXmlEngSerializerXOP( TBool aCleanXOPInfoset );
* Second phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* Serializes DOM tree to a stream
TInt StreamSerializeL(MXmlEngSXOPOutputStream& aOutputStream,
const TXmlEngNode aRoot,
const TXmlEngSerializationOptions& aOptions);
* Generates random CID
* @param aCid randomly generated CID string
void GenerateRandomCid(TDes8& aCid);
* Opens already existing or creates a new file
* @param aFileName file name
* @param aFile Instance of class RFile
void OpenOrCreateL(TDesC& aFileName, RFile& aFile);
* Sets callback for text nodes in serialization options
* @param aOptions Serialization options
void SetCallbackL(TXmlEngSerializationOptions& aOptions);
* Leaves if a DOM tree contains 'Include' elements from XOP
* namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include'
* @param aRoot Root node of a DOM tree to be serialized
void LeaveIfXopIncludeL(TXmlEngNode aRoot);
* Verifies if a DOM tree contains 'Include' elements from XOP
* namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include'
* @param aRoot Root node of a DOM tree to be serialized
* @return ETrue if a DOM tree contains Include element from XOP namespace,
* EFalse otherwise.
TBool HasXopInclude(TXmlEngNode aRoot);
* Verifies if container's parent node has xmlmime:contentType
* attribute information item. If found, the function returns ETrue
* and xmlmime:contentType attribute value. Otherwise, function
* returns EFalse and aContentType is undefined.
* @param aContainer Data container whose parent node is to be searched
* @return ETrue if xmlmime:contentType attribute is found,
* EFalse otherwise.
TBool GetContentTypeValue(TXmlEngDataContainer aContainer, TPtrC8& aContentType);
* Decodes input data from base64 to binary octets and creates
* heap buffer with the decoded data. The buffer is pushed on the cleanup stack.
* @param aEncodedData Base64 encoded buffer
* @return Buffer with decoded data in binary octets
HBufC8* CreateDecodedBufLC(TPtrC8 aEncodedData);
* Appends given string to output buffer. If the serializer's
* output type is file, the output buffer is released to the output stream
* after reaching a specified threshold and the output buffer is cleared.
* @param aString String to write
* @param aFlush Indicates that buffer is written immediately
void BufferedWriteL(const TDesC8& aString, TBool aFlush = EFalse);
* Flushes the output buffer and closes the output file.
void CommitWriteL();
public: //data
private: //data
/** array that stores containers to be serialized **/
RArray<TXmlEngDataContainer> iDataContainerArray;
/** output buffer **/
HBufC8* iOutputBuffer;
/** output buffer pointer **/
TPtr8* iOutputBufferPtr;
/** size of data written **/
TInt iDataWritten;
/** Indicates that MIME headers should be skipped upon serialization **/
TBool iCleanXOPInfoset;
/** file server handle **/
RFs iRFs;
/** output file handle **/
RFile iOutputFile;
/** buffer for storing xop stub that replaces binary data in xop document **/
HBufC8* iXopStub;
/** pointer to stub buffer **/
TPtr8* iXopStubPtr; // pointer to TPtr8 to avoid initialization at construction
/** pointer to current output stream **/
MXmlEngSXOPOutputStream* iTmpOutputStream;