// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file
// This file contains the implementation of the CMDXMLNode class which
// is the base class for the Mini-DOM.
// This class forms the basis for the Mini-DOM. It is a
// pure abstract class and it's sole concern is the node
// type and name and the management of the list of child
// nodes.
// The node name and type are set in the constructor and
// cannot be changed thereafter.
// The list of child nodes is managed as a doubly-linked
// list, not an array or similar structure. Derived
// classes which are not allowed children will override the
// operations to manipulate the child list.
#include <gmxmlnode.h>
#include <gmxmldomconstants.h>
#include "gmxmldummydtd.h"
CMDXMLNode::CMDXMLNode( TDOMNodeType aNodeType, TBool aCanHaveChildren, CMDXMLDocument* aOwnerDocument ):
// The node type will normally be hard-wired in any derived class constructor.
// The node name and HaveChildren flag will normally be hard-wired in a derived class constructor unless it
// covers a generic element.
// @param aNodeType The tpe of node to be created
// @param aCanHaveChildren Flag to indicate if the node represents a node which is allowed children
// @param aOwnerDocument Pointer to the document at the root of the DOM tree
iOwnerDocument = aOwnerDocument;
// When this node is deleted it will links its previous and next siblings across the gap, will
// delete all of its children and will correct its parents first and last child pointers if necessary.
// Perform housekeeping on parent and siblings - shouldn't be necessary as the links to
// this element should have been removed first or we are in a tree delete but
// let's be helpful anyway.
if((iNextSiblingPtr != NULL) && (iNextSiblingPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr == this))
iNextSiblingPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr = iPrevSiblingPtr;
if((iPrevSiblingPtr != NULL) && (iPrevSiblingPtr->iNextSiblingPtr == this))
iPrevSiblingPtr->iNextSiblingPtr = iNextSiblingPtr;
if( iParentPtr != NULL )
if(iParentPtr->iFirstChildPtr == this)
iParentPtr->iFirstChildPtr = iNextSiblingPtr;
if(iParentPtr->iLastChildPtr == this)
iParentPtr->iLastChildPtr = iPrevSiblingPtr;
// Delete all children
CMDXMLNode* childToDelete;
CMDXMLNode* nextChild;
childToDelete = iFirstChildPtr;
while( childToDelete != NULL )
nextChild = childToDelete->iNextSiblingPtr;
delete childToDelete;
childToDelete = nextChild;
delete iNodeName;
iNodeName = NULL;
EXPORT_C void CMDXMLNode::SetNodeNameL( const TDesC& aNodeName)
// @param aNodeName The name of the node.
// @leave Can Leave due to OOM
iNodeName = HBufC::NewMaxL(aNodeName.Length());
TPtr nodeAccess = iNodeName->Des();
nodeAccess = aNodeName;
// @return Returns the name of the node
TPtrC retVal = iNodeName->Des();
return retVal;
EXPORT_C CMDXMLNode* CMDXMLNode::PreviousSameTypeSibling()
// @return Returns a pointer to the previous sibling node of the same type if any,
// oherwise returns NULL
CMDXMLNode* nodePtr = iPrevSiblingPtr;
while((nodePtr != NULL) && nodePtr->iElementType != iElementType)
nodePtr = nodePtr->iPrevSiblingPtr;
return nodePtr;
EXPORT_C CMDXMLNode* CMDXMLNode::NextSameTypeSibling()
// @return Returns a pointer to the next sibling node of the same type if any,
// oherwise returns NULL
CMDXMLNode* nodePtr = iNextSiblingPtr;
while((nodePtr != NULL) && nodePtr->iElementType != iElementType)
nodePtr = nodePtr->iNextSiblingPtr;
return nodePtr;
EXPORT_C TInt CMDXMLNode::RemoveChild(CMDXMLNode* aChildToRemove)
// Removes a child from the list of child nodes. The child node is not deleted - that is the responsibility of the caller
// @param aChildToRemove Pointer to child to remove from the list
// @return Returns KERRNone if sucessful or KErrNotFound if the referenced child node is not found
TInt retVal=KErrNone;
if(aChildToRemove == NULL)
retVal = KErrNotFound;
else if( !iCanHaveChildren )
retVal = KErrXMLInvalidChild;
else if( aChildToRemove->iParentPtr != this )
retVal = KErrNotFound;
if(iFirstChildPtr == NULL)
retVal = KErrNotFound;
if( aChildToRemove == iFirstChildPtr)
if( aChildToRemove == iLastChildPtr )
{ // Only child so just zero pointers
iFirstChildPtr = NULL;
iLastChildPtr = NULL;
{ // First but not only child
iFirstChildPtr->iNextSiblingPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr = NULL;
iFirstChildPtr = iFirstChildPtr->iNextSiblingPtr;
else if( aChildToRemove == iLastChildPtr )
{ // Last but not only child
iLastChildPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr->iNextSiblingPtr = NULL;
iLastChildPtr = iLastChildPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr;
{ // Not first or last so somewhere in the list
CMDXMLNode* nodeBefore = iFirstChildPtr;
while((nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != NULL) &&
(nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != aChildToRemove))
nodeBefore = nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr;
if( nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != aChildToRemove )
retVal = KErrNotFound;
nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr = aChildToRemove->iNextSiblingPtr;
aChildToRemove->iNextSiblingPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr = nodeBefore;
}//end if
if( retVal == KErrNone )
{ // Having cleared this node off the list, clear its own pointers
aChildToRemove->iPrevSiblingPtr = NULL;
aChildToRemove->iNextSiblingPtr = NULL;
aChildToRemove->iParentPtr = NULL;
return retVal;
EXPORT_C TInt CMDXMLNode::InsertBefore(CMDXMLNode* aInsertBeforeChild, CMDXMLNode* aChildToInsert)
// Inserts a new child node at a specific point in the child list.
// @param aInsertBeforeChild Pointer to the element before which the new child should be inserted (NULL to insert at the start of the list)
// @param aChildToInsert Pointer to the new child node to insert.
// @return Returns KErrNone if successful, KErrXMLInvalidChild if the node cannot have children or KErrNotFound if it cannot fnd the child before which to insert
TInt retVal = KErrNone;
if(aChildToInsert == NULL)
retVal = KErrNotSupported;
else if( !iCanHaveChildren )
retVal = KErrXMLInvalidChild ;
else if(iFirstChildPtr == NULL && aInsertBeforeChild != NULL)
retVal = KErrNotFound;
else if((aInsertBeforeChild == NULL) || (aInsertBeforeChild == iFirstChildPtr))
{ // Insert at start of list
aChildToInsert->iParentPtr = this;
if(iFirstChildPtr != NULL)
iFirstChildPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr = iFirstChildPtr;
iLastChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr = NULL;
iFirstChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
{ // Find the insert before child as a check.
CMDXMLNode* nodeBefore = iFirstChildPtr;
while((nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != NULL) &&
(nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != aInsertBeforeChild))
nodeBefore = nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr;
if( nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != aInsertBeforeChild )
retVal = KErrNotFound;
aChildToInsert->iParentPtr = this;
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr = nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr;
aChildToInsert->iPrevSiblingPtr = nodeBefore;
nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
return retVal;
EXPORT_C TInt CMDXMLNode::AppendChild(CMDXMLNode* aChildToInsert)
// Appends a new child at the end of the child list.
// @param aChildToInsert Pointer to the new child node to append.
// @return Returns KErrNone if successful or KErrXMLInvalidChild if the node cannot have children
TInt retVal = KErrNone;
if(aChildToInsert == NULL)
retVal = KErrNotSupported;
else if( !iCanHaveChildren )
retVal = KErrXMLInvalidChild;
if(iFirstChildPtr == NULL)
iFirstChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
if(iLastChildPtr != NULL)
iLastChildPtr->iNextSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
aChildToInsert->iPrevSiblingPtr = iLastChildPtr;
iLastChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
aChildToInsert->iParentPtr = this;
return retVal;
EXPORT_C TInt CMDXMLNode::ReplaceChild(CMDXMLNode* aChildToInsert, CMDXMLNode* aChildToReplace)
// Inserts a new child node while removing an existing one. The old child is not deleted.
// @param aChildToInsert Pointer to the new child node to insert.
// @param aChildToReplace Pointer to the child node to be replaced.
// @return Returns KErrNone if successful, KErrXMLInvalidChild if the node cannot have children or KErrNotFound if it cannot fnd the child to replace.
TInt retVal = KErrNone;
if(aChildToInsert == NULL)
retVal = KErrNotSupported;
else if(aChildToReplace == NULL)
retVal = KErrNotFound;
else if( !iCanHaveChildren )
retVal = KErrXMLInvalidChild ;
if((aChildToReplace == iFirstChildPtr) && (aChildToReplace == iLastChildPtr))
{ // Replace only child
iFirstChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
iLastChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
else if(aChildToReplace == iFirstChildPtr)
{ // Replace first but not only
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr = iFirstChildPtr->iNextSiblingPtr;
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
iFirstChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
else if(aChildToReplace == iLastChildPtr)
{ // Replace Last but not only
aChildToInsert->iPrevSiblingPtr = iLastChildPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr;
aChildToInsert->iPrevSiblingPtr->iNextSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
iLastChildPtr = aChildToInsert;
else if(iFirstChildPtr != NULL)
{ // Replace in the middle of the list
CMDXMLNode* nodeBefore = iFirstChildPtr;
while((nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != NULL) &&
(nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != aChildToReplace))
nodeBefore = nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr;
if( nodeBefore->iNextSiblingPtr != aChildToReplace )
retVal = KErrNotFound;
{ // found so just cross link
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr = aChildToReplace->iNextSiblingPtr;
aChildToInsert->iPrevSiblingPtr = aChildToReplace->iPrevSiblingPtr;
aChildToInsert->iPrevSiblingPtr->iNextSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
aChildToInsert->iNextSiblingPtr->iPrevSiblingPtr = aChildToInsert;
retVal = KErrNotFound;
if( retVal == KErrNone )
{ // Clear out the replaced node
aChildToReplace->iPrevSiblingPtr = NULL;
aChildToReplace->iNextSiblingPtr = NULL;
aChildToReplace->iParentPtr = NULL;
// Point the new child at its parent
aChildToInsert->iParentPtr = this;
return retVal;
// End Of File