* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
TARGET xmlengine.dll
UID 0x1000008D 0x10285EF9
//Macros for performance improvement
SOURCEPATH ../src/libxml2
SOURCE xmlenglibxml2dll.cpp
SOURCEPATH ../src/libxml2
SOURCE libxml2_c14n.c
SOURCE libxml2_chvalid.c
SOURCE libxml2_dict.c
SOURCE libxml2_encoding.c
SOURCE libxml2_entities.c
SOURCE libxml2_error.c
SOURCE libxml2_globals.c
SOURCE libxml2_hash.c
SOURCE libxml2_htmlparser.c
SOURCE libxml2_htmltree.c
SOURCE libxml2_xinclude.c
SOURCE libxml2_list.c
SOURCE libxml2_parser.c
SOURCE libxml2_parserinternals.c
SOURCE libxml2_sax2.c
SOURCE libxml2_sax.c
SOURCE libxml2_threads.c
SOURCE libxml2_tree.c
SOURCE libxml2_uri.c
SOURCE libxml2_valid.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlio.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlmemory.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlreader.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlsave.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlwriter.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlschemas.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlschemastypes.c
SOURCE libxml2_xmlstring.c
SOURCE libxml2_xpath.c
SOURCE libxml2_xpointer.c
USERINCLUDE ../inc/libxml2_nonexport
USERINCLUDE ../src/libxml2
USERINCLUDE ../inc/libxml2
SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/stdapis/libxml2
LIBRARY libc.lib
LIBRARY libm.lib
LIBRARY euser.lib
VENDORID 0x70000001
// RVCT compiler warning options
// Warning: #177-D: variable "X" was declared but never referenced
// Warning: #550-D: parameter "X" was set but never used
// 186-D: pointless comparison of unsigned integer with zero
// 1293-D: assignment in condition
OPTION ARMCC --diag_suppress 177,550,186,1293
// CW compiler warning options
// warning: variable / argument 'X' is not used in function
OPTION CW -w nounused
// GCC compiler warning options
// "-w" option suppresses all warnings! Libxml2 does many operations on void
// pointers and thus many spurious warnings are raised. There is no GCC option
// to further refine which warnings are supressed.
// Libxml2 assigns void pointers to other pointer types without a cast
// The -fpermissive flag will remove this error in gccxml. However,
// the OPTION statement is not supported for gccxml, so the following
// creative solution achieves the same thing.
#if defined(GCCXML)
MACRO "NOTAMACRO -fpermissive"
OPTION GCCXML -fpermissive