// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file texmlutils.cpp
#include "texml2teststep.h"
#include "libxml2_globals_private.h"
#include <xml/utils/xmlengutils.h>
#include <utf.h>
* Class CXmlUtilStep Implementation
* Constructor. Sets the test step name so that it can be
* differentiated from within doTestStepL()
CXmlUtilStep::CXmlUtilStep(const TDesC& aStepName)
* TEF invokes doTestStepL interface along with the step name
* to let appropriate action to be taken for the test step.
TVerdict CXmlUtilStep::doTestStepL(void)
if (TestStepName() == KXmlEngXmlCharFromDes)
else if (TestStepName() == KXmlEngEscapeForXmlValueStep2)
else if (TestStepName() == KXmlEngEscapeForXmlValueStep1)
return TestStepResult();
* Improving on CLibxml2Tester::UtilsXmlCharFromDesL
TVerdict CXmlUtilStep::TestKXmlEngXmlCharFromDes()
_LIT(KText, "Test Data");
TBufC<10> buf(KText);
TPtrC desc = buf.Des();
TBuf8<10> desc8;
char * tekst = XmlEngXmlCharFromDesL(desc);
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(desc8, desc);
if (!CompareDescAndChar(tekst, desc8))
return EFail;
TBufC8<10> buf8(desc8);
TPtrC8 inDesc8 = buf8.Des();
const char * compareString = "Test Data";
char * tekst2 = XmlEngXmlCharFromDes8L(inDesc8);
if(!CompareChars(tekst2, compareString))
return EFail;
return EPass;
* Improving on CLibxml2Tester::UtilsEscapeForXmlValueL
TVerdict CXmlUtilStep::TestKXmlEngEscapeForXmlValueStep1()
const char * testString = "Test < & > text.";
const char * compareString = "Test < & > text.";
//Test step 1
char *resultString = XmlEngEscapeForXmlValueL(testString);
if (!CompareChars(resultString, compareString))
return EFail;
return EPass;
* Tests XmlEngEscapeForXmlValueL under different memory conditions
* This test step should be run only on debug builds owing to the
* __UHEAP macros that are defined only in debug builds.
TVerdict CXmlUtilStep::TestKXmlEngEscapeForXmlValueStep2()
#ifdef _DEBUG
TInt err = KErrNone;
const char * testString = "Test < & > text.";
xmlGlobalStatePtr gsPtr = xmlCreateAndInitializeGlobalState();
if (!gsPtr)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Warning: Global state pointer is NULL\n"));
__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, 1);
TRAP(err, XmlEngEscapeForXmlValueL(testString));
if (err != KErrNoMemory)
return EFail;
char* result= NULL;
TRAP(err, result = XmlEngEscapeForXmlValueL(NULL));
if (err != KErrNone && !result)
return EFail;
__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ENone, 0);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This test is meant to be run only in DEBUG builds. Returning EPASS"));
return EPass;
* Utility function to compare the characters
TBool CXmlUtilStep::CompareChars(const char* aString1, const char* aString2)
TInt strLen = strlen(aString1);
TInt desLen = strlen(aString2);
if (strLen != desLen)
return FALSE;
for (TInt i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
if (aString1[i] != aString2[i])
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Utility function to compare C string with Desc8
TBool CXmlUtilStep::CompareDescAndChar(const char* aString,TDesC8& aDesc)
TInt strLen = strlen(aString);
TInt desLen = aDesc.Length();
if (strLen != desLen)
return FALSE;
for(TInt i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
if (aString[i] != aDesc[i])
return FALSE;
return TRUE;