changeset 0 beb51793110d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build/tools/	Mon Jan 18 21:35:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use strict;
+use File::Find;     # for finding
+use File::Basename; # for fileparse
+use File::Path;    
+use File::Copy;    
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd;
+my ($back_up);
+my (@zips, @temp_paths);
+my (%zips_files, %zips_paths);
+my $temp_dir = "\\compress_temp\\"; 
+my $version = "1.0";
+if ( !GetOptions(
+	'backup' => \$back_up,
+	'z=s' => \@zips))
+	&error_msg("Invalid arguments!\n");
+if (! scalar (@zips)) {
+	&error_msg("Invalid arguments!\n");
+if (scalar (@zips) == 1) {
+	&error_msg("More that one input file is needed!\n");
+foreach (@zips) {
+	if (! -e $_) {
+		&error_msg("File not found : $_\n");
+	}
+foreach (@zips) {
+	unzip_temp($_);
+sub unzip_temp {
+	my $zip_file = shift;
+	my($n, $d, $ext) = fileparse($zip_file, '\..*');
+	mkpath ($temp_dir.$n);
+	push @temp_paths, $n; 
+	$zips_paths{$n}=$d;
+	my $extrCmd = "7za.exe x -y ${zip_file} -o${temp_dir}${n}";
+	print "$extrCmd";
+	system ("$extrCmd");
+	if ($back_up) { 
+		 	print "rename ${zip_file} to ${d}${n}_orig${ext}\n";
+		 	my $backup_name = ${d}.${n}."_orig".${ext};
+		 	rename (${zip_file}, ${backup_name});
+	}
+		unlink (${zip_file});
+	if (-e "${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5") {
+		unlink ("${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5");
+	}
+	print "\\epoc32\\tools\\ -g ${temp_dir}${n} ${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5";	
+	system ("\\epoc32\\tools\\ -g ${temp_dir}${n} ${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5");	
+	open (MD5_FILE,"${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5") or &error_msg("Cannot open ${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5");
+	while (<MD5_FILE>) {
+ 		chomp;
+	  next if (/^\/\//); # Skip comment lines
+	  next if (/^#/); # Skip comment lines
+	  next if (/^ *$/); # Skip empty lines 
+  	$_ =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
+		next if !/(TYPE=)/i;
+		my $file_name = $_;
+		$file_name =~ s/( TYPE=).*//i;
+		$_ =~ s/.*MD5=//i;
+	 	$file_name = lc $file_name;
+	 	$file_name =~ s/\\/\//g;    #Change / marks to \
+		my %temp;
+		$temp{$_}=1;
+		if (!exists $zips_files{$file_name}) {
+			$zips_files{$file_name}={%temp};
+		}
+		else {
+#				print "$zips_files{$file_name}{$_}\t $_ \n";
+			if (exists $zips_files{$file_name}{$_}) {
+				$zips_files{$file_name}->{$_}=$zips_files{$file_name}->{$_}+1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	close MD5_FILE;
+sub rezip {
+	my $given_files = scalar (@zips);
+	my @zip_list;
+	print "\nrezip $given_files \n";
+	 foreach my $key (keys %zips_files) {
+		 foreach my $key2 (keys %{$zips_files{$key}}) {
+	 		if ($zips_files{$key}{$key2} != $given_files) {
+		  	$key =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
+	 			push @zip_list, $key."\n"; 
+	 		}
+		}
+	}
+  my $current_dir = cwd();
+	foreach my $zip_name (keys %zips_paths) {
+		my $name=$zips_paths{$zip_name}.$zip_name.".zip";
+	  chdir(${temp_dir}.${zip_name});
+		open (ZIP,"| zip -r $name -@");
+		print ZIP @zip_list;
+		close ZIP;
+  	chdir($current_dir);
+	}
+sub info {
+  print "   version $version \n";
+  print "Remove files that are same in each given zipfile.\n";
+  print "Uses evalid to compare files inside zips.\n";
+sub error_msg ($){
+  my($ErrorMsg);
+  ($ErrorMsg)=@_;
+  my $given_command=$0;
+  $given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
+  print "Error: $ErrorMsg \n";
+	print "Usage: \n$given_command -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -backup\n";
+	print "           -z <zipfile>  zipfiles that should compress, two or more are needed\n";
+	print "           -backup       rename original zip files adding '_orig' end of the filename \n";
+	print "Example: \n$given_command -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -backup\n";
+	print "\n";  
+	die "\n";  
\ No newline at end of file