changeset 0 beb51793110d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build/tools/	Mon Jan 18 21:35:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:  
+#    Generate xml that can give input for symbian tbs build system 
+# ============================================================================
+#  Name     :
+#  Part of  : Generate cmd file from input file
+#  Origin   : S60 2.0,NMP
+#  Created  : Tue Oct 6 11:32:47 2003
+#  Version  : 1.0
+#  Description: 
+#    Generate xml that can give input for symbian tbs build system 
+# structure of input file: 
+# <[build]>         open specific build tag, not required, multiply allowed ( like <[build]><[build1]> )
+#   [build] is given with parameter -b 
+#   if [build] not match with given -b parameter, all lines inside this tag will ignore
+# <\>               close specific build tag
+# <#[name]>         open task block
+#  cd \             specify directory where followed lines will be launch
+#  command.cmd      command that will launch in above directory. command can be whatever (perl, cmd, exe...)
+#  cd \temp         redefine directory where followed lines will be launch
+#  command2.cmd     command that will launch in above directory. command can be whatever (perl, cmd, exe...)
+# <\#>              close task block, close also specific build tag if open
+# <parallel>        open parallel block, all task blocks that located inside same parallel block will be run parallel in tbs
+# <\parallel>       close parallel block, close also task block and specific build tag
+# comment (\\,#) and empty lines ingnore 
+# example:
+# <parallel>                        1st parallel block
+# <#commonengine>                   first task
+# cd \S60\commonengine\group       
+# call bldmake bldfiles -k          command that will lauch 1st state
+# call abld export -k               command that will lauch 2nd state
+# <\#>
+# <#bldvariant>                     second task
+# <S60_3_1>                         specify directory for 'S60_3_1' build
+# cd \S60\misc\release\bldvariant\Series_60_3_1_elaf\group
+# <\>
+# <S60_3_2><S60_3_3>                specify directory for 'S60_3_2' and 'S60_3_3' build
+# cd \S60\misc\release\bldvariant\elaf\group
+# <\>
+# call bldmake bldfiles -k          command that will lauch 1st state
+# call abld export -k               command that will lauch 2nd state
+# call abld export -w               command that will lauch 3rd state
+# <\#>
+# <\parallel>
+# <parallel>                        2nd parallel block
+# <#build_platforms>
+# cd \s60\build_platforms\group
+# call bldmake bldfiles -k          command that will lauch 4th state
+# call abld export -k               command that will lauch 5th state
+# <\#>
+# <\parallel>
+use strict;
+use File::Find;     # for finding
+use File::Basename; # for fileparse
+use Getopt::Long;
+# Variables...
+my $version = "V1.0";
+my $inputfile; # input filename
+my $build; # S60_2X
+my $outputfile; # input filename
+my $component = "";
+my ($cmdfile, $xmlfile, $product_name);
+my $skip = 0;
+my ($c, $i, $j);
+if ( !GetOptions('i=s' => \$inputfile, 'b=s' => \$build, 'o=s' =>\$outputfile))
+	&error_msg("Invalid arguments\n");
+# Hello text
+$build =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; #Change all capitals to small    
+open (INPUT,"$inputfile") or &error_msg("Cannot open $inputfile");
+  open (XML_FILE,">$outputfile") or &error_msg("Cannot open $outputfile");
+  pre_xml(\*XML_FILE);
+  gen_xml_file(\*XML_FILE);
+  post_xml(\*XML_FILE);
+  close XML_FILE;
+close INPUT;
+sub gen_xml_file {
+  my ($outputfile)=@_;
+  my $parallel = 0;
+  my $component_name = "";
+  my $component_path = "\\";
+  my @component_command;
+  my %component_parallel;
+  my $id = 1;
+  my $stage = 1;
+  while (<INPUT>) {
+    next if (/^\/\//); # Skip comment lines
+    next if (/^#/); # Skip comment lines
+    next if (/^ *$/); # Skip empty lines 
+  #  $_ =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
+    $_ =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; #Change all capitals to small    
+    chomp; #Remove line feed and carriage return  
+# parallel block opened, components should build parallel 
+    if (/^<parallel>/){
+      $parallel = 1;
+      next;
+    }
+# parallel block closed, write components that can build parallel to output file
+    if (/^<\\parallel>/){
+      my $loop = 1;
+      my $line = 0;
+      while ($loop) {
+        my $found = 0;
+        foreach $c (keys %component_parallel)
+        {
+          my @temp;
+#            print "  $c : $i = $component_parallel{$c}[$i] : \n";
+            @temp=keys %{$component_parallel{$c}[$line]};
+            $j = "";
+            $j = @temp[0];
+            if ($j ne "") {
+              print $outputfile "\t\t<Execute ID=\"$id\" Stage=\"$stage\" Component=\"$c\" Cwd=\"$j\" CommandLine=\"$component_parallel{$c}[$line]{$j}\"/>\n";
+#              print "   \;command path = $j:command = $component_parallel{$c}[$line]{$j}\;\n";
+              $found = 1;
+              $id++;
+            }
+        }
+        $line++;
+        if (!$found) {
+          $loop = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+                  $stage++;
+        }
+      }
+# clear variables
+      %component_parallel =();
+      $component_path = "\\";
+      $parallel = 0;
+      next;
+    }
+# component block end
+    if (/^<\\#/){
+    	if (!$skip) {
+    	  $component_parallel{$component_name}=[@component_command];
+  		}
+  	  $skip = 0;
+  	  @component_command = ();
+  	  next;
+  	}
+# block end
+    if (/^<\\>/) {
+  	  $skip = 0;
+  		next;
+    }
+    next if ($skip);
+    if (!/^</) {
+# get path for xml
+      if (/^cd /){
+      	$component_path = $_;
+      	$component_path =~ s/^cd //;
+    	  next;
+    	}
+    	my $rec = {};
+# store command to @component_command variable
+    	$rec->{$component_path} = $_;
+      push (@component_command, $rec);
+  		next;
+    }
+# get component name for xml
+    if (/^<\#/){
+    	$component_name = $_;
+    	$component_name =~ s/^<\#//;
+    	$component_name =~ s/>\Z//;
+  	  next;
+  	}
+# check build version, if not match skip next lines
+    elsif (!/<$build>/){
+    	$skip = 1;
+    	next;
+  	}
+  }
+sub hello
+print "\nThis is Version $version (C)Nokia Corporation 2002-2003\n"; 
+sub error_msg ($){
+  my($ErrorMsg);
+  ($ErrorMsg)=@_;
+  my $given_command=$0;
+  $given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
+  print "";
+  print "\n";
+  print "Error: $ErrorMsg \n\n";
+  print "Usage: \n$given_command -b <build_name> -i <input file name> -o <output file>\n";
+  print "Example:  \n$given_command bldmefirst.txt -b S60_3_1 -i data\bldmelast.txt -o \epoc32\tools\s60Build\bldmelast.xml\n";
+  print "Example2: \n$given_command bldmefirst.txt -b S60_3_1_western -i data\variant_build.txt -o \epoc32\tools\s60Build\variant_build_western.xml\n";
+  print "\n";  
+  die "\n";    
+# write pre information to output file
+sub pre_xml {
+  my ($outputfile)=@_;
+  print $outputfile "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!DOCTYPE Build  [\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT Product (Commands)>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Product name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT Commands (Execute+ | SetEnv*)>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT Execute EMPTY>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute ID CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute Stage CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute Component CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute Cwd CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute CommandLine CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT SetEnv EMPTY>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST SetEnv Order ID #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST SetEnv Name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST SetEnv Value CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
+  print $outputfile "]>\n\n";
+  print $outputfile "<Product Name=\"$product_name\">\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t<Commands>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t\t<!--Set Env-->\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t\t<SetEnv Order=\"1\" Name=\"EPOCROOT\" Value=\"\\\"/>\n";
+  print $outputfile "\t\t<SetEnv Order=\"2\" Name=\"PATH\" Value=\"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin\;\\epoc32\\tools\;\%PATH\%\"/>\n\n";
+# write post information to output file
+sub post_xml {
+  my ($outputfile)=@_;
+  print $outputfile "\t</Commands>\n";
+  print $outputfile "</Product>\n";