changeset 0 beb51793110d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build/tools/	Mon Jan 18 21:35:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:  See the usage-method below.
+# -----------------------------
+# - Parses TBS build log file -
+# -----------------------------
+#	The script offers parsing functionality for build logs generated by Symbian TBS build tool.
+#	It takes the build log file as an input and creates list of compiled binaries as an output.
+#	The parser searches hard coded key words “-- abld –what” and “++ Finished” and parses the data between the key words.
+#	Optionally you can also zip the binaries. The parser is configurable by giving filter, zipping etc. parameters as an argument.
+#	You can get instructions by launching the script –help
+#	Note: Tested with Symbian TBS build logs only.
+# INPUT:	mandatory:	'-i' name of the build log input file, multiple allowed
+#											'-o' name of the parsed output file or '-zip' name of the zip file
+#											'-filter' and '-pos' defines the string and position ( zero by default ) on the line, which we want to store
+#					optional:		'-ex' defines a list of strings, which excludes lines containing one of these strings
+#											'-zip_prefix' prefix for each secondary zip file name when "double" zipping method selected
+#											'-zip2zip' enables the "double" zipping. Primary zip file name is defined in argument '-zip'
+#											'-zip' full path for the primary zip file
+# OUTPUT: mandatory:	list of compiled binaries as an output file and/or single zip file named according '-zip' parameter
+# 				optional:		separate zip files named according to prefix and component's name containing one's compiled binaries
+use warnings; 
+use strict; 
+use Getopt::Long;
+Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling_override","ignore_case_always");
+my ($what_log, $filter_string) = '';
+my ($start_found, $filter_position, $help, $i, $skip_line) = 0;
+my @build_log = ();
+my @lines = ();
+my @exclude_list = ();
+my $temp_folder = "\\temp_what_zip2zip\\";	# temporaly zip for zip2zip
+my ($app, @app_path, $zip_cmd, $zip_prefix, $zip2zip, $zip) = 0;
+my %components;
+my $parse_start_string = "^(-- abld .*-w)";	# defines the starting point for parsing
+my $parse_end_string = "++ Finished";			# defines the ending point for parsing
+my $app_key_word = "Chdir ";							# defines the key word for finding the app name
+$filter_position = 0;				#set default filter position to zero
+#									MAIN BEGIN									#
+	initialize();							# checks arguments, opens input file etc.
+#	parse_log();							# parses the input file
+	handle_output();					# zips binaries and generates the output file
+#									MAIN END										#
+# Performs initialization
+sub initialize
+	handleArgs();
+	readLogFile();
+# Reads, stores and checks arguments
+sub handleArgs
+		my $ii = 0;
+		my $result = GetOptions (											# read and store arguments
+							 'i=s' => \@build_log,							# path for input file
+					     'o=s' => \$what_log,								# path for output file
+					     'filter=s' => \$filter_string,			# saves lines containing string in $filter_string and in position in $filter_position
+					     'pos:i' => \$filter_position,
+					     'ex=s' => \@exclude_list,					# excludes lines containing one of these strings
+					     'zip=s' => \$zip,									# name for zip file containing binaries from parsed lines
+					     'zip_prefix=s' => \$zip_prefix,		# prefix for zip files named with each application's name if $zip2zip defined
+					     'zip2zip' => \$zip2zip,						# double zipping
+					     'h' => \$help,											# prints usage information
+				  	   'help' => \$help										# prints usage information
+				    	 );
+	# check argumens are valid and prints usage if not
+	if (!$result || !scalar(@build_log) || (!$what_log && !$zip) || (!$zip && $zip2zip) ||
+			!$filter_string || ($filter_position < 0) || $help ) {
+		print "\nUSAGE:\n";
+		print "perl\n".
+					" -i\t'full path of the build log input file'\n".
+					" -o\t'full path of the parsed output file'\n".
+					" -filter\t'defines the string on the line, which we want to store'\n".
+					" -pos\t'defines the position for filter string on the line, 0 index is used by default'\n".
+					" -ex\t'defines a list of strings, which excludes lines containing one of these strings'\n".
+					" -zip\t'full path for the primary zip file'\n".
+					" -zip_prefix\t'prefix for each secondary zip file name when 'double' zipping method selected'\n".
+					" -zip2zip\t'enables the 'double' zipping'\n\n";
+		print "Example1: Parse the build log\n";
+		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"epoc32\" -pos 1\n\n";
+		print "Example2: Parse the build log and zip binaries\n";
+		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"\\epoc32\" -pos -zip \\zip\\S60_binaries\n\n";
+		print "Example3: Parse the build log and double zip binaries\n";
+		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"\\epoc32\" -pos -zip \\zip\\S60_binaries -zip2zip\n\n";
+		print "Example4: Parse the build log with exclude list\n";
+		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"\\epoc32\" -pos -ex \"warning\" -ex \"\\build\"\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	# disable the meaning of characters used in regular expressions
+#	$parse_start_string = lc("\Q$parse_start_string\E");
+	$parse_end_string = lc("\Q$parse_end_string\E");
+	$filter_string = lc($filter_string);
+	foreach $i (@exclude_list) {
+		$i = lc("\Q$i\E");
+		$exclude_list[$ii++] = $i;
+	}
+# Opens and reads the log file to memory
+sub readLogFile
+  foreach my $log_file(@build_log) {
+		open (IN,"$log_file") or die "Cannot open $log_file for reading: $!";
+		@lines=<IN>;
+		parse_log();
+		close IN;
+	}
+# Parses the input file
+# Uses configuration according user input
+sub parse_log {
+ 	foreach (@lines){
+ 		chomp $_;
+ 		if ($_=~/$parse_start_string/i || $_=~/ACTION=what/i) {						# find starting point for data
+ 			$start_found = 1;
+ 		}
+ 		elsif ($start_found) {
+   		if ($_=~/$app_key_word/i) {								# find the path for bld.inf file
+  			@app_path = split /[\\||\/]/,$_;
+  			$app = $app_path[scalar(@app_path)-2];	# store application's name
+   		}
+   		if ($_=~/$parse_end_string/i) {						# stop fetching data
+   			$start_found = 0;
+   			next;
+   		}
+			$_ =~ s/\"//g;
+			my $f = $_;
+			$f = lc $f;
+  		if (($filter_position == index $f,$filter_string,$filter_position) && $start_found) { # fetch valid data only
+  			foreach $i (@exclude_list) {						# check if data is having illegal words
+  				if ($_=~/$i/i) {
+  					$skip_line = 1;
+  				}
+  			}
+				if (!$skip_line) {
+ 					$_ =~ s/ /\n/g;
+	      	push @{$components{$app}}, $_."\n";		# store the data under each app's name
+				}
+  		}
+  		$skip_line = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	@lines = ();
+# Creates output and zip files according arguements
+# Takes the list of binaries and applications fetched from input file as an input
+sub handle_output {
+  my $zip_cmd;
+  # prepares double zipping if zip2zip enabled by user
+  if ($zip2zip) {
+    mkdir $temp_folder;
+  }
+  if ($zip_prefix && $zip_prefix !~ /_$/) { 		# use the prefix from user input
+    $zip_prefix .= "_";
+  }
+	# generates zipping command if zip enabled by user
+  if ($zip) {
+    $zip_cmd ="zip -r ";
+    if ($zip2zip) {
+      $zip_cmd .="-j -m ";
+    }
+    if ($zip !~ /\.zip$/i) {
+    	$zip .= ".zip";
+    }
+    $zip_cmd .="${zip} -@ ";
+  	open (ZIP, "| $zip_cmd");
+  }
+  if ($what_log) {
+  	open (OUT_WHAT,">$what_log") or die "Cannot open $what_log for writing: $!";	# create or open output file
+  }
+	# goes through all apps and their binary lists
+	foreach my $app (sort keys %components) {
+	  if ($zip2zip) {
+			my $zip2zip_cmd = "call zip -r ${temp_folder}${zip_prefix}${app}.zip -@ "; # generate double zipping command
+    	open (ZIP2ZIP, "| $zip2zip_cmd");
+      print ZIP2ZIP @{$components{$app}};				# performs the zipping in temp folder	
+    	close ZIP2ZIP;
+	  }
+	  elsif ($zip) {
+      print ZIP @{$components{$app}};						# performs the normal zipping
+	  }
+	  if ($what_log) {
+      print OUT_WHAT @{$components{$app}};			# prints the binary list to output file
+	  }
+	}
+  if ($what_log) {
+    	close OUT_WHAT;
+  }
+  if ($zip2zip && $zip) {
+    print ZIP $temp_folder."*\n";								# zips the zip files in temp folder
+  }
+  if ($zip) {
+  	close ZIP;
+  }
+  if ($zip2zip) {
+    rmdir $temp_folder;
+  }
+# EOF
\ No newline at end of file