Revision: 201023 RCL_3
authorDremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:42:18 +0300 (2010-06-09)
changeset 20 d879835cfeed
parent 6 c8ecf89eb77f
Revision: 201023 Kit: 2010123
--- a/Symbian/SysDefToText/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# package: SysDefCollector
-# usage: Interacts with the SysDefParser to obtain those parts of the system
-#        definition which are relevant to building a named configuration within the
-#        system definition. Contains a SysDefCollector::ParserClient instance which
-#        acts as the interface to the SysDefParser. This separation reduces the
-#        possibility of a method name clash due to the parser callback mechanism
-#        requiring the client to implement methods of the same name as the XML
-#        element tags of interest.
-# public methods:
-#    new(configname, loghandle): constructs a new instance to collect system 
-#       definition info relating to the configuration name 'configname'.
-#    parserClient(): returns a reference to the SysDefCollector::ParserClient
-#       instance - typically for passing to the parser.
-#    options(): returns a list of the abld options flags as specified in the
-#       'option' elements.
-#    targets(): returns a list of the abld target flags as specified by the
-#       'targetList' attributes for each 'buildLayer' element in the specified
-#       configuration.
-#    specialInstructionsFlag(): returns true/false accordingly as any relevant
-#       'specialInstructions' elements are present/not present. Relevant means
-#       instructions which invoke SETUPPRJ.BAT.
-#    components(): returns a hash of component name and bldFile directories
-#        for each component to be built for the specified configuration.
-#    dump(): debug/development method to dump the internal data structures
-#    test(): debug/development method to dump the results of the methods
-#        'options()', 'targets()', 'specialInstructionsFlag()', 'components()'.
-package SysDefCollector;
-use strict;
-my $debugFlag = 0;
-sub new 
-    my ($class, $configname, $loghandle) = @_;
-    my $self = { client => SysDefCollector::ParserClient->new($configname,$loghandle), loghandle => $loghandle };
-    return bless $self, $class;
-sub parserClient
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->{client};
-# sub options() - returns the translated list of options for each 'option' element
-sub options
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->_collectedList('option');
-# sub targets() - returns the translated list of targets for each 'buildLayer'
-#    in the named configuration.
-sub targets
-    my $self = shift;
-    my @targets;
-    my @buildLayerTargetList = $self->_collectedList('buildLayerTargetList');
-    for my $layerTarget (@buildLayerTargetList)
-    {
-        my %targetListHash = $self->_collectedHash('targetList');
-        my @targetList = @{ $targetListHash{$layerTarget} };
-        push @targets, @targetList;
-    }
-    # eliminate any duplicates by storing as hash keys
-    my %targetHash = map { $_, '' } @targets;
-    # now translate via the target mapping
-    my %targetMap = $self->_collectedHash('target');
-    @targets = map { $targetMap{$_} } keys %targetHash;
-    return @targets;
-# sub specialInstructionsFlag() - returns true if 'specialInstructions' elements are present.
-sub specialInstructionsFlag
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $flag = 0;
-    $flag = $self->_collected()->{specialInstructions}
-                        if exists $self->_collected()->{specialInstructions};
-    return $flag;
-# sub components() - returns an array of components to be built for the named
-#    configuration. Each array element is a reference to a further array whose
-#    element[0] is the component name and element[1] is the directory location
-#    of that component's 'bld.inf' file.
-sub components
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
-    my @unitNames;
-    my @unitListRef = $self->_collectedList('unitListRef');
-    my %unitList    = $self->_collectedHash('unitList');
-    my %unitListNamesHash;  # Used to detect duplicates and then discarded!
-    my %unitNamesHash;      # Used to detect duplicates and then discarded!
-    my %unitMap = $self->_collectedHash('unit');
-    for my $unitListName (@unitListRef)
-    {
-        if (defined $unitListNamesHash{$unitListName})
-        {    # Duplicate unitListName! Ignore it!
-            print $loghandle "Ignoring duplicated unitList: $unitListName\n";
-            next;
-        }
-        $unitListNamesHash{$unitListName} = 1;
-        unless (defined $unitList{$unitListName})
-        {     # No info for this unitList!
-            print $loghandle "No Unit info for unitList: $unitListName\n";
-            next;
-        }
-        my @units = @{ $unitList{$unitListName} };
-        foreach my $unit (@units)
-        {
-            if (defined $unitNamesHash{$unit})
-            {    # Duplicate unit name! Ignore it!
-                print $loghandle "Ignoring duplicated Unit: $unit\n";
-                next;
-            }
-            $unitNamesHash{$unit} = 1;
-            unless (defined $unitMap{$unit})
-            {      # No bldFile (directory) info for this component!
-                print $loghandle "No bldFile info for Unit: $unit\n";
-                next;
-            }
-            my @unitdef = ($unit, $unitMap{$unit});
-            push @unitNames, \@unitdef;
-        }
-    }
-    return @unitNames;
-sub dump
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $fh = shift;
-    $self->parserClient($fh)->dump($fh);
-sub test
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $fh = $self->{loghandle};    # Logfile handle
-    my @options    = $self->options();
-    my @targets    = $self->targets();
-    my $special    = $self->specialInstructionsFlag();
-    my @components = $self->components($fh);
-    print $fh "\nTest Collected System Definition Query Methods\n";
-    print $fh "==============================================\n";
-    print $fh "options: ['", (join "', '", @options), "']\n";
-    print $fh "targets: ['", (join "', '", @targets), "']\n";
-    print $fh "special instructions: '", ($special ? "yes" : "no" ), "'\n";
-    print $fh "components:\n{\n";
-    for my $component (@components)
-    {
-        print $fh "\t'", $component->[0], "' => '", $component->[1], "'\n";
-    }
-    print $fh "}\n";
-    print $fh "==============================================\n";
-# private methods:
-sub _collected
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->parserClient()->{collected};
-sub _collectedHash
-    my ($self, $slot) = @_;
-    my %hash = ();
-    %hash = %{ $self->_collected()->{$slot} }
-                        if exists $self->_collected()->{$slot};
-    return %hash;
-sub _collectedList
-    my ($self, $slot) = @_;
-    my @list = ();
-    @list = @{ $self->_collected()->{$slot} }
-                        if exists $self->_collected()->{$slot};
-    return @list;
-# package: SysDefCollector::ParserClient
-# usage: Interacts directly with the SysDefParser to obtain those parts of the system
-#        definition which are of interest. Implements the parser callback methods
-#        for the XML elements for which we collect information. Some elements are
-#        of interest only if they are enclosed within an outer element with certain
-#        properties. Other elements are always of interest. The latter style of
-#        element is always collected. The former is only collected when it is known
-#        that we are within an appropriate enclosing element. The 'context' property
-#        is used for testing this condition.
-# methods:
-#    new(configname): constructs a new instance to collect system definition info
-#       relating to the configuration name 'configname'.
-#    parserClient(): returns a reference to the SysDefCollector::ParserClient
-#       instance - typically for passing to the parser.
-package SysDefCollector::ParserClient;
-use strict;
-sub new
-    my ($class, $configname, $loghandle) = @_;
-    my $self = { configname => $configname, configfound => 0, context => {intask => 0}, collected => {}, loghandle => $loghandle };
-    return bless $self, $class;
-# The following methods 'configuration()', 'configuration_()' initiate and
-# terminate respectively the collection of element information found inside a
-# 'configuration' element with 'name' attribute matching the objects 'configname'
-# attribute.
-sub configuration
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
-    # start of a 'configuration' element - if the name of the element matches our
-    # 'configname' attribute then we create contexts so that elements of interest
-    # nested within this 'configuration' element can be collected.
-    unless ($attrs{name} eq $self->{configname}) { return; }
-    if ($self->{configfound})
-    {
-        print $loghandle "Ignoring duplicated configuration: $attrs{name} ($attrs{description})\n";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        $self->{configfound} = 1;
-        $self->{context}->{unitListRef} = [];
-        $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList} = [];
-    }
-sub configuration_
-    my ($self, $expat, $element) = @_;
-    $self->_debugout(@_);
-    # end of a 'configuration' element - save what we have collected within this
-    # 'configuration' element and delete the context so as to terminate collection
-    # of any subsequently encountered nested elements.
-    if (exists $self->{context}->{unitListRef})
-    {
-        $self->{collected}->{unitListRef} = $self->{context}->{unitListRef};
-        delete $self->{context}->{unitListRef};
-    }
-    if (exists $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList})
-    {
-        # eliminate duplicates
-        my %hash = map { $_, '' } @{$self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList}};
-        my @unique = keys %hash;
-        $self->{collected}->{buildLayerTargetList} = \@unique;
-        delete $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList};
-    }
-# Method 'unitListRef()' accumulates 'unitListRef' unitList information found
-# within a 'configuration element with matching name.
-sub unitListRef
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    if($self->{context}->{intask})
-        { return; }     # Task-specific unitListRef not supported
-    # if there is a previously created context for 'unitListRef's then store this one.
-    if (exists $self->{context}->{unitListRef})
-    {
-        push @{$self->{context}->{unitListRef}}, $attrs{unitList};
-    }
-    my $x = 1;
-# Methods 'task()' and 'task_()' track context (i.e. inside a task or not)
-# because task-specific activities are not supported.
-sub task
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    $self->{context}->{intask} = 1;
-sub task_
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugout(@_);
-    $self->{context}->{intask} = 0;
-# Method 'buildlayer()' accumulates 'buildlayer' targetList information found
-# within a 'configuration element with matching name.
-sub buildLayer
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    if (exists $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList})
-    {
-        push @{$self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList}}, (split /\s+/, $attrs{targetList});
-    }
-# The following three methods 'unitList()', 'unitList_()' and 'unitRef()'
-# accumulate 'unitList' and 'unitRef' information found within the 'build' elements.
-sub unitList
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    # start of a 'unitList' element  - create a context so that collection of all
-    # 'unitRef's elements found within this 'unitList' element can be collected.
-    die "Fatal: context already has unitList\n" if exists $self->{context}->{unitList};
-    $self->{context}->{unitList} = { name => $attrs{name}, list => [] };
-sub unitList_
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugout(@_);
-    # end of the current 'unitList' element - save what we have collected
-    # and delete the context
-    $self->{collected}->{unitList} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{unitList};
-    my $unitList = delete $self->{context}->{unitList};
-    $self->{collected}->{unitList}->{$unitList->{name}} = $unitList->{list};
-sub unitRef
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    # unitRef found - save unitRef data to current context
-    die "Fatal: context requires unitList\n" if ! exists $self->{context}->{unitList};
-    push @{$self->{context}->{unitList}->{list}}, $attrs{unit};
-# The method 'unit()' accumulates 'unit' information found within the 'systemModel'
-# elements.
-sub unit
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    # no need to set up a temporary context to collect these since they have global scope
-    $self->{collected}->{unit} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{unit};
-    $self->{collected}->{unit}->{$attrs{unitID}} = $attrs{bldFile};
-# sub option() - accumulates 'option' element information found within the
-# 'build' element.
-sub option
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    if ($attrs{enable} =~ /[Yy]/)
-    {
-        # no need to set up a temporary context to collect these since they have global scope
-        $self->{collected}->{option} = [] if ! exists $self->{collected}->{option};
-        push @{$self->{collected}->{option}}, $attrs{abldOption};
-    }
-# sub target() - accumulates 'target' element information found within the
-# 'build' element.
-sub target
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    $self->{collected}->{target} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{target};
-    $self->{collected}->{target}->{$attrs{name}} = $attrs{abldTarget};
-# sub targetList() - accumulates 'targetList' element information found within the
-# 'build' element.
-sub targetList
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    $self->{collected}->{targetList} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{targetList};
-    my @list = split /\s+/, $attrs{target};
-    $self->{collected}->{targetList}->{$attrs{name}} = \@list;
-# sub specialInstructions() - sets the 'specialInstructions' flag if a
-# 'specialInstructions' element is encountered. In practice, we are only
-# interested in instructions which invoke SETUPPRJ.BAT as this will require
-# the inclusion of the "bootstrap" line in the output text file.
-sub specialInstructions
-    my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
-    $self->_debugin(@_);
-    if ($attrs{command} =~ /^setupprj.bat/i)
-        {
-        $self->{collected}->{specialInstructions} = 1;
-        }
-# utility routines for development/debug purposes.
-sub _debugin
-##    return;             ## Suppress this debugging!
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ($ignore0, $ignore2, $element, @args) = @_;
-    my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
-    if ($debugFlag) { print $loghandle "Enter: $element (", (join ' ', @args), ")\n"; }
-sub _debugout
-##    return;             ## Suppress this debugging!
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
-    if ($debugFlag) { print $loghandle "Leave: $_[2]\n"; }
-sub dump
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $fh = shift;
-    print $fh "\nDump Collected System Definition\n\n";    
-    print $fh "================================\n";    
-    if (keys %{$self->{collected}} > 0)
-    {
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{option})
-        {
-            my @option = @{$self->{collected}->{option}};
-            print $fh "option :[", (join ',', @option), "]\n";
-        }
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{specialInstructions})
-        {
-            my $flag = $self->{collected}->{specialInstructions};
-            print $fh "specialInstructions : '", ($flag ?  "yes" : "no"), "'\n";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            print $fh "specialInstructions : 'no'\n";
-        }
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{buildLayerTargetList})
-        {
-            my @buildLayerTargetList = @{$self->{collected}->{buildLayerTargetList}};
-            print $fh "buildLayerTargetList :[", (join ',', @buildLayerTargetList), "]\n";
-        }
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{unitListRef})
-        {
-            my @unitListRef = @{$self->{collected}->{unitListRef}};
-            print $fh "unitListRef :[", (join ',', @unitListRef), "]\n";
-        }
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{unitList})
-        {
-            print $fh "unitList:\n{\n";
-            my %unitList = %{$self->{collected}->{unitList}};
-            for my $key (keys %unitList)
-            {
-                 my @list = @{$unitList{$key}};
-                 print $fh "\t'$key' has units:[", (join ',', @list), "]\n";
-            }
-            print $fh "}\n";
-        }
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{target})
-        {
-            print $fh "target:\n{\n";
-            my %target = %{$self->{collected}->{target}};
-            for my $key (keys %target)
-            {
-                 print $fh "\t'$key' => '", $target{$key} , "'\n";
-            }
-            print $fh "}\n";
-        }
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{targetList})
-        {
-            print $fh "targetList:\n{\n";
-            my %targetList = %{$self->{collected}->{targetList}};
-            for my $key (keys %targetList)
-            {
-                 my @list = @{$targetList{$key}};
-                 print $fh "\t'$key' has targets:[", (join ',', @list), "]\n";
-            }
-            print $fh "}\n";
-        }
-        if (exists $self->{collected}->{unit})
-        {
-            print $fh "unit:\n{\n";
-            my %unit = %{$self->{collected}->{unit}};
-            for my $key (keys %unit)
-            {
-                 print $fh "\t'$key' => '", $unit{$key} , "'\n";
-            }
-            print $fh "}\n";
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        print $fh "Nothing collected\n";
-    }
-    print $fh "================================\n";    
-# -EOF-
--- a/Symbian/SysDefToText/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# package: SysDefParser
-# usage: Wrapper for an XML parser to dispatch callbacks to a client object which
-#    analyses the parsed XML data. The auxiliary package SysDefParser::Dispatcher
-#    acts as an intermediary between the parser and the client to convert function
-#    callbacks to method callbacks using perl's AUTOLOAD mechanism.
-# public methods:
-#    new(-client => <client reference>, [-parser => <package name>]) : creates a
-#        instance. <client reference> is the instance to which the parser callbacks
-#        are dispatched. <package name> is an optional alternative parser client
-#        package to use instead of the default XML::Parser class.
-#    parse(<fileh>): parse the XML data from filehandle <fileh> dispatching
-#        callbacks to the client object.
-package SysDefParser;
-use strict;
-sub new
-    my ($class, %args) = @_;
-    my $self = bless {}, $class;
-    $self->{client} = delete $args{-client};
-    if (exists $args{-parser})
-    {
-        $args{Pkg} = 'SysDefParser::Dispatcher';
-        require $args{-parser};
-        $self->{parser} = $args{-parser}->createParser(%args);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        $self->{parser} = $class->_createParser(%args);
-    }
-    return $self;
-sub _createParser
-    my ($class, %args) = @_;
-    require XML::Parser;
-    return XML::Parser->new
-           (
-               Style        => 'Subs',
-               Pkg          => 'SysDefParser::Dispatcher',
-               ErrorContext => 2
-           );
-my $PARSERCLIENT = undef;
-sub _client { return $PARSERCLIENT; }
-sub parse
-    my ($self, $fileh) = @_;
-    # we can't pass any context down to the underlying parser so that we can work out which
-    # object any callbacks from the parser are associated with so, assuming that the parser will
-    # not be called in a re-entrant fashion, we store the context at this point, so that we can
-    # then dispatch the callbacks from the parsers 'parse' method to those methods of the saved
-    # $PARSERCLIENT instance.
-    die "Fatal: client object not set\n" if ! defined $self->{client};
-    die "Fatal: parser client object already set\n" if defined $PARSERCLIENT;
-    $PARSERCLIENT = $self->{client};
-    # call the parser, callbacks will be dispatched to sub AUTOLOAD in SysDefParser::Dispatcher
-    my $rv =$self->{parser}->parse($fileh);
-    # finished parsing, unset the context
-    $PARSERCLIENT = undef;
-    return $rv;
-# package SysDefParser::Dispatcher
-# usage: Internal package. Uses AUTOLOAD mechanism to receive parser callbacks and
-#    convert them to object method calls on teh client object.
-package SysDefParser::Dispatcher;
-use strict;
-    my @ARGS = @_;
-    my $client = SysDefParser::_client();
-    die "Fatal: parser client object not set\n" if ! defined $client;
-    # translate the called back function name to the client method name
-    my $clientpkg = ref($client);
-    my $method = $SysDefParser::Dispatcher::AUTOLOAD;
-    $method =~ s/^SysDefParser::Dispatcher/$clientpkg/;
-    # dispatch the parser's callback to the client object (if implemented by client)
-    $client->$method(@ARGS) if $client->can($method);
-# -EOF-
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/Symbian/SysDefToText/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# This script converts new-style System Definition XML files to the older
-# .TXT file format (i.e. files of the type GT.TXT, Techview.TXT etc.)
-# Modified by S60 to get two xml input file
-# Can use cases when system model and system build located in different files
-use strict;
-use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
-use lib $FindBin::Bin;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use SysDefToText;
-my $debug;
-my ($config, $XMLfile, $outfile, $logfile) = ProcessCommandLine();
-print STDERR "Configuration:    $config\n";
-print STDERR "Input .XML file:  @$XMLfile\n";
-print STDERR "Output .TXT file: $outfile\n";
-if (defined $logfile)
-    {
-    print STDERR "Logfile:          $logfile\n";
-    }
-SysDefToText::ConvertFile($config, $XMLfile, $outfile, $logfile);
-# ProcessCommandLine
-# Inputs
-#   @ARGV
-# Outputs
-#   Returns Configuration Nmae and filenames.
-# Description
-#   This function processes the command line
-#   On error, exits via Usage();
-sub ProcessCommandLine
-    my ($help, $config, @XMLfile, $XMLfile1, $outfile, $logfile);
-    my $args = @ARGV;
-    my $ret = GetOptions('h' => \$help, 'n=s' => \$config, 'x=s' => \@XMLfile, 'o=s' => \$outfile, 'l=s' => \$logfile);
-    if (($help) || (!$args) || (!$ret) || (!@XMLfile) || (!defined $config) || (!defined $outfile))
-    {
-        Usage();
-    }
-    if (@ARGV)
-    {
-        Usage ("Redundant information on command line: @ARGV");
-    }
-    return($config, \@XMLfile, $outfile, $logfile);
-# Usage
-# Input: Error message, if any
-# Output: Usage information.
-sub Usage
-    if (@_)
-    {
-        print "\n****@_\n";
-    }
-    print <<USAGE_EOF;
-    Usage: parameters [options]
-    Parameters:
-    -x   XML System Model File [Multiple -x options allowed]
-    -n   Named Configuration
-    -o   Output Text (.TXT) file
-    Options:
-    -h   Display this Help and exit.
-    -l   Logfile (.LOG)
-    exit 1;
-sub dbgprint
-    if($debug) { print ">>@_"; }
--- a/Symbian/SysDefToText/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# This module converts new-style System Definition XML files to the older
-# .TXT file format (i.e. files of the type GT.TXT, Techview.TXT etc.)
-package SysDefToText;
-use strict;
-use SysDefCollector;
-use SysDefParser;
-# ConvertFile
-# Inputs
-#   Name of XML file to read
-#   Configuration name
-# Outputs
-#   Writes data to Text File
-#   Writes to log file, if filename defined.
-# Description
-#   This is the "top level" subroutine for the conversion of a "SysDef" .XML file to an old format "Text" file.
-sub ConvertFile
-    my ($configname, $XMLfile, $outfile, $logfile) = @_;
-#    my $XMLhandle = \*XMLFILE;
-    my $outhandle = \*OUTFILE;
-    my $loghandle = \*LOGFILE;
-#    open $XMLhandle, "<$XMLfile" or die "Cannot open input file: $XMLfile";
-    open $outhandle, ">$outfile" or die "Cannot open output file: $outfile";
-    if (defined $logfile)
-    {
-        open $loghandle, ">$logfile" or die "Cannot open logfile: $logfile";
-        print $loghandle "Processing: $XMLfile    Output to: $outfile\n";
-        print $loghandle "==================================================\n";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        $loghandle = \*STDERR;
-    }
-    my $sysdef = SysDefCollector->new($configname,$loghandle);
-    my $parser = SysDefParser->new(-client => $sysdef->parserClient());
-		foreach my $file (@$XMLfile) {
-	    my $XMLhandle = \*file;
-	    open $XMLhandle, "<$file" or die "Cannot open input file: $file";
-	    $parser->parse($XMLhandle);
-	    close $XMLhandle;
-		}
-    ## Suppress this debugging!
-    ##{   # FTB just call dump() and test() routines.
-        #$sysdef->dump($loghandle);
-        #$sysdef->test($loghandle);
-    ##}
-    WriteHeader($outhandle,$configname,$XMLfile);
-    my @list0 = $sysdef->options();          # ABLD options
-    my @list1 = $sysdef->targets();
-    WriteOptionList($outhandle,\@list0,\@list1);
-    my @list2 = $sysdef->components();
-    my $bootflag = $sysdef->specialInstructionsFlag();
-    WriteComponentList($outhandle,\@list2,$bootflag);
-#    close XMLFILE;
-    close OUTFILE;
-    if (defined $logfile) { close LOGFILE; }
-# WriteHeader
-# Inputs
-#   Handle of Text file to which to write
-#   Configuration name
-# Outputs
-#   Writes data to Text File
-# Description
-#   This subroutine initiates the old format "Text" file.
-sub WriteHeader
-    my $fh = shift;
-    my $config = shift;
-    my $XMLfile = shift;
-    print $fh <<HEADER_TXT;
-# ****************************** IMPORTANT NOTE ************************************
-# This file was generated using information read from: @$XMLfile.
-# The configuration was specified as: $config
-# **********************************************************************************
-# WriteOptionList
-# Inputs
-#   Handle of Text file to which to write
-#   Array reference for list of ABLD Options
-#   Array reference for list of targets
-# Outputs
-#   Writes data to Text File
-# Description
-#   This subroutine writes out options and targets (one per line) to the old format "Text" file.
-#   Note that option lines and target lines have the same format! 
-sub WriteOptionList
-    my $fh = shift;
-    my $abldoptions = shift;      # Array ref.
-    my $targets = shift;          # Array ref.
-    print $fh "# Optional variations in the generated scripts\n\n";
-    my $column2pos = 8;
-    foreach my $option (@$abldoptions)
-    {
-        my $name = '<option ????>';
-        if ($option =~ /^-(.+)/) {$name = "<option $1>"}
-        my $len = length $name;
-        while ($len > $column2pos) { $column2pos += 8; }
-        printf $fh "%-*s\t# use abld %s\n", $column2pos, $name, $option;
-    }
-    foreach my $target (@$targets)
-    {
-        # abld targets are only one word
-        next if ($target =~ /\w+\s+\w+/);
-        my $name;
-        if ($target =~ /(misa|mint|mcot|mtemplate|meig)/i)
-        {
-            $name = "<option arm_assp $target>";
-        } else {
-            $name = "<option $target>";
-        }
-        my $len = length $name;
-        while ($len > $column2pos) { $column2pos += 8; }
-        printf $fh "%-*s\t#\n", $column2pos, $name;
-    }
-    print $fh "\n";
-# WriteComponentList
-# Inputs
-#   Handle of Text file to which to write
-#   Hash reference for hash of Components
-# Outputs
-#   Writes data to Text File
-# Description
-#   This subroutine writes out the Name and filepath (abld_directory) for each component,
-#   one component per line, to the old format "Text" file.
-sub WriteComponentList
-    my $fh = shift;
-    my $listref = shift;    # Ordered array of array refs -> "Name" and "abld_directory" pairs
-    my $bootflag = shift;   # Boolean flag indicates whether default bootstrap "component" required
-    print $fh "# List of components required \n";
-    print $fh "#\n# Name		abld_directory\n";
-    if($bootflag)
-        {
-        print $fh "#\n# Bootstrapping....\n\n";
-        print $fh "<special bldfiles E32Toolp group>			# Special installation for E32ToolP\n\n";
-        print $fh "# Components:\n";
-        }
-    print $fh "#\n";
-    ##print $fh "# Things which generate include files used by later components, e.g. .RSG, .MBG or .h files\n\n";
-    ##print $fh "# Everything else\n\n";
-    my $column2pos = 8;
-    foreach my $component (@$listref)
-    {
-        my $len = length $component->[0];
-        while ($len > $column2pos) { $column2pos += 8; }
-        my $bldfile = $component->[1];
-        if ($bldfile =~ /^\\/) {
-          $bldfile =~ s/^\\//i;
-        }
-        printf $fh "%-*s\t%s\n", $column2pos, $component->[0], $bldfile;
-    }
--- a/build/config/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# buildpreparation's actual configuration export makefile
-MAKEFILE =	/sf/tools/buildplatforms/build/config/
-S60BUILDTOOLFILES =				$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/toucher.exe																			/epoc32/tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/zip.exe																					/epoc32/tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/S60_build.cmd																		/epoc32/tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/																	/epoc32/tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/build_tbs.cmd																		/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/																				/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/															/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/build_Variant.cmd																/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/																		/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/																/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/														/epoc32/tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/														/epoc32/tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/										/epoc32/tools/s60tools/
-PRODUCTIZATIONFILES =			$(MAKEFILEDIR)../tools/															/epoc32/tools/
-S60BUILDDATAFILES =				$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/S60_SystemBuild.xml																/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/S60_SystemModel.xml																/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/systemDefinitionLayerRef.xml											/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/custom_SystemDefinition.xml												/epoc32/tools/s60tools/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/s60_sbs_config.xml																/epoc32/sbs_config/
-STYLESYSTEMDEFFILES =			$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/default_build.xml																	/epoc32/tools/systemDefinition/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/default_clean.xml																	/epoc32/tools/systemDefinition/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/systemDefinition.dtd															/epoc32/tools/systemDefinition/ \
-													$(MAKEFILEDIR)../data/targetDefinition.xml															/epoc32/tools/systemDefinition/
-buildpreparation_config										:: buildpreparation_config-s60buildtool buildpreparation_config-productization buildpreparation_config-s60builddata buildpreparation_config-stylesystemdef
-buildpreparation_config-s60buildtool 			::
-buildpreparation_config-productization  	::
-buildpreparation_config-s60builddata 			::
-buildpreparation_config-stylesystemdef		::
-$(call addfiles, $(S60BUILDTOOLFILES), buildpreparation_config-s60buildtool)
-$(call addfiles, $(PRODUCTIZATIONFILES), buildpreparation_config-productization)
-$(call addfiles, $(S60BUILDDATAFILES), buildpreparation_config-s60builddata)
-$(call addfiles, $(STYLESYSTEMDEFFILES), buildpreparation_config-stylesystemdef)
-$(call popout,MAKEFILE_STACK)
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/data/S60_SystemBuild.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
- <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition (systemModel?, build?)>
- <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-  schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
- <!ELEMENT layer (logicalset* | module*)*>
- <!ATTLIST layer
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED
- <!ELEMENT logicalset (logicalsubset* | module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalset 
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED  
-  level CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT logicalsubset (module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalsubset name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT module (component* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST module
-  level CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT component (unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST component name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT package EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST package
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT prebuilt EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST prebuilt
-  version CDATA #REQUIRED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT build (option* | target+ | targetList+ | unitList+ | configuration+)*>
- <!ELEMENT unitList (unitRef+)>
- <!ATTLIST unitList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT unitRef EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST targetList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
- <!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST target
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST option
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  enable (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT configuration (unitListRef+ | layerRef+ | task+)*>
- <!ATTLIST configuration
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  filter CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT task ( unitListRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
- <!ELEMENT unitListRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST unitListRef unitList IDREF #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT layerRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST layerRef layerName CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST buildLayer
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED
-  targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
-  unitParallel (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED
-  targetParallel (Y | N | y | n) #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST specialInstructions
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<SystemDefinition name="S60_SystemBuild" schema="1.4.0">
-	<layer name="os_layer">
-	</layer>
-	<layer name="bldfirst_mw_layer">
-	</layer>
-	<layer name="mw_layer">
-	</layer>
-	<layer name="bldfirst_app_layer">
-	</layer>
-	<layer name="app_layer">
-	</layer>
-	<layer name="tools_layer">
-	</layer>
-	<layer name="stubs_layer">
-	</layer>
-<layer name="src">
-<module name="hlpmodel">
-<component name="hlpmodel">
-<unit unitID="S60_hlpmodel" name="hlpmodel" bldFile="\src\common\generic\app-services\hlpmodel\group" mrp=""/>
-<layer name="extra">
-	<module name="WlanEapSettingsUi_ccx">
-		<component name="WlanEapSettingsUi_ccx">
-			<unit unitID="s60_mw_networking_networkingutilities_WlanEapSettingsUi_group_ccx" name="WlanEapSettingsUi_ccx" bldFile="\sf\mw\accesssec\wlansecuritysettings\wlaneapsettingsui\group\ccx" mrp=""/>
-		</component>
-	</module>
-<layer name="SF_SOS">
-<module name="sf_licenseetsystub">
-<component name="sf_licenseetsystub">
-<unit unitID="sf_os_cellularsrv_telephonyserverplugins_licenseetsystub" name="sf_licenseetsystub" bldFile="\sf\os\cellularsrv\telephonyserverplugins\licenseetsystub\group" mrp="" filter="!no_stubs"/>
-<module name="sf_common_tsy">
-<component name="sf_common_tsy">
-<unit unitID="sf_os_cellularsrv_telephonyserverplugins_common_tsy" name="sf_common_tsy" bldFile="\sf\os\cellularsrv\telephonyserverplugins\common_tsy\group" mrp="" filter=""/>
-  <build>
-    <option name="KEEPGOING" abldOption="-keepgoing" description="Causes make to keepgoing on errors" enable="Y"/>
-<!--    <option name="SAVESPACE" abldOption="-savespace" description="Causes the removal of intermediate files" enable="Y"/> -->
-    <target name="WINS" abldTarget="wins" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-    <target name="WINS_REL" abldTarget="wins urel" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-    <target name="WINS_DEB" abldTarget="wins udeb" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-    <target name="WINSCW" abldTarget="winscw" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-    <target name="WINSCW_REL" abldTarget="winscw urel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-    <target name="WINSCW_DEB" abldTarget="winscw udeb" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-    <target name="TOOLS" abldTarget="tools" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools"/>
-    <target name="TOOLS_REL" abldTarget="tools rel" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/>
-    <target name="ARMV5" abldTarget="armv5" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-    <target name="ARMV5_REL" abldTarget="armv5 urel" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-    <target name="ARMV5_DEB" abldTarget="armv5 udeb" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-    <target name="ARM9E" abldTarget="arm9e" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-    <!-- Aditional Targets -->
-    <target name="CWTOOLS" abldTarget="cwtools" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools"/> <!-- Not supported -->
-    <target name="CWTOOLS_REL" abldTarget="cwtools rel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/> <!-- Not supported -->
-    <targetList name="default" description="Main Targets" target="WINSCW ARMV5"/>
-    <targetList name="default_winscw" description="Main Targets" target="WINSCW"/>
-    <targetList name="default_armv5" description="Main Targets" target="ARMV5"/>
-    <targetList name="default_rel" description="Main Targets for rel" target="WINSCW_REL ARMV5_REL"/>
-    <targetList name="default_deb" description="Main Targets for deb" target="WINSCW_DEB ARMV5_DEB"/>
-    <targetList name="default_debrel" description="Main Targets for WINSCW deb and ARMV5 urel" target="WINSCW_DEB ARMV5_REL"/>
-    <targetList name="default_tools" description="tools Targets" target="TOOLS"/>
-    <targetList name="tools_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="TOOLS_REL"/>
-    <targetList name="cwtools" description="cwtools Targets" target="CWTOOLS"/>
-    <targetList name="cwtools_rel" description="cwtools Release Targets" target="CWTOOLS_REL"/>
-    <targetList name="arm9e" description="arm9e Release Targets" target="ARM9E"/>
-   	<configuration name="S60_bldmelast" description="S60 bldmelast part" filter="S60_5_0,western,raptor_S60_bldmelast">
-<!-- for target arm9e 
-      <task><specialInstructions name="EAacPlusCodecPlugin" cwd="\sf\os\mm\audio\ARM_CMMF_codecs\EAacPlusCodecPlugin\Group" command="bldmake bldfiles -k"/></task> 
-      <task><specialInstructions name="EAacPlusCodecPlugin" cwd="\sf\os\mm\audio\ARM_CMMF_codecs\EAacPlusCodecPlugin\Group" command="abld build arm9e -k"/></task> 
-			<layerRef layerName="arm9e_layer"/>
-  		<task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-  		<task><buildLayer command="abld build " targetList="arm9e" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-  		<task><buildLayer command="abld build -what" targetList="arm9e" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-  		<task><buildLayer command="abld build -check" targetList="arm9e" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-  	</configuration>
-   	<configuration name="S60_bldmelast_sf" description="S60 bldmelast part" filter="S60_5_0,western">
-      <!--unitListRef unitList="S60_BLDVARIANT_SF"/>   		
-   		<unitListRef unitList="S60_REGIONALVARIANT"/-->
-<!-- do what for regional variant that those can be zipped from bldmelast build log file -->
-  		<task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-  		<task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-  		<task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-  	</configuration>
-		<configuration name="S60_clean" description="S60 clean build" filter="raptor_S60_clean,oem_build,stubs">
-			<layerRef layerName="os_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="tools_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="stubs_layer"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-		<configuration name="S60_sf" description="S60 sf build" filter="raptor_S60_sf,sf_build">
-			<layerRef layerName="os_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="tools_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="stubs_layer"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-		<configuration name="S60_winscw" description="S60 winscw build" filter="oem_build">
-			<layerRef layerName="os_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="tools_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="stubs_layer"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-		<configuration name="S60_fast" description="S60 clean build for winscw udeb and armv5 urel" filter="oem_build">
-			<layerRef layerName="os_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="mw_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="bldfirst_app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="app_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="tools_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="stubs_layer"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default_debrel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default_debrel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default_debrel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default_debrel" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-		<configuration name="S60_complementary" description="S60 complementary build" filter="raptor_S60_complementary">
-			<layerRef layerName="complementary_layer"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-launch -what command for binary only component so thosa can be zipped  
-this configuration can be used only when those components has built among normal build
-		<configuration name="binary_only_what" description="do what command for binary only components" filter="raptor_binary_only_what">
-			<layerRef layerName="bin_layer"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-<!--  OS Extension build configurations start  -->
-	<configuration name="OSExt" description="S60 OS Extension build" filter="osext,dfs_build">
-			<layerRef layerName="os_layer"/>
-			<layerRef layerName="stubs_layer"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles -k" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export -k" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target -k" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-  	  <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-  </build>
--- a/build/data/S60_SystemModel.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1142 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
- <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition (systemModel?, build?)>
- <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-  schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
- <!ELEMENT layer (logicalset* | module*)*>
- <!ATTLIST layer
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED
- <!ELEMENT logicalset (logicalsubset* | module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalset name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT logicalsubset (module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalsubset name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT module (component* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST module
-  level CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT component (unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST component name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-  qmakeArgs CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT package EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST package
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT prebuilt EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST prebuilt
-  version CDATA #REQUIRED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT build (option* | target+ | targetList+ | unitList+ | configuration+)*>
- <!ELEMENT unitList (unitRef+)>
- <!ATTLIST unitList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT unitRef EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST targetList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
- <!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST target
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST option
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  enable (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT configuration (unitListRef+ | layerRef+ | task+)*>
- <!ATTLIST configuration
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  filter CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT task ( unitListRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
- <!ELEMENT unitListRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST unitListRef unitList IDREF #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT layerRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST layerRef layerName CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST buildLayer
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED
-  targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
-  unitParallel (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED
-  targetParallel (Y | N | y | n) #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST specialInstructions
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED>
-Name        : sysdef_dtd_1_5_1.xml 
-Part of     : Helium 
-Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-All rights reserved.
-This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-at the URL "".
-Initial Contributors:
-Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<SystemDefinition name="sysdef_dtd_1_5_1_xml + QuickOffice + adobereader + webvideo + wmdrmkeystorage_dist + wmdrmpd_dist + zipviewer + avdomain + s60platformrelease + oemrndtools + swconfigapps + avdomain + btaudioadaptation_stub + drm_stub + ocrsrv_stub + omasuplasnconverterstubimpl + posmsgpluginreferenceimpl + power_save_display_mode_stub + srsfenginestub + systemswstubs + tactileclickplugin_stub + wlanhwinit_stub + camera + commonemail + conntools + contacts + contentcontrol + conversations + devicecontrol + systemswextensions + files + graphicsuis + helps + homescreen + homescreentools + im + iptelephony + jrt + location + messaging + mmsharinguis + avdomain + organizer + phone + photos + printing + profile + radio + rndtools + screensaver + settingsuis + speechsrv + graphics + utils + video + videotelephony + avdomain + webuis + accesssec + appinstall + appsupport + btservices + camerasrv + classicui + dlnasrv + drm + gsprofilesrv + hapticsservices + avdomain + homescreensrv + imghandling + imsrv + inputmethods + ipappprotocols + ipappservices + ipconnmgmt + legacypresence + locationsrv + mds + messagingmw + metadatasrv + avdomain + avdomain + mmuifw + netprotocols + opensrv + phonesrv + platformtools + qt + remoteconn + remotemgmt + remotestorage + securitysrv + serviceapi + serviceapifw + shortlinkconn + ossrv + svgt + uiaccelerator + uiresources + uitools + usbservices + videoutils + vpnclient + web + websrv + wirelessacc + bt + deviceplatformrelease + devicesrv + graphics + imagingext + lbs + avdomainosext + osrndtools + ossrv + systemswextensions + usb + wlan + xmlsrv + buildplatforms" schema="1.5.1 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.5.1 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0 + 1.4.0"><systemModel>
-    <layer name="complementary_layer">
-      <module name="QuickOffice">
-        <unit unitID="orgdo.QuickOffice" mrp="" bldFile="ext/complementary/QuickOffice/group" filter="dfs_build" name="QuickOffice"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="adobereader">
-        <unit unitID="orgdo.adobereader" mrp="" bldFile="ext/complementary/adobereader/group" filter="dfs_build" name="adobereader"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="webvideo">
-        <unit unitID="wvdo.webvideo" mrp="" bldFile="ext/complementary/webvideo/group" name="webvideo"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="wmdrmkeystorage_dist">
-        <unit unitID="sedo.wmdrmkeystorage_dist" mrp="" bldFile="ext/complementary/wmdrmkeystorage_dist/group" name="wmdrmkeystorage_dist" filter="dfs_build"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="wmdrmpd_dist">
-        <unit unitID="sedo.wmdrmpd_dist" mrp="" bldFile="ext/complementary/wmdrmpd_dist/group" name="wmdrmpd_dist" filter="dfs_build"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="zipviewer">
-        <unit unitID="orgdo.zipviewer" mrp="" bldFile="ext/complementary/zipviewer/group" filter="dfs_build" name="zipviewer"/>
-      </module></layer>
-<layer name="mw_layer">
-			<module name="mobilemidi">
-				<unit unitID="mobilemidi51" mrp="" bldFile="ext/mw/mobilemidi/Group" name="mobilemidi51"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="accesssec">
-        <unit unitID="netdo.accesssec" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/accesssec/group" name="accesssec"/>
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wpxeapol" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/accesssec/eapol/eapol_framework/eapol_symbian/group/wpxeapol" filter="dfs_build" name="wpxeapol"/>
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wpxeap" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/accesssec/eapol/eapol_framework/eapol_symbian/group/wpxeap" filter="dfs_build" name="wpxeap"/>
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wpx" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/accesssec/wlansecuritysettings/wlaneapsettingsui/group/wpx" filter="dfs_build" name="wpx"/>
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wapisymbian" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/accesssec/eapol/eapol_framework/wapi_symbian/group" filter="dfs_build" name="wapisymbian"/>
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wapiui" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/accesssec/wlansecuritysettings/wapisecuritysettingsui/group/" filter="dfs_build" name="wapiui"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="appinstall">
-        <unit unitID="sedo.appinstall" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/appinstall/group" name="appinstall"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="appsupport">
-        <unit unitID="sydo.appsupport" name="appsupport" bldFile="sf/mw/appsupport/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="">
-        <unit unitID="sydo.appsupport.appsupport_plat.flash_mmi_service_interface_custom_api" name="sydo_appsupport_appsupport_plat_flash_mmi_service_interface_custom_api" bldFile="sf/mw/appsupport/appsupport_plat/flash_mmi_service_interface_custom_api/group" mrp="" filter="!sf_build"/>
-        <unit unitID="sydo.appsupport.appsupport_plat.flash_netscape_plugin_command_api" name="sydo_appsupport_appsupport_plat_flash_netscape_plugin_command_api" bldFile="sf/mw/appsupport/appsupport_plat/flash_netscape_plugin_command_api/group" mrp="" filter="!sf_build"/>
-        <unit unitID="sydo.appsupport.coreapplicationuis.atcmdplugin" name="sydo_appsupport_appsupport_coreapplicationuis_atcmdplugin" bldFile="sf/mw/appsupport/coreapplicationuis/atcmdplugin/group" mrp="" filter="sf_build"/>
-<unit unitID="mmmw_3GPExtParserLib" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/mmserv/metadatautility/3GPExtParserLib/group" filter="!sf_build" name="mmmw_3GPExtParserLib"/>
-<unit unitID="sedo.securitysrv.pkiutilities.Certificates" bldFile="sf/mw/securitysrv/pkiutilities/Certificates/group" mrp="" filter="sf_build" name="sedo_securitysrv_pkiutilities_Certificates"/>
-<unit unitID="sedo.securitysrv.pkiutilities.Certificates_OEM" bldFile="sf/mw/securitysrv/pkiutilities/Certificates_OEM/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build" name="sedo_securitysrv_pkiutilities_Certificates_OEM"/>
-<unit unitID="lcdo.usbservices.usbclasses.usbosdescriptorhandler" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/usbservices/usbclasses/usbosdescriptorhandler/group" filter="!sf_build" name="usbservices_usbclasses_usbosdescriptorhandler"/>
-<unit unitID="lcdo.usbservices.usbclasses.msmmplugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/usbservices/usbclasses/msmmplugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="usbservices_usbclasses_msmmplugin"/>
-<unit unitID="lcdo.usbservices.usbclasses.usbhidclassdriver" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/usbservices/usbclasses/usbhidclassdriver/group" filter="!sf_build" name="usbservices_usbclasses_usbhidclassdriver"/></module>
-<module name="btservices">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.btservices" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/btservices/group" name="btservices"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="camerasrv">
-        <unit unitID="imm.camerasrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/camerasrv/group" name="camerasrv"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="dlnasrv">
-        <unit name="dlnasrv" unitID="hcdo.dlnasrv" bldFile="sf/mw/dlnasrv/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="drm">
-        <unit unitID="sedo.drm" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/drm/group" name="drm"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="hapticsservices">
-        <unit unitID="abs.hapticsservices" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/hapticsservices/group" name="hapticsservices"/>
-        <unit unitID="abs.tactilefeedbackresolver" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/hapticsservices/tactilefeedback/tactilefeedbackresolver/plugins/group" filter="dfs_build" name="tactilefeedbackresolver"/>
-        <unit unitID="abs.tacticonhapticsplugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/hapticsservices/tacticonserver/server/tacticonpluginfw/tacticonhapticsplugin/group" filter="dfs_build" name="tacticonhapticsplugin"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="helix">
-				<unit unitID="helix" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/group" filter="!sf_build" name="helix"/>
-				<unit unitID="helix_src" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/src/group" filter="!sf_build" name="helix_src"/>
-				<unit unitID="ng_helix_src" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/ng_helix/src/group" filter="!sf_build" name="ng_helix_src"/>
-				<unit unitID="helix_stub" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/helix_stub/group" filter="sf_build" name="helix_stub"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="homescreensrv">
-        <unit unitID="hs.homescreensrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/homescreensrv/group" name="homescreensrv"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="imghandling">
-        <unit unitID="imm.imghandling" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/imghandling/group" name="imghandling"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="imsrv">
-        <unit unitID="MeCoDo.imsrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/imsrv/group" name="imsrv"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="inputmethods">
-        <unit unitID="abs.inputmethods" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/inputmethods/group" name="inputmethods"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="ipappprotocols">
-  		<unit unitID="ipapdo.ipappprotocols" name="ipappprotocols" bldFile="sf/mw/ipappprotocols/group" mrp=""/> 
-      </module>
-<module name="ipappsrv">
-  		<unit unitID="ipasdo.ipappsrv" name="ipappsrv" bldFile="sf/mw/ipappsrv/group" mrp=""/> 
-      </module>
-<module name="ipconnmgmt">
-        <unit unitID="netdo.ipconnmgmt" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/ipconnmgmt/group" name="ipconnmgmt"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="legacypresence">
-        <unit unitID="presdo.legacypresence" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/legacypresence/group" name="legacypresence"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="locationsrv">
-        <unit unitID="lodo.locationsrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/locationsrv/group" name="locationsrv"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="asnpluginimplementation"> 
-     	<unit unitID="lodo.locationsrv.supl.asnpluginimplementation" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/locationsrv/supl/locationomasuplprotocolhandler/asnpluginimplementation/group" filter="dfs_build" name="lodo_locationsrv_supl_asnpluginimplementation>"/>
-     </module>
-<module name="asnpluginimplementationver2"> 
-     	<unit unitID="lodo.locationsrv.supl.asnpluginimplementationver2" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/locationsrv/supl/locationomasuplprotocolhandler/asnpluginimplementationver2/group" filter="dfs_build" name="lodo_locationsrv_supl_asnpluginimplementationver2>"/>
-     </module>
-<module name="mds">
-        <unit unitID="imm.mds" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/group" name="mds"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="messagingmw">
-        <unit unitID="MeCoDo.messagingmw" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/messagingmw/group" name="messagingmw"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="metadatasrv">
-        <unit unitID="imm.metadatasrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/metadatasrv/group" name="metadatasrv"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="mmappfw">
-				<unit unitID="mmappfw" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmappfw/group" name="mmappfw"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="mmmw">
-				<unit unitID="mmmw" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/group" name="mmmw"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="mmuifw">
-        <unit unitID="uxdo.mmuifw" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmuifw/group" name="mmuifw"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="netprotocols">
-	    <unit unitID="browsing_domain.netprotocols" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/netprotocols/group" name="netprotocols"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="opensrv">
-        <unit unitID="MeCoDo.opensrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/opensrv/group" name="opensrv"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="phonesrv">
-	      <unit name="phonesrv" unitID="tedo.phonesrv" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="platformtools">
-        <unit unitID="tools.platformtools" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/platformtools/group" name="platformtools"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="qt">
-                <unit unitID="qtdo.qt" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/qt" name="qt" proFile="" qmakeArgs="&quot;QMAKE_MOC=/epoc32/tools/qt/moc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_RCC=/epoc32/tools/qt/rcc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_UIC=/epoc32/tools/qt/uic.exe&quot; -r"/>
-            </module>
-<module name="remoteconn">
-        <unit name="remoteconn" unitID="sydo.remoteconn" bldFile="sf/mw/remoteconn/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="remotemgmt">
-        <unit unitID="spdo.remotemgmt" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/remotemgmt/group" name="remotemgmt"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="policyenginepolicies"> 
-     	<unit unitID="spdo.remotemgmt.policyenginepolicies" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/remotemgmt/policymanagement/policyengine/policyenginepolicies/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="spdo_remotemgmt_policyenginepolicies"/>
-     </module>
-<module name="remotestorage">
-        <unit unitID="presdo.remotestorage" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/remotestorage/group" name="remotestorage"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="securitysrv">
-        <unit name="securitysrv" unitID="sedo.securitysrv" bldFile="sf/mw/securitysrv/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="serviceapi">                             
-<unit name="serviceapi" unitID="sapido.serviceapi" bldFile="sf/mw/serviceapi/group" mrp=""/>
-<module name="serviceapifw">                             
-<unit name="serviceapifw" unitID="sapido.serviceapifw" bldFile="sf/mw/serviceapifw/group" mrp=""/>
-<module name="shortlinkconn">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.shortlinkconn" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/shortlinkconn/group" name="shortlinkconn"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="upnp">                             
-<unit name="upnp" unitID="mrtdo.upnp" bldFile="sf/mw/srvdiscovery/upnp/group" mrp=""/>
-<module name="svgt">
-        <unit unitID="abs.svgt" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/svgt/group" name="svgt"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="uiaccelerator">
-        <unit unitID="nga.uiaccelerator" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiaccelerator/group" name="uiaccelerator"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="uiresources">
-        <unit unitID="abs.uiresources" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/group" name="uiresources"/>
-        <unit unitID="abs.OemNokia" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uigraphics/Icons/data/OemNokia/group" filter="dfs_build" name="OemNokia"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="usbservices">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.usbservices" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/usbservices/group" name="usbservices"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="videoutils">
-        <unit unitID="vado.videoutils" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/videoutils/group" name="videoutils"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="vpnclient"> 
-     	<unit unitID="netdo.vpnclient" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/vpnclient/group" filter="!oem_build" name="vpnclient"/>
-     </module>
-<module name="web">
-	    <unit unitID="browsing_domain.web" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/web/group" name="web"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="websrv">
-        <unit unitID="WSDo.websrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/websrv/group" name="websrv"/>        
-      </module>
-<module name="wirelessacc">
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wirelessacc" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/wirelessacc/group" name="wirelessacc"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="ossrv">                             
-<unit name="ossrv" unitID="mrtdo.ossrv" bldFile="sf/os/ossrv/group" mrp=""/>
-<module name="textandloc">
-        <unit unitID="abs.textandloc" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/textandloc/group" name="textandloc"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="xmlsrv">
-        <unit unitID="WSDo.xmlsrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/xmlsrv/group" name="xmlsrv"/>
-      </module></layer>
-<layer name="module_test_layer">
-			<module name="mobilemidi51_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="mobilemidi51_tsrc" name="mobilemidi51_tsrc" bldFile="ext/mw/mobilemidi/tsrc/MobileMidiTestModule/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="helix_ren_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="helix_ren_tsrc" name="helix_ren_tsrc" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/tsrc/helixstiftest/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="advancedaudiocontroller_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="advancedaudiocontroller_tsrc" name="advancedaudiocontroller_tsrc" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/mmfenh/advancedaudiocontroller/tsrc/advancedaudiocontrollertestmodule/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="nga_mdf_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="nga_mdf_tsrc" name="nga_mdf_tsrc" bldFile="sf/os/mm/mdfdevvideoextensions/nga_mdf_postprocessor/tsrc/StifNgaMdfPoPTest/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module></layer>
-<layer name="pref_test_layer">
-			<module name="mobilemidi51_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="mobilemidi51_tsrc_group" name="mobilemidi51_tsrc_group" bldFile="ext/mw/mobilemidi/tsrc/MobileMidiTestModule/group" mrp="" filter="TA_MOBILEMIDI"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="musicplayer_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="musicplayer_tsrc_group" name="musicplayer_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/app/musicplayer/tsrc/group" mrp="" filter="TA_MUSICPLAYER"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="voicerec_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="voicerec_tsrc_group" name="voicerec_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/app/voicerec/tsrc/group" mrp="" filter="TA_VOICEREC"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="helix_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="helix_tsrc_group" name="helix_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/tsrc/group" mrp="" filter="TA_HELIX"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="helix_ren_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="helix_ren_tsrc_group" name="helix_ren_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/tsrc/helixstiftest/group" mrp="" filter="TA_HELIX_REN"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="mmappfw_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="mmappfw_tsrc_group" name="mmappfw_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/mw/mmappfw/tsrc/group" mrp="" filter="TA_MMAPPFW"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="mmmw_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="mmmw_tsrc_group" name="mmmw_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/tsrc/group" mrp="" filter="TA_MMMW"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="mmmw_tms_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="mmmw_tms_tsrc_group" name="mmmw_tms_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/mmmw_plat/telephony_multimedia_service_api/tsrc/group" mrp="" filter="TA_TMS"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="advancedaudiocontroller_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="advancedaudiocontroller_tsrc_group" name="advancedaudiocontroller_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/mmfenh/advancedaudiocontroller/tsrc/advancedaudiocontrollertestmodule/group" mrp="" filter="TA_ADVANCEDAUDIOCONTROLLER"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="mm_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="mm_tsrc_group" name="mm_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/os/mm/tsrc/group" mrp="" filter="TA_MM"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="nga_mdf_tsrc_group">
-				<unit unitID="nga_mdf_tsrc_group" name="nga_mdf_tsrc_group" bldFile="sf/os/mm/mdfdevvideoextensions/nga_mdf_postprocessor/tsrc/StifNgaMdfPoPTest/group" mrp="" filter="TA_NGA_MDF_POSTPROCESSOR"/>
-			</module></layer>
-<layer name="mw_mobilemidi_layer">
-			<module name="mobilemidi_group">
-				<unit unitID="mobilemidi51_group" mrp="" bldFile="ext/mw/mobilemidi/Group" name="mobilemidi51_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="app_layer">
-      <module name="oemrndtools">
-        <unit unitID="tools.oemrndtools" mrp="" bldFile="ext/tools/oemrndtools/group" name="oemrndtools"/>
-      </module>
-      <module name="">
-      <unit unitID="tools.oemrndtools.trk" mrp="" bldFile="ext/tools/oemrndtools/trk/group" filter="oem_build" name="tools_oemrndtools_trk"/>
-     </module>
-<module name="camera">
-        <unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/camera/group" name="camera"/>
-        <unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/camera/camerauis/cameraapp/help/group" name="camera_help"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="commonemail">
-        <unit unitID="EDo.commonemail" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/commonemail/group" name="commonemail"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="conntools">
-        <unit unitID="netdo.conntools" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/conntools/group" name="conntools"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="contentcontrol">
-        <unit unitID="spdo.contentcontrol" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contentcontrol/group" name="contentcontrol"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="conversations">
-        <unit unitID="MeCoDo.conversations" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/conversations/group" name="conversations"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="devicecontrol">
-        <unit unitID="spdo.devicecontrol" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/devicecontrol/group" name="devicecontrol"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="dictionary">
-        <unit unitID="abs.dictionary" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/dictionary/group" name="dictionary"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="files">
-        <unit name="files" unitID="presdo.files" bldFile="sf/app/files/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="graphicsuis">
-        <unit unitID="abs.graphicsuis" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/graphicsuis/group" name="graphicsuis"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="helps">
-        <unit unitID="abs.helps" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/helps/group" name="helps"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="homescreen">
-        <unit unitID="hs.homescreen" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/homescreen/group" name="homescreen"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="homescreentools">
-        <unit unitID="hsdo.themeinstaller" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/homescreentools/themeinstaller/group" name="themeinstaller"/>
-        <unit unitID="hsdo.widgettools" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/homescreentools/widgettools/group" name="widgettools"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="im">
-        <unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/im/group" name="im"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="iptelephony">
-        <unit name="iptelephony" unitID="te.iptelephony" bldFile="sf/app/iptelephony/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="jrt">
-        <unit unitID="jrt.jrt" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/jrt/group" filter="!sf_build" name="jrt"/>
-<unit unitID="jrt.jrt.jrt_plat" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/jrt/jrt_plat/group" filter="sf_build" name="jrt_jrt_plat"/>
-<unit unitID="jrt.jrt.java_stubs" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/jrt/java_stubs/group" filter="sf_build" name="jrt_jrt_stubs"/></module>
-<module name="location">
-        <unit unitID="lodo.location" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/location/group" name="location"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="messaging">
-        <unit unitID="MeCoDo.messaging" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/messaging/group" name="messaging"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="mmsharinguis">
-  		<unit unitID="msdo.mmsharinguis" name="mmsharinguis" bldFile="sf/app/mmsharinguis/group" mrp=""/> 
-      </module>
-<module name="musicplayer">
-				<unit unitID="musicplayer" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/musicplayer/group" name="musicplayer"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="organizer">
-        <unit unitID="orgdo.organizer" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/organizer/group" name="organizer"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="phone">
-        <unit name="phone" unitID="" bldFile="sf/app/phone/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="photos">
-        <unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/photos/group" name="photos"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="printing">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.printing" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/printing/group" name="printing"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="profile">
-        <unit name="profile" unitID="presdo.profile" bldFile="sf/app/profile/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="radio">
-        <unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/radio/group" name="radio"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="rndtools">
-        <unit unitID="tools.rndtools" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/rndtools/group" name="rndtools"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="screensaver">
-        <unit unitID="abs.screensaver" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/screensaver/group" name="screensaver"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="settingsuis">
-      <unit name="settingsuis" unitID="presdo.settingsuis" bldFile="sf/app/settingsuis/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="speechsrv">
-        <unit unitID="MuiDo.speechsrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/speechsrv/group" name="speechsrv"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="LiveTV2">
-        <unit unitID="LiveTV2" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/tv/group" filter="dfs_build" name="LiveTV2"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="utils">
-        <unit unitID="orgdo.utils" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/utils/group" name="utils"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="videoplayer">
-        <unit unitID="vado.videoplayer" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/group" name="videoplayer"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="videotelephony">
-        <unit name="videotelephony_plat" unitID="tedo.videotelephony_plat" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/videotelephony_plat/group" mrp=""/>
-        <unit name="PacketVideoEngineBinaries" unitID="tedo.PacketVideoEngineBinaries" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/packetvideoengine/PacketVideoEngineBinaries/group" mrp="" filter="!sf_build"/> 
-        <unit name="vtprotocolsstub" unitID="tedo.vtprotocolsstub" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/vtprotocolsstub/group" mrp="" filter="sf_build"/>  
-        <unit name="vtprotocols" unitID="tedo.vtprotocols" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/vtprotocols/group" mrp="" filter="!sf_build"/>
-        <unit name="DisplaySink" unitID="tedo.DisplaySink" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/vtprotocolplugins/DisplaySink/group" mrp=""/> 
-        <unit name="VideoSource" unitID="tedo.VideoSource" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/vtprotocolplugins/VideoSource/group" mrp=""/>
-        <unit name="videoteleng" unitID="tedo.videoteleng" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/vtengines/videoteleng/Group" mrp=""/>  
-        <unit name="videotelui" unitID="tedo.videotelui" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/vtuis/videotelui/group" mrp=""/> 
-	<unit name="vtmediatorplugin" unitID="tedo.vtmediatorplugin" bldFile="sf/app/videotelephony/vtengines/vtmediatorplugin/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="voicerec">
-				<unit unitID="voicerec" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/voicerec/group" name="voicerec"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="webuis">
-	    <unit unitID="browsing_domain.webuis" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/webuis/group" name="webuis"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="qtdemos">
-                <unit unitID="qtdo.qt.demos" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/qt/demos" name="qtdemos" proFile="" qmakeArgs="&quot;QMAKE_MOC=/epoc32/tools/qt/moc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_RCC=/epoc32/tools/qt/rcc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_UIC=/epoc32/tools/qt/uic.exe&quot; -r" filter="qtdemos"/>
-            </module>
-<module name="qtexamples">
-                <unit unitID="qtdo.qt.examples" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/qt/examples" name="qtexamples" proFile="" qmakeArgs="&quot;QMAKE_MOC=/epoc32/tools/qt/moc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_RCC=/epoc32/tools/qt/rcc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_UIC=/epoc32/tools/qt/uic.exe&quot; -r" filter="qtexamples"/>
-            </module>
-<module name="qttestsauto">
-                <unit unitID="qtdo.qt.testsauto" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/qt/tests/auto" name="qttestsauto" proFile="" qmakeArgs="&quot;QMAKE_MOC=/epoc32/tools/qt/moc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_RCC=/epoc32/tools/qt/rcc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_UIC=/epoc32/tools/qt/uic.exe&quot; -r" filter="qttestsauto"/>
-            </module>
-<module name="qttestsbenchmarks">
-                <unit unitID="qtdo.qt.testsbenchmarks" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/qt/tests/benchmarks" name="qttestsbenchmarks" proFile="" qmakeArgs="&quot;QMAKE_MOC=/epoc32/tools/qt/moc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_RCC=/epoc32/tools/qt/rcc.exe&quot; &quot;QMAKE_UIC=/epoc32/tools/qt/uic.exe&quot; -r" filter="qttestsbenchmarks"/>
-            </module>
-<module name="locfiles">
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group" filter="" name="locfiles"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set1" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set1" filter="" name="locfiles_set1"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set2" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set2" filter="" name="locfiles_set2"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set3" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set3" filter="" name="locfiles_set3"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set4" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set4" filter="" name="locfiles_set4"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set5" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set5" filter="" name="locfiles_set5"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set6" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set6" filter="" name="locfiles_set6"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set7" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set7" filter="" name="locfiles_set7"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set8" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set8" filter="" name="locfiles_set8"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set9" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set9" filter="" name="locfiles_set9"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set10" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set10" filter="" name="locfiles_set10"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set11" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set11" filter="" name="locfiles_set11"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set12" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set12" filter="" name="locfiles_set12"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set13" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set13" filter="" name="locfiles_set13"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set14" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set14" filter="" name="locfiles_set14"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set15" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set15" filter="" name="locfiles_set15"/>
-				<unit unitID="platform.locfiles.set16" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/locfiles/group/set16" filter="" name="locfiles_set16"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="helps_loc2">
-        <unit unitID="platform.helps_loc2" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/helps_loc2/group" name="helps_loc2"/>
-      </module></layer>
-<layer name="os_layer">
-      <module name="swconfigapps">
-        <unit unitID="tools.swconfigapps" mrp="" bldFile="ext/tools/swconfigapps/group" name="swconfigapps"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="bt">
-        <unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/bt/group" name="bt"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="S60Extras">
-        <unit unitID="platform.S60Extras" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/S60Extras/group" name="S60Extras"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="version">
-        <unit unitID="platform.version" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/Version/group" name="version"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="devicesrv">                                                                                                                            
-        <unit unitID="sydo.devicesrv" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/devicesrv/group" name="devicesrv"/>                  
-      </module>
-<module name="">
-      		<unit unitID="sydo.devicesrv.fps_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/devicesrv/devicesrv_plat/fps_api/group" name="sydo_devicesrv_fps_api" filter="dfs_build"/>
-      		<unit unitID="sydo.devicesrv.fpsclient" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/devicesrv/sensorservices/fpsclient/group" name="sydo_devicesrv_fpsclient" filter="dfs_build"/>
-<unit unitID="imm.imagingext.imagingmodules.videoencpluginarm" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/imagingext/imagingmodules/VideoEncPluginARM/Build" filter="oem_build" name="imm_imagingext_imagingmodules_videoencpluginarm"/>
-<unit unitID="imm.imagingext.imagingmodules.h264avcvideoencarm" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/imagingext/imagingmodules/H264AVCVideoEncARM/group" filter="oem_build" name="imm_imagingext_imagingmodules_h264avcvideoencarm"/>
-<unit unitID="AudioEqualizerUtility" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/AudioEqualizerUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="AudioEqualizerUtility"/>
-<unit unitID="EnvironmentalReverbUtility" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/EnvironmentalReverbUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="EnvironmentalReverbUtility"/>
-<unit unitID="StereoWideningUtility" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/StereoWideningUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="StereoWideningUtility"/>
-<unit unitID="AacEncoderPlugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/AacEncoderPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="AacEncoderPlugin"/>
-<unit unitID="AmrNbCodecPlugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/AmrNbCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="AmrNbCodecPlugin"/>
-<unit unitID="AmrWbCodecPlugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/AmrWbCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="AmrWbCodecPlugin"/>
-<unit unitID="EAacPlusCodecPlugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/EAacPlusCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="EAacPlusCodecPlugin"/>
-<unit unitID="EAacPlusUtil" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/EAacPlusUtil/group" filter="!sf_build" name="EAacPlusUtil"/>
-<unit unitID="MP3CodecPlugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/MP3CodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="MP3CodecPlugin"/>
-<unit unitID="WMADecoderPlugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/WMADecoderPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="WMADecoderPlugin"/>
-<unit unitID="ARM_MDF_Decoders" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/video/ARM_MDF_Decoders/group" filter="!sf_build" name="ARM_MDF_Decoders"/>
-<unit unitID="Utilities" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/video/ARM_MDF_Decoders/Utilities/group" filter="sf_build" name="Utilities"/></module>
-<module name="graphics">
-        <unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/graphics/group" name="graphics"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="imagingext">
-        <unit unitID="imm.imagingext" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/imagingext/group" name="imagingext"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="lbs">
-        <unit unitID="lodo.lbs" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/lbs/group" name="lodo.lbs"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="mm">
-				<unit unitID="mm" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/group" name="mm"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="osrndtools">
-        <unit unitID="tools.osrndtools" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/osrndtools/group" name="osrndtools"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="usb">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.usb" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/usb/group" name="usb"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="wlan">
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wlan" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/wlan/group" name="wlan"/>
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wlanwpx" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/wlan/wlan_bearer/wlanengine/wlan_symbian/wlanengine_symbian_3.1/group/wpx" filter="dfs_build" name="wlanwpx"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="sf_common_tsy">
-			<component name="sf_common_tsy">
-				<unit unitID="symbian.common_tsy" name="sf_common_tsy" bldFile="sf/os/cellularsrv/telephonyserverplugins/common_tsy/group" mrp="" filter=""/>
-			</component>
-		</module>
-<module name="sf_openvg11">
-			<component name="sf_openvg11">
-				<unit unitID="symbian.openvg11" name="sf_openvg11" bldFile="sf/os/graphics/openvg/openvginterface/group/openvg11" mrp="" filter="sf_build"/>
-			</component>
-		</module></layer>
-<layer name="stubs_layer">
-			<module name="audiostubs">
-				<unit unitID="audiostubs" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/audiostubs/group" name="audiostubs"/>
-			</module>
-<module name="btaudioadaptation_stub">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.btaudioadaptation_stub" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/btaudioadaptation_stub/group" name="btaudioadaptation_stub" filter="oem_build"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="drm_stubs">
-        <unit name="drm_stubs" unitID="sedo.drm_stubs" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/drm_stubs/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="ocrsrv_stub">
-        <unit unitID="abs.ocrsrv_stub" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/ocrsrv_stub/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="ocrsrv_stub"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="omasuplasnconverterstubimpl">
-        <unit unitID="lodo.omasuplasnconverterstubimpl" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/omasuplasnconverterstubimpl/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="omasuplasnconverterstubimpl"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="posmsgpluginreferenceimpl">
-        <unit unitID="lodo.posmsgpluginreferenceimpl" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/posmsgpluginreferenceimpl/group" name="posmsgpluginreferenceimpl"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="power_save_display_mode_stub">
-        <unit unitID="abs.power_save_display_mode_stub" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/power_save_display_mode_stub/group" name="power_save_display_mode_stub"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="srsfenginestub">
-        <unit unitID="MuiDo.srsfenginestub" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/srsfenginestub/group" name="srsfenginestub" filter="stubs"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="systemswstubs">
-  	<unit name="systemswstubs" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module>
-<module name="">
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_TVOutConfig" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.TVOutConfig" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/TVOutConfig/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_accessorypolicyreference" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.accessorypolicyreference" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/accessorypolicyreference/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_asyreference" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.asyreference" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/asyreference/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_examplecommonisc" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.examplecommonisc" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/examplecommonisc/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_exampledsy" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.exampledsy" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/exampledsy/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_featuremanagerstub" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.featuremanagerstub" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/featuremanagerstub/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_hwrmstubplugins" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.hwrmstubplugins" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/hwrmstubplugins/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_hwrmhapticsstubplugin" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.hwrmhapticsstubplugin" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/hwrmhapticsstubplugin/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_sensorchannelsreference" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.sensorchannelsreference" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/sensorchannelsreference/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_ssyreference" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.ssyreference" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/ssyreference/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_startupadaptationstub" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.startupadaptationstub" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/startupadaptationstub/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_tiltcompensationstub" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.tiltcompensationstub" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/tiltcompensationstub/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_tvoutbehaviour" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.tvoutbehaviour" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/tvoutbehaviour/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>        
-        <unit name="sydo_systemswstubs_wiredbearerreference" unitID="sydo.systemswstubs.wiredbearerreference" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/systemswstubs/wiredbearerreference/group" mrp="" filter="oem_build"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="tactileclickplugin_stub">
-        <unit unitID="abs.tactileclickplugin_stub" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/tactileclickplugin_stub/group" name="tactileclickplugin_stub"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="wlanhwinit_stub">
-        <unit unitID="netdo.wlanhwinit_stub" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/wlanhwinit_stub/group" name="wlanhwinit_stub"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="sf_licenseetsystub">
-			<component name="sf_licenseetsystub">
-				<unit unitID="symbian.licenseetsystub" name="sf_licenseetsystub" bldFile="sf/os/cellularsrv/telephonyserverplugins/licenseetsystub/group" mrp="" filter=""/>
-			</component>
-		</module></layer>
-<layer name="stubs_audiostubs_layer">
-			<module name="audiostubs_group">
-				<unit unitID="audiostubs_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/adaptation/stubs/audiostubs/group" name="audiostubs_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="api_test_layer">
-      <module name="camera_api_tests">
-      	<unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/camera/camera_plat/camcorder_ui_constants_api/tsrc/group" name="camcorder_ui_constants_api"/>
-      </module>
-      <module name="active_palette_2_api_tests">
-      	<unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/camera/camera_plat/active_palette_2_api/tsrc/group" name="active_palette_2_api"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="contacts_plat">
-        <unit unitID="cms_contactor_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/cms_contactor_api/tsrc/group" name="cms_contactor_api"/>
-        <unit unitID="cca_launch_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/cca_launch_api/tsrc/group" name="cca_launch_api"/>
-        <unit unitID="cca_view_plugin_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/cca_view_plugin_api/tsrc/group" name="cca_view_plugin_api"/>
-        <unit unitID="contactpresence_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/contactpresence_api/tsrc/group" name="contactpresence_api"/>
-        <unit unitID="presence_cache_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/presence_cache_api/tsrc/group" name="clientsrvtester"/>
-        <unit unitID="virtual_phonebook_policy_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/virtual_phonebook_policy_api/tsrc/group" name="virtual_phonebook_policy_api"/>
-        <unit unitID="virtual_phonebook_sim_services_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/virtual_phonebook_sim_services_api/tsrc/group" name="virtual_phonebook_sim_services_api"/>        
-        <unit unitID="virtual_phonebook_store_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/virtual_phonebook_store_api/tsrc/group" name="virtual_phonebook_store_api"/>        
-        <unit unitID="virtual_phonebook_vcard_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/virtual_phonebook_vcard_api/tsrc/group" name="virtual_phonebook_vcard_api"/>        
-        <unit unitID="virtual_phonebook_view_definition_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/virtual_phonebook_view_definition_api/tsrc/group" name="virtual_phonebook_view_definition_api"/>     
-        <unit unitID="virtual_phonebook_engine_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/virtual_phonebook_engine_api/tsrc/group" name="virtual_phonebook_engine_api"/>     
-        <unit unitID="predictivesearch_client_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/predictivesearch_client_api/tsrc/group" name="predictivesearch_client_api"/>        
-        <unit unitID="predictivesearch_utils_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/predictivesearch_utils_api/tsrc/group" name="predictivesearch_utils_api"/>     
-        <unit unitID="rcltestsuite" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/phonebook_2_rcl_api/tsrc/group" name="rcltestsuite"/>     
-     	<unit unitID="phonebook_2_icon_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/contacts_plat/phonebook_2_icon_api/tsrc/ut_CPbk2IconArray/group" name="phonebook_2_icon_api"/>  
-      </module>
-<module name="mmsharinguis_api_test">
-        <unit unitID="msdo.mmsharinguis_api_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/mmsharinguis/mmsharinguis_plat/multimedia_sharing_manager_api/tsrc/group" name="mmsharinguis_api_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="musicplayer_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="musicplayer_tsrc" name="musicplayer_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/musicplayer/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="tedo_api_tests">
-        <unit unitID="tedo.dialer.test" name="dialer.test" bldFile="sf/app/phone/phoneuis/dialer/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-        <unit unitID="tedo.phoneui.test" name="phoneui.test" bldFile="sf/app/phone/phoneapp/phoneui/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.PsetNotesUi.test" name="PsetNotesUi.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/cellular/PsetNotesUi/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.SSSettings.test" name="SSSettings.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/cellular/SSSettings/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.telephonysettings.test" name="telephonysettings.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/cellular/telephonysettings/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.cce.test" name="cce.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/convergedcallengine/cce/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.spsettings.test" name="spsettings.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/convergedcallengine/spsettings/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.aiwdialdata.test" name="aiwdialdata.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phoneclientserver/aiwdialdata/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.dialutils.test" name="dialutils.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phoneclientserver/dialutils/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.phoneclient.test" name="phoneclient.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phoneclientserver/phoneclient/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.call_information_api.test" name="call_information_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phonesrv_plat/call_information_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.sat_client_api.test" name="sat_client_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phonesrv_plat/sat_client_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.sat_refresh_api.test" name="sat_refresh_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phonesrv_plat/sat_refresh_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.sat_service_api.test" name="sat_service_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phonesrv_plat/sat_service_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.telephony_mediator_api.test" name="telephony_mediator_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phonesrv_plat/telephony_mediator_api/tsrc/ut_telephony_mediator_api/group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="tedo.call_remote_party_information_api.test" name="call_remote_party_information_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/phonesrv/phonesrv_plat/call_remote_party_information_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/></module>
-<module name="profile_test">
-        <!--<unit unitID="presdo.profile_test" mrp="" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/tsrc/group" name="profile_test" />-->
-        <unit unitID="presdo.profile_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/profile/profilesapplication/Profiles/ProfileApp/tsrc/public/basic/group" name="profile_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="settingsuis_test">
-      <!--<unit unitID="presdo.settingsuis_test" mrp="" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/tsrc/group" name="settingsuis_test" />-->
-      <unit unitID="presdo.settingsuis_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/settingsuis/devmngt_plat/services_db_api/tsrc/ServicesDbApiTest/group" name="settingsuis_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="speechsrv.ui_voice_recognition_api">
-        <unit unitID="MuiDo.speechsrv.ui_voice_recognition_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/speechsrv/speechsrv_plat/ui_voice_recognition_api/tsrc/group" name="speechsrv.ui_voice_recognition_api"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="speechsrv.speech_synthesis_clientserver_api">
-        <unit unitID="MuiDo.speechsrv.speech_synthesis_clientserver_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/speechsrv/srsf/speechsynthesis/tsrc/speechsynthesistest/group" name="speechsrv.speech_synthesis_clientserver_api"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="speechsrv.nss_tts_utility_api">
-        <unit unitID="MuiDo.speechsrv.nss_tts_utility_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/speechsrv/srsf/tsrc/public/basic/group" name="speechsrv.nss_tts_utility_api"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="video_player_file_details_dialog_api_tsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.video_player_file_details_dialog_api_test" name="video_player_file_details_dialog_api_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videoplayer_plat/video_player_file_details_dialog_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="videoplayer_startup_api_tsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.videoplayer_startup_api_test" name="videoplayer_startup_api_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videoplayer_plat/videoplayer_startup_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="voicerec_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="voicerec_tsrc" name="voicerec_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/voicerec/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="appinstall_test">
-        <unit unitID="sedo.appinstall_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/appinstall/tsrc/group" name="appinstall_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="btservices_test">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.btservices_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/btservices/tsrc/group" name="btservices_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="camerasrv_api_tests">
-      	<unit unitID="imm.camerasrv.asynchronous_file_saving_queue_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/camerasrv/camerasrv_plat/asynchronous_file_saving_queue_api/tsrc/group" name="asynchronous_file_saving_queue_api"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.camerasrv.camera_application_engine_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/camerasrv/camerasrv_plat/camera_application_engine_api/tsrc/group" name="camera_application_engine_api"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.camerasrv.imaging_configuration_manager_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/camerasrv/camerasrv_plat/imaging_configuration_manager_api/tsrc/group" name="imaging_configuration_manager_api"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.camerasrv.media_recorder_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/camerasrv/camerasrv_plat/media_recorder_api/tsrc/group" name="media_recorder_api"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="classicui_plat_api_tests">
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.all" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_all" filter="classicui_api_all"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.aiw_provider_utility" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/aiw_provider_utility_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_aiw_provider_utility" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.aiw_service_interface_base" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/aiw_service_interface_base_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_aiw_service_interface" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.aiw_service_interface_menu" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/aiw_service_interface_menu_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_aiw_service_interface_menu" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.alarm" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/alarm_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_alarm" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.application_switching" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/application_switching_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_application_switching" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.avkon_fonts" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/avkon_fonts_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_avkonfonts" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.avkon_secondary_display_support" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/avkon_secondary_display_support_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_avkon_secondary_display_support" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.avkon_ui_server" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/avkon_ui_server_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_avkon_ui_server" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.battery_pane" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_plat/battery_pane_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_battery_pane" filter="classicui_plat_api"/>
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-    <!--unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.personalisation_framework" mrp="" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/classicui_plat/personalisation_framework_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_personalisation_framework" filter="classicui_plat_api" /-->
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-  </module>
-<module name="classicui_pub_api_tests">
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.aiw_criteria" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/aiw_criteria_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_aiw_criteria" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
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-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.dialogs" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/dialogs_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_dialogs" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
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-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.queries" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/queries_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_queries" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
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-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.screen_mode" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/screen_mode_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_screen_mode" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
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-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.scroller" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/scroller_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_scroller" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.search_field" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/searchfield_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_searchfield" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
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-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.title_pane" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/title_pane_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_title_pane" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.toolbar" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/toolbar_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_toolbar" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.touch_ui_utilities" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/touch_ui_utilities_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_touch_ui_utilities" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.ui_fw_definitions" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/ui_framework_definitions_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_ui_framework_definitions" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.ui_fw_util" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/ui_framework_utilities_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_ui_framework_utilities" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.vol_ctrl" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/volume_control_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_volume_control" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.classicui.tsrc.window_server_event_observer" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/classicui_pub/window_server_event_observer_api/tsrc/group" name="classicui_tsrc_window_server_event_observer" filter="classicui_pub_api"/>
-  </module>
-<module name="hcdo_api_tests">
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.avcontrolframework.test" name="avcontrolframework.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpavcontrolpoint/avcontrolframework/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.avobjects.test" name="avobjects.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpmediaserver/avobjects/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.mediaserverclient.test" name="mediaserverclient.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpmediaserver/mediaserverclient/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.controlpointbase.test" name="controlpointbase.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpstack/controlpointbase/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.serviceframework.test" name="serviceframework.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpstack/serviceframework/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.upnputils.test" name="upnputils.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpstack/upnputils/tsrc/public/basic/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.testplugin.test" name="testplugin.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/dlnasrv_plat/upnp_plugin_api/tsrc/testplugin/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.upnpextensionpluginiftest.test" name="upnpextensionpluginiftest.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/dlnasrv_plat/upnp_plugin_api/tsrc/upnpextensionpluginiftest/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.upnpxmlparsertes.test" name="upnpxmlparsertest.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpavcontroller/upnpxmlparser/tsrc/upnpxmlparsertest/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.upnpsecuritytest.test" name="upnpsecuritytest.test" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/upnpsharing/upnpsecurity/tsrc/upnpsecuritytest/group" mrp="" />
-        <unit unitID="hcdo.api.test" name="api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/dlnasrv/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-    </module>
-<module name="drm_test">
-        <unit unitID="sedo.drm_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/drm/tsrc/group" name="drm_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="helix_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="helix_tsrc" name="helix_tsrc" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="homescreensrv_api_tests">
-  			<unit unitID="hsdo.content_harvester.test" name="content_harvester.test" bldFile="sf/mw/homescreensrv/homescreensrv_plat/content_harvester_plugin_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-  			<unit unitID="hsdo.menu_content_service.test" name="menu_content_service.test" bldFile="sf/mw/homescreensrv/homescreensrv_plat/menu_content_service_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-  			<unit unitID="hsdo.ai_utilities_api.test" name="ai_utilities_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/homescreensrv/homescreensrv_plat/ai_utilities_api/internal/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-  			<unit unitID="hsdo.action_handler_plugin_api.test" name="action_handler_plugin_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/homescreensrv/homescreensrv_plat/action_handler_plugin_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-  			<unit unitID="hsdo.menu_sat_interface_api.test" name="menu_sat_interface_api.test" bldFile="sf/mw/homescreensrv/homescreensrv_plat/menu_sat_interface_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-  			<unit unitID="hsdo.sapi_homescreenplugin.test" name="sapi_homescreenplugin.test" bldFile="sf/mw/homescreensrv/homescreensrv_plat/sapi_homescreenplugin/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="imagehandling_api_tests">
-     	<unit unitID="imm.imagehandlinglib_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/imghandling/imagehandlinglib/tsrc/public/basic/group" name="imagehandlinglib_api"/>
-     	<unit unitID="imm.thumbnailmanager_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/imghandling/imagehandling_plat/thumbnailmanager_api/tsrc/group" name="thumbnailmanager_api"/>
-	</module>
-<module name="inputmethods_api_tests">
-    <unit unitID="abs.inputmethods.tsrc.all" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/inputmethods/tsrc/group" name="inputmethods_tsrc_all"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.inputmethods.tsrc.pen_input_server_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/inputmethods/inputmethods_plat/pen_input_server_api/tsrc/group" name="inputmethods_tsrc_pen_input_server"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.inputmethods.tsrc.ptiengine_hwr_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/inputmethods/inputmethods_plat/ptiengine_hwr_api/tsrc/group" name="inputmethods_tsrc_ptiengine_hwr"/>
-    <unit unitID="abs.inputmethods.tsrc.aknfep_uiinterface_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/inputmethods/inputmethods_plat/aknfep_uiinterface_api/tsrc/group" name="inputmethods_tsrc_aknfep_uiinterface"/>
-  </module>
-<module name="mds_api_tests">
-        <unit unitID="imm.mds.content_listing_framework_collection_manager_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/content_listing_framework_collection_manager_api/tsrc/group" name="content_listing_framework_collection_manager_api"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.mds.context_engine_plugin_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/context_engine_plugin_api/tsrc/group" name="context_engine_plugin_api"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.mds.harvester_framework_api.composerplugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/ComposerPluginTest/group" name="harvester_framework_api.composerplugin"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.mds.harvester_framework_api.harvesterclient" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/HarvesterClientTest/group" name="harvester_framework_api.harvesterclient"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.mds.harvester_framework_api.harvesterdata" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/HarvesterDataTest/group" name="harvester_framework_api.harvesterdata"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.mds.harvester_framework_api.harvesterplugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/HarvesterPluginTest/group" name="harvester_framework_api.harvesterplugin"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.mds.harvester_framework_api.monitorplugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/MonitorPluginTest/group" name="harvester_framework_api.monitorplugin"/>
-        <unit unitID="imm.mds.location_manager_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/location_manager_api/tsrc/group" name="location_manager_api"/>
-        <unit unitID="imm.mds.metadata_engine_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mds/mds_plat/metadata_engine_api/tsrc/group" name="metadata_engine_api"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="mmappfw_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="mmappfw_tsrc" name="mmappfw_tsrc" bldFile="sf/mw/mmappfw/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="mmmw_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="mmmw_tsrc" name="mmmw_tsrc" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module>
-<module name="securitysrv_test">
-        <unit unitID="sedo.securitysrv_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/securitysrv/tsrc/group" name="securitysrv_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="uiresources_api_tests">
-  	<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.all_tests" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_cdl" filter="uiresources_api_all"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.cdl" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_plat/cdl_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_cdl" filter="cdl_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.extended_fonts" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_plat/extended_fonts_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_extended_fonts" filter="extended_fonts_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.extended_skins" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_plat/extended_skins_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_extended_skins" filter="extended_skins_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.graphic_configuration" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_plat/graphic_configuration_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_graphic_configuration" filter="graphic_configuration_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.layout_data" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_plat/layout_data_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_layout_data" filter="layout_data_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.layout_system_private" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_plat/layout_system_private_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_layout_system_private" filter="layout_system_private_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.skins_image_attributes" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_plat/skins_image_attributes_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_skins_image_attributes" filter="skins_image_attributes_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.font_definition" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_pub/font_definition_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_font_definition" filter="font_definition_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_pub/graphics_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_graphics" filter="graphics_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.pictograph" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_pub/pictograph_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_pictograph" filter="pictograph_api"/>
-		<unit unitID="abs.uiresources.tsrc.skins" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_pub/skins_api/tsrc/group" name="uiresources_tsrc_skins" filter="skins_api"/>
-  </module>
-<module name="usbservices_test">
-        <unit unitID="lcdo.usbservices_test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/usbservices/tsrc/group" name="usbservices_test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="videoscheduler_api_tsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.videoscheduler_api_test" name="videoscheduler_api_tsrc" bldFile="sf/mw/videoutils/videoutils_plat/videoscheduler_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="videoconnutility_apitsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.videoconnutility_api_test" name="videoconnutility_api_tsrc" bldFile="sf/mw/videoutils/videoutils_plat/videoconnutility_api/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="imagingext_api_tests">
-      	<unit unitID="imm.imagingext.exif_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/imagingext/imagingext_pub/exif_api/tsrc/group" name="exif_api"/>
-      	<unit unitID="imm.imagingext.iclextjpegapi_api" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/imagingext/imagingext_plat/extended_icl_jpeg_api/tsrc/group" name="iclextjpegapi_api"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="mm_tsrc">
-				<unit unitID="mm_tsrc" name="mm_tsrc" bldFile="sf/os/mm/tsrc/group" mrp=""/>
-			</module></layer>
-<layer name="unit_test_layer">
-      <module name="camera_unit_tests">
-      </module>
-<module name="cmail.emailserver.unittest">
-        <unit unitID="EDo.cmail.emailframework.unittest" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/commonemail/emailservices/emailframework/tsrc/group" name="unittest.emailframework.cmail"/>
-        <unit unitID="EDo.cmail.emailserver.unittest" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/commonemail/emailservices/emailserver/tsrc/group" name="unittest.emailserver.cmail"/>
-        <unit unitID="EDo.cmail.cmailhandlerplugin.unittest" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/commonemail/emailservices/emailserver/cmailhandlerplugin/tsrc/group" name="unittest.cmailhandlerplugin.cmail"/>
-        <unit unitID="EDo.cmail.mailserverautostart.unittest" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/commonemail/emailservices/emailserver/mailserverautostart/tsrc/group" name="unittest.mailserverautostart.cmail"/>
-        <unit unitID="EDo.cmail.saveascontactplugin.unittest" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/commonemail/emailcontacts/contactactionservice/saveascontactplugin/tsrc/group" name="unittest.saveascontactplugin.cmail"/>
-        <unit unitID="EDo.cmail.utils.unittest" mrp="" bldFile="ext/app/eas/Utils/tsrc/group" name="unittest.utils.cmail"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="Phonebook2">
-         <unit unitID="Phonebook2" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/tsrc/group" name="Phonebook2"/>
-         <unit unitID="remotecontactlookup" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/remotecontactlookup/contactactionservice/saveascontactplugin/tsrc/group" name="remotecontactlookup"/>
-         <unit unitID="spbcontentprovider" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/spbcontentprovider/tsrc/ut_contentprovider/group" name="spbcontentprovider"/>      
-         <unit unitID="NamesListExtension" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/NamesListExtension/tsrc/group" name="NamesListExtension"/>      
-      </module>
-<module name="UIControls_Presentation_USIMExtension_CCA">
-        <unit unitID="UIControls" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/UIControls/tsrc/group" name="UIControls"/>
-        <unit unitID="Presentation" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/Presentation/tsrc/group" name="Presentation"/>
-        <unit unitID="USIMExtension" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/USIMExtension/tsrc/group" name="USIMExtension"/>
-        <unit unitID="xSPExtensionManager" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/xSPExtensionManager/tsrc/group" name="xSPExtensionManager"/>
-        <unit unitID="ccacommlauncherplugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/ccapplication/ccacommlauncherplugin/tsrc/group" name="ccacommlauncherplugin"/>
-        <unit unitID="ccacontactorservice" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/ccapplication/ccacontactorservice/tsrc/group" name="ccacontactorservice"/>
-        <unit unitID="ccapp" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/ccapplication/ccapp/tsrc/group" name="ccapp"/>
-        <unit unitID="ccamycardplugin" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookui/Phonebook2/ccapplication/ccamycardplugin/tsrc/group" name="ccamycardplugin"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="VirtualPhonebook_VPbkCntModel">
-         <unit unitID="VirtualPhonebook" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookengines/VirtualPhonebook/tsrc/group" name="VirtualPhonebook"/>
-         <unit unitID="VPbkCntModel" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookengines/VirtualPhonebook/VPbkCntModel/tsrc/group" name="VPbkCntModel"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="VPbk_cms_presencecache">
-         <unit unitID="VPbkEng" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookengines/VirtualPhonebook/VPbkEng/tsrc/group" name="VPbkEng"/>
-         <unit unitID="VPbkEngUtils" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookengines/VirtualPhonebook/VPbkEngUtils/tsrc/group" name="VPbkEngUtils"/>
-         <unit unitID="VPbkSimStoreImpl" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookengines/VirtualPhonebook/VPbkSimStoreImpl/tsrc/group" name="VPbkSimStoreImpl"/>
-         <unit unitID="VPbkSimStoreService" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/phonebookengines/VirtualPhonebook/VPbkSimStoreService/tsrc/group" name="VPbkSimStoreService"/>
-        <unit unitID="bpastester" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/ccservices/cmsservices/bpas/tsrc/group" name="bpastester"/>
-        <unit unitID="cmsengine" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/ccservices/cmsservices/cmsengine/tsrc/group" name="cmsengine"/>
-        <unit unitID="contactpresence" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/ccservices/cmsservices/contactpresence/tsrc/group" name="contactpresence"/>
-        <unit unitID="presencetrafficlights" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/ccservices/cmsservices/presencetrafficlights/tsrc/group" name="presencetrafficlights"/>
-        <unit unitID="utilstester" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/presencecache/presencecacheutils/tsrc/group" name="utilstester"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="homescreen_unit_tests">
-         <unit unitID="hsdo.wmunit.test" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/homescreen/idlehomescreen/widgetmanager/tsrc/wmunittest/group" name="wmunit.test"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="videoplayer_tsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.videohelix_test" name="videohelix_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videoplayback/videohelix/tsrc/ut_videohelixtest/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.videoplaybackcontrols_test" name="videoplaybackcontrols_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videoplayback/videoplaybackcontrols/tsrc/videoplaybackcontrols_test/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.userinputhandler_test" name="userinputhandler_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videoplayback/videoplaybackviews/tsrc/ut_userinputhandlertest/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.mpxvideoplayer_test" name="mpxvideoplayer_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videoplayerapp/mpxvideoplayer/tsrc/ut_mpxvideoplayertest/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="videofeeds_tsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.feeds_tests_dependency1" name="feeds_tests_dependency1" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestCommon/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.feeds_tests_dependency2" name="feeds_tests_dependency2" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestUtilModule/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.feeds_tests_dependency3" name="feeds_tests_dependency3" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videofeeds/server/tsrc/IptvTestUtility/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.feeds_tests_dependency4" name="feeds_tests_dependency4" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestMyVideosCollectionClient/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.serviceprovisioning_test" name="serviceprovisioning_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videofeeds/server/tsrc/VCXProvisioningTest/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.servicemanagement_test" name="servicemanagement_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videofeeds/server/tsrc/VCXServiceManagementApiTest/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.vodcontent_test" name="vodcontent_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videofeeds/server/tsrc/VCXVodContentApiTest/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="mpxmyvideoscollection_tsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.mvcollection_tests_dependency1" name="mvcollection_tests_dependency1" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestCommon/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.mvcollection_tests_dependency2" name="mvcollection_tests_dependency2" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestUtilModule/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.mvcollection_tests_dependency3" name="mvcollection_tests_dependency3" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestMyVideosCollectionClient/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.mpxmyvideoscollection_test" name="mpxmyvideoscollection_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/videocollection/mpxmyvideoscollection/tsrc/mpxmvcolltest/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="other_tsrc">
-			<unit unitID="vado.other_tests_dependency1" name="other_tests_dependency1" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestCommon/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.other_tests_dependency2" name="other_tests_dependency2" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestUtilModule/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.other_tests_dependency3" name="other_tests_dependency3" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/tsrc/VCXTestMyVideosCollectionClient/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.mediasettingsengine_test" name="mediasettingsengine_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/mediasettings/mediasettingsengine/tsrc/mediasettingsenginetest/group" mrp=""/>
-			<unit unitID="vado.vpsettingsenginetest_test" name="vpsettingsenginetest_tsrc" bldFile="sf/app/videoplayer/mediasettings/videoplayersettingsengine/tsrc/vpsettingsenginetest/group" mrp=""/>
-		</module>
-<module name="camerasrv_unit_tests">
-      </module>
-<module name="imagehandling_unit_tests">
-    </module>
-<module name="mds_unit_tests">
-      </module>
-<module name="metadatasrv_unit_tests">
-      </module>
-<module name="uiaccelerator_test">
-        <unit unitID="nga.uiaccererator.unittest" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uiaccelerator/tsrc/group" name="uiaccelerator_test"/>
-      </module></layer>
-<layer name="bldfirst_app_layer">
-      <module name="contacts">
-        <unit unitID="contacts" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/contacts/group" name="contacts"/>
-      </module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="bldmefirst_layer">
-      <module name="homescreentoolsdtd">
-        <unit unitID="hsdo.dtdinstaller" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/homescreentools/dtdinstaller/group" name="dtdinstaller"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="devicesrv">                                                                                                                        
-        <unit unitID="sydo.platformpaths" bldFile="sf/os/devicesrv/devicesrv_pub/platform_path_definitions_api/group" name="platformpaths" mrp=""/>               
-      </module></layer>
-<layer name="app_musicplayer_layer">
-			<module name="musicplayer_group">
-				<unit unitID="musicplayer_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/musicplayer/group" name="musicplayer_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="app_tv_layer">
-      <module name="tv_group">
-        <unit unitID="tv_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/tv/group" filter="dfs_build" name="tv_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="app_voicerec_layer">
-			<module name="voicerec_group">
-				<unit unitID="voicerec_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/app/voicerec/group" name="voicerec_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="bldfirst_mw_layer">
-      <module name="classicui">
-        <unit unitID="abs.classicui" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/classicui/group" name="classicui"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="gsprofilesrv">
-        <unit name="gsprofilesrv" unitID="presdo.gsprofilesrv" bldFile="sf/mw/gsprofilesrv/group" mrp=""/>
-      </module></layer>
-<layer name="mw_helix_layer">
-			<module name="helix_group">
-				<unit unitID="helix_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/group" filter="!sf_build" name="helix_group"/>
-				<unit unitID="helix_src_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/src/group" filter="!sf_build" name="helix_src_group"/>
-				<unit unitID="ng_helix_src_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/ng_helix/src/group" filter="!sf_build" name="ng_helix_src_group"/>
-				<unit unitID="helix_stub_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/helix_stub/group" filter="sf_build" name="helix_stub_group"/> 
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="mw_mmappfw_layer">
-			<module name="mmappfw_group">
-				<unit unitID="mmappfw_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmappfw/group" name="mmappfw_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="mw_mmmw_layer">
-			<module name="mmmw_group">
-				<unit unitID="mmmw_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/group" name="mmmw_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="mmmw_3GPExtParserLib_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/mmserv/metadatautility/3GPExtParserLib/group" filter="!sf_build" name="mmmw_3GPExtParserLib_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="mw_mmmw_tms_layer">
-			<module name="mmmw_tms_api_group">
-				<unit unitID="mmmw_tms_api_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/mmmw_plat/telephony_multimedia_service_api/group" name="mmmw_tms_api_group"/>
-				<unit unitID="mmmw_tms_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/mmmw/mmserv/tms/group" name="mmmw_tms_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="tools_layer">
-            <module name="qtconf">
-                <unit unitID="qtdo.qt.qtconf" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/qt/group" name="qtconf"/>
-            </module>
-<module name="uitools">
-        <unit unitID="abs.uitools" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uitools/group" name="uitools"/>
-      </module>
-<module name="">
-        <unit unitID="abs.uitools.toollibraries" mrp="" bldFile="sf/mw/uitools/toollibraries/group" name="uitools_toollibraries" filter="!sf_build"/>
-      </module></layer>
-<layer name="arm9e_layer"> 
-                            <module name=""> 
-                                    <unit unitID="EAacPlusCodecPlugin_arm9e" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/EAacPlusCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="EAacPlusCodecPlugin_arm9e"/> 
-                            </module> 
-        </layer>
-<layer name="bldmelast_layer">
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="EAacPlusCodecPlugin_arm9e_2" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/EAacPlusCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="EAacPlusCodecPlugin_arm9e_2"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="os_mm_layer">
-			<module name="mm_group">
-				<unit unitID="mm_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/group" name="mm_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="AudioEqualizerUtility_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/AudioEqualizerUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="AudioEqualizerUtility_group"/>
-				<unit unitID="EnvironmentalReverbUtility_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/EnvironmentalReverbUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="EnvironmentalReverbUtility_group"/>
-				<unit unitID="StereoWideningUtility_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/StereoWideningUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build" name="StereoWideningUtility_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="AacEncoderPlugin_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/AacEncoderPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="AacEncoderPlugin_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="AmrNbCodecPlugin_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/AmrNbCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="AmrNbCodecPlugin_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="AmrWbCodecPlugin_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/AmrWbCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="AmrWbCodecPlugin_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="EAacPlusCodecPlugin_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/EAacPlusCodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="EAacPlusCodecPlugin_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="EAacPlusUtil_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/EAacPlusUtil/group" filter="!sf_build" name="EAacPlusUtil_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="MP3CodecPlugin_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/MP3CodecPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="MP3CodecPlugin_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="WMADecoderPlugin_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/audio/ARM_CMMF_codecs/WMADecoderPlugin/group" filter="!sf_build" name="WMADecoderPlugin_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="ARM_MDF_Decoders_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/video/ARM_MDF_Decoders/group" filter="!sf_build" name="ARM_MDF_Decoders_group"/>
-			</module>
-			<module name="">
-				<unit unitID="Utilities_group" mrp="" bldFile="sf/os/mm/video/ARM_MDF_Decoders/Utilities/group" filter="sf_build" name="Utilities_group"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-<layer name="bin_layer">
-			<module name="bin_layer_helix_ren">
-					<unit unitID="bin_layer_sf_mw_helix_helix_ren_src" name="src" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/src/group" mrp="" filter="!no_binonly"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer></systemModel>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/data/custom_SystemDefinition.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
- <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition (systemModel?, build?)>
- <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-  schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
- <!ELEMENT layer (logicalset* | module*)*>
- <!ATTLIST layer
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED
- <!ELEMENT logicalset (logicalsubset* | module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalset 
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED  
-  level CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT logicalsubset (module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalsubset name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT module (component* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST module
-  level CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT component (unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST component name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT package EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST package
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT prebuilt EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST prebuilt
-  version CDATA #REQUIRED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT build (option* | target+ | targetList+ | unitList+ | configuration+)*>
- <!ELEMENT unitList (unitRef+)>
- <!ATTLIST unitList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT unitRef EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST targetList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
- <!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST target
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST option
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  enable (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT configuration (unitListRef+ | layerRef+ | task+)*>
- <!ATTLIST configuration
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  filter CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT task ( unitListRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
- <!ELEMENT unitListRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST unitListRef unitList IDREF #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT layerRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST layerRef layerName CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST buildLayer
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED
-  targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
-  unitParallel (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED
-  targetParallel (Y | N | y | n) #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST specialInstructions
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<SystemDefinition name="custom_SystemDefinition" schema="1.4.0">
-<layer name="some_component_name">
-<module name="some_component_name">
-<unit unitID="some_component" name="some_component_name" bldFile="some_component\group" mrp=""/>
-<unit unitID="some_component2" name="some_component_name2" bldFile="some_component2\group" mrp=""/>
-	<build> 
-<!-- Here the unit list for added components can be given, below some_components is an example for unit list -->
-    <unitList name="SOME_COMPONENTS" description="S60 3.2 and some components">
-      <unitRef unit="some_component"/>
-      <unitRef unit="some_component2"/>
-   	</unitList>
-<!--  Example how to create specific build configuration to build 3.1 with complementary but without stubs  -->
-<!--  !!! NOTE this is just example !!!  -->
-		<configuration name="S60_3_1_with_compl_no_stubs_some_comp" description="S60 3.1 with complementary and without stubs and some components" filter="S60_3_1">
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON_OSEXTENSION"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1_JAVA"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON_COMPLEMENTARY"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1_COMPLEMENTARY"/>
-<!--  include some components  -->
-      <unitListRef unitList="SOME_COMPONENTS"/>
-<!-- include some components end    -->
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><specialInstructions name="Install colour resources" cwd="%EPOCROOT%" command="instcol cl"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-		</configuration>
-<!--  Example how to create specific build configuration to build 3.1 with complementary but without stubs  -->
-<!--  !!! NOTE this is just example !!!  -->
-		<configuration name="S60_3_1_with_compl_no_stubs" description="S60 3.1 with complementary and without stubs" filter="S60_3_1">
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON_OSEXTENSION"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1_JAVA"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON_COMPLEMENTARY"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1_COMPLEMENTARY"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><specialInstructions name="Install colour resources" cwd="%EPOCROOT%" command="instcol cl"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-<!--  Example how to create specific build configuration to build 3.1 only for armv5 target (no tools and winscw targets) -->
-<!--  !!! NOTE this is just example !!!  -->
-		<configuration name="S60_3_1_armv5_only" description="S60 3.1 for target ARMV5 only" filter="S60_3_1">
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON_OSEXTENSION"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1_JAVA"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON_OSEXTENSION_STUBS"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_COMMON_STUBS"/>
-      <unitListRef unitList="S60_3_1"/>
-      <task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><specialInstructions name="Install colour resources" cwd="%EPOCROOT%" command="instcol cl"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-      <task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-    </configuration>
-  </build> 
--- a/build/data/default_build.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld export" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="tools_rel" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld resource" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld library" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld target" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld final" targetList="default" unitParallel="N" targetParallel="N"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld -what build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld -check build" targetList="default" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/data/default_clean.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<task><buildLayer command="bldmake bldfiles" unitParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld clean" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld reallyclean" targetList="default_tools" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld makefile" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld clean" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld reallyclean" targetList="default_winscw" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld clean" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
-<task><buildLayer command="abld reallyclean" targetList="default_armv5" unitParallel="Y" targetParallel="Y"/></task>
--- a/build/data/s60_sbs_config.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<build xmlns=""
-       xmlns:xsi=""
-       xsi:schemaLocation=" build/2_0.xsd">
-	<!-- End-user overrides for existing build configurations for SBSv2 (aka Raptor).-->
-	<!-- binding of FLM interfaces to certain build/makefile phase to ensure proper order of execution during build -->
-	<var name="make_changes">
-	<set name="bitmap.selector.iface" value="\.(bitmap|extension|mifconv|akniconinterfaces|removegtfiles|skingenerator|cryptoprep|builder|help_files|version_update)$"/>
-		<set name="resource.selector.iface" value="\.(resource|extension|mif2cdlindex|nativejava|genericcopy)$"/>
-   <set name="default.selector.iface" value="\.(?!export$|bitmap$|resource$|mifconv$|mif2cdlindex$|nativejava$|akniconinterfaces$|removegtfiles$|genericcopy$|skingenerator$|cryptoprep$|builder$|help_files$|version_update$).*$"/>
-    <!-- 4.5 min -->
-	  <set name='TALON_TIMEOUT' value='540000'/> 
-  </var>
-	<!-- emake -->
-	<alias name="emake" meaning="emake_engine.make_changes"/>  
-	<!-- gnu make -->
-	<alias name="make" meaning="make_engine.make_changes"/>
--- a/build/data/systemDefinition.dtd	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition (systemModel?, build?)>
-<!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-<!-- all paths are relative to the root of the source -->
-<!-- System Model Section of DTD -->
-<!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
-<!ELEMENT layer (logicalset* | module*)*>
-<!-- Kernel Services, Base Services, OS Services, Etc -->
-<!ATTLIST layer
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT logicalset (logicalsubset* | module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!-- Generic OS services, Comms Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST logicalset 
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED  
-<!ELEMENT logicalsubset (module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
-<!-- Telephony services, Networking Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST logicalsubset 
-<!ELEMENT module (component* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
-<!-- Screen Driver, Content Handling, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST module
-  level CDATA #IMPLIED  
-<!ELEMENT component (unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
-<!-- units or packages -->
-<!ATTLIST component
-<!-- must be buildable (bld.inf) -->
-<!-- bldFile will soon be removed in favour of mrp -->
-<!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT package EMPTY >
-<!-- like a unit, but not buildable -->
-<!ATTLIST package
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT prebuilt EMPTY>
-<!-- pre-built CBR component -->
-<!ATTLIST prebuilt
-  version CDATA #REQUIRED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!-- Build Section of DTD -->
-<!ELEMENT build (option* | target+ | targetList+ | unitList+ | configuration+)*>
-<!ELEMENT unitList (unitRef+)>
-<!-- e.g. common, beech, cedar, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST unitList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-<!-- Reference to unit in System Model -->
-<!ATTLIST unitRef
-<!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
-<!-- e.g. DEFAULT_7.0S, TOOLS_7.0S, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST targetList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-<!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
-<!-- e.g. WINS, WINSCW, ARM4, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST target
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-<!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
-<!-- e.g. Keepgoing, SaveSpace, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST option
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  enable (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED
-<!ELEMENT configuration (unitListRef+ | layerRef+ | task+)*>
-<!-- 7.0s, 8.0a, 8.0b, cuskit, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST configuration
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-<!ELEMENT task ( unitListRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
-<!ELEMENT unitListRef EMPTY>
-<!-- Reference to unitList -->
-<!ATTLIST unitListRef
-<!ELEMENT layerRef EMPTY>
-<!-- Reference to named entity in the model, usually a layer -->
-<!ATTLIST layerRef
-  layerName CDATA #REQUIRED
-<!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
-<!-- bldmake, abld export, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST buildLayer
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED
-  targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
-  unitParallel (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED
-  targetParallel (Y | N | y | n) #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
-<!-- BootStrap -->
-<!ATTLIST specialInstructions
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/data/targetDefinition.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<option name="KEEPGOING" abldOption="-keepgoing" description="Causes make to keepgoing on errors" enable="Y"/>
-<!--    <option name="SAVESPACE" abldOption="-savespace" description="Causes the removal of intermediate files" enable="Y"/> -->
-<target name="WINS" abldTarget="wins" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-<target name="WINS_REL" abldTarget="wins urel" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-<target name="WINS_DEB" abldTarget="wins udeb" description="MSVC Compiler"/>
-<target name="WINSCW" abldTarget="winscw" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-<target name="WINSCW_REL" abldTarget="winscw urel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-<target name="WINSCW_DEB" abldTarget="winscw udeb" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"/>
-<target name="TOOLS" abldTarget="tools" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools"/>
-<target name="TOOLS_REL" abldTarget="tools rel" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/>
-<target name="ARMV5" abldTarget="armv5" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-<target name="ARMV5_REL" abldTarget="armv5 urel" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-<target name="ARMV5_DEB" abldTarget="armv5 udeb" description="RVCT Compiler"/>
-<!-- Aditional Targets -->
-<target name="CWTOOLS" abldTarget="cwtools" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools"/> <!-- Not supported -->
-<target name="CWTOOLS_REL" abldTarget="cwtools rel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler for Tools Release mode only"/> <!-- Not supported -->
-<targetList name="default" description="Main Targets" target="WINSCW ARMV5"/>
-<targetList name="default_winscw" description="Main Targets" target="WINSCW"/>
-<targetList name="default_armv5" description="Main Targets" target="ARMV5"/>
-<targetList name="default_rel" description="Main Targets for rel" target="WINSCW_REL ARMV5_REL"/>
-<targetList name="default_deb" description="Main Targets for deb" target="WINSCW_DEB ARMV5_DEB"/>
-<targetList name="default_debrel" description="Main Targets for deb" target="WINSCW_DEB ARMV5_REL"/>
-<targetList name="default_tools" description="tools Targets" target="TOOLS"/>
-<targetList name="tools_rel" description="tools Release Targets" target="TOOLS_REL"/>
-<targetList name="cwtools" description="cwtools Targets" target="CWTOOLS"/>
-<targetList name="cwtools_rel" description="cwtools Release Targets" target="CWTOOLS_REL"/>
--- a/build/makefile	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# buildpreparation level configuration makefile 
-MAKEFILE = /sf/tools/buildplatforms/build/makefile
-# Place the first target as the default target which is executed from this level 
-buildpreparation_all :: buildpreparation_config
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/tools/S60_build.cmd	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-rem All rights reserved.
-rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-rem at the URL "".
-rem Initial Contributors:
-rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-rem Contributors:
-rem Description:
-@echo on
-@echo off
-echo ===-------------------------------------------------
-echo === Stage=1
-echo ===-------------------------------------------------
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 started ', $time"
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 S60_build.cmd started', $time"
-echo Build S60 
-echo usage:   S60_build.cmd
-echo example: S60_build.cmd
-if not defined LOGS_PATH (
-call set LOGS_PATH=\logs\
-if not defined ZIPS_PATH (
-call set ZIPS_PATH=\zips\
-if not exist %LOGS_PATH% (
-if not exist %ZIPS_PATH% (
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 S60_build.cmd started', $time"
-call vcvars32
-call set copycmd=/y
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 touch to s60 started ', $time"
-call toucher.exe \sf
-call toucher.exe \ext
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 attrib -r started', $time"
-call  attrib -r /s \epoc32\*
-call  attrib -r /s \ext\*
-call  attrib -r /s \sf\*
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 Build started', $time"
-echo Building ...
-call \epoc32\tools\s60tools\build_tbs.cmd S60Build \epoc32\tools\s60tools\
-echo Build end
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 bldmelast started', $time"
-call \epoc32\tools\s60tools\build_tbs.cmd bldmelast \epoc32\tools\s60tools\
-call cmd /c "cd \config\s60_52_config && cmaker config_post_task ACTION=export BUILD=oem S60=52"
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 zip western delta binaries', $time"
-call perl \epoc32\tools\s60tools\ -i %LOGS_PATH%bldmelast_bld.log -filter \epoc32 -zip %ZIPS_PATH%delta_western_package -ex productvariant.hrh
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 scanlog_html started', $time"
-call perl \epoc32\tools\ -l %LOGS_PATH%s60Build_bld.log -l %LOGS_PATH%bldmelast_bld.log -o %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_s60Build_full.html -v
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 finished ', $time"
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-use strict;
-use File::Find;     # for finding
-use File::Basename; # for fileparse
-use File::Copy 'copy';
-use File::Path;    
-use Getopt::Long;
-my (@sysdeffiles, @filters);
-if ( !GetOptions(
-	'i=s' => \@sysdeffiles,
-	'f:s' => \@filters
-	))
-	&error_msg("Invalid arguments!\n");
-if (!scalar (@filters)){	&error_msg("No filter(s) to set!\n")};
-if (!scalar (@sysdeffiles)){	&error_msg("No files to set filters\n")};
-my $checkfilters = "";
-foreach (@filters) {
-	next if ($_ !~ /\w/i);
-	$checkfilters .=$_;
-	$checkfilters .=",";
-# no filters to add
-if ($checkfilters eq "") {die "nothing to do\n";};
-foreach my $file (@sysdeffiles) {
-	eval {set_filters($file);};
-	if ($@) {
-		print "failed $@ \n";
-	}
-sub set_filters {
-	my $sysdeffile = shift;
-	my @updated_data;
- 	open (ORIG,"${sysdeffile}") or die("Cannot open $sysdeffile");
-	my @orig_data=<ORIG>;
-	close ORIG;
-	copy($sysdeffile, $sysdeffile.".orig");
-	foreach (@orig_data) {
-		chomp;
-		if ($_ =~ /(<configuration)/i) {
-			my $filterline = getfilterline($_);
-			$_ =~ s/^.*filter=?\"/$&${filterline}/i;
-			$_ =~ s/,\"/\"/i;
-		}
-		push @updated_data, $_."\n";
-	}
-	open (UPDATED, ">${sysdeffile}");
-  print UPDATED @updated_data;
-	close UPDATED;
-sub getfilterline {
-	my $conffilter = shift;
-	my $newfilterline = ""; 
-	$conffilter =~ s/.*filter=\"//i;
-	$conffilter =~ s/\".*//i;
-	my @oldfilters = split(',', $conffilter);
-	foreach (@filters) {
-		my $match = 0;
-		next if ($_ !~ /\w/i);
-# check if filter is defined already
-		foreach my $old (@oldfilters) {
-			if ($old eq $_) {
-				$match = 1;
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-# add filter only if it is new
-		if (!$match) {
-			$newfilterline .= $_;
-			$newfilterline .=",";
-		}
-	}
-# remove last ',' if filters are not existed before
-	if (! scalar (@oldfilters) && $newfilterline ne "") {
-		$newfilterline =~ s/,$//i
-	}
-	return $newfilterline;
-sub error_msg ($){
-  my($ErrorMsg);
-  ($ErrorMsg)=@_;
-  my $given_command=$0;
-  $given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
-  print "Error: $ErrorMsg \n";
-	print "Usage: \n$given_command -f <filter> -i <systemdefinition xml file>\n";
-	print "           -f <filter> (multible allowed)\n";
-	print "           -i <sysdef file> (multible allowed)\n";
-	print "Example: \n$given_command -f test -i \\S60_SystemBuild.xml\n";
-	print "\n";  
-	die "\n";  
--- a/build/tools/bldlayer.cmd	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-rem All rights reserved.
-rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-rem at the URL "".
-rem Initial Contributors:
-rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-rem Contributors:
-rem Description:
-@echo on
-@echo off
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 started ', $time"
-if not "%1" == "" (
-) else (
-if not defined LOGS_PATH (
-	set LOGS_PATH=.\
-if not exist %LOGS_PATH% (
-echo create folder for logs
-if not defined BUILD_XML_PATH (
-if not exist %BUILD_XML_PATH% (
-echo create folder for build xml file
-echo Build logs will be written to %LOGS_PATH%
-if exist %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%.html (
-echo Remove old scanlog because do not overwrite it 
-call del /q %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%.html
-if exist .\systemDefinition.xml ( 
-if exist .\systemDefinitionLayer.xml (
-echo needed files exist to %BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION% Ado
-set SGML_SEARCH_PATH=\epoc32\tools\systemDefinition\
-echo perl \epoc32\tools\build\ -x .\systemDefinition.xml -n %BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION% -s \ -o %BUILD_XML_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%.xml -l %LOGS_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%_xml.log
-call perl \epoc32\tools\build\ -x .\systemDefinition.xml -n %BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION% -s \ -o %BUILD_XML_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%.xml -l %LOGS_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%_xml.log
-) else (
-echo systemDefinitionLayer.xml not found, %BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION% Ido
-set SGML_SEARCH_PATH=\epoc32\tools\systemDefinition\
-echo perl \epoc32\tools\build\ -x .\systemDefinition.xml -n %BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION% -s \ -o %BUILD_XML_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%.xml -l %LOGS_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%_xml.log
-call perl \epoc32\tools\build\ -x .\systemDefinition.xml -n %BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION% -s \ -o %BUILD_XML_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%.xml -l %LOGS_PATH%%BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION%_xml.log
-) else (
-echo systemDefinition.xml not found
-goto :end
-echo Building ...
-call \epoc32\tools\s60tools\build_tbs.cmd %BLDLAYER_CONFIGURATION% %BUILD_XML_PATH%
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 finished ', $time"
--- a/build/tools/build_Variant.cmd	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-rem All rights reserved.
-rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-rem at the URL "".
-rem Initial Contributors:
-rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-rem Contributors:
-rem Description:
-@echo on
-@echo off
-if not defined ZIPS_PATH (
-call set ZIPS_PATH=\zips\
-if not defined LOGS_PATH (
-call set LOGS_PATH=\logs\
-echo set build tools path
-if not exist %ZIPS_PATH% (
-if not exist %LOGS_PATH% (
-if exist \epoc32\tools\s60tools\variant_build_china.xml (
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 build china variant', $time"
-rem generate apac cenreps with new config tool 
-cd \s60\tools\toolsextensions\ConfigurationTool\
-call cli_build.cmd -master_conf apac -impl \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\s60 -confml \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\apac -report \logs\configtool_apac_delta.txt -ignore_errors > %LOGS_PATH%configtool_apac_log.txt 2>&1
-cd \
-call build_tbs.cmd variant_build_china \epoc32\tools\s60tools\
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 zip china delta binaries', $time"
-call perl \epoc32\tools\s60tools\ -i %LOGS_PATH%variant_build_china_bld.log -filter \epoc32 -zip %ZIPS_PATH%delta_china_package -o %LOGS_PATH%variant_china_what.log -ex productvariant.hrh
-call zip  -r -u   %ZIPS_PATH%delta_china_package -@ < \logs\configtool_apac_delta.txt 
-if exist \epoc32\tools\s60tools\variant_build_japan.xml (
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 build japan variant', $time"
-cd \s60\tools\toolsextensions\ConfigurationTool\
-call cli_build.cmd -master_conf japan -impl \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\s60 -confml \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\japan -report \logs\configtool_japan_delta.txt -ignore_errors > %LOGS_PATH%configtool_japan_log.txt 2>&1
-cd \
-call build_tbs.cmd variant_build_japan \epoc32\tools\s60tools\
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 zip japan delta binaries', $time"
-call perl \epoc32\tools\s60tools\ -i %LOGS_PATH%variant_build_japan_bld.log -filter \epoc32 -zip %ZIPS_PATH%delta_japan_package -o %LOGS_PATH%variant_japan_what.log -ex productvariant.hrh
-call zip  -r -u   %ZIPS_PATH%delta_japan_package -@ < \logs\configtool_japan_delta.txt
-cd \s60\tools\toolsextensions\ConfigurationTool\
-rem thai
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 zip thai delta binaries', $time"
-call cli_build.cmd -master_conf thai -impl \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\s60 -confml \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\thai -report \logs\configtool_thai_delta.txt -ignore_errors > %LOGS_PATH%configtool_thai_log.txt 2>&1
-call zip  -r      %ZIPS_PATH%delta_thai_package -@ < \logs\configtool_thai_delta.txt
-rem return western 
-cd \s60\tools\toolsextensions\ConfigurationTool\
-call cli_build.cmd -master_conf s60 -impl \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\s60 -confml \epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\s60 -report \logs\configtool_return_western.txt -ignore_errors > %LOGS_PATH%cf_return_western_log.txt 2>&1
-call zip  -r -u   %ZIPS_PATH%delta_western_package -@ < \logs\configtool_return_western.txt
-cd \
-goto end
--- a/build/tools/build_tbs.cmd	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-rem All rights reserved.
-rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-rem at the URL "".
-rem Initial Contributors:
-rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-rem Contributors:
-rem Description:
-@echo on
-@echo off
-echo build_tbs
-echo usage:   build_tbs.cmd "input xml file without extension" ["inputfile path"]
-echo usage:   inputfile path is optional cases that command launch different path as inputfile
-echo example: build_tbs.cmd S60Build \epoc32\tools\s60tools\
-echo example: build_tbs.cmd S60Build
-echo set build tools path
-rem set port 1971 for TBS by default 
-if not defined TBS_PORT (
-call set TBS_PORT=1971
-rem set 2 processor by default
-if not defined NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS (
-rem Starts NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS*2 clients. If NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS is set to "0" start one client
-if "%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%" equ "0" (
-call set /a LOOP=1
-) else (
-echo start clients
-call set /a LOOP-=1
-call start cmd /C "\epoc32\tools\build\ -w 5 -c Client%LOOP% -d localhost:%TBS_PORT% -e 1"
-perl -le "sleep 1"
-if not "%LOOP%" equ "0" goto :loopagain
-echo delete old build log
-if exist %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_%1.html (
-call del /q %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_%1.html
-echo start build server
-call perl \epoc32\tools\build\ -p %TBS_PORT% -d %2%1.xml -l %LOGS_PATH%%1_bld.log
-call perl \epoc32\tools\ -l %LOGS_PATH%%1_bld.log -o %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_%1.html -v
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# ==============================================================================
-#  Name        :
-#  Description : This script provides comparison functions to create a filelist
-#				 and to check if all files in the list are available on the
-#				 environment.
-# ==============================================================================
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use vars qw($opt_c $opt_g);
-if ($opt_g =~ m/-c/i || $opt_c =~ m/-g/i)
-	&error_msg("Cannot generate and check at the same time!");
-if ($opt_g)
-	&generate();
-elsif ($opt_c)
-	&check();
-	&error_msg("Please define the action and filename!");
-sub error_msg
-	my($ErrorMsg);
-	($ErrorMsg)=@_;
-	my $given_command=$0;
-	$given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
-	print STDERR "\nERROR: $ErrorMsg \n\n" unless ($ErrorMsg =~ /^$/);
-	print STDERR "\nUsage:\n\t$given_command <parameters>\n";
-	print STDERR "\nParameters:\n";
-	print STDERR "\t-g\tGenerate filelist from the environment into file specified after this parameter\n";
-	print STDERR "\t-c\tCheck if all the files are in the environment that are listed in the file specified after this parameter\n";
-	print STDERR "\nExamples:\n\t$given_command -g filelist.txt\n";
-	print STDERR "\t$given_command -c filelist.txt\n";
-	print STDERR "\n";  
-	die "\n";
-sub generate
-	unless ($opt_g =~ m/^$/)
-	{
-		open (STDOUT, ">".$opt_g);
-	}
-	open (DIRS,"dir /s/b/a-d 2>nul |");
-	my $current_dir = `cd`;
-	for ($current_dir)
-	{
-		s/^\s+//;
-		s/\s+$//;
-		s/^.\:\\//;
-	}
-	#$current_dir = $current_dir."\\";
-	while (my $file=<DIRS>)
-	{
-		chomp;
-		for ($file)
-		{
-			s/^\s+//;
-			s/\s+$//;
-			s/^.\:\\//;
-		}
-		substr($file, 0, length($current_dir)+1) = '';
-		{
-			print STDOUT $file."\n";
-		}
-	}
-sub check
-	open (INPUTFILE,$opt_c) or error_msg("Filelist $opt_c not found!");
-	while (my $line=<INPUTFILE>)
-	{
-		chomp;
-		for ($line)
-		{
-			s/^\s+//;
-			s/\s+$//;
-		}
-		stat($line);
-		next if -f _;
-		print "MISSING: ".$line."\n";
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:  See the usage-method below.
-use File::Find;
-use File::Spec;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use strict;
-my $isFirstError = 1;
-my @dirList;
-my $resultFile = undef;
-my %extHash; # hash which contains the wanted extensions as keys
-my $errString = qq(
-The following filenames are not unique inside ADO. Note that if those
-files are not part of compilation (listed in used bld.inf) => there 
-are no immediate problems.
-# Conversion routine. 
-#  - makes all dir separators to be "/"
-#  - removes any drive letter from beginig of path
-sub convertPath
-    my $path = shift;
-    $path =~ s/\\/\//g;
-    $path =~ s/^[A-Za-z]\://;
-    $path =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
-    return $path;
-sub usage
-    print "\n";
-    print "This script is intended to check the architectural domain (ADO)\n";
-    print "directory hierarchy content in S60-build.\n";
-    print "It checks that the filenames with given extensions\n";
-    print "are uniq inside the give ADO structure.\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Usage:\n";
-    print "  $0 [-h|-help] [-t <theResultFilename>] [-e ext1 -e ext2] -d <dir1> -d <dir2> \n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Options:\n";
-    print "  -h                  : Show this help\n";
-    print "  -help               : Show this help\n";
-    print "  -t <theFilename>    : The name of the file, where the errors are written.\n";
-    print "                        If not specified errors are written to STDOUT\n";
-    print "  -d <dir1>           : Absoluth path to the ADOs directory. The last item in the dir\n";
-    print "                        should be the ADO name.\n";
-    print "  -e <ext1>           : file extensions that are checked.\n";
-    print "                        If none given, then default value is \"-e mmp,mk\". \n";
-    print "                        If one is specified then the default ones are not handled by default.\n";  
-    print "\n";
-    print "Return values:\n";
-    print "    0 : no errors found (or help wanted)\n";
-    print "   -1 : errors found in check\n";
-    print "   -2 : erronous command line parameters or in result file opening\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Usage example:\n";
-    print "   in the below example replace \"<myadoname>\" with real ado name\n";
-    print "   for example  <myadoname> == messaging\n";
-    print "   perl $0 -t \my_path_results.txt -d \s60\app\<myadoname>\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "   Below one only checks txt-files\n";
-    print "   perl $0 -t \my_path_results.txt -e txt -d \s60\app\<myadoname>\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Limitations:\n";
-    print "  - No spaces allowed in the file or directory names !!!\n";
-    print "\n";
-sub errorUsage
-    usage;
-    exit(-2);
-sub okUsage
-    usage;
-    exit(0);
-# print results
-sub printError
-    if(defined($resultFile))
-    {
-	if($isFirstError > 0)
-	{
-	    $isFirstError = 0;
-	    print FILEOUT $errString;
-	}
-	print FILEOUT join("",@_);;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if($isFirstError > 0)
-	{
-	    $isFirstError = 0;
-	    print STDOUT $errString;
-	}
-	print STDOUT join("",@_);
-    }
-# Parses the command line parameters from ARGV
-# Params: -
-# Return: -		    
-sub parseCmdLine
-    my $incorrectParam = 0;
-    my @extList;
-    if( ! GetOptions('t=s'      => \$resultFile,
-		     'd=s'      => \@dirList,
-		     'e=s'      => \@extList,
-		     'h'        => \&okUsage,
-		     'help'     => \&okUsage,
-		     '<>'       => \&errorUsage))
-    {
-	exit(-2);
-    }
-    if(scalar(@dirList) == 0)
-    {
-	print STDERR  "\nERROR: At least one directory has to be specified with -d\n";
-	exit(-2);
-    }
-    foreach  (@dirList)
-    {
-	if(/\s+/)
-	{
-	    print STDERR "\nERROR: No spaces allowed in directory names\n";
-	    exit(-2);
-	}
-    }
-    # if no ext given => use the default values.
-    if(scalar(@extList) == 0)
-    {
-	$extHash{"mmp"} = 1;
-	$extHash{"mk"} = 1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	# handle the extensions given	
-	foreach my $param (@extList)
-	{
-	    my @items = split(",",$param);
-	    foreach my $item (@items)
-	    {
-		# remove spaces
-		$item =~ s/\s//g;
-		$item = convertPath($item);
-		$extHash{$item} = 1; 
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-sub handleFileopenError
-    print STDERR  "\nERROR: Unable to open  $resultFile\n";
-    exit(-2);
-# This function is called for each file by 
-# the "find" functionality.
-# contains all the erronous file names, details in the 
-# $refToFileHash
-my $refToErrHash;
-# content is:
-# {filenamewithExt => (foundInDir1,foundInDir2)} 
-my $refToFileHash; 
-#actual function
-sub handleFile
-    my $file = convertPath($_);
-    my $fileDir = convertPath(File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->splitdir($File::Find::dir)));
-    # the find seems to change the current dir => checking if the item is a dir
-    # should be done from curr Dir (we need to add the ./ so that the -d (testing if
-    # item is directory works)
-    if( -d "./$file")
-    {
-	return;
-    }
-    # its a file, test wether the extension is what we want
-    my @tmpList = split(/\./,$file);
-    my $ext = pop @tmpList;
-    if(defined($extHash{$ext}))
-    {
-	# is there same name already => if yes => error
-	if(defined($$refToFileHash{$file}))
-	{
-	    $$refToErrHash{$file}  = 1;
-	}
-	# 1st occurance. Add as new item into the refToFileHash
-	else
-	{
-	    my @list;
-	    $$refToFileHash{$file} = \@list;
-	}
-	push(@{$$refToFileHash{$file}},$fileDir);
-    }
-# MAIN functionality
-    open(FILEOUT,">$resultFile") || handleFileopenError;
-# handle each root dir as separate case. This way
-# we do not have to worry about stuff between dirs
-foreach my $dir (@dirList)
-    my %errFileHash;
-    $refToErrHash = \%errFileHash;
-    my %fileHash;
-    $refToFileHash = \%fileHash;
-    find(\&handleFile,($dir));
-    # After one base dir has been handled, then print the found
-    # errors related to that one.
-    if(scalar(keys(%errFileHash)) > 0)
-    {
-	printError "\nUnder: $dir\n";
-	foreach my $errFile (keys (%errFileHash))
-	{
-	    printError "   $errFile found in:\n";
-	    foreach my $fileLoc (@{$fileHash{$errFile}})
-	    {
-		printError "      $fileLoc\n";
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	printError "\nNo errors found under $dir\n";
-    }
-    close FILEOUT;
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:  See the usage-method below.
-use File::Find;
-use File::Spec;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use strict;
-# the 140 has not yet been officially defined. (7.7.2006)
-my $limit = 140;
-my $isFirstError = 1;
-my @dirList;
-my $resultFile = undef;
-my $errString = qq(
-The following filenames with path are longer than the allowed length,
-which is $limit characters.
-sub usage
-    print "---------------------------------------------\n";
-    print "---------------------------------------------\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "This script is intended to check the architectural domain (ADO)\n";
-    print "directory hierarchy content in S60-build\n";
-    print "It checks that the maximum path length does not exceed\n";
-    print "the limitations specified for ADO structure.\n";
-    print "All file names are listed, which exceed the specified limitation.\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Usage:\n";
-    print "  $0 [-h|-help] [-t <theResultFilename>] -d <dir1> -d <dir2> \n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Options:\n";
-    print "  -h                  : Show this help\n";
-    print "  -help               : Show this help\n";
-    print "  -t <theFilename>    : The name of the file, where the errors are written.\n";
-    print "                        If not specified errors are written to STDOUT\n";
-    print "  -d <dir1>           : Absoluth path to the ADOs directory. The last item in the dir\n";
-    print "                        should be the ADO name.\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Return values:\n";
-    print "    0 : no errors found (or help wanted)\n";
-    print "   -1 : errors found in check\n";
-    print "   -2 : erronous command line parameters or in result file opening\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Usage example:\n";
-    print "   in the below example replace \"<myadoname>\" with real ado name\n";
-    print "   for example  <myadoname> == messaging\n";
-    print "   perl $0 -t \my_path_results.txt -d \s60\app\<myadoname>\n";
-    print "\n";
-    print "Limitations:\n";
-    print "  - No spaces allowed in the file or directory names !!!\n";
-    print "\n";
-sub errorUsage
-    usage;
-    exit(-2);
-sub okUsage
-    usage;
-    exit(0);
-# Parses the command line parameters from ARGV
-# Params: -
-# Return: -		    
-sub parseCmdLine
-    my $incorrectParam = 0;
-    if( ! GetOptions('t=s'      => \$resultFile,
-		     'd=s'      => \@dirList,
-		     'h'        => \&okUsage,
-		     'help'     => \&okUsage,
-		     '<>'       => \&errorUsage))
-    {
-	exit(-2);
-    }
-    if(scalar(@dirList) == 0)
-    {
-	print STDERR  "\nERROR: At least one directory has to be specified with -d\n";
-	exit(-2);
-    }
-    foreach  (@dirList)
-    {
-	if(/\s+/)
-	{
-	    print STDERR "\nERROR: No spaces allowed in directory names\n";
-	    exit(-2);
-	}
-    }
-sub handleFileopenError
-    print STDERR  "\nERROR: Unable to open  $resultFile\n";
-    exit(-2);
-    open(FILEOUT,">$resultFile") || handleFileopenError;
-# print results
-sub printError
-    if(defined($resultFile))
-    {
-	if($isFirstError > 0)
-	{
-	    $isFirstError = 0;
-	    print FILEOUT $errString;
-	}
-	print FILEOUT join("",@_);;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if($isFirstError > 0)
-	{
-	    $isFirstError = 0;
-	    print STDOUT $errString;
-	}
-	print STDOUT join("",@_);
-    }
-# Conversion routine. 
-#  - makes all dir separators to be "/"
-#  - removes any drive letter from beginig of path
-sub convertPath
-    my $path = shift;
-    $path =~ s/\\/\//g;
-    $path =~ s/^[A-Za-z]\://;
-    return $path;
-# This function is called for each file by 
-# the "find" functionality.
-my $currentlyHandling = "";
-my $first = 1;
-my $currentReplacement = "";
-sub handleFile
-    my $file = $_;
-    my $fileDir = convertPath(File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->splitdir($File::Find::dir)));
-    if($fileDir !~ /^$currentlyHandling/i ||  $first == 1)
-    {
-	$first = 0;
-      	$currentlyHandling = $fileDir;
-    	my @items = File::Spec->splitdir($fileDir);
-  	pop @items;
-	$currentReplacement =  convertPath(File::Spec->catfile(@items));
-	$currentReplacement .= "/";
-    }
-    my $total = convertPath($File::Find::name);
-    $total =~ s/^$currentReplacement//g;
-    if(length($total) > $limit)
-    {
-	printError "$total : " . length($total),"\n";
-    }
-# Gets the list of header files into the @filenames
-    close FILEOUT;
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-use strict;
-use File::Find;     # for finding
-use File::Basename; # for fileparse
-use File::Path;    
-use File::Copy;    
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Cwd;
-my ($back_up);
-my (@zips, @temp_paths);
-my (%zips_files, %zips_paths);
-my $temp_dir = "\\compress_temp\\"; 
-my $version = "1.0";
-if ( !GetOptions(
-	'backup' => \$back_up,
-	'z=s' => \@zips))
-	&error_msg("Invalid arguments!\n");
-if (! scalar (@zips)) {
-	&error_msg("Invalid arguments!\n");
-if (scalar (@zips) == 1) {
-	&error_msg("More that one input file is needed!\n");
-foreach (@zips) {
-	if (! -e $_) {
-		&error_msg("File not found : $_\n");
-	}
-foreach (@zips) {
-	unzip_temp($_);
-sub unzip_temp {
-	my $zip_file = shift;
-	my($n, $d, $ext) = fileparse($zip_file, '\..*');
-	mkpath ($temp_dir.$n);
-	push @temp_paths, $n; 
-	$zips_paths{$n}=$d;
-	my $extrCmd = "7za.exe x -y ${zip_file} -o${temp_dir}${n}";
-	print "$extrCmd";
-	system ("$extrCmd");
-	if ($back_up) { 
-		 	print "rename ${zip_file} to ${d}${n}_orig${ext}\n";
-		 	my $backup_name = ${d}.${n}."_orig".${ext};
-		 	rename (${zip_file}, ${backup_name});
-	}
-		unlink (${zip_file});
-	if (-e "${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5") {
-		unlink ("${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5");
-	}
-	print "\\epoc32\\tools\\ -g ${temp_dir}${n} ${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5";	
-	system ("\\epoc32\\tools\\ -g ${temp_dir}${n} ${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5");	
-	open (MD5_FILE,"${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5") or &error_msg("Cannot open ${temp_dir}${n}\\checksum.md5");
-	while (<MD5_FILE>) {
- 		chomp;
-	  next if (/^\/\//); # Skip comment lines
-	  next if (/^#/); # Skip comment lines
-	  next if (/^ *$/); # Skip empty lines 
-  	$_ =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
-		next if !/(TYPE=)/i;
-		my $file_name = $_;
-		$file_name =~ s/( TYPE=).*//i;
-		$_ =~ s/.*MD5=//i;
-	 	$file_name = lc $file_name;
-	 	$file_name =~ s/\\/\//g;    #Change / marks to \
-		my %temp;
-		$temp{$_}=1;
-		if (!exists $zips_files{$file_name}) {
-			$zips_files{$file_name}={%temp};
-		}
-		else {
-#				print "$zips_files{$file_name}{$_}\t $_ \n";
-			if (exists $zips_files{$file_name}{$_}) {
-				$zips_files{$file_name}->{$_}=$zips_files{$file_name}->{$_}+1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	close MD5_FILE;
-sub rezip {
-	my $given_files = scalar (@zips);
-	my @zip_list;
-	print "\nrezip $given_files \n";
-	 foreach my $key (keys %zips_files) {
-		 foreach my $key2 (keys %{$zips_files{$key}}) {
-	 		if ($zips_files{$key}{$key2} != $given_files) {
-		  	$key =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
-	 			push @zip_list, $key."\n"; 
-	 		}
-		}
-	}
-  my $current_dir = cwd();
-	foreach my $zip_name (keys %zips_paths) {
-		my $name=$zips_paths{$zip_name}.$zip_name.".zip";
-	  chdir(${temp_dir}.${zip_name});
-		open (ZIP,"| zip -r $name -@");
-		print ZIP @zip_list;
-		close ZIP;
-  	chdir($current_dir);
-	}
-sub info {
-  print "   version $version \n";
-  print "Remove files that are same in each given zipfile.\n";
-  print "Uses evalid to compare files inside zips.\n";
-sub error_msg ($){
-  my($ErrorMsg);
-  ($ErrorMsg)=@_;
-  my $given_command=$0;
-  $given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
-  print "Error: $ErrorMsg \n";
-	print "Usage: \n$given_command -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -backup\n";
-	print "           -z <zipfile>  zipfiles that should compress, two or more are needed\n";
-	print "           -backup       rename original zip files adding '_orig' end of the filename \n";
-	print "Example: \n$given_command -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -z \\zips\\ -backup\n";
-	print "\n";  
-	die "\n";  
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:  
-#    Generate xml that can give input for symbian tbs build system 
-# ============================================================================
-#  Name     :
-#  Part of  : Generate cmd file from input file
-#  Origin   : S60 2.0,NMP
-#  Created  : Tue Oct 6 11:32:47 2003
-#  Version  : 1.0
-#  Description: 
-#    Generate xml that can give input for symbian tbs build system 
-# structure of input file: 
-# <[build]>         open specific build tag, not required, multiply allowed ( like <[build]><[build1]> )
-#   [build] is given with parameter -b 
-#   if [build] not match with given -b parameter, all lines inside this tag will ignore
-# <\>               close specific build tag
-# <#[name]>         open task block
-#  cd \             specify directory where followed lines will be launch
-#  command.cmd      command that will launch in above directory. command can be whatever (perl, cmd, exe...)
-#  cd \temp         redefine directory where followed lines will be launch
-#  command2.cmd     command that will launch in above directory. command can be whatever (perl, cmd, exe...)
-# <\#>              close task block, close also specific build tag if open
-# <parallel>        open parallel block, all task blocks that located inside same parallel block will be run parallel in tbs
-# <\parallel>       close parallel block, close also task block and specific build tag
-# comment (\\,#) and empty lines ingnore 
-# example:
-# <parallel>                        1st parallel block
-# <#commonengine>                   first task
-# cd \S60\commonengine\group       
-# call bldmake bldfiles -k          command that will lauch 1st state
-# call abld export -k               command that will lauch 2nd state
-# <\#>
-# <#bldvariant>                     second task
-# <S60_3_1>                         specify directory for 'S60_3_1' build
-# cd \S60\misc\release\bldvariant\Series_60_3_1_elaf\group
-# <\>
-# <S60_3_2><S60_3_3>                specify directory for 'S60_3_2' and 'S60_3_3' build
-# cd \S60\misc\release\bldvariant\elaf\group
-# <\>
-# call bldmake bldfiles -k          command that will lauch 1st state
-# call abld export -k               command that will lauch 2nd state
-# call abld export -w               command that will lauch 3rd state
-# <\#>
-# <\parallel>
-# <parallel>                        2nd parallel block
-# <#build_platforms>
-# cd \s60\build_platforms\group
-# call bldmake bldfiles -k          command that will lauch 4th state
-# call abld export -k               command that will lauch 5th state
-# <\#>
-# <\parallel>
-use strict;
-use File::Find;     # for finding
-use File::Basename; # for fileparse
-use Getopt::Long;
-# Variables...
-my $version = "V1.0";
-my $inputfile; # input filename
-my $build; # S60_2X
-my $outputfile; # input filename
-my $component = "";
-my ($cmdfile, $xmlfile, $product_name);
-my $skip = 0;
-my ($c, $i, $j);
-if ( !GetOptions('i=s' => \$inputfile, 'b=s' => \$build, 'o=s' =>\$outputfile))
-	&error_msg("Invalid arguments\n");
-# Hello text
-$build =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; #Change all capitals to small    
-open (INPUT,"$inputfile") or &error_msg("Cannot open $inputfile");
-  open (XML_FILE,">$outputfile") or &error_msg("Cannot open $outputfile");
-  pre_xml(\*XML_FILE);
-  gen_xml_file(\*XML_FILE);
-  post_xml(\*XML_FILE);
-  close XML_FILE;
-close INPUT;
-sub gen_xml_file {
-  my ($outputfile)=@_;
-  my $parallel = 0;
-  my $component_name = "";
-  my $component_path = "\\";
-  my @component_command;
-  my %component_parallel;
-  my $id = 1;
-  my $stage = 1;
-  while (<INPUT>) {
-    next if (/^\/\//); # Skip comment lines
-    next if (/^#/); # Skip comment lines
-    next if (/^ *$/); # Skip empty lines 
-  #  $_ =~ s/\//\\/g;    #Change / marks to \
-    $_ =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; #Change all capitals to small    
-    chomp; #Remove line feed and carriage return  
-# parallel block opened, components should build parallel 
-    if (/^<parallel>/){
-      $parallel = 1;
-      next;
-    }
-# parallel block closed, write components that can build parallel to output file
-    if (/^<\\parallel>/){
-      my $loop = 1;
-      my $line = 0;
-      while ($loop) {
-        my $found = 0;
-        foreach $c (keys %component_parallel)
-        {
-          my @temp;
-#            print "  $c : $i = $component_parallel{$c}[$i] : \n";
-            @temp=keys %{$component_parallel{$c}[$line]};
-            $j = "";
-            $j = @temp[0];
-            if ($j ne "") {
-              print $outputfile "\t\t<Execute ID=\"$id\" Stage=\"$stage\" Component=\"$c\" Cwd=\"$j\" CommandLine=\"$component_parallel{$c}[$line]{$j}\"/>\n";
-#              print "   \;command path = $j:command = $component_parallel{$c}[$line]{$j}\;\n";
-              $found = 1;
-              $id++;
-            }
-        }
-        $line++;
-        if (!$found) {
-          $loop = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-                  $stage++;
-        }
-      }
-# clear variables
-      %component_parallel =();
-      $component_path = "\\";
-      $parallel = 0;
-      next;
-    }
-# component block end
-    if (/^<\\#/){
-    	if (!$skip) {
-    	  $component_parallel{$component_name}=[@component_command];
-  		}
-  	  $skip = 0;
-  	  @component_command = ();
-  	  next;
-  	}
-# block end
-    if (/^<\\>/) {
-  	  $skip = 0;
-  		next;
-    }
-    next if ($skip);
-    if (!/^</) {
-# get path for xml
-      if (/^cd /){
-      	$component_path = $_;
-      	$component_path =~ s/^cd //;
-    	  next;
-    	}
-    	my $rec = {};
-# store command to @component_command variable
-    	$rec->{$component_path} = $_;
-      push (@component_command, $rec);
-  		next;
-    }
-# get component name for xml
-    if (/^<\#/){
-    	$component_name = $_;
-    	$component_name =~ s/^<\#//;
-    	$component_name =~ s/>\Z//;
-  	  next;
-  	}
-# check build version, if not match skip next lines
-    elsif (!/<$build>/){
-    	$skip = 1;
-    	next;
-  	}
-  }
-sub hello
-print "\nThis is Version $version (C)Nokia Corporation 2002-2003\n"; 
-sub error_msg ($){
-  my($ErrorMsg);
-  ($ErrorMsg)=@_;
-  my $given_command=$0;
-  $given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
-  print "";
-  print "\n";
-  print "Error: $ErrorMsg \n\n";
-  print "Usage: \n$given_command -b <build_name> -i <input file name> -o <output file>\n";
-  print "Example:  \n$given_command bldmefirst.txt -b S60_3_1 -i data\bldmelast.txt -o \epoc32\tools\s60Build\bldmelast.xml\n";
-  print "Example2: \n$given_command bldmefirst.txt -b S60_3_1_western -i data\variant_build.txt -o \epoc32\tools\s60Build\variant_build_western.xml\n";
-  print "\n";  
-  die "\n";    
-# write pre information to output file
-sub pre_xml {
-  my ($outputfile)=@_;
-  print $outputfile "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!DOCTYPE Build  [\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT Product (Commands)>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Product name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT Commands (Execute+ | SetEnv*)>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT Execute EMPTY>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute ID CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute Stage CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute Component CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute Cwd CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST Execute CommandLine CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ELEMENT SetEnv EMPTY>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST SetEnv Order ID #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST SetEnv Name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<!ATTLIST SetEnv Value CDATA #REQUIRED>\n";
-  print $outputfile "]>\n\n";
-  print $outputfile "<Product Name=\"$product_name\">\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t<Commands>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t\t<!--Set Env-->\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t\t<SetEnv Order=\"1\" Name=\"EPOCROOT\" Value=\"\\\"/>\n";
-  print $outputfile "\t\t<SetEnv Order=\"2\" Name=\"PATH\" Value=\"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin\;\\epoc32\\tools\;\%PATH\%\"/>\n\n";
-# write post information to output file
-sub post_xml {
-  my ($outputfile)=@_;
-  print $outputfile "\t</Commands>\n";
-  print $outputfile "</Product>\n";
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: Script that takes an optional language ID as a parameter and updates features.dat and languages.txt
-# in emulator environment.
-# Script is RnD Emulator specific!
-# Usage example: 
-# Usage example: 31
-# Usage example: 31 urel
-# Usage example: 31 udeb
-$HRHFILE = "\\epoc32\\include\\bldpublic.hrh";
-$xml_china_filename = "\\epoc32\\include\\s60features_apac.xml";
-$xml_japan_filename = "\\epoc32\\include\\s60features_japan.xml";
-$xml_korean_filename = "\\epoc32\\include\\s60features_korean.xml";
-$lang_id = $ARGV[0];
-$ureludeb = lc $ARGV[1];
-if ($lang_id eq "")
-	$lang_id ="01";
-  print "No language selected, default language used: $lang_id\n";
-# Check that given id is digit
-if (!($lang_id =~ /^\d+$/ ))
-	$lang_id = "01";
-	print "faulty lang id!\n";
-	&printHelp;
-	exit;
-if ($ureludeb eq "")
-	$ureludeb = "udeb";
-	print "No urel/udeb selection made. Selecting UDEB.\n";
-# Check that urel/udeb selection is valid
-if (!(($ureludeb eq "urel") or ($ureludeb eq "udeb")))
-	print "faulty urel/udeb selection!\n"; 
-	&printHelp;
-	exit;
-$targetfile= "\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\$ureludeb\\Z\\Resource\\bootdata\\languages.txt";
-# check that given id is supported
-open(HRHFILE) or die("Could not open bldpublic.hrh file.");
-foreach $line (<HRHFILE>) {
-    chomp($line);              # remove the newline from $line.
-    if ($line =~ m/LANGUAGE_IDS/)
-    {
-    	if ($line =~ m/$lang_id/)
-    	{
-    		#print "Language ID found from bldpublic.hrh.\n";
-    	} else
-    	{
-    	print "Not supported language ID selected.\n";
-    	print "Supported language ID's:\n";
-    	print "$line\n";
-    	#$lang_id="01";
-    	exit;
-    	}
-    	}
-    	}
-## generate feature.dat for emulator
-if (grep {$_ eq $lang_id} @china_languages) {
-  #print "China Language ID '$lang_id' selected.\n" ;
-  system("perl -S \\epoc32\\tools\\ \\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featuredatabase.xml $xml_china_filename -d=\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\$ureludeb\\z\\private\\10205054\\");
-	print "China version of features.dat generated.\n";
-} elsif (grep {$_ eq $lang_id} @japan_languages) {
-	#print "Japan Language ID '$lang_id' selected.\n" ;
-	system("perl -S \\epoc32\\tools\\ \\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featuredatabase.xml $xml_japan_filename -d=\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\$ureludeb\\z\\private\\10205054\\");	
-	print "Japan version of features.dat generated.\n";
-} elsif ($lang_id == $korean_language) {
-	#print "Korean Language ID '$lang_id' selected.\n" ;
-	system("perl -S \\epoc32\\tools\\ \\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featuredatabase.xml $xml_korean_filename -d=\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\$ureludeb\\z\\private\\10205054\\");
-	print "Korean version of features.dat generated.\n";
-} else {
-	#print "western Language ID '$lang_id' selected.\n" ;
-	system("perl -S \\epoc32\\tools\\ \\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featuredatabase.xml \\epoc32\\include\\s60features.xml -d=\\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\$ureludeb\\z\\private\\10205054\\");
-	print "Western version of features.dat generated.\n";
-# Put language ID to languages.txt
-$version_string = sprintf("%s,d", $lang_id);
-# Make sure that read only flag is off in the target file
-chmod 0755, $targetfile;
-# Write the version string in the unicode format
-open OUT, ">$targetfile" or die "Can't open output file: $targetfile $!\n";
-print OUT "\xFF\xFE";
-for (my $i = 0; $i < length($version_string); $i++)
- printf OUT "%s\0", substr($version_string, $i, 1);
-close OUT;
-#start the actual emulator
-if ((lc $ureludeb) eq "urel")
-	system("epoc -rel");
-	print "urel emulator started!\n";
-	system("epoc");
-	print "udeb emulator started!\n";
-sub printHelp
-	print "*****************************************\n";
-	print "**Usage of the\n";
-	print "** <lang_ID> <urel/udeb>\n";
-	print "**Default english udeb (01)\n";
-	print "**China language: 31\n";
-	print "*****************************************\n";
-	print "China ID's: @china_languages\n";
-	print "Japan ID's: @japan_languages\n";
-	print "Korean ID: $korean_language\n";
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:  See the usage-method below.
-# -----------------------------
-# - Parses TBS build log file -
-# -----------------------------
-#	The script offers parsing functionality for build logs generated by Symbian TBS build tool.
-#	It takes the build log file as an input and creates list of compiled binaries as an output.
-#	The parser searches hard coded key words “-- abld –what” and “++ Finished” and parses the data between the key words.
-#	Optionally you can also zip the binaries. The parser is configurable by giving filter, zipping etc. parameters as an argument.
-#	You can get instructions by launching the script –help
-#	Note: Tested with Symbian TBS build logs only.
-# INPUT:	mandatory:	'-i' name of the build log input file, multiple allowed
-#											'-o' name of the parsed output file or '-zip' name of the zip file
-#											'-filter' and '-pos' defines the string and position ( zero by default ) on the line, which we want to store
-#					optional:		'-ex' defines a list of strings, which excludes lines containing one of these strings
-#											'-zip_prefix' prefix for each secondary zip file name when "double" zipping method selected
-#											'-zip2zip' enables the "double" zipping. Primary zip file name is defined in argument '-zip'
-#											'-zip' full path for the primary zip file
-# OUTPUT: mandatory:	list of compiled binaries as an output file and/or single zip file named according '-zip' parameter
-# 				optional:		separate zip files named according to prefix and component's name containing one's compiled binaries
-use warnings; 
-use strict; 
-use Getopt::Long;
-Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling_override","ignore_case_always");
-my ($what_log, $filter_string) = '';
-my ($start_found, $filter_position, $help, $i, $skip_line) = 0;
-my @build_log = ();
-my @lines = ();
-my @exclude_list = ();
-my $temp_folder = "\\temp_what_zip2zip\\";	# temporaly zip for zip2zip
-my ($app, @app_path, $zip_cmd, $zip_prefix, $zip2zip, $zip) = 0;
-my %components;
-my $parse_start_string = "^(-- abld .*-w)";	# defines the starting point for parsing
-my $parse_end_string = "++ Finished";			# defines the ending point for parsing
-my $app_key_word = "Chdir ";							# defines the key word for finding the app name
-$filter_position = 0;				#set default filter position to zero
-#									MAIN BEGIN									#
-	initialize();							# checks arguments, opens input file etc.
-#	parse_log();							# parses the input file
-	handle_output();					# zips binaries and generates the output file
-#									MAIN END										#
-# Performs initialization
-sub initialize
-	handleArgs();
-	readLogFile();
-# Reads, stores and checks arguments
-sub handleArgs
-		my $ii = 0;
-		my $result = GetOptions (											# read and store arguments
-							 'i=s' => \@build_log,							# path for input file
-					     'o=s' => \$what_log,								# path for output file
-					     'filter=s' => \$filter_string,			# saves lines containing string in $filter_string and in position in $filter_position
-					     'pos:i' => \$filter_position,
-					     'ex=s' => \@exclude_list,					# excludes lines containing one of these strings
-					     'zip=s' => \$zip,									# name for zip file containing binaries from parsed lines
-					     'zip_prefix=s' => \$zip_prefix,		# prefix for zip files named with each application's name if $zip2zip defined
-					     'zip2zip' => \$zip2zip,						# double zipping
-					     'h' => \$help,											# prints usage information
-				  	   'help' => \$help										# prints usage information
-				    	 );
-	# check argumens are valid and prints usage if not
-	if (!$result || !scalar(@build_log) || (!$what_log && !$zip) || (!$zip && $zip2zip) ||
-			!$filter_string || ($filter_position < 0) || $help ) {
-		print "\nUSAGE:\n";
-		print "perl\n".
-					" -i\t'full path of the build log input file'\n".
-					" -o\t'full path of the parsed output file'\n".
-					" -filter\t'defines the string on the line, which we want to store'\n".
-					" -pos\t'defines the position for filter string on the line, 0 index is used by default'\n".
-					" -ex\t'defines a list of strings, which excludes lines containing one of these strings'\n".
-					" -zip\t'full path for the primary zip file'\n".
-					" -zip_prefix\t'prefix for each secondary zip file name when 'double' zipping method selected'\n".
-					" -zip2zip\t'enables the 'double' zipping'\n\n";
-		print "Example1: Parse the build log\n";
-		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"epoc32\" -pos 1\n\n";
-		print "Example2: Parse the build log and zip binaries\n";
-		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"\\epoc32\" -pos -zip \\zip\\S60_binaries\n\n";
-		print "Example3: Parse the build log and double zip binaries\n";
-		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"\\epoc32\" -pos -zip \\zip\\S60_binaries -zip2zip\n\n";
-		print "Example4: Parse the build log with exclude list\n";
-		print "perl -i \\log\\S60_build.log -o \\Parsed_S60_build.log -filter \"\\epoc32\" -pos -ex \"warning\" -ex \"\\build\"\n\n";
-		exit;
-	}
-	# disable the meaning of characters used in regular expressions
-#	$parse_start_string = lc("\Q$parse_start_string\E");
-	$parse_end_string = lc("\Q$parse_end_string\E");
-	$filter_string = lc($filter_string);
-	foreach $i (@exclude_list) {
-		$i = lc("\Q$i\E");
-		$exclude_list[$ii++] = $i;
-	}
-# Opens and reads the log file to memory
-sub readLogFile
-  foreach my $log_file(@build_log) {
-		open (IN,"$log_file") or die "Cannot open $log_file for reading: $!";
-		@lines=<IN>;
-		parse_log();
-		close IN;
-	}
-# Parses the input file
-# Uses configuration according user input
-sub parse_log {
- 	foreach (@lines){
- 		chomp $_;
- 		if ($_=~/$parse_start_string/i || $_=~/ACTION=what/i) {						# find starting point for data
- 			$start_found = 1;
- 		}
- 		elsif ($start_found) {
-   		if ($_=~/$app_key_word/i) {								# find the path for bld.inf file
-  			@app_path = split /[\\||\/]/,$_;
-  			$app = $app_path[scalar(@app_path)-2];	# store application's name
-   		}
-   		if ($_=~/$parse_end_string/i) {						# stop fetching data
-   			$start_found = 0;
-   			next;
-   		}
-			$_ =~ s/\"//g;
-			my $f = $_;
-			$f = lc $f;
-  		if (($filter_position == index $f,$filter_string,$filter_position) && $start_found) { # fetch valid data only
-  			foreach $i (@exclude_list) {						# check if data is having illegal words
-  				if ($_=~/$i/i) {
-  					$skip_line = 1;
-  				}
-  			}
-				if (!$skip_line) {
- 					$_ =~ s/ /\n/g;
-	      	push @{$components{$app}}, $_."\n";		# store the data under each app's name
-				}
-  		}
-  		$skip_line = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	@lines = ();
-# Creates output and zip files according arguements
-# Takes the list of binaries and applications fetched from input file as an input
-sub handle_output {
-  my $zip_cmd;
-  # prepares double zipping if zip2zip enabled by user
-  if ($zip2zip) {
-    mkdir $temp_folder;
-  }
-  if ($zip_prefix && $zip_prefix !~ /_$/) { 		# use the prefix from user input
-    $zip_prefix .= "_";
-  }
-	# generates zipping command if zip enabled by user
-  if ($zip) {
-    $zip_cmd ="zip -r ";
-    if ($zip2zip) {
-      $zip_cmd .="-j -m ";
-    }
-    if ($zip !~ /\.zip$/i) {
-    	$zip .= ".zip";
-    }
-    $zip_cmd .="${zip} -@ ";
-  	open (ZIP, "| $zip_cmd");
-  }
-  if ($what_log) {
-  	open (OUT_WHAT,">$what_log") or die "Cannot open $what_log for writing: $!";	# create or open output file
-  }
-	# goes through all apps and their binary lists
-	foreach my $app (sort keys %components) {
-	  if ($zip2zip) {
-			my $zip2zip_cmd = "call zip -r ${temp_folder}${zip_prefix}${app}.zip -@ "; # generate double zipping command
-    	open (ZIP2ZIP, "| $zip2zip_cmd");
-      print ZIP2ZIP @{$components{$app}};				# performs the zipping in temp folder	
-    	close ZIP2ZIP;
-	  }
-	  elsif ($zip) {
-      print ZIP @{$components{$app}};						# performs the normal zipping
-	  }
-	  if ($what_log) {
-      print OUT_WHAT @{$components{$app}};			# prints the binary list to output file
-	  }
-	}
-  if ($what_log) {
-    	close OUT_WHAT;
-  }
-  if ($zip2zip && $zip) {
-    print ZIP $temp_folder."*\n";								# zips the zip files in temp folder
-  }
-  if ($zip) {
-  	close ZIP;
-  }
-  if ($zip2zip) {
-    rmdir $temp_folder;
-  }
-# EOF
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-use strict;
-use Time::Local;
-use File::Copy;
-use Getopt::Long;
-# Parameters
-my $window_title;
-my @custom_version;
-my $S60_platform;
-my $S60_version;
-my $date;
-my $string;
-my $fwstring;
-my $file;
-my $bt;
-my $fwid;
-my $result = GetOptions(
-		'w=s' => \$window_title, 
-		'c=s' => \@custom_version, 
-		'p=s' => \$S60_platform, 
-		'pv=s' => \$S60_version,
-		'pd=s' => \$date, 
-		'bt' => \$bt,
-		'fw=s' => \$fwid);	
-if (!$result){&error_msg("Required Argument(s) are missing or wrong");}
-# Main program
-if ((!defined $S60_platform) && (!scalar @custom_version) && (!defined $window_title) && (!defined $bt)) {
-	&error_msg("Required Argument(s) are missing");
-if (defined $S60_platform) {
-	initial_s60();
-	sw_version(); 
-elsif (scalar @custom_version){
-	initial_custom();
-	sw_version(); 
-if (defined $window_title) {
-	window_title ();
-if (defined $bt) {
-	bt_port_value();
-if (defined $fwid) {
-	fwid_version();
-# S60 initialisation
-sub initial_s60 (){
-	my $version_short;
-	if (defined $date) {
-		unless ($date=~/now/i || $date=~/today/i || $date=~/\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/ ) {  &error_msg("Wrong date format. ");}
-	}
-# convert platform version string to short format
-# like: S60_X_Y -> S60-XY
-	my @temp_version = split('_',$S60_platform);
-	foreach (@temp_version) {
-		if ($version_short eq "") {
-			$version_short = $_;
-			$version_short .= "-";
-		}
-		else {
-			$version_short .= $_;
-		}
-	}
-	# create version string
-	#V S60_31_200616\n20-04-06\nS60-31\n(c)NMP
-	if (defined $date) {
-		$string='V '.$S60_platform.'_'.$S60_version.'\n*DD*-*MM*-*YY*\n'.$version_short.'\n(c)NMP';
-	}
-	else {
-		$string='V '.$S60_platform.'_'.$S60_version.'\nxx-xx-xx\nxxx-xxx\n(c)NMP';
-	}
-	$fwstring='V '.$S60_platform.'_'.$S60_version;
-# set today to date
-	if ($date=~/now/i || $date=~/today/i) {
-		my ($time,$sek, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year);
-	  ($sek, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[0,1,2,3,4,5];
-	  $month += 1;
-	  $year += 1900;
-	  my $year_short=$year;
-	  $year_short=~s/.*(\d\d)$/-$1/;
-	  $date=$day.'-'.$month.$year_short
-	}
-	$string=~s/\*DD\*-\*MM\*-\*YY\*/$date/; 
-# Custom initialisation
-sub initial_custom (){
-	foreach (@custom_version) {
-		if ($string eq "") {
-			$string=$_;
-		}
-		else {
-			$string.='\n';
-			$string.=$_;
-		}
-	}
-# Write new version information for Version project
-sub sw_version (){
-	$file="\\sf\\os\\deviceplatformrelease\\version\\data\\sw.txt";
-  open (to_file,">$file") || die " Cannot create $file Reason: $!\n";
-  #
-  # Writing the version string in the unicode format.
-  #
-  print to_file "\xFF\xFE";
-  for (my $i = 0; $i < length($string); $i++) {
-    printf to_file "%s\0", substr($string,$i, 1);
-  }
-  close (to_file);
-# Write new fwid version information to fwid files
-sub fwid_version (){
-# $fwid (is path to fwid files) = \\s60_RnD\build_RnD\version_rnd\data\
-	my $fwid_file=$fwid."fwid1.txt";
-	write_unicode ($fwid_file, "id=core", "version=".$fwstring );
-	my $fwid_file=$fwid."fwid2.txt";
-	write_unicode ($fwid_file, "id=language", "version=".$fwstring." lang" );
-	my $fwid_file=$fwid."fwid3.txt";
-	write_unicode ($fwid_file, "id=customer", "version=".$fwstring." cust" );
-# Writing the version string in the unicode format.
-sub write_unicode (){
-  my $unicode_file = shift;
-  my @unicode_lines = @_;
-  open (to_file,">$unicode_file") || die " Cannot create $unicode_file Reason: $!\n";
-	binmode to_file;
-  print to_file "\xFF\xFE";
-	my $size = scalar(@unicode_lines);
-	foreach my $l (@unicode_lines) {
-	  for (my $i = 0; $i < length($l); $i++) {
-     printf to_file "%s\0", substr($l,$i, 1);
- 	  }
-  	$size--;
-		if ($size) {
-	  	print to_file "\x0D\x00\x0A\x00";
-	  }
-	}	
-  close (to_file);
-# Change window title for s60config project
-# Set new window title to epoc*.ini files 
-sub window_title ($){
-  my(@files);
-  # read configuration files from epoc.ini
-	my $epoc_ini_file="\\s60\\mw\\uiresources\\uiconfig\\s60config\\src\\epoc.ini";
-  open(INI,$epoc_ini_file) or die "Cannot open $epoc_ini_file\n";
-  while (<INI>) {
-	  chomp; #Remove line feed and carriage return  
-	  if (/^configuration /) {
-      $_ =~ s/^configuration //;
-      push @files, $_;
-    }
-	}
-  close INI;
-# change window title to each configuration file
-	foreach my $input_file (@files) {
-	  my @lines;
-		$file="\\s60\\mw\\uiresources\\uiconfig\\s60config\\src\\$input_file";
-	  open(IN,$file) or die "Cannot open $file";
-	  @lines=<IN>;
-	  close IN;
-	  foreach (@lines){
-	  	$string = $_;
-	    if (/^\s*WindowTitle\s+\S+/i) {
-	      $_ = "WindowTitle ".$window_title."\n";
-	    }
-		}
-	  open (OUT,">$file") || die "Cannot open $file for overwriting!\n";
-	  print OUT @lines;
-	  close OUT;
-	}
-# Change correct port value to allow emulator booting
-sub bt_port_value(){
-  my @lines;  
-  my $bt_string;
-	$file="\\epoc32\\release\\WINSCW\\UDEB\\Z\\private\\101f7989\\Esock\\";
-  open(IN,$file) or die "Cannot open $file";
-  @lines=<IN>;
-  close IN;
-  foreach (@lines){
-  	$bt_string = $_;
-    if (/^\s*port=\s+\S+/i) {
-      $_ = "port= -1\n";
-    }
-	}
-  open (OUT,">$file") || die "Cannot open $file for overwriting!\n";
-  print OUT @lines;
-  close OUT;
-sub error_msg ($){
-  my($ErrorMsg);
-  ($ErrorMsg)=@_;
-  my $given_command=$0;
-  $given_command =~ s/.*\\(\w+\.\w+)$/$1/;
-  print "";
-  print "\n";
-  print "Error: $ErrorMsg \n";
-  print "\n";  
-  print "Usage: $given_command [options]\n\n";
-  print "  Options for change version information\n";
-  print "    -p S60_platform [optional with -c]\n";
-  print "    -pv S60_version [optional, require -p]\n";
-  print "    -pd date [optional, require -p]\n";
-  print "    -c custom_version [optional with -p]\n\n";
-  print "  Option for change emulator window title\n";
-  print "    -w window_title [optional]\n\n";
-  print "  Option for change bt port to -1 for emulator\n";
-  print "    -bt [optional]\n";
-  print "    -fwid [optional](To update fwid files for Fota in rnd)\n"; 
-  print "\n\n";  
-  print "DATE uses dd-mm-yy format or you can give now/today\n\n";  
-  print "Example: $given_command -p S60_3_1 -pv 200616 -pd now\n";  
-  print "Example: $given_command -w 92_200614 -p S60_3_1 -pv 200616 -pd now -bt\n";  
-  print "Example: $given_command -w 92_200614 -p S60_3_1 -pv 200616 -pd 26-04-06\n";  
-  print "Example: $given_command -c \"custom\" -c \"version\"\n";  
-  print "Example: $given_command -fw \s60_RnD\build_RnD\version_rnd\data\"\n";  
-  die "\n";    
--- a/build/tools/	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# ==============================================================================
-#  Name        :
-#  Description : This script provides search functionality for target components
-#                from mmp-files found from the environment.
-#  Version     : 1
-# ==============================================================================
-use strict;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Find;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use vars qw($opt_o $opt_i $opt_p $opt_s );
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-# Check the arguments and if not any or too many print guide.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-if (( $#ARGV < 0) || ($#ARGV > 5))
-         print <<USAGE;
-Usage: [-p component] [-o output-file] [-s] [-i input-file]
-   -p     prints the mmp-file(s) related to component.
-   -i     specify the input file from where to search for
-          mmp-target relation (value is "targets_from_mmps.txt"
-          if else not specified).
-   -s     scans the environment and prints the output to
-          "targets_from_mmps.txt" or to separately specified
-          file (with option -o).
-   -o     output-file where to write scanning results.
- At least one option is required.
-Examples: -s
- -s -o targets_from_mmps.txt
- -p clock.dll
- -p clock.dll -i targets_from_mmps.txt
-	exit -1;
-# ---------------
-# Collect options
-# ---------------
-my ($inputfile, $outputfile);
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-# If output-file is defined in arguments open specified file
-# for printing the targets found from mmp-files.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-if ($opt_s)
-	if ($opt_o)
-	{
-		$outputfile = $opt_o;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		$outputfile = "targets_from_mmps.txt";
-	}
-	open (OUTPUT, ">$outputfile");
-	print "\nWriting targets of mmp-files into \"$outputfile\".\n";
-	find(\&doFind, cwd);
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# If special input file is defined.
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-if ($opt_i)
-	$inputfile = $opt_i;
-	$inputfile = "targets_from_mmps.txt";
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# If component to search is defined in arguments print
-# indication of that on screen.
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-if ($opt_p)
-	open (INPUT, $inputfile) or die "\nInputfile \"$inputfile\" not found, please check the filename or scan the environment first!\n";
-	#print "\nSearching mmp-file for target \"$opt_p\" from \"$inputfile\"...\n\n";
-	my $found_indicator=0;
-	foreach my $line (<INPUT>)
-	{
-		if ($line =~ m/(.*) : $opt_p/i)
-		{
-			print "\n $opt_p -->\n" if ($found_indicator == 0);
-			$found_indicator++;
-			print "    $1";
-		}
-	}
-	print "\nCould not find target \"$opt_p\" from any mmp-file (from \"$inputfile\")!\n" if ($found_indicator == 0);
-	print "\n";
-	close INPUT;
-# --------------------------------------------
-# Function to find the targets from mmp-files.
-# --------------------------------------------
-sub doFind
-	my $file = $File::Find::name;
-	$file =~ s,/,\\,g;
-	return unless -f $file;
-	return unless $file =~ /(?i)\.mmp$/;
-	open F, $file or return;
-	#print $file . "\n";
-	if ($file =~ m/^\S:(.*)/i)
-	{
-		$file = $1;
-	}
-	my ($line, $foundSomething);
-	$foundSomething = "false";
-	while ($line=<F>)
-	{
-		if ($line=~ m/^[\s|\t]*(?i)TARGET[\s|\t]+(\S*).*$/)
-		{
-			# If output-file is defined print all findings to that.
-			if ($outputfile)
-			{
-				print OUTPUT "$file : $1\n";
-			}
-			# If component to search is defined and found
-			# print corresponding mmp-file on screen.
-			$foundSomething = "true";
-		}
-	}
-	if ($foundSomething eq "false")
-	{
-		#print "no TARGET found from $file\n";    
-	}
-	close F;
-if ($outputfile)
-	close OUTPUT;
Binary file build/tools/toucher.exe has changed
Binary file build/tools/zip.exe has changed
--- a/build_preparation.cmd	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-@rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-@rem All rights reserved.
-@rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-@rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-@rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-@rem at the URL "".
-@rem Initial Contributors:
-@rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-@rem Contributors:
-@rem Description:
-@echo off
-echo ===-------------------------------------------------
-echo === Stage=1
-echo ===-------------------------------------------------
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 started ', $time"
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 build_preparation.cmd started', $time"
-echo Set tools and input files for build S60_5_0
-echo !!! Note: Symbian genxml and htmlscanlog tools have to found from environment !!!
-echo usage (all parameters are optional) :
-echo build_preparation.cmd S60_build_configuration -p platform -f conf_filter
-echo -p platform    : 'S60' by default , 'OSExt' is supported by S60
-echo -f conf_filter : not used by default, 'nonjava' 'touch' 'no_stubs' 'no_binonly' 
-echo                  are supported by S60
-echo using parameter '-f' all configurations are updated 
-echo in S60_SystemBuild.xml by
-echo !!! NOTE parameters are case sensitive !!!
-if "%1"=="" goto end_loop
-if "%1" == "-f" (
-goto loop
-if "%1" == "-p" (
-goto loop
-if not "%1" == "" (
-goto loop
-	set CMAKER_BUILD=os_prebuild
-if not defined BUILD_PLATFORM (
-	set CMAKER_BUILD=s60_prebuild
-if not defined S60_BUILD_CONFIGURATION (
-echo create folder for logs
-if not defined LOGS_PATH (
-	set LOGS_PATH=\logs\
-if not exist %LOGS_PATH% (
-echo Build platform '%BUILD_PLATFORM%'
-echo Build configuration '%S60_BUILD_CONFIGURATION%'
-echo Used system configuration filters '%SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_FILTER%'
-echo Add filter '%SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_FILTER%' for all configurations in S60_SystemBuild.xml
-call \sf\tools\buildplatforms\build\tools\ -i \sf\tools\buildplatforms\build\data\S60_SystemBuild.xml %SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_FILTER%
-rem tools_cmaker
-call cd \tools\cmaker && make
-rem cmaker_S60_config
-call cmd /c "cd \sf\os\deviceplatformrelease\sf_build\sf_prebuild && cmaker %CMAKER_BUILD% ACTION=export BUILD=%BUILD_PLATFORM%"
-rem cmaker_s60_51_config
-call cmd /c "cd \config\s60_52_config && cmaker s60_52_config ACTION=export BUILD=oem S60=52"
-echo Remove possible scanlog because do not overwrite it 
-if exist %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_S60Build_xml.html (
-call del /q %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_S60Build_xml.html
-echo Generate bldmelast.xml for %BUILD_PLATFORM%
-call perl \epoc32\tools\build\ -x \epoc32\tools\s60tools\S60_SystemBuild.xml -x \epoc32\tools\s60tools\S60_SystemModel.xml -x \epoc32\tools\s60tools\custom_SystemDefinition.xml -n %BUILD_PLATFORM%_bldmelast -s \ -o \epoc32\tools\s60tools\bldmelast.xml -l %LOGS_PATH%bldmelast_xml.log
-echo Generate S60Build.xml for %S60_BUILD_CONFIGURATION% build
-call perl \epoc32\tools\build\ -x \epoc32\tools\s60tools\S60_SystemBuild.xml -x \epoc32\tools\s60tools\S60_SystemModel.xml -x \epoc32\tools\s60tools\custom_SystemDefinition.xml -n %S60_BUILD_CONFIGURATION% -s \ -o \epoc32\tools\s60tools\S60Build.xml -l %LOGS_PATH%S60Build_xml.log
-echo Generate summary scanlog from generated build xml files
-call perl \epoc32\tools\ %CONFIGURATION_LOG_FILES% -o %LOGS_PATH%scanlog_S60Build_xml.html -v
-perl -le "$time=localtime; print '=== Stage=1 finished ', $time"
--- a/group/bld.inf	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-Path & File name check scripts
-../build/tools/                   /epoc32/tools/
-../build/tools/                   /epoc32/tools/
-SBSv2 configuration file
-../build/data/s60_sbs_config.xml               /epoc32/sbs_config/s60_sbs_config.xml
--- a/layers.sysdef.xml	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition SYSTEM "sysdef_1_4_0.dtd" [
-  <!ENTITY layer_real_source_path "sf/tools/buildplatforms" >
-<SystemDefinition name="buildplatforms" schema="1.4.0">
-  <systemModel>
-  <layer name="os_layer">
-		<module name="sf_common_tsy">
-			<component name="sf_common_tsy">
-				<unit unitID="symbian.common_tsy" name="sf_common_tsy" bldFile="sf/os/cellularsrv/telephonyserverplugins/common_tsy/group" mrp="" filter=""/>
-			</component>
-		</module>
-		<module name="sf_openvg11">
-			<component name="sf_openvg11">
-				<unit unitID="symbian.openvg11" name="sf_openvg11" bldFile="sf/os/graphics/openvg/openvginterface/group/openvg11" mrp="" filter="sf_build"/>
-			</component>
-		</module>
-	</layer>
-  <layer name="stubs_layer">
-		<module name="sf_licenseetsystub">
-			<component name="sf_licenseetsystub">
-				<unit unitID="symbian.licenseetsystub" name="sf_licenseetsystub" bldFile="sf/os/cellularsrv/telephonyserverplugins/licenseetsystub/group" mrp="" filter=""/>
-			</component>
-		</module>
-	</layer>
-    <layer name="bin_layer">
-			<module name="bin_layer_helix_ren">
-					<unit unitID="bin_layer_sf_mw_helix_helix_ren_src" name="src" bldFile="sf/mw/helix/helix_ren/src/group" mrp="" filter="!no_binonly"/>
-			</module>
-    </layer>
-  </systemModel>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sysdef_1_4_0.dtd	Sat Feb 20 00:39:01 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- <!ELEMENT SystemDefinition (systemModel?, build?)>
- <!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-  schema CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
- <!ELEMENT layer (logicalset* | module*)*>
- <!ATTLIST layer
-  levels CDATA #IMPLIED
- <!ELEMENT logicalset (logicalsubset* | module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalset name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT logicalsubset (module* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST logicalsubset name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT module (component* | unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST module
-  level CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT component (unit* | package* | prebuilt*)*>
- <!ATTLIST component name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT package EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST package
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT prebuilt EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST prebuilt
-  version CDATA #REQUIRED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT build (option* | target+ | targetList+ | unitList+ | configuration+)*>
- <!ELEMENT unitList (unitRef+)>
- <!ATTLIST unitList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT unitRef EMPTY>
- <!ELEMENT targetList EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST targetList
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
- <!ELEMENT target EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST target
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldTarget CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT option EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST option
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  abldOption CDATA #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  enable (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT configuration (unitListRef+ | layerRef+ | task+)*>
- <!ATTLIST configuration
-  name ID #REQUIRED
-  description CDATA #REQUIRED
-  filter CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT task ( unitListRef* , (buildLayer | specialInstructions))>
- <!ELEMENT unitListRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST unitListRef unitList IDREF #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT layerRef EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST layerRef layerName CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ELEMENT buildLayer EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST buildLayer
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED
-  targetList IDREFS #IMPLIED
-  unitParallel (Y | N | y | n) #REQUIRED
-  targetParallel (Y | N | y | n) #IMPLIED>
- <!ELEMENT specialInstructions EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST specialInstructions
-  command CDATA #REQUIRED>