--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/inc/mifconv_util.h Tue Feb 02 01:11:11 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Mifconv utilities.
+#ifndef __MIFCONVUTIL_H__
+#define __MIFCONVUTIL_H__
+#include "mifconv.h"
+#include "mifconv_sourcefile.h"
+#include <sstream>
+class MifConvUtil
+ /**
+ * Returns file extension of the given filename
+ * @return String representing the file extension
+ * @param fileName String representing the file name.
+ */
+ static MifConvString FileExtension( const MifConvString& fileName );
+ /**
+ * Returns file name without the extension
+ * @return String representing the file name without the extension
+ * @param fileName String representing the file name.
+ */
+ static MifConvString FilenameWithoutExtension( const MifConvString& fileName );
+ /**
+ * Returns file name without the path
+ * @return String representing the file name without the path
+ * @param fileName String representing the file name.
+ */
+ static MifConvString FilenameWithoutPath( const MifConvString& fileName );
+ /**
+ * Tells whether the file with the given filename exists.
+ * @return true if the given file exists, false otherwise.
+ * @param fileName File name
+ */
+ static bool FileExists( const MifConvString& fileName );
+ /**
+ * Returns file size
+ * @return File size
+ * @param fileName File name
+ */
+ static size_t FileSize( const MifConvString& fileName );
+ /**
+ * Reads file contents and returns pointer to data buffer. Returns also
+ * the data size in bytes.
+ * @return std::pair object containing the pointer to the allocated data buffer and the
+ * data size in byte. The caller must take the ownership of the returned data pointer.
+ * @param fileName Filename
+ */
+ static MifConvFileData FileContents( const MifConvString& fileName );
+ /**
+ * Converts the given object to string. Can be used for example to converting integers to string:
+ * <code>
+ * int i = 0;
+ * MifConvString iAsString(MifConvUtil::ToString(i));
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @return String built from the given object.
+ * @param s Reference to the object to be converted to string.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ static MifConvString ToString(const T& s)
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << s;
+ return MifConvString(ss.str());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replaces given characters to other one from the given string.
+ * @param str String from which the characters will be replaced.
+ * @param replaceFrom This character will be replaced by other one.
+ * @param replaceTo Characters will be replaced by this.
+ */
+ static void ReplaceChar( MifConvString& str, char replaceFrom, char replaceTo);
+ /**
+ * Tells whether the given character is a whitespace character or not.
+ * @param c Charater to be investigated.
+ * @return true if the given character is whitespace character, false otherwise.
+ */
+ static bool IsWhiteSpace(char c);
+ /**
+ * Splits the given path to drive and directory path parts.
+ * @param sourcePath Directory path to be splitted.
+ * @param drive Drive part of the given path, if any.
+ * @param path Directory path of the given path, if any.
+ */
+ static void SplitPath( const MifConvString& sourcePath, MifConvString& drive, MifConvString& path);
+ /**
+ * Compares two string. Ignores the case of the letters.
+ * @return zero if the strings are equal
+ * @param lhs Left hand side string
+ * @param rhs Right hand side string
+ */
+ static int CompareIgnoreCase( const MifConvString& lhs, const MifConvString& rhs );
+ /**
+ * Replaces all the charactes by lower case characters.
+ * @return String with lower case letters.
+ * @param str Input string
+ */
+ static MifConvString& ToLower( MifConvString& str );
+ /**
+ * Splits the given string using the given separator.
+ * @param str Input string
+ * @param separator The input string is splitted using this sub-string as a separator
+ * @param components List of the sub-strings splitted from the original input string
+ */
+ static void SplitString( const MifConvString& str, const MifConvString& separator, MifConvStringList& components );
+ /**
+ * Ensures that the given path exists. Tries to create it if it does not exist.
+ * @param destFileName Filename that is to be checked.
+ * @param ignoreLast If true, last part of the <code>destFileName</code> is stripped of
+ * Directory separator used as a separator.
+ */
+ static void EnsurePathExists( const MifConvString& destFileName, bool ignoreLast = false );
+ /**
+ * Removes duplicated directory separators from the given string.
+ * @param str String from which the duplicated directory separators are to be searched and removed.
+ */
+ static void RemoveDuplicateDirSeparators( MifConvString& str );
+ /**
+ * Creates a directory with given path
+ * @return True if the directory was successfully created, false otherwise.
+ * @param path Directory path
+ */
+ static bool CreateDirectory( const MifConvString& path );
+ /**
+ * Trims the filename so that first letter is capitalized and others are lower case.
+ * @return Trimmed string
+ * @param filename Filename to be trimmed.
+ */
+ static MifConvString UnadornedFilename( const MifConvString& filename );
+ /**
+ * Finds the correct mask file for the bitmap file and sets it to the given object.
+ * @param srcFile Source file object.
+ */
+ static void FindAndSetBitmapMaskFile( MifConvSourceFile& srcFile );
+ /**
+ * Returns a unique temporary file name.
+ * @return Temporary file name string.
+ */
+ static MifConvString TemporaryFilename();
+ /**
+ * Copies a file
+ * @return True if the copying was successful, false otherwise.
+ * @param from File which is to be copied from
+ * @param to Destination file.
+ */
+ static bool CopyFile(const MifConvString& from, const MifConvString& to);
+ /**
+ * Returns current working directory path.
+ * @return Current working directory path.
+ */
+ static MifConvString CurrentPath();
+ /**
+ * Changes the working directory
+ * @param dirName Working directory name
+ */
+ static void ChangeDirectory( const MifConvString& dirName );
+ /**
+ * Removes a directory
+ * @return Zero if the removal was successful, non-zero otherwise.
+ * @param dirName Directory name
+ */
+ static int RemoveDirectory( const MifConvString& dirName );
+ /**
+ * Removes a file
+ * @param fileName Filename
+ * @param maxTries Maximum number of file deletion times in case of failure.
+ * @param noException If true, no exception is thrown in case of failure. Warning is
+ * printed in debug log. If false, <code>MifConvException</code> is thrown in case of failure.
+ */
+ static void RemoveFile( const MifConvString& fileName, int maxTries = 1, bool noException = false );
+ /**
+ * Returns MifConv debug filename specified in MIFCONV_DEBUG_FILE
+ * @return Debug file name
+ */
+ static MifConvString DebugFile();
+ /**
+ * Logs string to debug file
+ * @param debugStr Debug string to be logged.
+ */
+ static void DebugLog(const MifConvString& debugStr);
+ /**
+ * Returns default temp directory for intermediate and temporary files
+ * @return Temporary directory name
+ */
+ static const MifConvString& DefaultTempDirectory();
+ enum MifConvDebugMode
+ {
+ DebugMode_Unknown,
+ DebugMode_NoDebug,
+ DebugMode_Debug
+ };
+ static MifConvDebugMode iDebugMode;
+ static MifConvString iDebugFile;
+ static MifConvString iTempDirectory;