changeset 0 d6fe6244b863
child 3 2703485a934c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d6fe6244b863
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  HtiAppControl implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include "../../../symbian_version.hrh"
    22 #include <apacmdln.h>
    23 #include <apgtask.h>
    24 #include <apgwgnam.h>
    25 #include <apmstd.h>
    27 #include <badesca.h>
    28 #include <f32file.h>
    30 #include "HtiAppControl.h"
    31 #include <HtiDispatcherInterface.h>
    32 #include <HTILogging.h>
    34 #include <swinstapi.h>
    35 #include <swi/sisregistrysession.h>
    36 #include <swi/sisregistrypackage.h>
    38     #include <javaregistryincludes.h>
    39 #endif
    40 #include <widgetregistryclient.h>
    43     using namespace Java;
    44 #endif
    46 // CONSTANTS
    47 const static TUid KAppServiceUid = { 0x1020DEC7 }; //This is Uid of AppServiceOS
    49 //error descriptions
    50 _LIT8( KErrDescrNoMemory, "No memory" );
    51 _LIT8( KErrDescrInvalidCmd, "Invalid command" );
    52 _LIT8( KErrDescrInvalidArguments, "Invalid arguments" );
    53 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedCreateProcess, "Failed create process" );
    54 _LIT8( KErrDescrNotSupported, "Command not supported" );
    56 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedStartApp, "Failed start app" );
    57 _LIT8( KErrDescrInvalidUid, "Invalid application uid" );
    58 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedFindApp, "Failed find app" );
    60 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedConnectSilentInstaller, "Failed to connect to silent installer" );
    61 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedInstall, "Failed to install" );
    62 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedUnInstall, "Failed to uninstall" );
    63 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedFindPackage, "Failed to find the package" );
    65 _LIT8( KErrDescrFailedListInstApps, "Failed to list installed apps" );
    67 const static TUint8 KUnicodeMask = 0x01;
    68 const static TInt KTerminateReason = 0;
    69 const static TInt KTUintLength = sizeof(TUint);
    70 const static TInt KCloseTaskDelay = 250000; // microseconds
    72 // MACROS
    82 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    83 CHtiAppControl* CHtiAppControl::NewL()
    84     {
    85     CHtiAppControl* self = new ( ELeave ) CHtiAppControl;
    86     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    87     self->ConstructL();
    88     CleanupStack::Pop();
    89     return self;
    90     }
    92 // Constructor
    93 CHtiAppControl::CHtiAppControl():iIsAppCmdsSupported( EFalse )
    94     {
    95     }
    97 EXPORT_C CHtiAppControl* NewHtiAppControl()
    98     {
    99     return CHtiAppControl::NewL();
   100     }
   102 CHtiAppControl::~CHtiAppControl()
   103     {
   104     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "~CHtiAppControl" );
   106     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iProcessHandleArray.Count(); i++ )
   107         {
   108         iProcessHandleArray[i].Close();
   109         }
   110     iProcessHandleArray.Close();
   112     iAppServer.Close();
   113     iWs.Close();
   115     if ( iMimeTypes )
   116         {
   117         iMimeTypes->Reset();
   118         delete iMimeTypes;
   119         }
   121     iAugmentations.ResetAndDestroy();
   123     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "~CHtiAppControl" );
   124     }
   126 // Second phase construction.
   127 void CHtiAppControl::ConstructL()
   128     {
   129     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::ConstructL" );
   130     iMimeTypes = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat( 8 );
   131     iMimeTypes->AppendL( SwiUI::KSisxMimeType() );
   132     iMimeTypes->AppendL( SwiUI::KSisMimeType() );
   133     iMimeTypes->AppendL( SwiUI::KPipMimeType() );
   134     iMimeTypes->AppendL( SwiUI::KJadMIMEType() );
   135     iMimeTypes->AppendL( SwiUI::KJarMIMEType() );
   136     iMimeTypes->AppendL( SwiUI::KJavaMIMEType() );
   137     iMimeTypes->AppendL( SwiUI::KJarxMIMEType() );
   138     iMimeTypes->AppendL( KWidgetMime() ); // from widgetregistryconstants.h
   139     iAugmentationIndex = 0;
   141     TInt err = iAppServer.Connect();
   142     if ( err == KErrNone )
   143         {
   144         err = iWs.Connect();
   145         }
   146     if ( err == KErrNone )
   147         {
   148         iIsAppCmdsSupported = ETrue;
   149         }
   150     else
   151         {
   152         iAppServer.Close();
   153         }
   154     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::ConstructL" );
   155     }
   157 TInt CHtiAppControl::ParseString( const TDesC8& aRequest,
   158                                         TInt anOffset,
   159                                         TBool aUnicode,
   160                                         TDes& aResult )
   161     {
   162     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::ParseString" );
   163     //validate parameters
   164     //if offset outside the string return empty string
   165     if ( anOffset >= aRequest.Size() )
   166         {
   167         return anOffset;
   168         }
   170     TInt len = aRequest[anOffset];
   171     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "length %d", len );
   173     if ( len > aResult.MaxLength() )
   174         {
   175         return KErrBadDescriptor;
   176         }
   178     TInt nextOffset = ( aUnicode ? len * 2 : len ) + anOffset + 1;
   179     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "nextOffset %d", nextOffset );
   180     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "reqSize %d", aRequest.Size() );
   181     if ( nextOffset > aRequest.Size() )
   182         {
   183         return KErrArgument;
   184         }
   186     if ( aUnicode )
   187         {
   188         const TPtrC8 aFrom( aRequest.Mid( anOffset + 1, len * 2 ) );
   189         aResult.SetLength( len );
   190         for ( TInt i = 0; i < len; ++i )
   191             {
   192             aResult[i] = ( TUint16 ) aFrom[i << 1] +
   193                 ( ( ( TUint16 ) aFrom[( i << 1 ) + 1] ) << 8 );
   194             }
   195         }
   196     else
   197         {
   198         aResult.Copy( aRequest.Mid( anOffset + 1, len ) );
   199         }
   201     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::ParseString" );
   202     return nextOffset;
   203     }
   205 void CHtiAppControl::ProcessMessageL( const TDesC8& aMessage,
   206                 THtiMessagePriority /*aPriority*/ )
   207     {
   208     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::ProcessMessage" );
   209     if ( aMessage.Length() < 1 )
   210         {
   211         // no command
   212         SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   213         return;
   214         }
   216     if ( aMessage.Length() < 2 &&
   217          aMessage[0] !=  EListInstalledApps &&
   218          aMessage[0] !=  EListInstalledApps_u)
   219         {
   220          // parameter is required with all commands except
   221          // listing processes or installed applications
   222         SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   223         return;
   224         }
   226     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "cmd %d", aMessage[0] );
   228     if ( aMessage[0] > EProcessLastCommand &&
   229               aMessage[0] < EAppLastCommand)
   230         {
   231         if ( iIsAppCmdsSupported )
   232             {
   233             HandleAppControlL( aMessage );
   234             }
   235         else
   236             {
   237             SendErrorMsg( KErrNotSupported, KErrDescrNotSupported );
   238             }
   239         }
   240     else if ( aMessage[0] > EAppLastCommand &&
   241               aMessage[0] < ESisLastCommand )
   242         {
   243         HandleInstallerControlL( aMessage );
   244         }
   245     else
   246         {
   247         SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   248         }
   249     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::ProcessMessage" );
   250     }
   252 void CHtiAppControl::HandleAppControlL( const TDesC8& aMessage )
   253     {
   254     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleAppControl" );
   256     TBool unicode = aMessage[0] & KUnicodeMask;
   258     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "unicode %d", unicode );
   260     TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   261     TFileName appName;
   262     TFileName docName;
   264     switch ( aMessage[0] )
   265         {
   266         case EStartApp_uid:
   267         case EStartApp_uid_u:
   268             {
   269             TPtrC8 parameters = aMessage.Mid( 1 );
   270             if ( parameters.Length() >= 4 )
   271                 {
   272                 TInt32 uid = Parse32<TInt32>( parameters );
   274                 TInt offset = ParseString( parameters, 4, unicode, docName );
   275                 if ( offset >= 0)
   276                     {
   277                     if ( FindAppL( appInfo, uid ) )
   278                         {
   279                         HandleStartAppL( appInfo, docName );
   280                         }
   281                     }
   282                 else
   283                     {
   284                     SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   285                     }
   286                 }
   287             else
   288                 {
   289                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument , KErrDescrInvalidUid );
   290                 }
   291             }
   292             break;
   293         case EStartApp:
   294         case EStartApp_u:
   295             {
   296             TInt offset = ParseString( aMessage, 1, unicode, appName );
   297             if ( offset >= 0 )
   298                 {
   299                 offset = ParseString( aMessage, offset, unicode, docName );
   300                 if ( offset >= 0 )
   301                     {
   302                     //find appInfo by app full name
   303                     if ( FindAppL( appInfo, appName ) )
   304                         {
   305                         HTI_LOG_TEXT( "call HandleStartAppL" );
   306                         HandleStartAppL( appInfo, docName );
   307                         }
   308                     }
   309                 }
   311             if ( offset < 0 )
   312                 {
   313                 SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   314                 }
   315             }
   316             break;
   317         case EStartDoc:
   318         case EStartDoc_u:
   319             {
   320             TInt offset = ParseString( aMessage, 1, unicode, docName );
   321             if ( offset >= 0 )
   322                 {
   323                 HandleStartAppL( appInfo, docName ); //appInfo is empty
   324                 }
   325             else
   326                 {
   327                 SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   328                 }
   329             }
   330             break;
   331         case EStatusApp_uid:
   332             {
   333             TPtrC8 appUid8 = aMessage.Mid( 1 );
   334             if ( appUid8.Length() == 4 )
   335                 {
   336                 TApaTaskList tl( iWs );
   337                 TInt32 appUid = Parse32<TInt32>( appUid8 );
   338                 TApaTask task = tl.FindApp( TUid::Uid( appUid ) );
   339                 if ( task.Exists() )
   340                     {
   341                     SendMessageL( ERunning );
   342                     }
   343                 else
   344                     {
   345                     SendMessageL( ENotFound );
   346                     }
   347                 }
   348             else
   349                 {
   350                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidUid );
   351                 }
   352             }
   353             break;
   354         case EStatusApp:
   355         case EStatusApp_u:
   356             {
   357             TInt offset = ParseString( aMessage, 1, unicode, appName );
   358             if ( offset >= 0 )
   359                 {
   360                 TApaTaskList tl( iWs );
   361                 TApaTask task = tl.FindApp( appName );
   362                 if ( task.Exists() )
   363                     {
   364                     SendMessageL( ERunning );
   365                     break; // we are done
   366                     }
   368                 // Maybe the user gave path or filename instead of caption
   369                 if ( FindAppL( appInfo, appName ) )
   370                     {
   371                     TApaTask task2 = tl.FindApp( appInfo.iUid );
   372                     if ( task2.Exists() )
   373                         {
   374                         SendMessageL( ERunning );
   375                         }
   376                     else
   377                         {
   378                         SendMessageL( ENotFound );
   379                         }
   380                     }
   381                 // If app was not found by FindAppL method, a response message
   382                 // has already been sent there - no need to send anything here.
   383                 }
   384             else
   385                 {
   386                 SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   387                 }
   388             }
   389             break;
   390         case EStatusDoc:
   391         case EStatusDoc_u:
   392             {
   393             TInt offset = ParseString( aMessage, 1, unicode, docName );
   394             if ( offset >= 0 )
   395                 {
   396                 TApaTaskList tl( iWs );
   397                 TApaTask task = tl.FindDoc( docName );
   398                 if ( task.Exists() )
   399                     {
   400                     SendMessageL( ERunning );
   401                     }
   402                 else
   403                     {
   404                     SendMessageL( ENotFound );
   405                     }
   406                 }
   407             else
   408                 {
   409                 SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   410                 }
   411             }
   412             break;
   413         case EStopApp:
   414         case EStopApp_u:
   415             {
   416             TInt offset = ParseString( aMessage, 1, unicode, appName );
   417             if ( offset >= 0 )
   418                 {
   419                 TApaTaskList tl( iWs );
   420                 TApaTask task = tl.FindApp( appName );
   421                 if ( task.Exists() )
   422                     {
   423                     task.EndTask();
   424                     User::After( KCloseTaskDelay );
   425                     TApaTask task = tl.FindApp( appName );
   426                     if ( task.Exists() )
   427                         {
   428                         task.KillTask();
   429                         }
   430                     SendMessageL( EOk );
   431                     break; // we are done
   432                     }
   434                 // Maybe the user gave path or filename instead of caption
   435                 if ( FindAppL( appInfo, appName ) )
   436                     {
   437                     TApaTask task2 = tl.FindApp( appInfo.iUid );
   438                     if ( task2.Exists() )
   439                         {
   440                         task2.EndTask();
   441                         User::After( KCloseTaskDelay );
   442                         TApaTask task2 = tl.FindApp( appInfo.iUid );
   443                         if ( task2.Exists() )
   444                             {
   445                             task2.KillTask();
   446                             }
   447                         SendMessageL( EOk );
   448                         }
   449                     else
   450                         {
   451                         SendMessageL( ENotFound );
   452                         }
   453                     }
   454                 // If app was not found by FindAppL method, a response message
   455                 // has already been sent there - no need to send anything here.
   456                 }
   457             else
   458                 {
   459                 SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   460                 }
   461             }
   462             break;
   463         case EStopDoc:
   464         case EStopDoc_u:
   465             {
   466             TInt offset = ParseString( aMessage, 1, unicode, docName );
   467             if ( offset >= 0 )
   468                 {
   469                 TApaTaskList tl( iWs );
   470                 TApaTask task = tl.FindDoc( docName );
   471                 if ( task.Exists() )
   472                     {
   473                     task.EndTask();
   474                     User::After( KCloseTaskDelay );
   475                     TApaTask task = tl.FindDoc( docName );
   476                     if ( task.Exists() )
   477                         {
   478                         task.KillTask();
   479                         }
   480                     SendMessageL( EOk );
   481                     }
   482                 else
   483                     {
   484                     SendMessageL( ENotFound );
   485                     }
   486                 }
   487             else
   488                 {
   489                 SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   490                 }
   491             }
   492             break;
   493         case EStopApp_uid:
   494             {
   495             TPtrC8 appUid8 = aMessage.Mid( 1 );
   496             if ( appUid8.Length() == 4 )
   497                 {
   498                 TApaTaskList tl( iWs );
   499                 TInt32 appUid = Parse32<TInt32>( appUid8 );
   500                 TApaTask task = tl.FindApp( TUid::Uid( appUid ) );
   501                 if ( task.Exists() )
   502                     {
   503                     task.EndTask();
   504                     User::After(KCloseTaskDelay);
   505                     TApaTask task = tl.FindApp( TUid::Uid( appUid ) );
   506                     if ( task.Exists() )
   507                         {
   508                         task.KillTask();
   509                         }
   510                     SendMessageL( EOk );
   511                     }
   512                 else
   513                     {
   514                     SendMessageL( ENotFound );
   515                     }
   516                 }
   517             else
   518                 {
   519                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument , KErrDescrInvalidUid );
   520                 }
   521             }
   522             break;
   523         case EListApps:
   524         case EListApps_u:
   525             {
   526             if ( aMessage.Length() != 3 )
   527                 {
   528                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   529                 }
   530             else
   531                 {
   532                 HandleListAppsL( aMessage[1], aMessage[2], unicode );
   533                 }
   534             }
   535             break;
   536         case EListInstalledApps:
   537         case EListInstalledApps_u:
   538             {
   539             if ( aMessage.Length() != 1 )
   540                 {
   541                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   542                 }
   543             else
   544                 {
   545                 HandleListInstalledAppsL( unicode );
   546                 }
   547             }
   548             break;
   549         default:
   550             {
   551             SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   552             }
   553         }
   555     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT("CHtiAppControl::HandleAppControl");
   556     }
   558 void CHtiAppControl::HandleInstallerControlL( const TDesC8& aMessage )
   559     {
   560     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleInstallerControlL" );
   562     if ( aMessage.Length() < 2 )
   563         {
   564         HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Command parameters missing" );
   565         SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument , KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   566         return;
   567         }
   569     TBool unicode = aMessage[0] & KUnicodeMask;
   570     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Unicode flag: %d", unicode );
   572     TFileName path;
   573     TBuf<SwiUI::KSWInstMaxPasswordLength> login;
   574     TBuf<SwiUI::KSWInstMaxPasswordLength> password;
   576     switch ( aMessage[0] )
   577         {
   578         case EInstall:
   579         case EInstall_u:
   580             {
   581             TPtrC8 parameters = aMessage.Mid( 1 );
   582             if ( ValidateInstallParams( parameters, unicode ) )
   583                 {
   584                 TInt offset = ParseString( parameters, 0, unicode, path );
   586                 HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Parsed path to install package:" );
   587                 HTI_LOG_DES( path )
   589                 if ( offset >= 0)
   590                     {
   591                     iInstOpts = SwiUI::TInstallOptions();
   593                     iInstOpts.iUpgrade =            ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   594                     iInstOpts.iOptionalItems =      ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   595                     iInstOpts.iOCSP =               ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   596                     iInstOpts.iIgnoreOCSPWarnings = ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   597                     iInstOpts.iUntrusted =          ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   598                     iInstOpts.iPackageInfo =        ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   599                     iInstOpts.iCapabilities =       ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   600                     iInstOpts.iKillApp =            ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   601                     iInstOpts.iOverwrite =          ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   602                     iInstOpts.iDownload =           ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] ); offset++;
   604                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iUpgrade: %d",            iInstOpts.iUpgrade );
   605                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iOptionalItems: %d",      iInstOpts.iOptionalItems );
   606                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iOCSP: %d",               iInstOpts.iOCSP );
   607                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iIgnoreOCSPWarnings: %d", iInstOpts.iIgnoreOCSPWarnings );
   608                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iUntrusted: %d",          iInstOpts.iUntrusted );
   609                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iPackageInfo: %d",        iInstOpts.iPackageInfo );
   610                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iCapabilities: %d",       iInstOpts.iCapabilities );
   611                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iKillApp: %d",            iInstOpts.iKillApp );
   612                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iOverwrite: %d",          iInstOpts.iOverwrite );
   613                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iDownload: %d",           iInstOpts.iDownload );
   615                     offset = ParseString( parameters, offset, unicode, login );
   616                     iInstOpts.iLogin.Copy( login );
   617                     HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Parsed login:" );
   618                     HTI_LOG_DES( login )
   620                     offset = ParseString( parameters, offset, unicode, password );
   621                     iInstOpts.iPassword.Copy( password );
   622                     HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Parsed password:" );
   623                     HTI_LOG_DES( password )
   625                     iInstOpts.iDrive =        (TChar) parameters[offset]; offset++;
   626                     iInstOpts.iLang =         (TLanguage) parameters[offset]; offset++;
   627                     iInstOpts.iUsePhoneLang = (TBool) parameters[offset]; offset++;
   628                     iInstOpts.iUpgradeData =  ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] );
   630                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iDrive: %c",        iInstOpts.iDrive.GetLowerCase() );
   631                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iLang: %d",         iInstOpts.iLang );
   632                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iUsePhoneLang: %d", iInstOpts.iUsePhoneLang );
   633                     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iUpgradeData: %d",  iInstOpts.iUpgradeData );
   635                     iInstOptsPckg = iInstOpts;
   637                     // Connect to silent installer
   638                     SwiUI::RSWInstSilentLauncher launcher;
   639                     TInt err = launcher.Connect();
   640                     if ( err )
   641                         {
   642                         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Error connecting to silent installer, err: %d", err );
   643                         SendErrorMsg( err , KErrDescrFailedConnectSilentInstaller );
   644                         break;
   645                         }
   647                     err = launcher.SilentInstall( path, iInstOptsPckg );
   648                     if ( err )
   649                         {
   650                         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Error installing software, err: %d", err );
   651                         launcher.Close();
   652                         SendErrorMsg( err , KErrDescrFailedInstall );
   653                         break;
   654                         }
   656                     launcher.Close();
   657                     SendMessageL( EOk );
   658                     }
   659                 else
   660                     {
   661                     HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Error parsing path" );
   662                     SendErrorMsg( offset , KErrDescrInvalidArguments );
   663                     }
   664                 }
   665             else
   666                 {
   667                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   668                 }
   669             }
   670             break;
   672         case EUnInstall:
   673         case EUnInstallName:
   674         case EUnInstallName_u:
   675             {
   676             TPtrC8 parameters = aMessage.Mid( 1 );
   677             if ( ( aMessage[0] == EUnInstall && parameters.Length() != 7 ) ||
   678                  ( aMessage[0] == EUnInstallName &&
   679                    parameters.Length() != parameters[0] + 4 ) ||
   680                  ( aMessage[0] == EUnInstallName_u &&
   681                    parameters.Length() != parameters[0] * 2 + 4 ) )
   682                 {
   683                 HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Invalid command length: %d",
   684                     parameters.Length() );
   685                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   686                 break;
   687                 }
   689             TInt offset = 0;
   690             TInt32 uid = KErrNotFound;
   691             HBufC* packageName = NULL;
   692             if ( aMessage[0] == EUnInstall )
   693                 {
   694                 uid = Parse32<TInt32>( parameters );
   695                 offset += 4;
   696                 HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Uninstall by uid: %d", uid );
   697                 }
   698             else
   699                 {
   700                 packageName = HBufC::NewLC( parameters[offset] );
   701                 TPtr namePtr = packageName->Des();
   702                 offset = ParseString( parameters, offset, unicode, namePtr );
   703                 HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Uninstall by name: %S", packageName );
   704                 }
   705             iUnInstOpts = SwiUI::TUninstallOptions();
   706             iUnInstOpts.iKillApp = ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] );
   707             offset++;
   708             iUnInstOpts.iBreakDependency = ConvertToPolicy( parameters[offset] );
   709             offset++;
   710             HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iKillApp: %d",         iUnInstOpts.iKillApp );
   711             HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "iBreakDependency: %d", iUnInstOpts.iBreakDependency );
   713             TInt mimeIndex = parameters[offset];
   714             if ( mimeIndex > iMimeTypes->Count() - 1 )
   715                 {
   716                 HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Invalid mime type: %d", mimeIndex );
   717                 SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   718                 break;
   719                 }
   721             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Uninstall mime type:" );
   722             HTI_LOG_DES( (*iMimeTypes)[mimeIndex] );
   724             TInt err = KErrNone;
   725             iAugmentationIndex = 0;
   726             if ( packageName )
   727                 {
   728                 TRAP( err, uid = GetPackageUidL( *packageName, mimeIndex ) );
   729                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // packageName
   730                 iAugmentations.ResetAndDestroy();
   731                 if ( err != KErrNone )
   732                     {
   733                     SendErrorMsg( err, KErrDescrFailedFindPackage );
   734                     break;
   735                     }
   736                 }
   737             HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "UID = %d", uid );
   739             iUnInstOptsPckg = iUnInstOpts;
   741             // Connect to silent installer
   742             SwiUI::RSWInstSilentLauncher launcher;
   743             err = launcher.Connect();
   744             if ( err )
   745                 {
   746                 HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Error connecting to silent installer, err: %d", err );
   747                 SendErrorMsg( err , KErrDescrFailedConnectSilentInstaller );
   748                 break;
   749                 }
   751             if ( iAugmentationIndex > 0 )
   752                 {
   753                 SwiUI::TOpUninstallIndexParam params;
   754                 params.iUid = TUid::Uid( uid );
   755                 params.iIndex = iAugmentationIndex;
   756                 SwiUI::TOpUninstallIndexParamPckg paramPckg( params );
   757                 SwiUI::TOperation operation( SwiUI::EOperationUninstallIndex );
   758                 err = launcher.SilentCustomUninstall( operation, iUnInstOptsPckg,
   759                     paramPckg, (*iMimeTypes)[mimeIndex] );
   760                 }
   761             else
   762                 {
   763                 err = launcher.SilentUninstall( TUid::Uid( uid ), iUnInstOptsPckg,
   764                         (*iMimeTypes)[mimeIndex] );
   765                 }
   767             if ( err )
   768                 {
   769                 HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Error uninstalling software, err: %d", err );
   770                 launcher.Close();
   771                 SendErrorMsg( err , KErrDescrFailedUnInstall );
   772                 break;
   773                 }
   775             launcher.Close();
   776             SendMessageL( EOk );
   777             }
   778             break;
   780         default:
   781             {
   782             SendErrorMsg( KErrArgument, KErrDescrInvalidCmd );
   783             }
   784         }
   786     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::HandleInstallerControlL" );
   787     }
   790 void CHtiAppControl::HandleStartProcessL( const TDesC& aProgramName,
   791                                                 const TDesC& aCmdLine,
   792                                                 TBool aStoreProcessHandle )
   793     {
   794     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleStartProcessL" );
   795     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "progr name %d", aProgramName.Length() );
   796     HTI_LOG_DES( aProgramName );
   798     RProcess process;
   799     TInt err = process.Create( aProgramName, aCmdLine ); // command parameters
   801     if ( err == KErrNone )
   802         {
   803         CleanupClosePushL( process );
   805         //convert process id to binary des
   806         TUint processId = process.Id();
   807         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "process id %d", processId );
   809         TBuf8<KTUintLength> processIdDes;
   810         processIdDes.Append(
   811                 ( TUint8* )( &processId ), KTUintLength );
   813         SendMessageL( EOk, processIdDes );
   815         process.Resume();
   817         if ( aStoreProcessHandle )
   818             {
   819             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Storing the process handle" );
   820             iProcessHandleArray.Append( process );
   821             CleanupStack::Pop();
   822             }
   823         else
   824             {
   825             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   826             }
   827         }
   828     else if ( err == KErrNotFound )
   829         {
   830         SendMessageL( ENotFound );
   831         }
   832     else
   833         {
   834         SendErrorMsg( err ,KErrDescrFailedCreateProcess );
   835         }
   837     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::HandleStartProcessL" );
   838     }
   840 void CHtiAppControl::HandleStopProcessL( RProcess& aProcess )
   841     {
   842     if ( aProcess.ExitType() == EExitPending )
   843         {
   844         aProcess.Kill( KTerminateReason );
   845         SendMessageL( EOk );
   846         }
   847     else
   848         {
   849         SendMessageL( EAlreadyStopped );
   850         }
   851     }
   853 void CHtiAppControl::HandleStatusProcessL( RProcess& aProcess )
   854     {
   855     TExitType exT = aProcess.ExitType();
   857     switch ( exT )
   858         {
   859         case EExitPending:
   860             {
   861             SendMessageL( ERunning );
   862             }
   863             break;
   864         case EExitKill:
   865         case EExitTerminate:
   866             {
   867             SendMessageL( EKilled );
   868             }
   869             break;
   870         case EExitPanic:
   871             {
   872             SendMessageL( EPanic );
   873             }
   874             break;
   875         };
   876     }
   879 void CHtiAppControl::HandleListProcessesL( const TDesC& aMatch )
   880     {
   881     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleListProcessesL" );
   883     RProcess process;
   884     TFullName processName;
   885     TUint processId;
   886     TBuf8<KTUintLength> processIdDes;
   887     TExitType exitType;
   889     TBuf8<128> buf;
   890     CBufFlat* processListBuf = NULL;
   891     TRAPD( err, processListBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( 128 ) );
   892     if ( err )
   893         {
   894         SendErrorMsg( err ,KErrDescrNoMemory );
   895         return;
   896         }
   898     CleanupStack::PushL( processListBuf );
   900     // The default match pattern is the single character *
   901     TFindProcess finder;
   903     // if some real match pattern is defined, use it
   904     if ( aMatch.Length() > 0 )
   905         {
   906         HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Match pattern was given:" );
   907         HTI_LOG_DES( aMatch );
   908         finder.Find( aMatch );
   909         }
   911     TInt pos = 0;
   912     TUint numberOfEntries = 0;
   914     while ( finder.Next( processName ) == KErrNone )
   915         {
   916         err = process.Open( finder );
   918         //convert process id to binary des
   919         processId = process.Id();
   920         processIdDes.Append( ( TUint8* ) ( &processId ), KTUintLength );
   921         buf.Append( processIdDes );
   923         // status
   924         exitType = process.ExitType();
   925         switch ( exitType )
   926             {
   927             case EExitPending:
   928                 {
   929                 buf.Append( ERunning );
   930                 }
   931                 break;
   932             case EExitKill:
   933             case EExitTerminate:
   934                 {
   935                 buf.Append( EKilled );
   936                 }
   937                 break;
   938             case EExitPanic:
   939                 {
   940                 buf.Append( EPanic );
   941                 }
   942                 break;
   943             };
   945         // name length
   946         buf.Append( processName.Length() );
   948         // name
   949         buf.Append( processName );
   951         process.Close();
   953         TRAP( err, processListBuf->ExpandL( pos, buf.Length() ) );
   954         if ( err )
   955             {
   956             SendErrorMsg( err , KErrDescrNoMemory );
   957             delete processListBuf;
   958             return;
   959             }
   960         processListBuf->Write( pos, buf, buf.Length() );
   962         pos += buf.Length();
   963         buf.Zero();
   964         processIdDes.Zero();
   965         numberOfEntries++;
   966         }
   968     // insert the number of entries in the beginning
   969     TBuf8<2> entries;
   970     entries.Append( ( TUint8* ) ( &numberOfEntries ), 2 );
   971     processListBuf->ExpandL( 0, 2 );
   972     processListBuf->Write( 0, entries, 2 );
   974     SendMessageL( EOk, processListBuf->Ptr( 0 ) );
   976     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( processListBuf );
   978     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::HandleListProcessesL" );
   979     }
   982 void CHtiAppControl::HandleStartAppL( TApaAppInfo &aAppInfo,
   983                                             const TDesC& aDocName )
   984     {
   985     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleStartAppL" );
   987     // Check if app is running as a root app (not embedded)
   988     TApaTask task = FindRunningRootApp( aAppInfo.iUid );
   989     if ( task.Exists() )
   990         {
   991         User::ResetInactivityTime();
   992         task.BringToForeground();
   993         SendMessageL( EAlreadyRunning );
   994         }
   995     else
   996         {
   997         TThreadId threadId;
   998         TInt err = KErrNone;
   999         if ( aAppInfo.iUid != TUid::Null() )
  1000             {
  1001             TApaAppCapabilityBuf capBuf;
  1002             err = iAppServer.GetAppCapability( capBuf, aAppInfo.iUid );
  1003             TApaAppCapability& caps = capBuf();
  1004             CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
  1005             cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL( aAppInfo.iFullName );
  1006             if ( caps.iLaunchInBackground )
  1007                 {
  1008                 cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandBackground );
  1009                 HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Launching in background" );
  1010                 }
  1011             else
  1012                 {
  1013                 if ( aDocName != KNullDesC )
  1014                     {
  1015                     cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandOpen );
  1016                     cmdLine->SetDocumentNameL( aDocName );
  1017                     HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Launching with document" );
  1018                     }
  1019                 else
  1020                     {
  1021                     cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandRun );
  1022                     HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Launching without document" );
  1023                     }
  1024                 }
  1025             err = iAppServer.StartApp( *cmdLine, threadId );
  1026             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmdLine );
  1027             }
  1028         else if ( aDocName != KNullDesC )
  1029             {
  1030             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Launching a document" );
  1031             /*
  1032              * If the app that should handle the doc is already running, we
  1033              * try to switch the open file and bring it to foreground. Whether
  1034              * switching the file works depends on the application: It must
  1035              * implement CEikAppUi::OpenFileL() or CAknAppUi::OpenFileL() in S60.
  1036              */
  1037             TUid appUid;
  1038             TDataType dataType;
  1039             err = iAppServer.AppForDocument( aDocName, appUid, dataType );
  1040             if ( err == KErrNone )
  1041                 {
  1042                 TApaTask task = FindRunningRootApp( appUid );
  1043                 if ( task.Exists() )
  1044                     {
  1045                     HTI_LOG_TEXT( "App for doc already running, switch file" );
  1046                     err = task.SwitchOpenFile( aDocName );
  1047                     task.BringToForeground();
  1048                     }
  1049                 else
  1050                     {
  1051                     err = iAppServer.StartDocument( aDocName, threadId );
  1052                     }
  1053                 }
  1054             }
  1055         else
  1056             {
  1057             User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1058             }
  1060         if ( err == KErrNone )
  1061             {
  1062             User::ResetInactivityTime();
  1063             //convert thread id to string
  1064             TUint threadIdUint = threadId; //cast to UInt
  1065             TBuf8<KTUintLength> threadIdDes;
  1066             threadIdDes.Append( ( TUint8* )( &threadIdUint ), KTUintLength );
  1067             SendMessageL( EOk, threadIdDes );
  1068             }
  1069         else if ( err == KErrNotFound )
  1070             {
  1071             SendMessageL( ENotFound );
  1072             }
  1073         else
  1074             {
  1075             SendErrorMsg( err, KErrDescrFailedStartApp );
  1076             }
  1077         }
  1078     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::HandleStartAppL" );
  1079     }
  1081 void CHtiAppControl::HandleListInstalledAppsL( TBool aUnicode )
  1082     {
  1083     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleListInstalledAppsL" );
  1085     // max file name + max caption + max short caption + 7 constant bytes
  1086     TInt bufSize = KMaxFileName + 2 * KApaMaxAppCaption + 7;
  1087     if ( aUnicode )
  1088         {
  1089         bufSize *= 2;
  1090         }
  1092     CBufFlat* appListBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufSize );
  1093     CleanupStack::PushL( appListBuf );
  1095     HBufC8* appsArray = HBufC8::NewLC( bufSize );
  1096     TPtr8 appsArrayPtr = appsArray->Des();
  1098     TInt err = KErrNone;
  1099     err = iAppServer.GetAllApps();
  1100     if ( err != KErrNone )
  1101         {
  1102         SendErrorMsg( err, KErrDescrFailedListInstApps );
  1103         }
  1104     else
  1105         {
  1106         TApaAppInfo appInfo;
  1107         TInt pos( 0 );
  1109         // Add application count
  1110         TInt numOfEntries = 0;
  1111         iAppServer.AppCount( numOfEntries );
  1113         appsArrayPtr.Append( ( TUint8*) ( &numOfEntries ), 2 );
  1115         while ( iAppServer.GetNextApp( appInfo ) == KErrNone )
  1116             {
  1117             TUint appUidUint = appInfo.iUid.iUid;
  1118             appsArrayPtr.Append( ( TUint8* ) &appUidUint, KTUintLength );
  1120             // Add length of full name
  1121             appsArrayPtr.Append( appInfo.iFullName.Length() );
  1122             // Add full name if there is one
  1123             if ( appInfo.iFullName.Length() > 0 )
  1124                 {
  1125                 if ( aUnicode )
  1126                     {
  1127                     appsArrayPtr.Append( ( TUint8* ) appInfo.iFullName.Ptr(),
  1128                         appInfo.iFullName.Length() * 2 );
  1129                     }
  1130                 else
  1131                     {
  1132                     appsArrayPtr.Append( appInfo.iFullName );
  1133                     }
  1134                 }
  1136             // Add length of caption
  1137             appsArrayPtr.Append( appInfo.iCaption.Length() );
  1138             // Add caption if there is one
  1139             if ( appInfo.iCaption.Length() > 0 )
  1140                 {
  1141                 if ( aUnicode )
  1142                     {
  1143                     appsArrayPtr.Append( ( TUint8* ) appInfo.iCaption.Ptr(),
  1144                         appInfo.iCaption.Length() * 2 );
  1145                     }
  1146                 else
  1147                     {
  1148                     appsArrayPtr.Append( appInfo.iCaption );
  1149                     }
  1150                 }
  1152             // Add length of short caption
  1153             appsArrayPtr.Append( appInfo.iShortCaption.Length() );
  1154             // Add short caption if there is one
  1155             if ( appInfo.iShortCaption.Length() > 0 )
  1156                 {
  1157                 if ( aUnicode )
  1158                     {
  1159                     appsArrayPtr.Append( ( TUint8* ) appInfo.iShortCaption.Ptr(),
  1160                         appInfo.iCaption.Length() * 2 );
  1161                     }
  1162                 else
  1163                     {
  1164                     appsArrayPtr.Append( appInfo.iShortCaption );
  1165                     }
  1166                 }
  1168             // Add app info to response buffer
  1169             appListBuf->ExpandL( pos, appsArray->Length() );
  1170             appListBuf->Write( pos, *appsArray, appsArray->Length() );
  1172             pos += appsArray->Length();
  1173             appsArrayPtr.Zero();
  1174             }
  1176         SendMessageL( EOk, appListBuf->Ptr( 0 ) );
  1177         }
  1179     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //appListBuf, appsArray
  1181     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleListInstalledAppsL" );
  1182     }
  1184 void CHtiAppControl::HandleListAppsL( TBool aIncludeHidden,
  1185                                             TBool aIncludeSystem,
  1186                                             TBool aUnicode )
  1187     {
  1188     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::HandleListAppsL" );
  1190     RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo>* wgChain = new ( ELeave )
  1191                             RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo>( 12 );
  1192     CleanupDeletePushL( wgChain );
  1193     CleanupClosePushL( *wgChain );
  1194     User::LeaveIfError( iWs.WindowGroupList( 0, wgChain ) );
  1195     TInt wgCount = wgChain->Count();
  1197     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "%d Window Groups in the chain", wgCount );
  1199     TInt bufSize = 2 * KMaxFileName + 11; // caption & document + 11 constant bytes
  1200     if ( aUnicode )
  1201         {
  1202         bufSize *= 2;
  1203         }
  1204     CBufFlat* appListBuf = CBufFlat::NewL( bufSize );
  1205     CleanupStack::PushL( appListBuf );
  1206     HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( bufSize );
  1207     TPtr8 bufPtr = buf->Des();
  1209     TInt pos = 0;
  1210     TInt numOfEntries = 0;
  1212     for ( TInt i = 0; i < wgCount; i++ )
  1213         {
  1214         const RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo& info = ( *wgChain )[i];
  1215         CApaWindowGroupName* wgName = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC( iWs, info.iId );
  1217         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "WG ID: %d", info.iId );
  1218         HTI_LOG_DES( wgName->WindowGroupName() );
  1220         // Info is returned only from root tasks and system and hidden tasks
  1221         // are included only if requested.
  1222         if ( info.iParentId <= 0 &&
  1223              ( !wgName->IsSystem() || aIncludeSystem ) &&
  1224              ( !wgName->Hidden() || aIncludeHidden ) )
  1225             {
  1226             // Add application UID
  1227             TUint appUidUint = wgName->AppUid().iUid;
  1228             bufPtr.Append( ( TUint8* ) &appUidUint, KTUintLength );
  1230             // Add caption
  1231             TPtrC caption = wgName->Caption();
  1232             bufPtr.Append( caption.Length() );
  1233             if ( caption.Length() > 0 )
  1234                 {
  1235                 if ( aUnicode )
  1236                     {
  1237                     bufPtr.Append(
  1238                         ( TUint8* ) caption.Ptr(), caption.Length() * 2 );
  1239                     }
  1240                 else
  1241                     {
  1242                     bufPtr.Append( caption );
  1243                     }
  1244                 }
  1246             // Add document name
  1247             TPtrC document = wgName->DocName();
  1248             bufPtr.Append( document.Length() );
  1249             if ( document.Length() > 0 )
  1250                 {
  1251                 if ( aUnicode )
  1252                     {
  1253                     bufPtr.Append(
  1254                         ( TUint8* ) document.Ptr(), document.Length() * 2 );
  1255                     }
  1256                 else
  1257                     {
  1258                     bufPtr.Append( document );
  1259                     }
  1260                 }
  1262             // Add Hidden flag
  1263             if ( wgName->Hidden() )
  1264                 bufPtr.Append( 1 );
  1265             else
  1266                 bufPtr.Append( 0 );
  1268             // Add System flag
  1269             if ( wgName->IsSystem() )
  1270                 bufPtr.Append( 1 );
  1271             else
  1272                 bufPtr.Append( 0 );
  1274             // Add Ready flag
  1275             if ( wgName->IsAppReady() )
  1276                 bufPtr.Append( 1 );
  1277             else
  1278                 bufPtr.Append( 0 );
  1280             // Add Busy flag
  1281             if ( wgName->IsBusy() )
  1282                 bufPtr.Append( 1 );
  1283             else
  1284                 bufPtr.Append( 0 );
  1286             // Add Shutdown response flag
  1287             if ( wgName->RespondsToShutdownEvent() )
  1288                 bufPtr.Append( 1 );
  1289             else
  1290                 bufPtr.Append( 0 );
  1292             // Add this task's info to response buffer
  1293             appListBuf->ExpandL( pos, buf->Length() );
  1294             appListBuf->Write( pos, *buf, buf->Length() );
  1296             pos += buf->Length();
  1297             bufPtr.Zero();
  1298             numOfEntries++;
  1299             } // if
  1300         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // wgName
  1301         } // for
  1303     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buf
  1305     // Add number of entries to the beginning of the response
  1306     TBuf8<2> entries;
  1307     entries.Append( ( TUint8* ) ( &numOfEntries ), 2 );
  1308     appListBuf->ExpandL( 0, 2 );
  1309     appListBuf->Write( 0, entries, 2 );
  1311     SendMessageL( EOk, appListBuf->Ptr( 0 ) );
  1313     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // appListBuf, wgChain Close, wgChain delete
  1315     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::HandleListAppsL" );
  1316     }
  1318 TBool CHtiAppControl::FindAppL( TApaAppInfo& aAppInfo,
  1319                                     const TDesC& aAppFullName )
  1320     {
  1321     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::FindAppL name" );
  1322     TInt err = KErrNone;
  1323     err = iAppServer.GetAllApps();
  1324     if ( err != KErrNone )
  1325         {
  1326         SendErrorMsg( err, KErrDescrFailedFindApp );
  1327         return EFalse;
  1328         }
  1330     TParse toFind;
  1331     err = toFind.SetNoWild( aAppFullName, NULL, NULL );
  1332     if ( err != KErrNone )
  1333         {
  1334         SendErrorMsg( err, KErrDescrFailedFindApp );
  1335         return EFalse;
  1336         }
  1338     TBool isFullName = ( toFind.DrivePresent() && toFind.PathPresent() );
  1340     while ( ( err = iAppServer.GetNextApp( aAppInfo) ) == KErrNone )
  1341         {
  1342         if ( isFullName )  // assume that full path has been given
  1343             {
  1344             if ( !aAppFullName.CompareF( aAppInfo.iFullName )  )
  1345                 {
  1346                 return ETrue;
  1347                 }
  1348             }
  1349         else // assume that only filename has been given
  1350             {
  1351             TParsePtrC current( aAppInfo.iFullName );
  1353             // does the given filename contain extension
  1354             if ( toFind.ExtPresent() )
  1355                 {
  1356                 // compare with filename + extension
  1357                 if ( !toFind.NameAndExt().CompareF( current.NameAndExt() ) )
  1358                     {
  1359                     return ETrue;
  1360                     }
  1361                 }
  1362             else
  1363                 {
  1364                 // compare with filename only
  1365                 if ( !toFind.Name().CompareF( current.Name() ) )
  1366                     {
  1367                     return ETrue;
  1368                     }
  1369                 // Try to match the caption.
  1370                 // For Java MIDlets the full name is like C:\270194328.fakeapp
  1371                 // so we have to use caption to find MIDlets.
  1372                 if ( !toFind.Name().CompareF( aAppInfo.iCaption ) )
  1373                     {
  1374                     return ETrue;
  1375                     }
  1376                 }
  1377             }
  1378         }
  1380     if ( err == RApaLsSession::ENoMoreAppsInList )
  1381         {
  1382         SendMessageL( ENotFound );
  1383         }
  1384     else if ( err != KErrNone )
  1385         {
  1386         SendErrorMsg( err,KErrDescrFailedFindApp );
  1387         }
  1388     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::FindAppL name" );
  1389     return EFalse;
  1390     }
  1392 TBool CHtiAppControl::FindAppL( TApaAppInfo &aAppInfo,
  1393                                      const TInt32 aUid )
  1394     {
  1395     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::FindAppL uid" );
  1396     TInt err = iAppServer.GetAppInfo( aAppInfo, TUid::Uid( aUid ) );
  1397     if ( err == KErrNone )
  1398         {
  1399         return ETrue;
  1400         }
  1401     else if ( err == KErrNotFound )
  1402         {
  1403         SendMessageL( ENotFound );
  1404         }
  1405     else
  1406         {
  1407         SendErrorMsg( err , KErrDescrFailedFindApp );
  1408         }
  1409     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::FindAppL uid" );
  1410     return EFalse;
  1411     }
  1413 TApaTask CHtiAppControl::FindRunningRootApp( TUid aAppUid )
  1414     {
  1415     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::FindRunningRootApp" );
  1416     TApaTask task( iWs );
  1417     task.SetWgId( 0 ); // initialize to empty task
  1419     TInt wgId = 0; // on first call to FindByAppUid wgId must be zero
  1420     CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid( aAppUid, iWs, wgId );
  1421     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "FindByAppUid returned WG ID: %d", wgId );
  1423     RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo> wgs;
  1424     TInt err = KErrNone;
  1425     TInt wgCount = 0;
  1426     if ( wgId != KErrNotFound )
  1427         {
  1428         // Get a list of Window Group Chain Infos
  1429         err = iWs.WindowGroupList( 0, &wgs ); // get only priority 0 WGs
  1430         wgCount = wgs.Count();
  1431         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "WindowGroupList returned %d WGs", wgCount );
  1432         }
  1433     while ( wgId != KErrNotFound && task.WgId() == 0 && err == KErrNone )
  1434         {
  1435         // App was found - check if it is root by looping through the
  1436         // WG chain infos to find the one with out wgId
  1437         TInt i = 0;
  1438         while ( task.WgId() == 0 && i < wgCount )
  1439             {
  1440             const RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo& info = wgs[i];
  1441             if ( info.iId == wgId && info.iParentId <= 0 )
  1442                 {
  1443                 // This is the one and it is root (does not have parent)
  1444                 task.SetWgId( wgId );
  1445                 }
  1446             i++;
  1447             }
  1448         if ( task.WgId() == 0 )
  1449             {
  1450             // This was not root - check if there's more instances of the app
  1451             CApaWindowGroupName::FindByAppUid( aAppUid, iWs, wgId );
  1452             HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "FindByAppUid returned WG ID: %d", wgId );
  1453             }
  1454         }
  1456     wgs.Close();
  1457     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Returning task with WG ID %d", task.WgId() );
  1458     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::FindRunningRootApp" );
  1459     return task;
  1460     }
  1462 TInt CHtiAppControl::OpenProcessL( RProcess& aProcess,
  1463                                          const TDesC& aMatch )
  1464     {
  1465     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::OpenProcessL" );
  1466     TFullName processName;
  1467     TInt err = KErrNone;
  1468     TFindProcess finder( aMatch );
  1470     err = finder.Next( processName );
  1471     if ( err == KErrNone )
  1472         {
  1473         err = aProcess.Open( finder );
  1474         }
  1476     HTI_LOG_FUNC_OUT( "CHtiAppControl::OpenProcessL" );
  1477     return err;
  1478     }
  1480 template<class T> T CHtiAppControl::Parse32(
  1481                         const TDesC8& a32int )
  1482     {
  1483     //manually construct TUint or TInt32
  1484     return T( a32int[0] + ( a32int[1] << 8 ) +
  1485                       ( a32int[2] << 16) + ( a32int[3] << 24) );
  1486     }
  1488 void CHtiAppControl::SendMessageL( TAppCommand aResponseCode,
  1489                                          const TDesC8& aMsg )
  1490     {
  1491     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "SendMessage %d", aResponseCode );
  1492     HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Message len %d", aMsg.Length() );
  1493     HBufC8* sendMsg = HBufC8::NewL( 1 + aMsg.Length() );
  1494     CleanupStack::PushL( sendMsg );
  1495     sendMsg->Des().Append( aResponseCode );
  1496     sendMsg->Des().Append( aMsg );
  1498     User::LeaveIfError( iDispatcher->DispatchOutgoingMessage(
  1499                             sendMsg,
  1500                             KAppServiceUid ) );
  1501     CleanupStack::Pop();
  1502     }
  1504 inline TInt CHtiAppControl::SendErrorMsg( TInt anError,
  1505                                                 const TDesC8& aMsg )
  1506     {
  1507     return iDispatcher->DispatchOutgoingErrorMessage( anError,
  1508                                                aMsg,
  1509                                                KAppServiceUid );
  1510     }
  1512 SwiUI::TPolicy CHtiAppControl::ConvertToPolicy( const TInt8 aValue )
  1513     {
  1514     if ( aValue == 0 ) return SwiUI::EPolicyNotAllowed;
  1516     return  SwiUI::EPolicyAllowed;
  1517     }
  1519 TBool CHtiAppControl::ValidateInstallParams( const TDesC8& aParams, TBool aIsUnicode )
  1520     {
  1521     if ( aParams.Length() > 0 )
  1522         {
  1523         TInt offset = 0;
  1524         TInt length = aParams[offset]; // inst package path length;
  1525         if ( aIsUnicode ) length *= 2;
  1526         offset++;
  1527         if ( aParams.Length() < offset + length )
  1528             {
  1529             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "ValidateInstallParams: Failed, data missing in inst pkg path" );
  1530             return EFalse;
  1531             }
  1533         offset += length; // skip over inst package path
  1534         offset += 10;     // skip over the following one byte params
  1536         if ( aParams.Length() < offset )
  1537             {
  1538             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "ValidateInstallParams: Failed, data missing in one byte params" );
  1539             return EFalse;
  1540             }
  1542         length = aParams[offset]; // login username length;
  1543         if ( aIsUnicode ) length *= 2;
  1544         offset++;
  1545         if ( aParams.Length() < offset + length )
  1546             {
  1547             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "ValidateInstallParams: Failed, data missing in username" );
  1548             return EFalse;
  1549             }
  1551         offset += length; // skip over login username
  1553         length = aParams[offset]; // password length;
  1554         if ( aIsUnicode ) length *= 2;
  1555         offset++;
  1556         if ( aParams.Length() < offset + length )
  1557             {
  1558             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "ValidateInstallParams: Failed, data missing in password" );
  1559             return EFalse;
  1560             }
  1562         offset += length; // skip over password
  1563         offset += 4;      // the last one byte params
  1565         if ( aParams.Length() != offset )
  1566             {
  1567             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "ValidateInstallParams: Failed, final length incorrect" );
  1568             return EFalse;
  1569             }
  1571         return ETrue;
  1572         }
  1574     return EFalse;
  1575     }
  1577 TInt CHtiAppControl::GetPackageUidL( const TDesC& aPackageName,
  1578                                           TInt aMimeIndex )
  1579     {
  1580     HTI_LOG_FUNC_IN( "CHtiAppControl::GetPackageUidL" );
  1582     if ( aMimeIndex >= 0 && aMimeIndex < 2 ) // SIS
  1583         {
  1584         Swi::RSisRegistrySession regSession;
  1585         User::LeaveIfError( regSession.Connect() );
  1586         CleanupClosePushL( regSession );
  1588         RArray<TUid> uids;
  1589         CleanupClosePushL( uids );
  1590         regSession.InstalledUidsL( uids );
  1591         TInt count = uids.Count();
  1592         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Found %d SISx installations", count );
  1593         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1594             {
  1595             Swi::RSisRegistryEntry entry;
  1596             CleanupClosePushL( entry );
  1597             User::LeaveIfError( entry.Open( regSession, uids[i] ) );
  1598             if ( !entry.IsInRomL() && entry.IsPresentL() )
  1599                 {
  1600                 if ( aPackageName.Compare( *( entry.PackageNameL() ) ) == 0 )
  1601                     {
  1602                     HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Matching SIS package found" );
  1603                     TInt uid = entry.UidL().iUid;
  1604                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // entry, uids, regSession
  1605                     return uid;
  1606                     }
  1607                 }
  1608             // Check augmentations of this entry
  1609             entry.AugmentationsL( iAugmentations );
  1610             TInt augCount = iAugmentations.Count();
  1611             for ( TInt j = 0; j < augCount; j++ )
  1612                 {
  1613                 Swi::RSisRegistryEntry augmentation;
  1614                 CleanupClosePushL( augmentation );
  1615                 augmentation.OpenL( regSession, *iAugmentations[j] );
  1616                 if ( aPackageName.Compare(
  1617                         *( augmentation.PackageNameL() ) ) == 0 )
  1618                     {
  1619                     if ( !augmentation.IsInRomL() && augmentation.IsPresentL() )
  1620                         {
  1621                         HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Matching SIS augmentation found" );
  1622                         TInt uid = augmentation.UidL().iUid;
  1623                         Swi::CSisRegistryPackage* pkg = augmentation.PackageL();
  1624                         iAugmentationIndex = pkg->Index();
  1625                         delete pkg;
  1626                         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Aug. index %d", iAugmentationIndex );
  1627                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4 ); // augmentation, entry, uids, regSession
  1628                         return uid;
  1629                         }
  1630                     }
  1631                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // augmentation
  1632                 } // for j
  1633             iAugmentations.ResetAndDestroy();
  1634             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // entry
  1635             } // for i
  1636         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
  1637         }
  1639     else if ( aMimeIndex > 2 && aMimeIndex < 7 ) // Java
  1640         {
  1641         #if ( SYMBIAN_VERSION_SUPPORT < SYMBIAN_4 )
  1642             RArray<TUid> uids;
  1643             CleanupClosePushL( uids );
  1645             CJavaRegistry* javaRegistry = CJavaRegistry::NewLC();
  1646             javaRegistry->GetRegistryEntryUidsL( uids );
  1648             TInt uid = KErrNotFound;
  1649             TInt count = uids.Count();
  1650             HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Found %d Java installations", count );
  1651             for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1652                 {
  1653                 CJavaRegistryEntry* entry = javaRegistry->RegistryEntryL( uids[i] );
  1654                 if ( entry )
  1655                     {
  1656                     CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
  1657                     if ( entry->Type() >= EGeneralPackage &&
  1658                             entry->Type() < EGeneralApplication )
  1659                         {
  1660                         // entry was a package (MIDlet suite)
  1661                         CJavaRegistryPackageEntry* packageEntry =
  1662                             ( CJavaRegistryPackageEntry* ) entry;
  1663                         if ( aPackageName.Compare( packageEntry->Name() ) == 0 )
  1664                             {
  1665                             HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Matching Java installation found" );
  1666                             uid = packageEntry->Uid().iUid;
  1667                             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
  1668                             break;
  1669                             }
  1670                         }
  1671                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
  1672                     }
  1673                 }
  1674             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( javaRegistry );
  1675             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &uids );
  1676             User::LeaveIfError( uid );
  1677             return uid;
  1678         #else
  1679             User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
  1680         #endif
  1681         }
  1683     else if ( aMimeIndex == 7 ) // Widget
  1684         {
  1685         RWidgetRegistryClientSession widgetRegistry;
  1686         User::LeaveIfError( widgetRegistry.Connect() );
  1688         RWidgetInfoArray widgets;
  1689         TRAPD( err, widgetRegistry.InstalledWidgetsL( widgets ) );
  1690         if ( err != KErrNone )
  1691             {
  1692             HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Failed to get installed widgets %d", err );
  1693             widgets.ResetAndDestroy();
  1694             widgetRegistry.Disconnect();
  1695             User::Leave( err );
  1696             }
  1698         TInt uid = KErrNotFound;
  1699         TInt count = widgets.Count();
  1700         HTI_LOG_FORMAT( "Found %d Widget installations", count );
  1701         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
  1702             {
  1703             CWidgetInfo* widgetInfo = widgets[i];
  1704             HTI_LOG_DES( *( widgetInfo->iBundleName ) );
  1705             if ( aPackageName.Compare( *( widgetInfo->iBundleName ) ) == 0 )
  1706                 {
  1707                 HTI_LOG_TEXT( "Matching Widget installation found" );
  1708                 uid = widgetInfo->iUid.iUid;
  1709                 break;
  1710                 }
  1711             }
  1712         widgets.ResetAndDestroy();
  1713         widgetRegistry.Disconnect();
  1714         User::LeaveIfError( uid );
  1715         return uid;
  1716         }
  1718     else  // invalid mime index
  1719         {
  1720         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
  1721         }
  1723     return KErrNone; // never returns from here
  1724     }
  1727 // End of File