author shrivatsa
Thu, 22 Apr 2010 17:15:08 +0530
changeset 2 0cb2248d0edc
permissions -rw-r--r--
New BC drivers added are - Phonebook, Speed dial utility control, MMS Client MTM, Plugin Bio control, Organizer, Startup List Management, Flash viewer framework, Network Status, Profile engine wrapper, Drm helper, OMA Drm CAF Agent, SIP, Connection settings & UI, BLID, Landmarks, Send UI, Media Fetch, WebServices, Cellular services, Device services, Graphics, Kernel and OSSrv, XML Services, Multimedia.

/* GLIB - Library of useful routines for C programming
 * Copyright (C) 1995-1997  Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

 * Modified by the GLib Team and others 1997-2000.  See the AUTHORS
 * file for a list of people on the GLib Team.  See the ChangeLog
 * files for a list of changes.  These files are distributed with
 * GLib at ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/. 

 * MT safe

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include "glib.h"

/* notes on macros:
 * if ENABLE_GC_FRIENDLY is defined, freed memory should be 0-wiped.


#define MEM_AREA_SIZE 4L

static guint mem_chunk_recursion = 0;
#  define MEM_CHUNK_ROUTINE_COUNT()	(mem_chunk_recursion)
#  define ENTER_MEM_CHUNK_ROUTINE()	(mem_chunk_recursion = MEM_CHUNK_ROUTINE_COUNT () + 1)
#  define LEAVE_MEM_CHUNK_ROUTINE()	(mem_chunk_recursion = MEM_CHUNK_ROUTINE_COUNT () - 1)

/* --- old memchunk prototypes --- */
void            old_mem_chunks_init     (void);
GMemChunk*      old_mem_chunk_new       (const gchar  *name,
                                         gint          atom_size,
                                         gulong        area_size,
                                         gint          type);
void            old_mem_chunk_destroy   (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
gpointer        old_mem_chunk_alloc     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
gpointer        old_mem_chunk_alloc0    (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
void            old_mem_chunk_free      (GMemChunk *mem_chunk,
                                         gpointer   mem);
void            old_mem_chunk_clean     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
void            old_mem_chunk_reset     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
void            old_mem_chunk_print     (GMemChunk *mem_chunk);
void            old_mem_chunk_info      (void);

/* --- MemChunks --- */
typedef struct _GAllocator GAllocator;
typedef struct _GMemChunk  GMemChunk;
#define G_ALLOC_ONLY	  1
#define G_ALLOC_AND_FREE  2

typedef struct _GFreeAtom      GFreeAtom;
typedef struct _GMemArea       GMemArea;

struct _GFreeAtom
  GFreeAtom *next;

struct _GMemArea
  GMemArea *next;            /* the next mem area */
  GMemArea *prev;            /* the previous mem area */
  gulong index;              /* the current index into the "mem" array */
  gulong free;               /* the number of free bytes in this mem area */
  gulong allocated;          /* the number of atoms allocated from this area */
  gulong mark;               /* is this mem area marked for deletion */
  gchar mem[MEM_AREA_SIZE];  /* the mem array from which atoms get allocated
			      * the actual size of this array is determined by
			      *  the mem chunk "area_size". ANSI says that it
			      *  must be declared to be the maximum size it
			      *  can possibly be (even though the actual size
			      *  may be less).

struct _GMemChunk
  const gchar *name;         /* name of this MemChunk...used for debugging output */
  gint type;                 /* the type of MemChunk: ALLOC_ONLY or ALLOC_AND_FREE */
  gint num_mem_areas;        /* the number of memory areas */
  gint num_marked_areas;     /* the number of areas marked for deletion */
  guint atom_size;           /* the size of an atom */
  gulong area_size;          /* the size of a memory area */
  GMemArea *mem_area;        /* the current memory area */
  GMemArea *mem_areas;       /* a list of all the mem areas owned by this chunk */
  GMemArea *free_mem_area;   /* the free area...which is about to be destroyed */
  GFreeAtom *free_atoms;     /* the free atoms list */
  GTree *mem_tree;           /* tree of mem areas sorted by memory address */
  GMemChunk *next;           /* pointer to the next chunk */
  GMemChunk *prev;           /* pointer to the previous chunk */

static gulong old_mem_chunk_compute_size (gulong    size,
                                          gulong    min_size) G_GNUC_CONST;
static gint   old_mem_chunk_area_compare (GMemArea *a,
                                          GMemArea *b);
static gint   old_mem_chunk_area_search  (GMemArea *a,
                                          gchar    *addr);

/* here we can't use StaticMutexes, as they depend upon a working
 * g_malloc, the same holds true for StaticPrivate
static GMutex        *mem_chunks_lock = NULL;
static GMemChunk     *mem_chunks = NULL;

old_mem_chunks_init (void)
  mem_chunks_lock = g_mutex_new ();

old_mem_chunk_new (const gchar  *name,
                   gint          atom_size,
                   gulong        area_size,
                   gint          type)
  GMemChunk *mem_chunk;
  gulong rarea_size;
  g_return_val_if_fail (atom_size > 0, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (area_size >= atom_size, NULL);
  area_size = (area_size + atom_size - 1) / atom_size;
  area_size *= atom_size;
  mem_chunk = g_new (GMemChunk, 1);
  mem_chunk->name = name;
  mem_chunk->type = type;
  mem_chunk->num_mem_areas = 0;
  mem_chunk->num_marked_areas = 0;
  mem_chunk->mem_area = NULL;
  mem_chunk->free_mem_area = NULL;
  mem_chunk->free_atoms = NULL;
  mem_chunk->mem_tree = NULL;
  mem_chunk->mem_areas = NULL;
  mem_chunk->atom_size = atom_size;
  if (mem_chunk->type == G_ALLOC_AND_FREE)
    mem_chunk->mem_tree = g_tree_new ((GCompareFunc) old_mem_chunk_area_compare);
  if (mem_chunk->atom_size % G_MEM_ALIGN)
    mem_chunk->atom_size += G_MEM_ALIGN - (mem_chunk->atom_size % G_MEM_ALIGN);
  rarea_size = area_size + sizeof (GMemArea) - MEM_AREA_SIZE;
  rarea_size = old_mem_chunk_compute_size (rarea_size, atom_size + sizeof (GMemArea) - MEM_AREA_SIZE);
  mem_chunk->area_size = rarea_size - (sizeof (GMemArea) - MEM_AREA_SIZE);
  g_mutex_lock (mem_chunks_lock);
  mem_chunk->next = mem_chunks;
  mem_chunk->prev = NULL;
  if (mem_chunks)
    mem_chunks->prev = mem_chunk;
  mem_chunks = mem_chunk;
  g_mutex_unlock (mem_chunks_lock);
  return mem_chunk;

old_mem_chunk_destroy (GMemChunk *mem_chunk)
  GMemArea *mem_areas;
  GMemArea *temp_area;
  g_return_if_fail (mem_chunk != NULL);
  mem_areas = mem_chunk->mem_areas;
  while (mem_areas)
      temp_area = mem_areas;
      mem_areas = mem_areas->next;
      g_free (temp_area);
  g_mutex_lock (mem_chunks_lock);
  if (mem_chunk->next)
    mem_chunk->next->prev = mem_chunk->prev;
  if (mem_chunk->prev)
    mem_chunk->prev->next = mem_chunk->next;
  if (mem_chunk == mem_chunks)
    mem_chunks = mem_chunks->next;
  g_mutex_unlock (mem_chunks_lock);
  if (mem_chunk->type == G_ALLOC_AND_FREE)
    g_tree_destroy (mem_chunk->mem_tree);  
  g_free (mem_chunk);

old_mem_chunk_alloc (GMemChunk *mem_chunk)
  GMemArea *temp_area;
  gpointer mem;
  g_return_val_if_fail (mem_chunk != NULL, NULL);
  while (mem_chunk->free_atoms)
      /* Get the first piece of memory on the "free_atoms" list.
       * We can go ahead and destroy the list node we used to keep
       *  track of it with and to update the "free_atoms" list to
       *  point to its next element.
      mem = mem_chunk->free_atoms;
      mem_chunk->free_atoms = mem_chunk->free_atoms->next;
      /* Determine which area this piece of memory is allocated from */
      temp_area = g_tree_search (mem_chunk->mem_tree,
				 (GCompareFunc) old_mem_chunk_area_search,
      /* If the area has been marked, then it is being destroyed.
       *  (ie marked to be destroyed).
       * We check to see if all of the segments on the free list that
       *  reference this area have been removed. This occurs when
       *  the ammount of free memory is less than the allocatable size.
       * If the chunk should be freed, then we place it in the "free_mem_area".
       * This is so we make sure not to free the mem area here and then
       *  allocate it again a few lines down.
       * If we don't allocate a chunk a few lines down then the "free_mem_area"
       *  will be freed.
       * If there is already a "free_mem_area" then we'll just free this mem area.
      if (temp_area->mark)
          /* Update the "free" memory available in that area */
          temp_area->free += mem_chunk->atom_size;
          if (temp_area->free == mem_chunk->area_size)
              if (temp_area == mem_chunk->mem_area)
                mem_chunk->mem_area = NULL;
              if (mem_chunk->free_mem_area)
                  mem_chunk->num_mem_areas -= 1;
                  if (temp_area->next)
                    temp_area->next->prev = temp_area->prev;
                  if (temp_area->prev)
                    temp_area->prev->next = temp_area->next;
                  if (temp_area == mem_chunk->mem_areas)
                    mem_chunk->mem_areas = mem_chunk->mem_areas->next;
		  if (mem_chunk->type == G_ALLOC_AND_FREE)
		    g_tree_remove (mem_chunk->mem_tree, temp_area);
                  g_free (temp_area);
                mem_chunk->free_mem_area = temp_area;
	      mem_chunk->num_marked_areas -= 1;
          /* Update the number of allocated atoms count.
          temp_area->allocated += 1;
          /* The area wasn't marked...return the memory
	  goto outa_here;
  /* If there isn't a current mem area or the current mem area is out of space
   *  then allocate a new mem area. We'll first check and see if we can use
   *  the "free_mem_area". Otherwise we'll just malloc the mem area.
  if ((!mem_chunk->mem_area) ||
      ((mem_chunk->mem_area->index + mem_chunk->atom_size) > mem_chunk->area_size))
      if (mem_chunk->free_mem_area)
          mem_chunk->mem_area = mem_chunk->free_mem_area;
	  mem_chunk->free_mem_area = NULL;
	  mem_chunk->mem_area = (GMemArea*) g_malloc0 (sizeof (GMemArea) -
						       MEM_AREA_SIZE +
	  mem_chunk->mem_area = (GMemArea*) g_malloc (sizeof (GMemArea) -
						      MEM_AREA_SIZE +
	  mem_chunk->num_mem_areas += 1;
	  mem_chunk->mem_area->next = mem_chunk->mem_areas;
	  mem_chunk->mem_area->prev = NULL;
	  if (mem_chunk->mem_areas)
	    mem_chunk->mem_areas->prev = mem_chunk->mem_area;
	  mem_chunk->mem_areas = mem_chunk->mem_area;
	  if (mem_chunk->type == G_ALLOC_AND_FREE)
	    g_tree_insert (mem_chunk->mem_tree, mem_chunk->mem_area, mem_chunk->mem_area);
      mem_chunk->mem_area->index = 0;
      mem_chunk->mem_area->free = mem_chunk->area_size;
      mem_chunk->mem_area->allocated = 0;
      mem_chunk->mem_area->mark = 0;
  /* Get the memory and modify the state variables appropriately.
  mem = (gpointer) &mem_chunk->mem_area->mem[mem_chunk->mem_area->index];
  mem_chunk->mem_area->index += mem_chunk->atom_size;
  mem_chunk->mem_area->free -= mem_chunk->atom_size;
  mem_chunk->mem_area->allocated += 1;
  return mem;

old_mem_chunk_alloc0 (GMemChunk *mem_chunk)
  gpointer mem;
  mem = old_mem_chunk_alloc (mem_chunk);
  if (mem)
      memset (mem, 0, mem_chunk->atom_size);
  return mem;

old_mem_chunk_free (GMemChunk *mem_chunk,
                    gpointer   mem)
  GMemArea *temp_area;
  GFreeAtom *free_atom;
  g_return_if_fail (mem_chunk != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (mem != NULL);
  memset (mem, 0, mem_chunk->atom_size);
  /* Don't do anything if this is an ALLOC_ONLY chunk
  if (mem_chunk->type == G_ALLOC_AND_FREE)
      /* Place the memory on the "free_atoms" list
      free_atom = (GFreeAtom*) mem;
      free_atom->next = mem_chunk->free_atoms;
      mem_chunk->free_atoms = free_atom;
      temp_area = g_tree_search (mem_chunk->mem_tree,
				 (GCompareFunc) old_mem_chunk_area_search,
      temp_area->allocated -= 1;
      if (temp_area->allocated == 0)
	  temp_area->mark = 1;
	  mem_chunk->num_marked_areas += 1;

/* This doesn't free the free_area if there is one */
old_mem_chunk_clean (GMemChunk *mem_chunk)
  GMemArea *mem_area;
  GFreeAtom *prev_free_atom;
  GFreeAtom *temp_free_atom;
  gpointer mem;
  g_return_if_fail (mem_chunk != NULL);
  if (mem_chunk->type == G_ALLOC_AND_FREE)
      prev_free_atom = NULL;
      temp_free_atom = mem_chunk->free_atoms;
      while (temp_free_atom)
	  mem = (gpointer) temp_free_atom;
	  mem_area = g_tree_search (mem_chunk->mem_tree,
				    (GCompareFunc) old_mem_chunk_area_search,
          /* If this mem area is marked for destruction then delete the
	   *  area and list node and decrement the free mem.
	  if (mem_area->mark)
	      if (prev_free_atom)
		prev_free_atom->next = temp_free_atom->next;
		mem_chunk->free_atoms = temp_free_atom->next;
	      temp_free_atom = temp_free_atom->next;
	      mem_area->free += mem_chunk->atom_size;
	      if (mem_area->free == mem_chunk->area_size)
		  mem_chunk->num_mem_areas -= 1;
		  mem_chunk->num_marked_areas -= 1;
		  if (mem_area->next)
		    mem_area->next->prev = mem_area->prev;
		  if (mem_area->prev)
		    mem_area->prev->next = mem_area->next;
		  if (mem_area == mem_chunk->mem_areas)
		    mem_chunk->mem_areas = mem_chunk->mem_areas->next;
		  if (mem_area == mem_chunk->mem_area)
		    mem_chunk->mem_area = NULL;
		  if (mem_chunk->type == G_ALLOC_AND_FREE)
		    g_tree_remove (mem_chunk->mem_tree, mem_area);
		  g_free (mem_area);
	      prev_free_atom = temp_free_atom;
	      temp_free_atom = temp_free_atom->next;

old_mem_chunk_reset (GMemChunk *mem_chunk)
  GMemArea *mem_areas;
  GMemArea *temp_area;
  g_return_if_fail (mem_chunk != NULL);
  mem_areas = mem_chunk->mem_areas;
  mem_chunk->num_mem_areas = 0;
  mem_chunk->mem_areas = NULL;
  mem_chunk->mem_area = NULL;
  while (mem_areas)
      temp_area = mem_areas;
      mem_areas = mem_areas->next;
      g_free (temp_area);
  mem_chunk->free_atoms = NULL;
  if (mem_chunk->mem_tree)
      g_tree_destroy (mem_chunk->mem_tree);
      mem_chunk->mem_tree = g_tree_new ((GCompareFunc) old_mem_chunk_area_compare);

old_mem_chunk_print (GMemChunk *mem_chunk)
  GMemArea *mem_areas;
  gulong mem;
  g_return_if_fail (mem_chunk != NULL);
  mem_areas = mem_chunk->mem_areas;
  mem = 0;
  while (mem_areas)
      mem += mem_chunk->area_size - mem_areas->free;
      mem_areas = mem_areas->next;
	 "%s: %ld bytes using %d mem areas",
	 mem_chunk->name, mem, mem_chunk->num_mem_areas);

old_mem_chunk_info (void)
  GMemChunk *mem_chunk;
  gint count;
  count = 0;
  g_mutex_lock (mem_chunks_lock);
  mem_chunk = mem_chunks;
  while (mem_chunk)
      count += 1;
      mem_chunk = mem_chunk->next;
  g_mutex_unlock (mem_chunks_lock);
  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%d mem chunks", count);
  g_mutex_lock (mem_chunks_lock);
  mem_chunk = mem_chunks;
  g_mutex_unlock (mem_chunks_lock);
  while (mem_chunk)
      old_mem_chunk_print ((GMemChunk*) mem_chunk);
      mem_chunk = mem_chunk->next;

static gulong
old_mem_chunk_compute_size (gulong size,
                            gulong min_size)
  gulong power_of_2;
  gulong lower, upper;
  power_of_2 = 16;
  while (power_of_2 < size)
    power_of_2 <<= 1;
  lower = power_of_2 >> 1;
  upper = power_of_2;
  if (size - lower < upper - size && lower >= min_size)
    return lower;
    return upper;

static gint
old_mem_chunk_area_compare (GMemArea *a,
                            GMemArea *b)
  if (a->mem > b->mem)
    return 1;
  else if (a->mem < b->mem)
    return -1;
  return 0;

static gint
old_mem_chunk_area_search (GMemArea *a,
                           gchar    *addr)
  if (a->mem <= addr)
      if (addr < &a->mem[a->index])
	return 0;
      return 1;
  return -1;