author shrivatsa
Thu, 22 Apr 2010 17:15:08 +0530
changeset 2 0cb2248d0edc
permissions -rw-r--r--
New BC drivers added are - Phonebook, Speed dial utility control, MMS Client MTM, Plugin Bio control, Organizer, Startup List Management, Flash viewer framework, Network Status, Profile engine wrapper, Drm helper, OMA Drm CAF Agent, SIP, Connection settings & UI, BLID, Landmarks, Send UI, Media Fetch, WebServices, Cellular services, Device services, Graphics, Kernel and OSSrv, XML Services, Multimedia.

/* GLIB - Library of useful routines for C programming
 * Copyright (C) 1995-1997  Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

 * Modified by the GLib Team and others 1997-2000.  See the AUTHORS
 * file for a list of people on the GLib Team.  See the ChangeLog
 * files for a list of changes.  These files are distributed with
 * GLib at ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/. 

#include "config.h"



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "glib.h"
#include "gstdio.h"

#ifdef SYMBIAN
#include "stat.h"
#include <glib_global.h>
#include "mrt2_glib2_test.h"
#endif /*SYMBIAN*/

#include <unistd.h>

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
#include <io.h>			/* For read(), write() etc */

static int array[10000];
static gboolean failed = FALSE;

/* We write (m ? m : "") even in the m != NULL case to suppress a warning with GCC-3.1
#define	TEST(m,cond)	G_STMT_START { failed = !(cond); \
if (failed) \
  { assert_failed = TRUE; \
  	if (!m) \
      g_print ("\n(%s:%d) failed for: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ( # cond )); \
    else \
      g_print ("\n(%s:%d) failed for: %s: (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ( # cond ), (gchar*)(m ? m : "")); \
  } \

#define	C2P(c)		((gpointer) ((long) (c)))
#define	P2C(p)		((gchar) ((long) (p)))

#define GLIB_TEST_STRING "el dorado "
#define GLIB_TEST_STRING_5 "el do"

static gboolean
node_build_string (GNode    *node,
		   gpointer  data)
  gchar **p = data;
  gchar *string;
  gchar c[2] = "_";

  c[0] = P2C (node->data);

  string = g_strconcat (*p ? *p : "", c, NULL);
  g_free (*p);
  *p = string;

  return FALSE;

static void
g_node_test (void)
  GNode *root;
  GNode *node;
  GNode *node_B;
  GNode *node_F;
  GNode *node_G;
  GNode *node_J;
  guint i;
  gchar *tstring, *cstring;

  //g_print ("checking n-way trees: ");
  failed = FALSE;

  root = g_node_new (C2P ('A'));
  TEST (NULL, g_node_depth (root) == 1 && g_node_max_height (root) == 1);

  node_B = g_node_new (C2P ('B'));
  g_node_append (root, node_B);
  TEST (NULL, root->children == node_B);

  g_node_append_data (node_B, C2P ('E'));
  g_node_prepend_data (node_B, C2P ('C'));
  g_node_insert (node_B, 1, g_node_new (C2P ('D')));

  node_F = g_node_new (C2P ('F'));
  g_node_append (root, node_F);
  TEST (NULL, root->children->next == node_F);

  node_G = g_node_new (C2P ('G'));
  g_node_append (node_F, node_G);
  node_J = g_node_new (C2P ('J'));
  g_node_prepend (node_G, node_J);
  g_node_insert (node_G, 42, g_node_new (C2P ('K')));
  g_node_insert_data (node_G, 0, C2P ('H'));
  g_node_insert (node_G, 1, g_node_new (C2P ('I')));

  TEST (NULL, g_node_depth (root) == 1);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_max_height (root) == 4);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_depth (node_G->children->next) == 4);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_LEAFS) == 7);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS) == 4);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL) == 11);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_max_height (node_F) == 3);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_n_children (node_G) == 4);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_find_child (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, C2P ('F')) == node_F);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_find (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, C2P ('I')) == NULL);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_find (root, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, C2P ('J')) == node_J);

  for (i = 0; i < g_node_n_children (node_B); i++)
      node = g_node_nth_child (node_B, i);
      TEST (NULL, P2C (node->data) == ('C' + i));
  for (i = 0; i < g_node_n_children (node_G); i++)
    TEST (NULL, g_node_child_position (node_G, g_node_nth_child (node_G, i)) == i);

  /* we have built:                    A
   *                                 /   \
   *                               B       F
   *                             / | \       \
   *                           C   D   E       G
   *                                         / /\ \
   *                                       H  I  J  K
   * for in-order traversal, 'G' is considered to be the "left"
   * child of 'F', which will cause 'F' to be the last node visited.

  tstring = NULL;
  g_node_traverse (root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  TEST (tstring, strcmp (tstring, "ABCDEFGHIJK") == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
  g_node_traverse (root, G_POST_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  TEST (tstring, strcmp (tstring, "CDEBHIJKGFA") == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
  g_node_traverse (root, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  TEST (tstring, strcmp (tstring, "CBDEAHGIJKF") == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
  g_node_traverse (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  TEST (tstring, strcmp (tstring, "ABFCDEGHIJK") == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
  g_node_traverse (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  TEST (tstring, strcmp (tstring, "CDEHIJK") == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
  g_node_traverse (root, G_PRE_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_NON_LEAFS, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  TEST (tstring, strcmp (tstring, "ABFG") == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;

  g_node_reverse_children (node_B);
  g_node_reverse_children (node_G);

  g_node_traverse (root, G_LEVEL_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  TEST (tstring, strcmp (tstring, "ABFEDCGKJIH") == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;

  cstring = NULL;
  node = g_node_copy (root);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL) == g_node_n_nodes (node, G_TRAVERSE_ALL));
  TEST (NULL, g_node_max_height (root) == g_node_max_height (node));
  g_node_traverse (root, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &tstring);
  g_node_traverse (node, G_IN_ORDER, G_TRAVERSE_ALL, -1, node_build_string, &cstring);
  TEST (cstring, strcmp (tstring, cstring) == 0);
  g_free (tstring); tstring = NULL;
  g_free (cstring); cstring = NULL;
  g_node_destroy (node);

  g_node_destroy (root);

  /* allocation tests */

  root = g_node_new (NULL);
  node = root;

  for (i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
      g_node_append (node, g_node_new (NULL));
      if ((i%5) == 4)
	node = node->children->next;
  TEST (NULL, g_node_max_height (root) > 100);
  TEST (NULL, g_node_n_nodes (root, G_TRAVERSE_ALL) == 1 + 2048);

  g_node_destroy (root);
  if (failed)
    g_print ("g_node_test failed\n");

static gboolean
my_hash_callback_remove (gpointer key,
			 gpointer value,
			 gpointer user_data)
  int *d = value;

  if ((*d) % 2)
    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

static void
my_hash_callback_remove_test (gpointer key,
			      gpointer value,
			      gpointer user_data)
  int *d = value;

  if ((*d) % 2)
    g_print ("bad!\n");

static void
my_hash_callback (gpointer key,
		  gpointer value,
		  gpointer user_data)
  int *d = value;
  *d = 1;

static guint
my_hash (gconstpointer key)
  return (guint) *((const gint*) key);

static gboolean
my_hash_equal (gconstpointer a,
	       gconstpointer b)
  return *((const gint*) a) == *((const gint*) b);

static gint
my_list_compare_one (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
  gint one = *((const gint*)a);
  gint two = *((const gint*)b);
  return one-two;

static gint
my_list_compare_two (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
  gint one = *((const gint*)a);
  gint two = *((const gint*)b);
  return two-one;

/* static void
my_list_print (gpointer a, gpointer b)
  gint three = *((gint*)a);
  g_print("%d", three);
}; */

static gint
my_compare (gconstpointer a,
	    gconstpointer b)
  const char *cha = a;
  const char *chb = b;

  return *cha - *chb;

static gint
my_traverse (gpointer key,
	     gpointer value,
	     gpointer data)
  char *ch = key;
  g_print ("%c ", *ch);
  return FALSE;

static gboolean 
find_first_that(gpointer key, 
		gpointer value, 
		gpointer user_data)
  gint *v = value;
  gint *test = user_data;
  return (*v == *test);

static gboolean
test_g_mkdir_with_parents_1 (const gchar *base)
  char *p0 = g_build_filename (base, "fum", NULL);
  char *p1 = g_build_filename (p0, "tem", NULL);
  char *p2 = g_build_filename (p1, "zap", NULL);
  FILE *f;

  g_remove (p2);
  g_remove (p1);
  g_remove (p0);

  if (g_file_test (p0, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
      g_print ("failed, %s exists, cannot test g_mkdir_with_parents\n", p0);
      return FALSE;

  if (g_file_test (p1, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
      g_print ("failed, %s exists, cannot test g_mkdir_with_parents\n", p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  if (g_file_test (p2, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
      g_print ("failed, %s exists, cannot test g_mkdir_with_parents\n", p2);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p2, S_IWUSR) == -1)
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) failed: %s\n", p2, g_strerror (errno));
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;
  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p2,  0666) == -1)
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) failed: %s\n", p2, g_strerror (errno));
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  if (!g_file_test (p2, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, but %s is not a directory\n", p2, p2);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  if (!g_file_test (p1, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, but %s is not a directory\n", p2, p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  if (!g_file_test (p0, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, but %s is not a directory\n", p2, p0);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  g_rmdir (p2);
  if (g_file_test (p2, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
      g_print ("failed, did g_rmdir(%s), but %s is still there\n", p2, p2);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  g_rmdir (p1);
  if (g_file_test (p1, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
      g_print ("failed, did g_rmdir(%s), but %s is still there\n", p1, p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  f = g_fopen (p1, "w");
  if (f == NULL)
      g_print ("failed, couldn't create file %s\n", p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;
  fclose (f);

  #ifdef SYMBIAN
  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p1,S_IWUSR) == 0)
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, even if %s is a file\n", p1, p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;
  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p1,  0666) == 0)
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, even if %s is a file\n", p1, p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p2, S_IWUSR) == 0)
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, even if %s is a file\n", p2, p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;
  if (g_mkdir_with_parents (p2, 0666) == 0)
      g_print ("failed, g_mkdir_with_parents(%s) succeeded, even if %s is a file\n", p2, p1);
      g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
      return FALSE;

  g_remove (p2);
  g_remove (p1);
  g_remove (p0);

  return TRUE;

static gboolean
test_g_mkdir_with_parents (void)
  #ifdef SYMBIAN
  if (!test_g_mkdir_with_parents_1 ("c:\\hum")) 
    return FALSE;
  g_remove ("c:\\hum"); 
  if (!test_g_mkdir_with_parents_1 ("hum")) 
    return FALSE;
  g_remove ("hum"); 

  #ifndef SYMBIAN 
  if (!test_g_mkdir_with_parents_1 ("hii///haa/hee"))
    return FALSE;
  g_remove ("hii/haa/hee");
  g_remove ("hii/haa");
  g_remove ("hii");

  if (!test_g_mkdir_with_parents_1 (g_get_current_dir ()))
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

static void
test_g_parse_debug_string (void)
  GDebugKey keys[3] = { 
    { "foo", 1 },
    { "bar", 2 },
    { "baz", 4 }
  guint n_keys = 3;
  guint result;
  result = g_parse_debug_string ("bar:foo:blubb", keys, n_keys);
  g_assert (result == 3);

  result = g_parse_debug_string (":baz::_E@~!_::", keys, n_keys);
  g_assert (result == 4);

  result = g_parse_debug_string ("", keys, n_keys);
  g_assert (result == 0);

  result = g_parse_debug_string (" : ", keys, n_keys);
  g_assert (result == 0);

main (int   argc,
      char *argv[])
  const gchar *s;
  gchar **sv;
  GList *list, *t;
  GSList *slist, *st;
  GHashTable *hash_table;
  GMemChunk *mem_chunk;
  GStringChunk *string_chunk;
  GTimer *timer, *timer2;
  gdouble elapsed;
  gulong elapsed_usecs;
  gint nums[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
  gint morenums[10] = { 8, 9, 7, 0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 6};
  gchar *string;
  gint value = 120; 
  gint *pvalue=NULL; 
  gchar *mem[10000], *tmp_string = NULL, *tmp_string_2;
  gint i, j;
  GArray *garray;
  GPtrArray *gparray;
  GByteArray *gbarray;
  GString *string1, *string2;
  const gchar *charset;
  GTree *tree;
  char chars[62];
  GRelation *relation;
  GTuples *tuples;
  gint data [1024];
  struct {
    gchar *filename;
    gchar *dirname;
  } dirname_checks[] = {
    { "/", "/" },
    { "////", "/" },
    { ".////", "." },
    { "../", ".." },
    { "..////", ".." },
    { "a/b", "a" },
    { "a/b/", "a/b" },
    { "c///", "c" },
#ifdef  G_OS_WIN32
    { "\\", "\\" },
    { ".\\\\\\\\", "." },
    { "..\\", ".." },
    { "..\\\\\\\\", ".." },
    { "a\\b", "a" },
    { "a\\b/", "a\\b" },
    { "a/b\\", "a/b" },
    { "c\\\\/", "c" },
    { "//\\", "/" },
    { "//server/share///x", "//server/share" },
    { ".", "." },
    { "..", "." },
    { "", "." },
  guint n_dirname_checks = G_N_ELEMENTS (dirname_checks);

  struct {
    gchar *filename;
    gchar *without_root;
  } skip_root_checks[] = {
    { "/", "" },
    { "//", "" },
    { "/foo", "foo" },
    { "//foo", "foo" },
    { "a/b", NULL },
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
    { "\\", "" },
    { "\\foo", "foo" },
    { "\\\\server\\foo", "" },
    { "\\\\server\\foo\\bar", "bar" },
    { "a\\b", NULL },
    { "//server/share///x", "//x" },
    { ".", NULL },
    { "", NULL },
  guint n_skip_root_checks = G_N_ELEMENTS (skip_root_checks);

  guint16 gu16t1 = 0x44afU, gu16t2 = 0xaf44U;
  guint32 gu32t1 = 0x02a7f109U, gu32t2 = 0x09f1a702U;
  guint64 gu64t1 = G_GINT64_CONSTANT(0x1d636b02300a7aa7U),
	  gu64t2 = G_GINT64_CONSTANT(0xa77a0a30026b631dU);
  const char hello[] = "Hello, World";
  const int hellolen = sizeof (hello) - 1;
  int fd;
  char template[32];
  GError *error;
  char *name_used;
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  /* Can't calculate GLib DLL name at runtime. */
  gchar *glib_dll = "libglib-2.0-0.dll";
  gchar *glib_dll = "cygglib-2.0-0.dll";

  gchar hostname[256];

  #ifdef SYMBIAN
  #endif /*SYMBIAN*/
  #ifndef SYMBIAN
  g_print ("TestGLib v%u.%u.%u (i:%u b:%u)\n",
  #endif /* SYMBIAN */

  string = g_get_current_dir ();
  string = (char *)g_get_user_name ();
  string = (char *)g_get_real_name ();
  string = (char *)g_get_host_name ();
  s = g_get_home_dir ();
  g_assert(!strcmp(s,"C:\\Private\\e000002c") && "Wrong value for g_get_home_dir()");
  s = g_get_user_data_dir ();
  s = g_get_user_config_dir ();
  s = g_get_user_cache_dir ();
  sv = (gchar **) g_get_system_data_dirs ();
  g_assert(sv[1] == NULL);
  sv = (gchar **) g_get_system_config_dirs ();
  g_assert(sv[1] == NULL);
  string = (char *)g_get_tmp_dir ();
  g_assert(!strcmp(string,"C:\\Private\\e000002c") && "Wrong value for g_get_tmp_dir()");
  sv = (gchar **) g_get_language_names ();
  g_assert(sv[2] == NULL);
  /* type sizes */
  TEST (NULL, sizeof (gint8) == 1);
  TEST (NULL, sizeof (gint16) == 2);
  TEST (NULL, sizeof (gint32) == 4);
  TEST (NULL, sizeof (gint64) == 8);

  string = g_path_get_basename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "foo" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "dir" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
  g_assert (strcmp (string, "dir") == 0);
  g_free (string);
  string = g_path_get_basename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "foo" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "file");
  g_assert (strcmp (string, "file") == 0);
  g_free (string);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  string = g_path_get_basename ("/foo/dir/");
  g_assert (strcmp (string, "dir") == 0);
  g_free (string);
  string = g_path_get_basename ("/foo/file");
  g_assert (strcmp (string, "file") == 0);
  g_free (string);

  //g_print ("checking g_path_get_dirname()...");
  for (i = 0; i < n_dirname_checks; i++)
      gchar *dirname;

      dirname = g_path_get_dirname (dirname_checks[i].filename);
      if (strcmp (dirname, dirname_checks[i].dirname) != 0)
	  g_print ("\nfailed for \"%s\"==\"%s\" (returned: \"%s\")\n",
	  g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
	  n_dirname_checks = 0;
      g_free (dirname);
  g_assert(n_dirname_checks != 0 && "g_path_get_dirname failed" );
  //g_print ("checking g_path_skip_root()...");
  for (i = 0; i < n_skip_root_checks; i++)
      const gchar *skipped;

      skipped = g_path_skip_root (skip_root_checks[i].filename);
      if ((skipped && !skip_root_checks[i].without_root) ||
	  (!skipped && skip_root_checks[i].without_root) ||
	  ((skipped && skip_root_checks[i].without_root) &&
	   strcmp (skipped, skip_root_checks[i].without_root)))
	  g_print ("\nfailed for \"%s\"==\"%s\" (returned: \"%s\")\n",
		   (skip_root_checks[i].without_root ?
		    skip_root_checks[i].without_root : "<NULL>"),
		   (skipped ? skipped : "<NULL>"));
	  g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
	  n_skip_root_checks = 0;
  g_assert(n_skip_root_checks != 0 && "g_path_skip_root failed" );
  //g_print ("checking doubly linked lists...");

  list = NULL;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    list = g_list_append (list, &nums[i]);
  list = g_list_reverse (list);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      t = g_list_nth (list, i);
      if (*((gint*) t->data) != (9 - i))
	g_error ("Regular insert failed");

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    if(g_list_position(list, g_list_nth (list, i)) != i)
      g_error("g_list_position does not seem to be the inverse of g_list_nth\n");

  g_list_free (list);
  list = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    list = g_list_insert_sorted (list, &morenums[i], my_list_compare_one);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      t = g_list_nth (list, i);
      if (*((gint*) t->data) != i)
         g_error ("Sorted insert failed");

  g_list_free (list);
  list = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    list = g_list_insert_sorted (list, &morenums[i], my_list_compare_two);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      t = g_list_nth (list, i);
      if (*((gint*) t->data) != (9 - i))
         g_error ("Sorted insert failed");

  g_list_free (list);
  list = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    list = g_list_prepend (list, &morenums[i]);

  list = g_list_sort (list, my_list_compare_two);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      t = g_list_nth (list, i);
      if (*((gint*) t->data) != (9 - i))
         g_error ("Merge sort failed");

  g_list_free (list);
  //g_print ("ok\n");
  //g_print ("checking singly linked lists...");

  slist = NULL;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    slist = g_slist_append (slist, &nums[i]);
  slist = g_slist_reverse (slist);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
      if (*((gint*) st->data) != (9 - i))
	g_error ("failed");

  g_slist_free (slist);
  slist = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    slist = g_slist_insert_sorted (slist, &morenums[i], my_list_compare_one);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
      if (*((gint*) st->data) != i)
         g_error ("Sorted insert failed");

  slist = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    slist = g_slist_insert_sorted (slist, &morenums[i], my_list_compare_two);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
      if (*((gint*) st->data) != (9 - i))
         g_error("Sorted insert failed");

  slist = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    slist = g_slist_prepend (slist, &morenums[i]);

  slist = g_slist_sort (slist, my_list_compare_two);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      st = g_slist_nth (slist, i);
      if (*((gint*) st->data) != (9 - i))
         g_error("Sorted insert failed");

  //g_print ("ok\n");
  //g_print ("checking binary trees...\n");

  tree = g_tree_new (my_compare);
  i = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < 10; j++, i++)
      chars[i] = '0' + j;
      g_tree_insert (tree, &chars[i], &chars[i]);
  for (j = 0; j < 26; j++, i++)
      chars[i] = 'A' + j;
      g_tree_insert (tree, &chars[i], &chars[i]);
  for (j = 0; j < 26; j++, i++)
      chars[i] = 'a' + j;
      g_tree_insert (tree, &chars[i], &chars[i]);

  g_assert(g_tree_height(tree) == 6);
  g_assert(g_tree_nnodes(tree) == 62);

  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    g_tree_remove (tree, &chars[i]);

  g_assert(g_tree_height(tree) == 6);
  g_assert(g_tree_nnodes(tree) == 52);

  //g_print ("tree: ");
  //g_tree_foreach (tree, my_traverse, NULL);
  //g_print ("\n");

  //g_print ("ok\n");
  /* check n-way trees */
  g_node_test ();

  //g_print ("checking mem chunks...");
  mem_chunk = g_mem_chunk_new ("test mem chunk", 50, 100, G_ALLOC_AND_FREE);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 6000 ; i++)
      mem[i] = g_chunk_new (gchar, mem_chunk);

      for (j = 0; j < 50; j++)
	mem[i][j] = i * j;
    for (i = 0; i <  10000 ; i++)
      mem[i] = g_chunk_new (gchar, mem_chunk);

      for (j = 0; j < 50; j++)
	mem[i][j] = i * j;

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 6000 ; i++)
      g_mem_chunk_free (mem_chunk, mem[i]);
  for (i = 0; i < i  10000; i++)
      g_mem_chunk_free (mem_chunk, mem[i]);
  //g_print ("checking hash tables...");
  hash_table = g_hash_table_new (my_hash, my_hash_equal);

  #ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 3000 ; i++)
      array[i] = i;
      g_hash_table_insert (hash_table, &array[i], &array[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < i 10000 ; i++)
      array[i] = i;
      g_hash_table_insert (hash_table, &array[i], &array[i]);

  pvalue = g_hash_table_find (hash_table, find_first_that, &value);
  if (*pvalue != value)
	  g_print("g_hash_table_find failed");
	  g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
  g_hash_table_foreach (hash_table, my_hash_callback, NULL);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 3000 ; i++)
    if (array[i] == 0)
      g_print ("%d\n", i);
  for (i = 0; i <  10000; i++)
    if (array[i] == 0)
      g_print ("%d\n", i);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 3000 ; i++)
    g_hash_table_remove (hash_table, &array[i]);
  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    g_hash_table_remove (hash_table, &array[i]);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 3000 ; i++)
      array[i] = i;
      g_hash_table_insert (hash_table, &array[i], &array[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
      array[i] = i;
      g_hash_table_insert (hash_table, &array[i], &array[i]);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  if (g_hash_table_foreach_remove (hash_table, my_hash_callback_remove, NULL) !=  1500  ||
      g_hash_table_size (hash_table) != 1500 )
    g_print ("bad!\n");
    if (g_hash_table_foreach_remove (hash_table, my_hash_callback_remove, NULL) !=   5000 ||
      g_hash_table_size (hash_table) !=  5000)
    g_print ("bad!\n");

  g_hash_table_foreach (hash_table, my_hash_callback_remove_test, NULL);

  g_hash_table_destroy (hash_table);

  string_chunk = g_string_chunk_new (1024);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 3000; i ++)
      tmp_string = g_string_chunk_insert (string_chunk, "hi pete");

      if (strcmp ("hi pete", tmp_string) != 0)
	g_error ("string chunks are broken.\n");
  for (i = 0; i < 100000; i ++)
      tmp_string = g_string_chunk_insert (string_chunk, "hi pete");

      if (strcmp ("hi pete", tmp_string) != 0)
	g_error ("string chunks are broken.\n");

  tmp_string_2 = g_string_chunk_insert_const (string_chunk, tmp_string);

  g_assert (tmp_string_2 != tmp_string &&
	    strcmp(tmp_string_2, tmp_string) == 0);

  tmp_string = g_string_chunk_insert_const (string_chunk, tmp_string);

  g_assert (tmp_string_2 == tmp_string);

  g_string_chunk_free (string_chunk);

  //g_print ("ok\n");
  //g_print ("checking arrays...");
  garray = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));

  #ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
    g_array_append_val (garray, i);
    for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    g_array_append_val (garray, i);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 3000 ; i++)
    if (g_array_index (garray, gint, i) != i)
      g_print ("uh oh: %d ( %d )\n", g_array_index (garray, gint, i), i);
  for (i = 0; i < i 10000; i++)
    if (g_array_index (garray, gint, i) != i)
      g_print ("uh oh: %d ( %d )\n", g_array_index (garray, gint, i), i);

  g_array_free (garray, TRUE);

  garray = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
  for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    g_array_prepend_val (garray, i);

  for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    if (g_array_index (garray, gint, i) != (100 - i - 1))
      g_print ("uh oh: %d ( %d )\n", g_array_index (garray, gint, i), 100 - i - 1);

  g_array_free (garray, TRUE);

  //g_print ("ok\n");
  //g_print ("checking strings...");
  string1 = g_string_new ("hi pete!");
  string2 = g_string_new ("");

  g_assert (strcmp ("hi pete!", string1->str) == 0);

  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    g_string_append_c (string1, 'a'+(i%26));

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  g_string_printf (string2, "%s|%0100d|%s|%s|%0*d|%*.*f|%100.100f",
		   "this pete guy sure is a wuss, like he's the number ",
		   " wuss.  everyone agrees.\n",
		   10, 666, 15, 15, 666.666666666, 666.666666666);
#ifndef G_OS_WIN32
  /* MSVC, mingw32 and LCC use the same run-time C library, which doesn't like
     the %10000.10000f format... */
  g_string_printf (string2, "%s|%0100d|%s|%s|%0*d|%*.*f|%10000.10000f",
		   "this pete guy sure is a wuss, like he's the number ",
		   " wuss.  everyone agrees.\n",
		   10, 666, 15, 15, 666.666666666, 666.666666666);
  g_string_printf (string2, "%s|%0100d|%s|%s|%0*d|%*.*f|%100.100f",
		   "this pete guy sure is a wuss, like he's the number ",
		   " wuss.  everyone agrees.\n",
		   10, 666, 15, 15, 666.666666666, 666.666666666);
#endif  /* SYMBIAN */

  g_assert((gulong)string2->len == 10323);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
  g_string_free (string2, TRUE);

  /* append */
  string1 = g_string_new ("firsthalf");
  g_string_append (string1, "lasthalf");
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);

  /* append_len */

  string1 = g_string_new ("firsthalf");
  g_string_append_len (string1, "lasthalfjunkjunk", strlen ("lasthalf"));
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);  
  /* prepend */
  string1 = g_string_new ("lasthalf");
  g_string_prepend (string1, "firsthalf");
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);

  /* prepend_len */
  string1 = g_string_new ("lasthalf");
  g_string_prepend_len (string1, "firsthalfjunkjunk", strlen ("firsthalf"));
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firsthalflasthalf") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
  /* insert */
  string1 = g_string_new ("firstlast");
  g_string_insert (string1, 5, "middle");
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstmiddlelast") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);

  /* insert with pos == end of the string */
  string1 = g_string_new ("firstmiddle");
  g_string_insert (string1, strlen ("firstmiddle"), "last");
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstmiddlelast") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
  /* insert_len */

  string1 = g_string_new ("firstlast");
  g_string_insert_len (string1, 5, "middlejunkjunk", strlen ("middle"));
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstmiddlelast") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);

  /* insert_len with magic -1 pos for append */
  string1 = g_string_new ("first");
  g_string_insert_len (string1, -1, "lastjunkjunk", strlen ("last"));
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstlast") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
  /* insert_len with magic -1 len for strlen-the-string */
  string1 = g_string_new ("first");
  g_string_insert_len (string1, 5, "last", -1);
  g_assert (strcmp (string1->str, "firstlast") == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
  /* g_string_equal */
  string1 = g_string_new ("test");
  string2 = g_string_new ("te");
  g_assert (! g_string_equal(string1, string2));
  g_string_append (string2, "st");
  g_assert (g_string_equal(string1, string2));
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
  g_string_free (string2, TRUE);
  /* Check handling of embedded ASCII 0 (NUL) characters in GString. */
  string1 = g_string_new ("fiddle");
  string2 = g_string_new ("fiddle");
  g_assert (g_string_equal(string1, string2));
  g_string_append_c(string1, '\0');
  g_assert (! g_string_equal(string1, string2));
  g_string_append_c(string2, '\0');
  g_assert (g_string_equal(string1, string2));
  g_string_append_c(string1, 'x');
  g_string_append_c(string2, 'y');
  g_assert (! g_string_equal(string1, string2));
  g_assert (string1->len == 8);
  g_string_append(string1, "yzzy");
  g_assert (string1->len == 12);
  g_assert ( memcmp(string1->str, "fiddle\0xyzzy", 13) == 0);
  g_string_insert(string1, 1, "QED");
  g_assert ( memcmp(string1->str, "fQEDiddle\0xyzzy", 16) == 0);
  g_string_free (string1, TRUE);
  g_string_free (string2, TRUE);
  //g_print ("test positional printf formats (not supported): ");
  string = g_strdup_printf ("%.*s%s", 5, "a", "b");
  tmp_string = g_strdup_printf ("%2$*1$s", 5, "c");
  g_assert(!strcmp(tmp_string,"    c"));
  g_free (tmp_string);
  g_free (string);

  timer = g_timer_new ();
  g_timer_start (timer);
  while (g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL) < 3)

  g_timer_stop (timer);
  g_timer_destroy (timer);

  timer2 = g_timer_new ();

  timer = g_timer_new();
  g_usleep(G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* run timer for 1 second */

  g_usleep(G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* wait for 1 second */
  g_usleep(2*G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* run timer for 2 seconds */

  g_usleep((3*G_USEC_PER_SEC)/2); /* wait for 1.5 seconds */
  g_usleep(G_USEC_PER_SEC/5); /* run timer for 0.2 seconds */

  g_usleep(4*G_USEC_PER_SEC); /* wait for 4 seconds */
  g_usleep((29*G_USEC_PER_SEC)/5); /* run timer for 5.8 seconds */

  elapsed = g_timer_elapsed (timer, &elapsed_usecs);
  if (elapsed > 8.8 && elapsed < 9.2);
  	g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");	
    g_print ("g_timer_continue ... ***** FAILED *****\n\n");
    g_print ("timer elapsed %d\n",elapsed);

  elapsed = g_timer_elapsed(timer2, &elapsed_usecs);
  if (elapsed > (8.8+6.5) && elapsed < (9.2+6.5));
  	g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");	
    g_print ("timer2 ... ***** FAILED *****\n\n");
    g_print ("timer2 elapsed %d\n",elapsed);

  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("FroboZZ", "frobozz") == 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("frobozz", "frobozz") == 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("frobozz", "FROBOZZ") == 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("FROBOZZ", "froboz") > 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("", "") == 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("!#%&/()", "!#%&/()") == 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("a", "b") < 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("a", "B") < 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("A", "b") < 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("A", "B") < 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("b", "a") > 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("b", "A") > 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("B", "a") > 0);
  g_assert (g_ascii_strcasecmp ("B", "A") > 0);

  g_assert(g_strdup(NULL) == NULL);
  string = g_strdup(GLIB_TEST_STRING);
  g_assert(string != NULL);
  g_assert(strcmp(string, GLIB_TEST_STRING) == 0);

  string = g_strconcat(GLIB_TEST_STRING, NULL);
  g_assert(string != NULL);
  g_assert(strcmp(string, GLIB_TEST_STRING) == 0);
  string = g_strconcat(GLIB_TEST_STRING, GLIB_TEST_STRING, 
  g_assert(string != NULL);
  g_assert(strcmp(string, GLIB_TEST_STRING GLIB_TEST_STRING
  			  GLIB_TEST_STRING) == 0);

  /* The following is a torture test for strlcpy/strlcat, with lots of
   * checking; normal users wouldn't use them this way!
  string = g_malloc (6);
  *(string + 5) = 'Z'; /* guard value, shouldn't change during test */
  *string = 'q';
  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "" , 5) == 0);
  g_assert ( *string == '\0' );
  *string = 'q';
  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abc" , 5) == 3);
  g_assert ( *(string + 3) == '\0' );
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abc"));
  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abcd" , 5) == 4);
  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abcd"));
  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abcde" , 5) == 5);
  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abcd"));
  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "abcdef" , 5) == 6);
  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "abcd"));
  *string = 'Y';
  *(string + 1)= '\0';
  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "Hello" , 0) == 5);
  g_assert (*string == 'Y');
  *string = '\0';
  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "123" , 5) == 3);
  g_assert ( *(string + 3) == '\0' );
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "123"));
  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "" , 5) == 3);
  g_assert ( *(string + 3) == '\0' );
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "123"));
  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "4", 5) == 4);
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "1234"));
  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "5", 5) == 5);
  g_assert ( *(string + 4) == '\0' );
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "1234"));
  g_assert ( *(string + 5) == 'Z' );
  *string = 'Y';
  *(string + 1)= '\0';
  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "123" , 0) == 3);
  g_assert (*string == 'Y');
  /* A few more tests, demonstrating more "normal" use  */
  g_assert (g_strlcpy(string, "hi", 5) == 2);
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "hi"));
  g_assert (g_strlcat(string, "t", 5) == 3);
  g_assert (g_str_equal(string, "hit"));

  string = g_strdup_printf ("%05d %-5s", 21, "test");
  g_assert (string != NULL);
  g_assert (strcmp(string, "00021 test ") == 0);
  g_free (string);

  /* g_debug (argv[0]); */

  /* Relation tests */

  relation = g_relation_new (2);

  g_relation_index (relation, 0, g_int_hash, g_int_equal);
  g_relation_index (relation, 1, g_int_hash, g_int_equal);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 250 ; i += 1)
    data[i] = i;
  for (i = 0; i <  1024; i += 1)
    data[i] = i;

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 1; i < 250 ; i += 1)
      g_relation_insert (relation, data + i, data + i + 1);
      g_relation_insert (relation, data + i, data + i - 1);
  for (i = 1; i <  1023; i += 1)
      g_relation_insert (relation, data + i, data + i + 1);
      g_relation_insert (relation, data + i, data + i - 1);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 2; i < 249; i += 1)
      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i));
      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i + 2));
      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i - 2));
  for (i = 2; i <  1022; i += 1)
      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i));
      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i + 2));
      g_assert (! g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i - 2));

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 1; i < 250 ; i += 1)
      g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i + 1));
      g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i - 1));
  for (i = 1; i <  1023;  i += 1)
      g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i + 1));
      g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + i, data + i - 1));

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 2; i < 249; i += 1)
      g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + i, 0) == 2);
      g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + i, 1) == 2);
    for (i = 2; i <  1022; i += 1)
      g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + i, 0) == 2);
      g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + i, 1) == 2);
  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data, 0) == 0);

  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 42, 0) == 2);
  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 43, 1) == 2);
  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 41, 1) == 2);
  g_relation_delete (relation, data + 42, 0);
  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 42, 0) == 0);
  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 43, 1) == 1);
  g_assert (g_relation_count (relation, data + 41, 1) == 1);

  tuples = g_relation_select (relation, data + 200, 0);

  g_assert (tuples->len == 2);

#ifdef SYMBIAN
  g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data + 100, data + 101 ));
  g_relation_delete (relation, data + 100 , 0);
  g_assert (!g_relation_exists (relation, data + 100 , data + 101 ));
  g_assert (g_relation_exists (relation, data +  300, data + i 301));
  g_relation_delete (relation, data + 300, 0);
  g_assert (!g_relation_exists (relation, data +  300, data +  301));

  g_tuples_destroy (tuples);

  g_relation_destroy (relation);

  relation = NULL;

  gparray = g_ptr_array_new ();

  #ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
    g_ptr_array_add (gparray, GINT_TO_POINTER (i));
  for (i = 0; i < 4000 ; i++)
    if (g_ptr_array_index (gparray, i) != GINT_TO_POINTER (i))
    	g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");	
         g_print ("array fails: %p ( %p )\n", g_ptr_array_index (gparray, i), GINT_TO_POINTER (i));
  for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    g_ptr_array_add (gparray, GINT_TO_POINTER (i));
  for (i = 0; i <  10000; i++)
    if (g_ptr_array_index (gparray, i) != GINT_TO_POINTER (i))
    	g_assert(FALSE && "testglib");
    	g_print ("array fails: %p ( %p )\n", g_ptr_array_index (gparray, i), GINT_TO_POINTER (i));

  g_ptr_array_free (gparray, TRUE);

  gbarray = g_byte_array_new ();

  #ifdef SYMBIAN
  for (i = 0; i < 4000 ; i++)
    g_byte_array_append (gbarray, (guint8*) "abcd", 4);

  for (i = 0; i < 4000 ; i++)
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i] == 'a');
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+1] == 'b');
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+2] == 'c');
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+3] == 'd');
  for (i = 0; i <  10000; i++)
    g_byte_array_append (gbarray, (guint8*) "abcd", 4);

  for (i = 0; i <  10000; i++)
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i] == 'a');
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+1] == 'b');
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+2] == 'c');
      g_assert (gbarray->data[4*i+3] == 'd');

  g_byte_array_free (gbarray, TRUE);

  string = NULL;

  g_assert (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (gu16t1) == gu16t2);  
  g_assert (GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (gu32t1) == gu32t2);  
  g_assert (GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (gu64t1) == gu64t2);  

  //g_print ("ok\n");
  g_get_charset ((G_CONST_RETURN char**)&charset);

  g_print ("current locale: %s\n", g_win32_getlocale ());
  g_print ("GLib DLL name tested for: %s\n", glib_dll);

  g_print ("GLib installation directory, from Registry entry for %s if available: %s\n",
	   g_win32_get_package_installation_directory (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, NULL));
  g_print ("Ditto, or from GLib DLL name: %s\n",
	   g_win32_get_package_installation_directory (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, glib_dll));
  g_print ("Ditto, only from GLib DLL name: %s\n",
	   g_win32_get_package_installation_directory (NULL, glib_dll));
  g_print ("locale subdirectory of GLib installation directory: %s\n",
	   g_win32_get_package_installation_subdirectory (NULL, glib_dll, "lib\\locale"));
  g_print ("GTK+ 2.0 installation directory, if available: %s\n",
	   g_win32_get_package_installation_directory ("gtk20", NULL));

  g_print ("found more.com as %s\n", g_find_program_in_path ("more.com"));
  g_print ("found regedit as %s\n", g_find_program_in_path ("regedit"));

  g_print ("a Win32 error message: %s\n", g_win32_error_message (2));


  strcpy (template, "fooXXXXXX");
  fd = g_mkstemp (template);
  g_assert(fd != -1);
  i = write (fd, hello, hellolen);
  g_assert(i != -1);
  lseek (fd, 0, 0);
  i = read (fd, chars, sizeof (chars));
  g_assert(i != -1);
  chars[i] = 0;
  g_assert(!strcmp(chars, hello));
  close (fd);
  remove (template);

  error = NULL;
  strcpy (template, "zap" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "barXXXXXX");
  fd = g_file_open_tmp (template, &name_used, &error);
  g_assert(fd == -1);
  close (fd);
  g_clear_error (&error);

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  strcpy (template, "zap/barXXXXXX");
  fd = g_file_open_tmp (template, &name_used, &error);
  if (fd != -1)
    g_print ("g_file_open_tmp works even if template contains '/'\n");
    g_print ("g_file_open_tmp correctly returns error: %s\n",
  close (fd);
  g_clear_error (&error);

  strcpy (template, "zapXXXXXX");
  fd = g_file_open_tmp (template, &name_used, &error);
  g_assert(fd != -1);
  close (fd);
  g_clear_error (&error);
  remove (name_used);

  fd = g_file_open_tmp (NULL, &name_used, &error);
  g_assert(fd != -1);
  close (fd);
  g_clear_error (&error);
  remove (name_used);
#ifdef SYMBIAN
#endif /* EMULATOR */
  return 0;