changeset 1 1050670c6980
child 6 f65f740e69f9
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:5ad7ad99af01 1:1050670c6980
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  *
    14  * Description:  Definitions for the class ParseXMLFileSAX
    15  *
    16  */
    18 package;
    20 import;
    21 import;
    22 import java.util.AbstractList;
    23 import java.util.ArrayList;
    25 import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    26 import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    27 import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    29 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
    30 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    31 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    32 import org.xml.sax.Locator;
    33 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    34 import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    36 /**
    37  * Parses atool.exe generated xml file and creates memory analysis results.
    38  * Using the SAX parser to parse xml file. SAX parser fits better than DOM
    39  * parser because it is possible that AT must handle very big xml files.
    40  *
    41  * @author kihe
    42  *
    43  */
    44 public class ParseXMLFileSAX implements org.xml.sax.ContentHandler {
    45 	/** XML constants. */
    46 	public static final String XML_BUILD_TARGET = "build_target";
    47 	public static final String XML_CALC_MEMADDR = "calc_addr";
    48 	public static final String XML_CALLSTACK = "callstack";
    49 	public static final String XML_COUNT = "count";
    50 	public static final String XML_END_TIME = "end_time";
    51 	public static final String XML_FILE = "file";
    52 	public static final String XML_FUNCTION = "function";
    53 	public static final String XML_FUNCTION_LINE = "function_line";
    54 	public static final String XML_HANDLE_LEAKS = "handle_leaks";
    55 	public static final String XML_ID = "id";
    56 	public static final String XML_ITEM = "item";
    57 	public static final String XML_LEAK = "leak";
    58 	public static final String XML_LEAKS = "leaks";
    59 	public static final String XML_LINE = "line";
    60 	public static final String XML_MEM_LEAKS = "mem_leaks";
    61 	public static final String XML_MEMADDR = "memaddress";
    62 	public static final String XML_MODULE = "module";
    63 	public static final String XML_NAME = "name";
    64 	public static final String XML_PROCESS_NAME = "process_name";
    65 	public static final String XML_RUN = "run";
    66 	public static final String XML_SIZE = "size";
    67 	public static final String XML_START_TIME = "start_time";
    68 	public static final String XML_SUBTEST = "subtest";
    69 	public static final String XML_TIME = "time";
    70 	public static final String XML_UNKNOWN = "???";
    72 	/**Active call stack item id*/
    73 	private int activeCallstackID = 1;
    75 	/** Active item(memory leak) information */
    76 	private AnalysisItem activeItem;
    78 	/**Active item(memory leak) id*/
    79 	private int activeItemID = 1;
    81 	/** Summary field active module memory leak count*/
    82 	private String activeModuleCount;
    84 	/** Summary field active module name*/
    85 	private String activeModuleName;
    87 	/** Active run information */
    88 	protected RunResults activeRunResults;
    90 	/** Contains all the runs parsed results */
    91 	private final AbstractList<RunResults> activeRuns;
    93 	/** Active subtest item information */
    94 	private Subtest activeSubtest;
    96 	/**Active subtest id*/
    97 	private int activeSubtestID = 1;
    99 	/** Active callstack item information */
   100 	private CallstackItem callstackItem;
   102 	/** xml file path. */
   103 	private final String filePath;
   105 	/** Do we parsing module leak summary field */
   106 	private boolean moduleLeakActive = true;
   108 	/** List of modules */
   109 	private final AbstractList<String> moduleList;
   111 	/** Do we parsing subtest info just now */
   112 	private boolean parsingSubtest = false;
   114 	/** Project reference */
   115 	private final IProject project;
   117 	/** Project result reference where to save results */
   118 	private final ProjectResults results;
   120 	/** Index for active items */
   121 	private int runID = 1;
   124 	/**
   125 	 * Constructor.
   126 	 *
   127 	 * @param projectRef
   128 	 *            Project reference
   129 	 * @param newFilePath
   130 	 *            Used file path
   131 	 * @param projResults
   132 	 *            Project results reference
   133 	 */
   134 	public ParseXMLFileSAX(
   135 			final org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject projectRef,
   136 			final String newFilePath, final ProjectResults projResults) {
   137 		results = projResults;
   138 		filePath = newFilePath;
   139 		project = projectRef;
   140 		activeRuns = new ArrayList<RunResults>();
   141 		moduleList = new ArrayList<String>();
   142 	}
   144 	/**
   145 	 * Adds module name to list
   146 	 *
   147 	 * @param moduleName
   148 	 *            Module to add to the list
   149 	 */
   150 	private void addModuleNameToList(final String moduleName) {
   151 		if (moduleName == null || ("").equals(moduleName)) {
   152 			return;
   153 		}
   154 		if (!moduleList.contains(moduleName)) {
   155 			moduleList.add(moduleName);
   156 		}
   157 	}
   159 	public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
   160 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   161 		// information
   162 		// also this method is overloaded
   163 	}
   165 	/**
   166 	 * When the SAX parser reach the end of the XML file this function is
   167 	 * called.
   168 	 *
   169 	 * Updates results.
   170 	 */
   171 	public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
   172 		results.updateRunResults(project, activeRuns, filePath);
   173 	}
   175 	/**
   176 	 * When the SAX parser reach the end of the xml tag this function is called.
   177 	 *
   178 	 * Checks what tag read is finished and stores corresponding results
   179 	 */
   180 	public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String name)
   181 			throws SAXException {
   182 		// "results" tag => store results
   183 		if (name.equals(XML_RUN)) {
   184 			activeRuns.add(activeRunResults);
   185 		} else if (name.equals(XML_LEAK)) {
   187 			//not enough information so clear the active item
   188 			if( activeItem == null || !activeItem.checkData() ) {
   189 				activeItem = null;
   190 			}
   191 			else if (parsingSubtest) {
   192 				activeSubtest.addAnalysisItem(activeItem);
   193 			} else {
   194 				activeRunResults.addAnalysisItem(activeItem);
   195 			}
   196 		} else if (name.equals(XML_ITEM)) {
   197 			if( callstackItem.isEmpty() ) {
   198 				callstackItem = null;
   199 			}
   200 			else {
   201 				activeItem.addCallstackItem(callstackItem);
   202 			}
   203 		} else if (name.equals(XML_SUBTEST)) {
   204 			activeRunResults.addSubtest(activeSubtest);
   205 			parsingSubtest = false;
   206 		} else if (name.equals(XML_MODULE)) {
   208 			try {
   209 				// check that module count value is valid
   210 				if (activeModuleCount == null || ("").equals(activeModuleCount)) {
   211 					moduleLeakActive = true;
   212 					return;
   213 				}
   215 				// convert module count information to string object
   216 				int count = Integer.parseInt(activeModuleCount,16);
   218 				// if module leak summary is active
   219 				if (moduleLeakActive) {
   220 					activeRunResults.addModuleLeak(activeModuleName, count);
   221 				}
   222 				// if handle leak summary is active
   223 				else {
   224 					activeRunResults.addHandleLeak(activeModuleName, count);
   225 				}
   227 			}catch( NumberFormatException npe ) {
   228 				npe.printStackTrace();
   229 			}
   230 		}
   231 	}
   233 	public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException {
   234 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   235 		// information
   236 		// also this method is overloaded
   237 	}
   239 	/**
   240 	 * Returns list of modules
   241 	 *
   242 	 * @return List of modules
   243 	 */
   244 	public AbstractList<String> getModules() {
   245 		return moduleList;
   246 	}
   248 	public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length)
   249 			throws SAXException {
   250 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   251 		// information
   252 		// also this method is overloaded
   253 	}
   255 	/**
   256 	 * Parses xml file content.
   257 	 *
   258 	 * @return True if there are no errors while parsing XML file otherwise
   259 	 *         False
   260 	 */
   261 	public final boolean parse() {
   263 		boolean ret = false;
   264 		try {
   266 			// check that file exists
   267 			File file = new File(filePath);
   268 			if (file.exists()) {
   270 				SAXParserFactory factor = null;
   271 				SAXParser parser = null;
   272 				XMLReader xmlReader = null;
   274 				// get parser factory
   275 				factor = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
   277 				if (factor != null) {
   278 					// get xml parser
   279 					parser = factor.newSAXParser();
   281 					if (parser != null) {
   282 						// get xml reader
   283 						xmlReader = parser.getXMLReader();
   285 						if (xmlReader != null) {
   286 							// set content handle to this class
   287 							xmlReader.setContentHandler(this);
   289 							// parse xml file
   290 							xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(file.getPath()));
   291 							ret = true;
   292 						}
   293 					}
   294 				}
   295 			}
   297 			// file does not exists
   298 			else {
   299 				ret = false;
   300 			}
   302 			//check that XML file contains data
   303 			//otherwise return false
   304 			if( activeRunResults == null ) {
   305 				ret = false;
   306 			}
   307 		} catch (SAXException sae) {
   308 			sae.printStackTrace();
   309 			ret = false;
   310 		} catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
   311 			pce.printStackTrace();
   312 			ret = false;
   313 		} catch (IOException ioe) {
   314 			ioe.printStackTrace();
   315 			ret = false;
   316 		}
   318 		// no errors => return positive value
   319 		return ret;
   320 	}
   322 	public void processingInstruction(String target, String data)
   323 			throws SAXException {
   324 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   325 		// information
   326 		// also this method is overloaded
   327 	}
   329 	public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
   330 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   331 		// information
   332 		// also this method is overloaded
   333 	}
   335 	public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException {
   336 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   337 		// information
   338 		// also this method is overloaded
   339 	}
   341 	public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
   342 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   343 		// information
   344 		// also this method is overloaded
   345 	}
   347 	/**
   348 	 * When the SAX parser start to read xml tag this function is called.
   349 	 *
   350 	 * Checks what tag read is started and initializes corresponding objects
   351 	 */
   352 	public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name,
   353 			Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
   355 		//parse one run information
   356 		if (name.equals(XML_RUN)) {
   357 			activeRunResults = new RunResults(runID);
   358 			activeRunResults.setEndTime(atts.getValue(XML_END_TIME));
   359 			activeRunResults.setBuildTarget(atts.getValue(XML_BUILD_TARGET));
   360 			activeRunResults.setProcessName(atts.getValue(XML_PROCESS_NAME));
   361 			activeRunResults.setStartTime(atts.getValue(XML_START_TIME));
   362 			runID++;
   363 			activeItemID = 1;
   364 			activeSubtestID = 1;
   365 		}
   366 		//parse one memory leak information
   367 		else if (name.equals(XML_LEAK)) {
   368 			try {
   369 				activeItem = new AnalysisItem();
   370 				activeItem.setID(activeItemID);
   371 				activeItem.setMemoryAddress(atts.getValue(XML_MEMADDR));
   372 				activeItem.setMemoryLeakTime(atts.getValue(XML_TIME));
   373 				String moduleName = atts.getValue(XML_MODULE);
   374 				addModuleNameToList(moduleName);
   375 				activeItem.setModuleName(moduleName);
   376 				String size = atts.getValue(XML_SIZE);
   377 				if (size != null && !("").equals(size)) {
   378 					activeItem.setLeakSize(Integer
   379 							.parseInt(size));
   380 				}
   382 			}catch(NumberFormatException npe) {
   383 				npe.printStackTrace();
   384 			}
   385 			activeItemID++;
   386 			activeCallstackID = 1;
   387 		}
   388 		//parse call stack item information
   389 		else if (name.equals(XML_ITEM)) {
   390 			try{
   391 				//create new item
   392 				callstackItem = new CallstackItem();
   393 				callstackItem.setID(activeCallstackID);
   394 				callstackItem.setFileName(atts.getValue(XML_FILE));
   395 				callstackItem.setFunctionName(atts.getValue(XML_FUNCTION));
   396 				callstackItem.setMemoryAddress(atts.getValue(XML_MEMADDR));
   398 				//get module name and add it to list
   399 				//module name list is used later.
   400 				String moduleName = atts.getValue(XML_MODULE);
   401 				addModuleNameToList(moduleName);
   402 				callstackItem.setModuleName(moduleName);
   404 				//if line number is added to the XML file
   405 				//this means that the results are generated to UREL
   406 				String lineNumber = atts.getValue(XML_LINE);
   407 				if (lineNumber != null && !("").equals(lineNumber) && !(XML_UNKNOWN).equals(lineNumber)) {
   408 					callstackItem.setLeakLineNumber(Integer.parseInt(lineNumber));
   409 				}
   411 				//if function line is added to the XML file
   412 				//this means that the results are generated to UREL
   413 				String functionLine = atts.getValue(XML_FUNCTION_LINE);
   414 				if (functionLine != null && !("").equals(functionLine) && !(XML_UNKNOWN).equals(functionLine)) {
   415 					callstackItem.setLeakLineNumber(Integer.parseInt(functionLine));
   416 					callstackItem.setUrelBuild(true);
   417 				}
   418 			}catch(NumberFormatException npe) {
   419 				npe.printStackTrace();
   420 			}
   421 			activeCallstackID++;
   423 		}
   424 		//parse subtest information
   425 		else if (name.equals(XML_SUBTEST)) {
   426 			activeSubtest = new Subtest(activeSubtestID);
   427 			activeItemID = 1;
   428 			activeCallstackID = 1;
   429 			activeSubtest.setEndTime(atts.getValue(XML_END_TIME));
   430 			activeSubtest.setName(atts.getValue(XML_NAME));
   431 			activeSubtest.setStartTime(atts.getValue(XML_START_TIME));
   432 			parsingSubtest = true;
   433 			activeSubtestID++;
   434 		} else if (name.equals(XML_HANDLE_LEAKS)) {
   435 			moduleLeakActive = false;
   436 		} else if (name.equals(XML_MEM_LEAKS)) {
   437 			moduleLeakActive = true;
   438 		} else if (name.equals(XML_MODULE)) {
   439 			activeModuleName = atts.getValue(XML_NAME);
   440 			activeModuleCount = atts.getValue(XML_LEAKS);
   441 		}
   443 	}
   445 	public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
   446 			throws SAXException {
   447 		// Do nothing be design, because AT is not interested of this
   448 		// information
   449 		// also this method is overloaded
   450 	}
   451 }