changeset 0 5ad7ad99af01
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5ad7ad99af01
     1 <h1>WSERV</h1>
     2 <p>
     3 The window server runs continuously and brings the machine down if it
     4 crashes, so it cannot panic its own thread when it detects an error in one of
     5 its client&#8217;s requests. Instead it panics the client&#8217;s thread using
     6 <code class="ApiItem">CSession::Panic()</code>. These panics have a category of WSERV. 
     7 </p>
     8 <p>
     9 These panics are defined in the enumeration <code>TClientPanic</code> in
    10 <code class="filename">w32cmd.h</code>. 
    11 </p>
    12 <p>
    13 Note that some panics are raised in debug builds only. 
    14 </p>
    15 <code>1</code>
    16 <p>
    17 Out of range opcode. 
    18 </p>
    19 <p>
    20 The client has sent a request opcode that wasn&#8217;t recognised. Each
    21 server-side object can only handle some of the requests defined in the window
    22 server, and if the request isn&#8217;t recognised, this panic is raised. 
    23 </p>
    24 <p>
    25 Clients would normally only get this is if they bypass the normal
    26 Window Server API. 
    27 </p>
    28 <code>2</code>
    29 <p>
    30 Invalid command buffer. 
    31 </p>
    32 <p>
    33 A corrupt buffer of requests was discovered by the server. This is
    34 raised when the buffer itself is noticeably broken, and not when the commands
    35 in it are wrong. 
    36 </p>
    37 <code>3</code>
    38 <p>
    39 Invalid handle. 
    40 </p>
    41 <p>
    42 The server couldn&#8217;t find the target object for a request in the
    43 handle index. This can be raised when a command is sent to the handle for a
    44 window that has been closed, for example. 
    45 </p>
    46 <code>4</code>
    47 <p>
    48 A handle whose value was NULL was detected. 
    49 </p>
    50 <p>
    51 For example, when Constructing one of the subclasses of the
    52 client-side <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase" title="class RWindowBase"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase</code></a> with a client handle argument of
    53 NULL. 
    54 </p>
    55 <p>
    56 On the server side, a <code>TWsClCmdCreateWindow</code> with a
    57 client handle field of <code>NULL</code> passed as argument to
    58 <code>CWsClientWindow::ConstructL()</code> will raise this error. 
    59 </p>
    60 <code>5</code>
    61 <p>
    62 A single drawing command was too big to fit into the
    63 <a href="../../guide/Graphics-subsystem-guide/WindowServerClientSide/WindowServerGuide1/">client-side buffer</a>. 
    64 </p>
    65 <p>
    66 The size of the buffer may be increased. See
    67 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aSetBufferSizeL%28%29" title="function RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL()</code></a> and
    68 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aSetMaxBufferSizeL%28%29" title="function RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL()</code></a>. 
    69 </p>
    70 <code>6</code>
    71 <p>
    72 Invalid window handle. 
    73 </p>
    74 <p>
    75 A handle which should have referred to a window of a particular
    76 type referred to a window of another type, or the object index didn&#8217;t recognise
    77 the handle. 
    78 </p>
    79 <p>
    80 On the server side, this panic is ultimately raised by
    81 <code>CWsClient::HandleToWindow()</code> and
    82 <code>CWsClient::HandleToClientWindow()</code> during handle conversions. 
    83 </p>
    84 <code>7</code>
    85 <p>
    86 Invalid bitmap handle. 
    87 </p>
    88 <p>
    89 A corrupt bitmap handle was encountered. This is a common panic
    90 uncovered when a bitmap handle refers to nothing, or to a server-side object
    91 that isn&#8217;t a bitmap. 
    92 </p>
    93 <p>
    94 Also: 
    95 </p>
    96 <p>
    97 In response to an <code>EWsGcOpUseBrushPattern</code> request
    98 if the bitmap parameter couldn&#8217;t be used. On the client side,
    99 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWindowGcClass.html#%3a%3aCWindowGc%3a%3aUseBrushPattern%28%29" title="function CWindowGc::UseBrushPattern()"><code class="ApiItem">CWindowGc::UseBrushPattern()</code></a> sends this request. 
   100 </p>
   101 <p>
   102 In response to an <code>EWsSpriteOpAppendMember</code> request
   103 when the bitmaps for the sprite member can't be created on the server side. On
   104 the client side, <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSpriteBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSpriteBase%3a%3aAppendMember%28%29" title="function RWsSpriteBase::AppendMember()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSpriteBase::AppendMember()</code></a> sends this
   105 request. 
   106 </p>
   107 <p>
   108 Any failed attempt to duplicate a supplied bitmap. 
   109 </p>
   110 <code>8</code>
   111 <p>
   112 Event read already outstanding. 
   113 </p>
   114 <p>
   115 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aEventReady%28%29" title="function RWsSession::EventReady()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::EventReady()</code></a>,
   116 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aRedrawReady%28%29" title="function RWsSession::RedrawReady()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::RedrawReady()</code></a>, or
   117 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aPriorityKeyReady%28%29" title="function RWsSession::PriorityKeyReady()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::PriorityKeyReady()</code></a> was called again when an
   118 event read was already outstanding, i.e.. when an event was waiting to be
   119 delivered by the window server. 
   120 </p>
   121 <code>9</code>
   122 <p>
   123 Attempted to use a non-active graphics context. 
   124 </p>
   125 <p>
   126 A drawing request was sent to a graphics context when the context
   127 was not active. 
   128 </p>
   129 <p>
   130 On the server side, this panic is raised by
   131 <code>CWsGc::CommandL()</code> on all requests received when the context isn&#8217;t
   132 active except <code>EWsGcOpActivate</code>, <code>EWsGcOpDeactivate</code>,
   133 <code>EWsGcOpFree</code>, and <code>EWsGcOpTestInvariant</code>. 
   134 </p>
   135 <code>10</code>
   136 <p>
   137 Attempted to activate an already active graphics context. 
   138 </p>
   139 <p>
   140 On the server side, this is raised by
   141 <code>CWsGc::Activate()</code> as a response to a <code>EWsGcOpActivate
   142 </code>
   143 request. 
   144 </p>
   145 <p>
   146 The request is sent by the client-side method
   147 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWindowGcClass.html#%3a%3aCWindowGc%3a%3aActivate%28%29" title="function CWindowGc::Activate()"><code class="ApiItem">CWindowGc::Activate()</code></a>. 
   148 </p>
   149 <code>11</code>
   150 <p>
   151 Window already active. 
   152 </p>
   153 <p>
   154 An attempt was made to reactivate an active window. The request is
   155 sent by the client-side method <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase%3a%3aActivate%28%29" title="function RWindowBase::Activate()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase::Activate()</code></a>. 
   156 </p>
   157 <p>
   158 On the server side, this panic is raised by
   159 <code>CWsClientWindow::Activate()</code> in response to an
   160 <code>EWsWinOpActivate</code> request. 
   161 </p>
   162 <code>12</code>
   163 <p>
   164 Already inside a begin/end redraw pair. 
   165 </p>
   166 <p>
   167 A begin-redraw window request was made when the window had already
   168 begun redrawing. Begin-redraw messages are paired with end-redraw messages, and
   169 ordering is important. Invoking <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowClass.html#%3a%3aRWindow%3a%3aBeginRedraw%28%29" title="function RWindow::BeginRedraw()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindow::BeginRedraw()</code></a>,
   170 then <code>RWindow::BeginRedraw()</code> again before the corresponding
   171 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowClass.html#%3a%3aRWindow%3a%3aEndRedraw%28%29" title="function RWindow::EndRedraw()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindow::EndRedraw()</code></a> raises this panic. 
   172 </p>
   173 <p>
   174 On the server side, this panic is raised if an
   175 <code>EWsWinOpBeginRedraw</code> request is sent twice before the closing
   176 <code>EWsWinOpEndRedraw
   177 </code>. 
   178 </p>
   179 <code>13</code>
   180 <p>
   181 Invalid font handle. 
   182 </p>
   183 <p>
   184 On the client-side is raised if
   185 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWindowGcClass.html#%3a%3aCWindowGc%3a%3aUseFont%28%29" title="function CWindowGc::UseFont()"><code class="ApiItem">CWindowGc::UseFont()</code></a> is called with an invalid font
   186 handle. 
   187 </p>
   188 <p>
   189 On the server side, <code>CWsGc::SetGcAttribute()</code> raises
   190 this error in response to an <code>EWsGcOpUseFont</code> request. 
   191 </p>
   192 <code>14</code>
   193 <p>
   194 Printing with no active font. 
   195 </p>
   196 <p>
   197 A command to draw text to a window was sent to a graphics context
   198 when no font was set. Any of the overloads of
   199 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWindowGcClass.html#%3a%3aCWindowGc%3a%3aDrawTextVertical%28%29" title="function CWindowGc::DrawTextVertical()"><code class="ApiItem">CWindowGc::DrawTextVertical()</code></a> or
   200 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWindowGcClass.html#%3a%3aCWindowGc%3a%3aDrawText%28%29" title="function CWindowGc::DrawText()"><code class="ApiItem">CWindowGc::DrawText()</code></a> might cause the panic to be raised;
   201 the font should be set using <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWindowGcClass.html#%3a%3aCWindowGc%3a%3aUseFont%28%29" title="function CWindowGc::UseFont()"><code class="ApiItem">CWindowGc::UseFont()</code></a> first. 
   202 </p>
   203 <p>
   204 On the server side, this panic is raised by
   205 <code>CWsGc::DoDrawCommand()</code> in response to any of the requests to
   206 display text defined in <code>TWsGcOpcodes</code>. 
   207 </p>
   208 <code>15</code>
   209 <p>
   210 Attempted to set an invalid text cursor type, see
   211 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aSetTextCursor%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()</code></a>. 
   212 </p>
   213 <p>
   214 Valid types are defined in the <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/TTextCursorStruct.html#%3a%3aTTextCursor" title="struct TTextCursor"><code class="ApiItem">TTextCursor</code></a>
   215 struct. 
   216 </p>
   217 <code>16</code>
   218 <p>
   219 A drawing command was sent to a graphics context active on a group
   220 window. 
   221 </p>
   222 <code>17</code>
   223 <p>
   224 Not used. 
   225 </p>
   226 <code>18</code>
   227 <p>
   228 Not used. 
   229 </p>
   230 <code>19</code>
   231 <p>
   232 Attempted to use a patterned brush when the pattern bitmap has not
   233 yet been set&#0160;&#8212;  <code>UseBrushPattern()</code>. 
   234 </p>
   235 <code>20</code>
   236 <p>
   237 Not used. 
   238 </p>
   239 <code>21</code>
   240 <p>
   241 Attempted to do a client destroy function on an illegal handle. 
   242 </p>
   243 <p>
   244 A client tried to destroy or cancel a server-side object by its
   245 handle on an unrecognised handle, or on a handle of the wrong type for the
   246 operation. 
   247 </p>
   248 <p>
   249 This panic may be caused by the
   250 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aCancelCaptureKeyUpAndDowns%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::CancelCaptureKeyUpAndDowns()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::CancelCaptureKeyUpAndDowns()</code></a> or
   251 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aCancelCaptureKey%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::CancelCaptureKey()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::CancelCaptureKey()</code></a> methods. These correspond
   252 to the <code>EWsWinOpCancelCaptureKeyUpsAndDowns</code> and
   253 <code>EWsWinOpCancelCaptureKey</code> server requests. In this case, the panic
   254 means that there is no such capture key object in existence in the target
   255 window group. 
   256 </p>
   257 <code>22</code>
   258 <p>
   259 Panic from the Anim DLL. 
   260 </p>
   261 <p>
   262 An animation DLL tried either changing its default or next timing
   263 interval when its timing mode was set to <code>ESyncNone</code>, or activating
   264 a graphics context when the context was already activated. 
   265 </p>
   266 <p>
   267 There are a variety of other reasons why this panic might be
   268 raised, all which are Anim DLL related. The Animation writer can also cause
   269 functions raise this panic. 
   270 </p>
   271 <code>23</code>
   272 <p>
   273 Invalid Anim object handle. 
   274 </p>
   275 <p>
   276 A null animation handle was detected in the server on receipt of an
   277 animation command, possibly because the relevant animation has been deleted.
   278 This panic may be raised by a subclass of <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RAnimClass.html#%3a%3aRAnim" title="class RAnim"><code class="ApiItem">RAnim</code></a> calling
   279 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RAnimClass.html#%3a%3aRAnim%3a%3aCommand%28%29" title="function RAnim::Command()"><code class="ApiItem">RAnim::Command()</code></a> or
   280 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RAnimClass.html#%3a%3aRAnim%3a%3aCommandReply%28%29" title="function RAnim::CommandReply()"><code class="ApiItem">RAnim::CommandReply()</code></a>. 
   281 </p>
   282 <p>
   283 On the server side, the <code>EWsAnimDllOpCommandReply</code> and
   284 <code>EWsAnimDllOpCommand</code> requests can raise this panic in
   285 <code>CWsAnimDll
   286 </code>. 
   287 </p>
   288 <code>24</code>
   289 <p>
   290 Leave from a non-leaving animation function. 
   291 </p>
   292 <p>
   293 Code in an animated DLL called by the server invoked
   294 <code>Leave()</code>. Animated DLL code is provided by the client and run by
   295 the server, so unhandled leaves are trapped and the notification is passed on
   296 as a client panic. 
   297 </p>
   298 <code>25</code>
   299 <p>
   300 Not used. 
   301 </p>
   302 <code>26</code>
   303 <p>
   304 Not used. 
   305 </p>
   306 <code>27</code>
   307 <p>
   308 Not used. 
   309 </p>
   310 <code>28</code>
   311 <p>
   312 Inconsistent polygon or polyline data was supplied. For example
   313 when restarting without finishing an old polygon. 
   314 </p>
   315 <code>29</code>
   316 <p>
   317 A client attempted to set a negative shadow height. 
   318 </p>
   319 <p>
   320 This panic is caused by a call to
   321 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase%3a%3aSetShadowHeight%28%29" title="function RWindowBase::SetShadowHeight()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase::SetShadowHeight()</code></a> with a negative argument. 
   322 </p>
   323 <p>
   324 On the server side, <code>CWsClientWindow::CommandL()</code> raises
   325 the panic in response to an invalid <code>EWsWinOpSetShadowHeight</code>
   326 request. 
   327 </p>
   328 <code>30</code>
   329 <p>
   330 Not used. 
   331 </p>
   332 <code>31</code>
   333 <p>
   334 The client tried to construct a window with an invalid redraw type.
   335 The valid redraw types defined in the enumeration <code>TWinTypes</code> of
   336 <code class="filename">w32cmd.h
   337 </code>. 
   338 </p>
   339 <p>
   340 On the server side, this panic is raised by
   341 <code>CWsClientWindow::ConstructL()</code> in response to an initialisation
   342 message containing an invalid redraw type. 
   343 </p>
   344 <code>32</code>
   345 <p>
   346 A server-side redraw region is almost certainly corrupt. 
   347 </p>
   348 <p>
   349 This panic is raised when an <code>EWsWinOpGetInvalidRegion</code>
   350 is received by a <code>CWsRedrawMsgWindow</code> with a <code>TInt</code>
   351 parameter of zero or less. 
   352 </p>
   353 <code>33</code>
   354 <p>
   355 The client failed to provide a reply buffer to a server-side
   356 function when one was needed. 
   357 </p>
   358 <p>
   359 All server-side functions that need more space for their reply than
   360 a <code>TInt</code> use the client&#8217;s reply buffer. If the client fails to
   361 provide space for such replies, this panic will be emitted. 
   362 </p>
   363 <p>
   364 This panic is raised by <code>CWsClient::ReplyBuf()</code> when
   365 <code>CWsClient</code>&#8217;s reply buffer is null. 
   366 </p>
   367 <code>34</code>
   368 <p>
   369 Not used. 
   370 </p>
   371 <code>35</code>
   372 <p>
   373 A client passed an invalid or unrecognised corner type or flag. 
   374 </p>
   375 <p>
   376 This panic is raised in response to a client call to
   377 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase%3a%3aSetCornerType%28%29" title="function RWindowBase::SetCornerType()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase::SetCornerType()</code></a> when specifying inconsistent
   378 or non-existent flags. 
   379 </p>
   380 <p>
   381 Valid flags are masked by <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/TCornerTypeEnum.html#%3a%3aECornerTypeMask" title="field ECornerTypeMask"><code class="ApiItem">ECornerTypeMask</code></a>, and
   382 recognised types are defined in <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/TCornerTypeEnum.html#%3a%3aTCornerType" title="enum TCornerType"><code class="ApiItem">TCornerType</code></a>. These are all
   383 defined in <code class="filename">w32std.h</code>. 
   384 </p>
   385 <p>
   386 The server raises this panic as a response to
   387 <code>EWsWinOpSetCornerType</code> request with an undefined corner type or an
   388 unrecognised flag in its parameters. 
   389 </p>
   390 <code>36</code>
   391 <p>
   392 The server was asked to update a region of a backed-up window which
   393 has not had MaintainBackup called on it. 
   394 </p>
   395 <p>
   396 A client-side call to either form of
   397 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RBackedUpWindowClass.html#%3a%3aRBackedUpWindow%3a%3aUpdateScreen%28%29" title="function RBackedUpWindow::UpdateScreen()"><code class="ApiItem">RBackedUpWindow::UpdateScreen()</code></a> may raise this panic. 
   398 </p>
   399 <p>
   400 On the server side, the panic is raised in response to an
   401 <code>EWsWinOpUpdateScreenRegion</code> or <code>EWsWinOpUpdateScreen
   402 </code>
   403 request when not maintaining a full backup of a backed-up window. 
   404 </p>
   405 <code>37</code>
   406 <p>
   407 Panic raised when it was not possible to read or write data to the
   408 client thread. The data is usually contained in a descriptor. 
   409 </p>
   410 <code>38</code>
   411 <p>
   412 The client attempted to access a sprite after the sprite's window
   413 was destroyed. Note that pointer cursors are implemented as sprites. 
   414 </p>
   415 <code>39</code>
   416 <p>
   417 A client requested event data without having received an event
   418 telling it that the data was ready. 
   419 </p>
   420 <code>40</code>
   421 <p>
   422 The mask for a sprite is smaller than the sprite&#8217;s bitmap. A mask
   423 is permitted to be larger than its bitmap. 
   424 </p>
   425 <code>41</code>
   426 <p>
   427 Bad sprite handle. 
   428 </p>
   429 <p>
   430 A null sprite handle was encountered, or a handle which was
   431 supposed to refer to a sprite referred to something else. 
   432 </p>
   433 <p>
   434 The client-side methods
   435 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowTreeNodeClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowTreeNode%3a%3aSetCustomPointerCursor%28%29" title="function RWindowTreeNode::SetCustomPointerCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowTreeNode::SetCustomPointerCursor()</code></a> and
   436 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aSetSystemPointerCursor%28%29" title="function RWsSession::SetSystemPointerCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::SetSystemPointerCursor()</code></a>, amongst others, can
   437 cause this panic to be raised; they correspond to the server requests
   438 <code>EWsWinOpSetCustomPointerCursor</code> and
   439 <code>EWsClOpSetSystemPointerCursor</code>. 
   440 </p>
   441 <code>42</code>
   442 <p>
   443 A client attempted to set or clear a system pointer cursor without
   444 first owning the list of system pointer cursors. 
   445 </p>
   446 <p>
   447 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aSetSystemPointerCursor%28%29" title="function RWsSession::SetSystemPointerCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::SetSystemPointerCursor()</code></a> and
   448 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aClearSystemPointerCursor%28%29" title="function RWsSession::ClearSystemPointerCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::ClearSystemPointerCursor()</code></a> can raise this
   449 panic. See also <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aClaimSystemPointerCursorList%28%29" title="function RWsSession::ClaimSystemPointerCursorList()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::ClaimSystemPointerCursorList()</code></a>
   450 and <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aFreeSystemPointerCursorList%28%29" title="function RWsSession::FreeSystemPointerCursorList()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::FreeSystemPointerCursorList()</code></a>. 
   451 </p>
   452 <p>
   453 The server requests which can raise this panic are
   454 <code>EWsClOpSetSystemPointerCursor</code> and
   455 <code>EWsClOpClearSystemPointerCursor</code>. 
   456 </p>
   457 <code>43</code>
   458 <p>
   459 A client attempted to enable a pointer move buffer when none was
   460 allocated. 
   461 </p>
   462 <p>
   463 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase%3a%3aEnablePointerMoveBuffer%28%29" title="function RWindowBase::EnablePointerMoveBuffer()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase::EnablePointerMoveBuffer()</code></a> can
   464 cause this panic to be emitted; the corresponding server request is
   465 <code>EWsWinOpEnablePointerMoveBuffer</code>. 
   466 </p>
   467 <code>44</code>
   468 <p>
   469 Raised in response to commands that send a string, when the string
   470 has been incorrectly stored in the command buffer. 
   471 </p>
   472 <code>45</code>
   473 <p>
   474 Not used. 
   475 </p>
   476 <code>46</code>
   477 <p>
   478 An invalid call or request parameter was detected by
   479 <code>CWsPassword</code>. This can be caused: 
   480 </p>
   481 <p>
   482 By <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase%3a%3aPasswordWindow%28%29" title="function RWindowBase::PasswordWindow()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase::PasswordWindow()</code></a> sending
   483 an <code>EWsWinOpPasswordWindow</code> server request whose password mode
   484 parameter is not recognised. 
   485 </p>
   486 <p>
   487 By an attempt to cancel the password window by a client which
   488 doesn&#8217;t own the window. 
   489 </p>
   490 <p>
   491 By <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aPasswordEntered%28%29" title="function RWsSession::PasswordEntered()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::PasswordEntered()</code></a> sending a
   492 <code>EWsClOpPasswordEntered</code> server request when no password window has
   493 been set, or when the client does not own the password window. 
   494 </p>
   495 <p>
   496 Valid password modes are defined in
   497 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/TPasswordModeEnum.html#%3a%3aTPasswordMode" title="enum TPasswordMode"><code class="ApiItem">TPasswordMode</code></a> of <code class="filename">w32std.h</code>. 
   498 </p>
   499 <code>47</code>
   500 <p>
   501 An invalid compute mode was sent to the window server. On the
   502 client side, <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aComputeMode%28%29" title="function RWsSession::ComputeMode()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::ComputeMode()</code></a> can do this, the
   503 window server request is <code>EWsClOpComputeMode</code>. Valid compute modes
   504 are defined in the enumeration <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aTComputeMode" title="enum RWsSession::TComputeMode"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::TComputeMode</code></a>,
   505 which is declared in <code class="filename">w32std.h</code>. 
   506 </p>
   507 <code>48</code>
   508 <p>
   509 A client attempted to set the display mode of a backed-up window.
   510 This can be done with
   511 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase%3a%3aSetRequiredDisplayMode%28%29" title="function RWindowBase::SetRequiredDisplayMode()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase::SetRequiredDisplayMode()</code></a> or the
   512 <code>EWsWinOpRequiredDisplayMode</code> server request. 
   513 </p>
   514 <code>49</code>
   515 <p>
   516 A client attempted to get a message when has not been signalled in
   517 the server. 
   518 </p>
   519 <p>
   520 This panic can be raised on a client thread calling
   521 <code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::FetchMessage()</code> or sending the
   522 <code>EWsWinOpGetMessageSize</code> or <code>EWsWinOpGetMessage
   523 </code> messages. 
   524 </p>
   525 <code>50</code>
   526 <p>
   527 A client tried to send a second initialisation message, i.e. to
   528 call <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aConnect%28%29" title="function RWsSession::Connect()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::Connect()</code></a> twice. 
   529 </p>
   530 <code>51</code>
   531 <p>
   532 A client attempted to send a message without specifying a target
   533 window. 
   534 </p>
   535 <p>
   536 This can be raised, for example, in response to
   537 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession%3a%3aRequestOffEvents%28%29" title="function RWsSession::RequestOffEvents()"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession::RequestOffEvents()</code></a>
   538 </p>
   539 <code>52</code>
   540 <p>
   541 A client attempted to perform and operation on a window that has
   542 had its parent or ancestor deleted. An operation which might raise this panic
   543 could be setting the window size, position or extent. 
   544 </p>
   545 <p>
   546 Introduced in v5.1 
   547 </p>
   548 <code>53</code>
   549 <p>
   550 A client attempted to reset a window group&#8217;s default owning window.
   551 For example, by calling the function
   552 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aDefaultOwningWindow%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::DefaultOwningWindow()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::DefaultOwningWindow()</code></a> twice on the same
   553 window group. 
   554 </p>
   555 <p>
   556 This is only raised in debug builds. 
   557 </p>
   558 <code>54</code>
   559 <p>
   560 A client attempted to perform an operation on an invalid screen
   561 mode. 
   562 </p>
   563 <p>
   564 For example, if the client called the functions
   565 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWsScreenDeviceClass.html#%3a%3aCWsScreenDevice%3a%3aGetScreenModeSizeAndRotation%28%29" title="function CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation()"><code class="ApiItem">CWsScreenDevice::GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation()</code></a> or
   566 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/CWsScreenDeviceClass.html#%3a%3aCWsScreenDevice%3a%3aSetScreenMode%28%29" title="function CWsScreenDevice::SetScreenMode()"><code class="ApiItem">CWsScreenDevice::SetScreenMode()</code></a> with an illegal index. 
   567 </p>
   568 <p>
   569 Introduced in v5.1 
   570 </p>
   571 <code>55</code>
   572 <p>
   573 A client attempted to set an invalid screen enforcement mode. 
   574 </p>
   575 <p>
   576 The valid screen mode enforcement modes are defined in
   577 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/TScreenModeEnforcementEnum.html#%3a%3aTScreenModeEnforcement" title="enum TScreenModeEnforcement"><code class="ApiItem">TScreenModeEnforcement</code></a>. 
   578 </p>
   579 <p>
   580 Introduced in v5.1 
   581 </p>
   582 <code>56</code>
   583 <p>
   584 A client specified an event type which was not a pointer event,
   585 when this is what was required by the operation. e.g.
   586 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aSimulatePointerEvent%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::SimulatePointerEvent()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::SimulatePointerEvent()</code></a>. 
   587 </p>
   588 <p>
   589 Introduced in v5.1 
   590 </p>
   591 <code>57</code>
   592 <p>
   593 A client attempted to specify a screen rotation or orientation that
   594 is not allowed. Each screen size mode has a list of allowed rotations. 
   595 </p>
   596 <p>
   597 Introduced in v5.1 
   598 </p>
   599 <code>58</code>
   600 <p>
   601 A client attempted to call a function that can only be called on a
   602 top level client window on a lower level window. A top level client window is a
   603 window with a window group as a parent, e.g.
   604 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowBaseClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowBase%3a%3aMoveToGroup%28%29" title="function RWindowBase::MoveToGroup()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowBase::MoveToGroup()</code></a>. 
   605 </p>
   606 <p>
   607 Introduced in v6.0 
   608 </p>
   609 <code>59</code>
   610 <p>
   611 A client attempted to use a
   612 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RDirectScreenAccessClass.html#%3a%3aRDirectScreenAccess" title="class RDirectScreenAccess"><code class="ApiItem">RDirectScreenAccess</code></a> object's member functions in the wrong
   613 order. 
   614 </p>
   615 <p>
   616 Introduced in v7.0 
   617 </p>
   618 <code>60</code>
   619 <p>
   620 The handle to a window server resource is already in use (debug
   621 builds only). 
   622 </p>
   623 <p>
   624 Introduced in v7.0 
   625 </p>
   626 <code>61</code>
   627 <p>
   628 An attempt was made to set a custom text cursor (using
   629 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aSetTextCursor%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()</code></a>) but the cursor's type was
   630 not recognised. 
   631 </p>
   632 <p>
   633 Introduced in v7.0s. 
   634 </p>
   635 <code>62</code>
   636 <p>
   637 An attempt was made to set a custom text cursor (using
   638 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aSetTextCursor%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()</code></a>) whose alignment value is
   639 invalid. For valid alignment values see the
   640 <code class="ApiItem">TCustomTextCursorAlignment</code> enumeration in class
   641 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWsSessionClass.html#%3a%3aRWsSession" title="class RWsSession"><code class="ApiItem">RWsSession</code></a>. 
   642 </p>
   643 <p>
   644 Introduced in v7.0s. 
   645 </p>
   646 <code>63</code>
   647 <p>
   648 An attempt was made to set a custom text cursor (using
   649 <a href="../reference-cpp/WSERV8.1/RWindowGroupClass.html#%3a%3aRWindowGroup%3a%3aSetTextCursor%28%29" title="function RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()"><code class="ApiItem">RWindowGroup::SetTextCursor()</code></a>) that does not have any
   650 sprite members set. 
   651 </p>
   652 <p>
   653 Introduced in v7.0s.</p>