1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> |
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4 <title>Setting up rules and filters</title> |
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8 <h2>Setting up rules and filters</h2> |
9 <h5>Before you start</h5> |
10 <p>You can work with generated traces in various ways, by setting rules and filters |
11 for them. The settings are saved into a configuration file named <i>userConf.xml |
12 </i>, and can be exported from TraceViewer or imported back in by using Carbide's |
13 import and export functions available under the <b>File</b> menu. </p> |
14 <p>You can configure rules and filters in a separate dialog that lists its contents |
15 like a tree. </p> |
16 |
17 <p>To set up rules for traces, do the following:</p> |
18 <ol> |
19 <li>On the TraceViewer toolbar, click the item for which you want to create |
20 a rule or a rule definition: |
21 <p></p> |
22 <table width="456" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> |
23 <colgroup> |
24 <col width="26*"> |
25 <col span="1" width="167*"> |
26 </colgroup> |
27 <thead> |
28 <tr> |
29 <td><p><b>Button</b></p></td> |
30 <td><p><b>Use it to open:</b></p></td> |
31 </tr> |
32 </thead> |
33 <tbody> |
34 <tr> |
35 <td><img src="images\iconfilter.gif"></td> |
36 <td><p>Basic filter settings. </p></td> |
37 </tr> |
38 <tr> |
39 <td><img src="images\iconcolor.gif"></td> |
40 <td><p>Trace coloring settings, including definitions for foreground and background |
41 colors.</p></td> |
42 </tr> |
43 <tr> |
44 <td><img src="images\iconcount.gif"></td> |
45 <td><p>Trace counting settings</p></td> |
46 </tr> |
47 <tr> |
48 <td><img src="images\icontracevariable.gif"></td> |
49 <td><p>Variable value tracing settings, including definitions for the number |
50 of steps stored in variable tracing history. </p></td> |
51 </tr> |
52 <tr> |
53 <td><img src="images\icontrigger.gif"></td> |
54 <td><p>Trigger settings, including definitions for start and stop triggers. |
55 For instructions, see <a href="trigger.htm">Configuring triggers</a>. </p></td> |
56 </tr> |
57 </tbody> |
58 </table> |
59 |
60 <p>The <b>Rules</b> dialog for the selected item is displayed. </p></li> |
61 <li>To manage the rules, do any of the following: |
62 <ul> |
63 <li>To create a new rule, click <b>Add</b>. The <b>Definition</b> dialog is |
64 opened. </li> |
65 <li>To edit an existing rule, select it and click <b>Edit</b>. The <b>Definition |
66 </b> dialog is opened. </li> |
67 <li>To delete a rule, select it and click <b>Remove</b>.</li> |
68 <li>To clear the whole tree, click <b>Clear</b>. </li> |
69 <li>To create groups for rules, click <b>Group</b>. </li> |
70 <li><b>Note:</b> For filtering, there are more configuration settings available. |
71 See <a href="advancedfilter.htm">Setting filtering options</a>.</li> |
72 </ul></li> |
73 <li>(Optional) In the <b>Definition</b> dialog, do any of the following modifications |
74 and click <b>OK</b> to return to the <b>Rules</b> dialog. |
75 <ol> |
76 <li>Enter a name for the rule.</li> |
77 <li>Select rule type, either <b>Text rule</b> and <b>Component / Group rule |
78 </b>. <ul> |
79 <li><b>Text rule:</b> type in the text to be matched with each trace. </li> |
80 <li><b>Component / Group rule:</b> type in the component name and/or group |
81 IDs from where you want traces to be found. You can use the asterisk * as |
82 a wildcard character for any component or group. </li> |
83 <li>For text rules, select <b>Match case</b> to make the trace text be in |
84 the same case as with the rule.</li> |
85 </ul></li> |
86 </ol> |
87 <p><b>Example:</b> The following figure shows the <b>Color Definition</b> dialog.</p> |
88 <p><img src="images/colorPropertyDialog.png" alt="Color Definitions"></p></li> |
89 <li>When rules are created and they are listed in the dialog, select the ones |
90 you want to enable. <p><img src="images\selected_rules.png" alt="Sample of rules selected in the dialog."></p></li> |
91 <li>To save your changes, click <b>OK</b>. </li> |
92 </ol> |
93 |
94 <p><b>Tip</b>: If you close TraceViewer when you have any |
95 of the rules (color, filter, line count, variable tracing) enabled, they will |
96 get automatically enabled the next time you start TraceViewer.</p> |
97 |
98 <h5>Related tasks</h5> |
99 <ul> |
100 <li><a href="advancedfilter.htm">Setting filtering options</a></li> |
101 <li><a href="viewing_traces.htm#varhist">Viewing variable tracing history</a></li> |
102 </ul> |
103 |
104 <div id="footer">Copyright © 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.</div> |
105 </body> |
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