changeset 10 ed1c9f64298a
equal deleted inserted replaced
9:14dc2103a631 10:ed1c9f64298a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 * Control logic for property dialog
    17 *
    18 */
    19 package;
    21 import java.util.ArrayList;
    22 import java.util.List;
    24 import;
    25 import;
    26 import;
    27 import;
    28 import;
    29 import;
    30 import;
    31 import;
    32 import;
    33 import;
    34 import;
    35 import;
    36 import;
    37 import;
    38 import;
    39 import;
    40 import;
    41 import;
    42 import;
    43 import;
    44 import;
    45 import;
    46 import;
    47 import;
    48 import;
    50 /**
    51  * Control logic for property dialog. Separated from TraceBuilder, since it was
    52  * getting too complex
    53  * 
    54  */
    55 public class PropertyDialogEngine implements PropertyDialogConfigurationNames {
    57 	/**
    58 	 * Properties dialog is used to add and edit trace objects
    59 	 */
    60 	private TraceObjectPropertyDialog propertyDialog;
    62 	/**
    63 	 * Interface which is used to configure the property dialog
    64 	 */
    65 	private TraceObjectPropertyDialogConfiguration propertyDialogConfiguration;
    67 	/**
    68 	 * Property dialog verifier
    69 	 */
    70 	private PropertyDialogVerifier propertyDialogVerifier;
    72 	/**
    73 	 * Trace model
    74 	 */
    75 	private TraceModel model;
    77 	/**
    78 	 * Constructor
    79 	 * 
    80 	 * @param model
    81 	 *            the trace model
    82 	 * @param dialogConfiguration
    83 	 *            dialog configuration interface
    84 	 */
    85 	public PropertyDialogEngine(TraceModel model,
    86 			TraceObjectPropertyDialogConfiguration dialogConfiguration) {
    87 		this.model = model;
    88 		propertyDialogConfiguration = dialogConfiguration;
    89 		propertyDialogVerifier = new PropertyDialogVerifier(model,
    90 				propertyDialog);
    91 	}
    93 	/**
    94 	 * Changes the property dialog
    95 	 * 
    96 	 * @param propertyDialog
    97 	 *            the new property dialog
    98 	 */
    99 	public void setPropertyDialog(TraceObjectPropertyDialog propertyDialog) {
   100 		this.propertyDialog = propertyDialog;
   101 		propertyDialogVerifier.setPropertyDialog(propertyDialog);
   102 	}
   104 	/**
   105 	 * Shows "Add Trace" dialog.
   106 	 * 
   107 	 * @param group
   108 	 *            group proposal
   109 	 * @param name
   110 	 *            name proposal
   111 	 * @param value
   112 	 *            value proposal
   113 	 * @param enabler
   114 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   115 	 * @return the new trace
   116 	 */
   117 	public Trace showAddTraceDialog(TraceGroup group, String name,
   118 			String value, PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) {
   119 		return showAddTraceDialog(group, name, value, null, enabler);
   120 	}
   122 	/**
   123 	 * Shows "Add Trace" dialog.
   124 	 * 
   125 	 * @param group
   126 	 *            group proposal
   127 	 * @param name
   128 	 *            name proposal
   129 	 * @param value
   130 	 *            value proposal
   131 	 * @param extensions
   132 	 *            extensions for the next object
   133 	 * @param enabler
   134 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   135 	 * @return the new trace
   136 	 */
   137 	public Trace showAddTraceDialog(TraceGroup group, String name,
   138 			String value, List<TraceModelExtension> extensions,
   139 			PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) {
   140 		TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   141 				.getConfiguration();
   142 		// If a group has been selected, the selection is set to the dialog
   143 		int id;
   144 		if (group != null) {
   145 			id = group.getNextTraceID();
   146 		} else {
   147 			id = 1;
   148 		}
   149 		if (name == null) {
   150 			name = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_NAME);
   151 		}
   152 		if (value == null) {
   153 			value = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_TEXT);
   154 		}
   155 		if (group == null) {
   156 			group = model.findGroupByName(config
   157 					.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_GROUP));
   158 		}
   159 		name = TraceObjectUtils.modifyDuplicateTraceName(model,
   160 				TraceUtils.convertName(name)).getData();
   161 		setAddDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_TRACE, id, name,
   162 				value, group, enabler);
   163 		propertyDialog.setEnabler(enabler);
   164 		CreateTraceCallback callback = new CreateTraceCallback(model,
   165 				extensions);
   166 		showDialog(callback);
   167 		return callback.getTrace();
   168 	}
   170 	/**
   171 	 * Shows the instrumenter dialog
   172 	 * 
   173 	 * @param target
   174 	 *            the selected group
   175 	 * @param enabler
   176 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   177 	 * @param callback
   178 	 *            callback processing the instrumentation
   179 	 */
   180 	public void showInstrumenterDialog(TraceGroup target,
   181 			PropertyDialogEnabler enabler, RunInstrumenterCallback callback) {
   182 		TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   183 				.getConfiguration();
   184 		String name = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_INSTRUMENTER_NAME_FORMAT);
   185 		if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
   186 			name = TraceUtils.getDefaultNameFormat();
   187 		}
   188 		String trace = config
   190 		if (trace == null || trace.length() == 0) {
   191 			trace = TraceUtils.getDefaultTraceFormat();
   192 		}
   193 		if (target == null) {
   194 			target = model.findGroupByName(config
   196 		}
   197 		setAddDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.INSTRUMENTER, 0, name,
   198 				trace, target, enabler);
   199 		SourceContextManager manager = TraceBuilderGlobals
   200 				.getSourceContextManager();
   201 		manager.setInstrumenting(true);
   202 		try {
   203 			showDialog(callback);
   204 		} finally {
   205 			manager.setInstrumenting(false);
   206 		}
   207 	}
   209 	/**
   210 	 * Shows "Add Parameter" dialog
   211 	 * 
   212 	 * @param trace
   213 	 *            owner of the new parameter
   214 	 * @param enabler
   215 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   216 	 * @return the new parameter
   217 	 * @throws TraceBuilderException
   218 	 *             if dialog cannot be shown
   219 	 */
   220 	public TraceParameter showAddParameterDialog(Trace trace,
   221 			PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) throws TraceBuilderException {
   222 		TraceParameter retval = null;
   223 		// Trace rules are checked first
   224 		TraceParameterRestrictionRule restriction = trace
   225 				.getExtension(TraceParameterRestrictionRule.class);
   226 		ReadOnlyObjectRule readOnly = trace
   227 				.getExtension(ReadOnlyObjectRule.class);
   228 		if (readOnly == null
   229 				&& (restriction == null || restriction.canAddParameters())) {
   230 			int result = PropertyDialogCallback
   231 					.showLocationConfirmationQuery(trace);
   232 			if (result == TraceBuilderDialogs.OK) {
   233 				retval = internalShowAddParameterDialog(trace, enabler);
   234 			}
   235 		} else {
   236 			throw new TraceBuilderException(
   237 					TraceBuilderErrorCode.PARAMETER_ADD_NOT_ALLOWED);
   238 		}
   239 		return retval;
   240 	}
   242 	/**
   243 	 * Shows "Select component" dialog
   244 	 */
   245 	public void showSelectComponentDialog() {
   247 		if (propertyDialog != null) {
   249 			// Create enabler
   250 			PropertyDialogEnabler enabler = new PropertyDialogEnabler(
   251 					PropertyDialogEnabler.ENABLE_TARGET);
   252 			TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   253 					.getConfiguration();
   254 			String name = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_COMPONENT_NAME);
   255 			setAddDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.SELECT_COMPONENT, 0,
   256 					name, null, model, enabler);
   257 			// Set default target to be same as previous software component
   258 			propertyDialog.setTarget(TraceBuilderGlobals
   259 					.getPreviousSoftwareComponentName());
   260 			showDialog(new SelectComponentCallback(model));
   261 		}
   262 	}
   264 	/**
   265 	 * Shows "Add Parameter" dialog
   266 	 * 
   267 	 * @param trace
   268 	 *            owner of the new parameter
   269 	 * @param enabler
   270 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   271 	 * @return the new parameter
   272 	 */
   273 	private TraceParameter internalShowAddParameterDialog(Trace trace,
   274 			PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) {
   275 		TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   276 				.getConfiguration();
   277 		int id = trace.getNextParameterID();
   278 		// Parameter proposal defaults to last used value
   279 		String name = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_PARAMETER_NAME);
   280 		String type = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_PARAMETER_TYPE);
   281 		setAddDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_PARAMETER, id,
   282 				TraceObjectUtils.modifyDuplicateParameterName(trace, name)
   283 						.getData(), null, trace, enabler);
   284 		propertyDialog.setValue(type);
   285 		TraceLocationList list = trace.getExtension(TraceLocationList.class);
   286 		if (list != null && list.hasLocations()) {
   287 			TraceLocation loc = (TraceLocation) list.iterator().next();
   288 			if (loc.getParameterCount() > trace.getParameterCount()) {
   289 				String proposal = loc.getParameter(trace.getParameterCount());
   290 				if (proposal.length() > 0) {
   291 					propertyDialog.setName(proposal);
   292 					propertyDialog.setValue(proposal);
   293 				}
   294 			}
   295 		}
   296 		CreateParameterCallback callback = new CreateParameterCallback(model,
   297 				trace);
   298 		showDialog(callback);
   299 		return callback.getParameter();
   300 	}
   302 	/**
   303 	 * Shows "Add Constant" dialog
   304 	 * 
   305 	 * @param table
   306 	 *            target constant table
   307 	 * @param enabler
   308 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   309 	 */
   310 	public void showAddConstantDialog(TraceConstantTable table,
   311 			PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) {
   312 		TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   313 				.getConfiguration();
   314 		String name = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_CONSTANT_NAME);
   315 		int id = 0;
   316 		if (table != null) {
   317 			id = table.getNextEntryID();
   318 		}
   319 		setAddDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_CONSTANT, id,
   320 				TraceObjectUtils.modifyDuplicateConstantName(table, name)
   321 						.getData(), null, table, enabler);
   322 		showDialog(new CreateConstantCallback(model));
   323 	}
   325 	/**
   326 	 * Shows the "Edit Group" dialog
   327 	 * 
   328 	 * @param group
   329 	 *            group to be edited
   330 	 */
   331 	public void showEditGroupDialog(TraceGroup group) {
   332 		int result = PropertyDialogCallback
   333 				.showLocationConfirmationQuery(group);
   334 		if (result == TraceBuilderDialogs.OK) {
   335 			setEditDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.EDIT_GROUP, group);
   336 			showDialog(new UpdateGroupCallback(model, group));
   337 		}
   338 	}
   340 	/**
   341 	 * Shows the "Edit Trace" dialog
   342 	 * 
   343 	 * @param trace
   344 	 *            trace to be edited
   345 	 */
   346 	public void showEditTraceDialog(Trace trace) {
   347 		int result = PropertyDialogCallback
   348 				.showLocationConfirmationQuery(trace);
   349 		if (result == TraceBuilderDialogs.OK) {
   350 			setEditDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.EDIT_TRACE, trace);
   351 			propertyDialog.setValue(trace.getTrace());
   352 			showDialog(new UpdateTraceCallback(model, trace));
   353 		}
   354 	}
   356 	/**
   357 	 * Shows the "Edit Constant Table" dialog
   358 	 * 
   359 	 * @param table
   360 	 *            the table to be edited
   361 	 */
   362 	public void showEditConstantTableDialog(TraceConstantTable table) {
   363 		setEditDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.EDIT_CONSTANT_TABLE,
   364 				table);
   365 		showDialog(new UpdateConstantTableCallback(model, table));
   366 	}
   368 	/**
   369 	 * Shows the "Edit Constant" dialog
   370 	 * 
   371 	 * @param entry
   372 	 *            entry to be edited
   373 	 */
   374 	public void showEditConstantDialog(TraceConstantTableEntry entry) {
   375 		setEditDialogDefaults(TraceObjectPropertyDialog.EDIT_CONSTANT, entry);
   376 		showDialog(new UpdateConstantCallback(model, entry));
   377 	}
   379 	/**
   380 	 * Sets the default values for the dialog
   381 	 * 
   382 	 * @param dialogType
   383 	 *            the dialog type
   384 	 * @param id
   385 	 *            value for ID field
   386 	 * @param name
   387 	 *            value for name field
   388 	 * @param value
   389 	 *            value for value field
   390 	 * @param target
   391 	 *            the target object
   392 	 * @param enabler
   393 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   394 	 */
   395 	private void setAddDialogDefaults(int dialogType, int id, String name,
   396 			String value, TraceObject target, PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) {
   397 		ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag> flags = initFlags(dialogType,
   398 				enabler);
   399 		ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate> templates = initTemplates(
   400 				dialogType, enabler);
   401 		TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate selectedTemplate = findTemplateByTitle(
   402 				dialogType, templates);
   403 		propertyDialog.setVerifier(propertyDialogVerifier);
   404 		propertyDialog.setTargetObject(target);
   405 		propertyDialog.setEnabler(enabler);
   406 		propertyDialog.setDialogType(dialogType);
   407 		propertyDialog.setFlags(flags);
   408 		propertyDialog.setTemplates(templates, selectedTemplate);
   409 		propertyDialog.setID(id);
   410 		propertyDialog.setName(name);
   411 		propertyDialog.setValue(value);
   412 	}
   414 	/**
   415 	 * Creates the dialog templates array
   416 	 * 
   417 	 * @param dialogType
   418 	 *            the dialog type
   419 	 * @param enabler
   420 	 *            the dialog enabler interface
   421 	 * @return the templates array
   422 	 */
   423 	private ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate> initTemplates(
   424 			int dialogType, PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) {
   425 		ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate> templates;
   426 		if (enabler == null || enabler.isTemplateEnabled()) {
   427 			templates = new ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate>();
   428 			addViewTemplates(dialogType, templates);
   429 		} else {
   430 			// If enabler interface exists and disables templates, the templates
   431 			// are not added to the dialog
   432 			templates = null;
   433 		}
   434 		return templates;
   435 	}
   437 	/**
   438 	 * Creates the dialog flags array
   439 	 * 
   440 	 * @param dialogType
   441 	 *            the dialog type
   442 	 * @param enabler
   443 	 *            dialog enabler interface
   444 	 * @return the flags array
   445 	 */
   446 	private ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag> initFlags(int dialogType,
   447 			PropertyDialogEnabler enabler) {
   448 		ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag> flags;
   449 		if (enabler == null || enabler.isFlagsEnabled()) {
   450 			flags = new ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag>();
   451 			propertyDialogConfiguration.addViewFlags(flags, dialogType);
   452 		} else {
   453 			// If enabler interface exists and disables flags, the flags
   454 			// are not added to the dialog
   455 			flags = null;
   456 		}
   457 		if (flags != null) {
   458 			String flagPrefix = null;
   459 			switch (dialogType) {
   460 			case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_TRACE:
   461 				flagPrefix = PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_FLAG;
   462 				break;
   463 			case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_PARAMETER:
   465 				break;
   466 			case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_CONSTANT:
   467 				flagPrefix = PROPERTY_DIALOG_CONSTANT_FLAG;
   468 				break;
   469 			case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.INSTRUMENTER:
   471 				break;
   472 			}
   473 			// The flag values are set to what has been stored into preferences
   474 			if (flagPrefix != null) {
   475 				TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   476 						.getConfiguration();
   477 				for (TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag flag : flags) {
   478 					String flagName = flagPrefix + flag.getText();
   479 					if (config.hasEntry(flagName)) {
   480 						flag.setEnabled(config.getFlag(flagName));
   481 					}
   482 				}
   483 			}
   484 		}
   485 		return flags;
   486 	}
   488 	/**
   489 	 * Finds a template from given list by title stored into configuration
   490 	 * 
   491 	 * @param dialogType
   492 	 *            the dialog type
   493 	 * @param templates
   494 	 *            the templates list
   495 	 * @return the template that should be activated
   496 	 */
   497 	private TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate findTemplateByTitle(
   498 			int dialogType, List<TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate> templates) {
   499 		TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   500 				.getConfiguration();
   501 		String templateTitle = null;
   502 		switch (dialogType) {
   503 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_TRACE:
   504 			templateTitle = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_TEMPLATE);
   505 			break;
   506 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_PARAMETER:
   507 			templateTitle = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_PARAMETER_TEMPLATE);
   508 			break;
   509 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_CONSTANT:
   510 			templateTitle = config.getText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_CONSTANT_TEMPLATE);
   511 			break;
   512 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.INSTRUMENTER:
   513 			templateTitle = config
   515 			break;
   516 		}
   517 		// Selects the template which has the title stored into preferences
   518 		TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate template = null;
   519 		if (templateTitle != null && templates != null) {
   520 			for (TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate temp : templates) {
   521 				if (temp.getTitle().equals(templateTitle)) {
   522 					template = temp;
   523 					break;
   524 				}
   525 			}
   526 		}
   527 		return template;
   528 	}
   530 	/**
   531 	 * Adds the templates to "Add" dialog
   532 	 * 
   533 	 * @param dialogType
   534 	 *            the dialog type
   535 	 * @param templates
   536 	 *            the list of templates
   537 	 */
   538 	private void addViewTemplates(int dialogType,
   539 			ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate> templates) {
   540 		propertyDialogConfiguration.addViewTemplates(templates, dialogType);
   541 		if (dialogType != TraceObjectPropertyDialog.INSTRUMENTER) {
   542 			// Removes all templates that are not available in current context
   543 			// Instrumenter affects multiple contexts, so templates are always
   544 			// available at this point
   545 			for (int i = 0; i < templates.size(); i++) {
   546 				TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate template = templates.get(i);
   547 				if (template instanceof ContextBasedTemplate) {
   548 					if (!((ContextBasedTemplate) template)
   549 							.isAvailableInContext(TraceBuilderGlobals
   550 									.getSourceContextManager().getContext())) {
   551 						templates.remove(i);
   552 						i--;
   553 					}
   554 				}
   555 			}
   556 		}
   557 	}
   559 	/**
   560 	 * Initializes the edit dialog with values from object
   561 	 * 
   562 	 * @param dialogType
   563 	 *            the dialog type
   564 	 * @param object
   565 	 *            the object to be edited
   566 	 */
   567 	private void setEditDialogDefaults(int dialogType, TraceObject object) {
   568 		ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag> list = new ArrayList<TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag>();
   569 		propertyDialogConfiguration.addViewFlags(list, dialogType);
   570 		propertyDialog.setVerifier(propertyDialogVerifier);
   571 		propertyDialog.setTargetObject(object);
   572 		propertyDialog.setEnabler(object
   573 				.getExtension(TraceObjectPropertyDialogEnabler.class));
   574 		propertyDialog.setDialogType(dialogType);
   575 		propertyDialog.setFlags(list);
   576 		propertyDialog.setTemplates(null, null);
   577 		propertyDialog.setID(object.getID());
   578 		propertyDialog.setName(object.getName());
   579 		propertyDialog.setValue(null);
   580 	}
   582 	/**
   583 	 * Shows the property dialog
   584 	 * 
   585 	 * @param callback
   586 	 *            the callback for OK processing
   587 	 */
   588 	private void showDialog(PropertyDialogEngineCallback callback) {
   589 		TraceBuilderErrorCode valid;
   590 		do {
   591 			int res =;
   592 			if (res == TraceObjectPropertyDialog.OK) {
   593 				valid = TraceBuilderErrorCode.OK;
   594 				try {
   595 					callback.okSelected(propertyDialog);
   596 					saveData();
   597 				} catch (TraceBuilderException e) {
   598 					valid = (TraceBuilderErrorCode) e.getErrorCode();
   599 					TraceBuilderGlobals.getEvents().postError(e);
   600 				}
   601 			} else {
   602 				valid = TraceBuilderErrorCode.OK;
   603 			}
   604 		} while (valid != TraceBuilderErrorCode.OK);
   605 	}
   607 	/**
   608 	 * Saves the data into properties for later use
   609 	 */
   610 	private void saveData() {
   611 		TraceBuilderConfiguration config = TraceBuilderGlobals
   612 				.getConfiguration();
   613 		String templateTitle = null;
   614 		TraceObjectPropertyDialogTemplate template = propertyDialog
   615 				.getTemplate();
   616 		// Template is saved based on localized title -> Not so good but works
   617 		if (template != null) {
   618 			templateTitle = template.getTitle();
   619 		}
   620 		if (templateTitle == null) {
   621 			templateTitle = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
   622 		}
   623 		String flagPrefix = getFlagPrefix(config, templateTitle);
   624 		if (flagPrefix != null) {
   625 			List<TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag> flags = propertyDialog
   626 					.getFlags();
   627 			if (flags != null) {
   628 				for (int i = 0; i < flags.size(); i++) {
   629 					TraceObjectPropertyDialogFlag flag = flags.get(i);
   630 					config.setFlag(flagPrefix + flag.getText(), flag
   631 							.isEnabled());
   632 				}
   633 			}
   634 		}
   635 	}
   637 	/**
   638 	 * Gets the prefix for flags and saves other properties
   639 	 * 
   640 	 * @param config
   641 	 *            the configuration
   642 	 * @param templateTitle
   643 	 *            the template title
   644 	 * @return the prefix
   645 	 */
   646 	private String getFlagPrefix(TraceBuilderConfiguration config,
   647 			String templateTitle) {
   648 		String flagPrefix = null;
   649 		// Each dialog type is separately saved
   650 		switch (propertyDialog.getDialogType()) {
   651 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_TRACE:
   652 			config
   653 					.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_NAME, propertyDialog
   654 							.getName());
   655 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_TEXT, propertyDialog
   656 					.getValue());
   657 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_TEMPLATE, templateTitle);
   658 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_GROUP, propertyDialog
   659 					.getTarget());
   660 			flagPrefix = PROPERTY_DIALOG_TRACE_FLAG;
   661 			break;
   662 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_PARAMETER:
   663 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_PARAMETER_NAME, propertyDialog
   664 					.getName());
   665 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_PARAMETER_TYPE, propertyDialog
   666 					.getValue());
   667 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_PARAMETER_TEMPLATE, templateTitle);
   669 			break;
   670 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.SELECT_COMPONENT:
   671 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_COMPONENT_NAME, propertyDialog
   672 					.getName());
   674 					templateTitle);
   676 			break;
   677 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.ADD_CONSTANT:
   678 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_CONSTANT_NAME, propertyDialog
   679 					.getName());
   680 			config.setText(PROPERTY_DIALOG_CONSTANT_TEMPLATE, templateTitle);
   682 			break;
   683 		case TraceObjectPropertyDialog.INSTRUMENTER:
   685 					propertyDialog.getName());
   687 					propertyDialog.getValue());
   688 			config
   690 							templateTitle);
   693 					propertyDialog.getTarget());
   694 			break;
   695 		}
   696 		return flagPrefix;
   697 	}
   698 }