author Matti Laitinen <>
Wed, 23 Jun 2010 14:49:59 +0300
changeset 11 5b9d4d8641ce
permissions -rw-r--r--
TraceViewer 2.6.0

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<title>Getting started</title>
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<body><h2>Getting started</h2>
<p>The topics in this section help you understand
the basic functionality and workflow in using the Tracing tools. </p>

For a basic walk-through of OST tracing, see <a href="walk_through.htm">Basic walk-through of tracing</a>.</p>

<p><b>Click the topics available on the left-hand navigation pane to find tool-specific

<table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<col width="20%">
<col width="80%">
<td><img src="..\images\tracebuilder.png" alt="TraceBuilder logo">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../../../"><b>TraceBuilder</b></a></td>
<td><p>A tool for adding Open System Traces (OST) to the source
code. TraceBuilder consists of two components:</p><ul>
<li>TraceCompiler that parses OST Application Programming Interface (API)
format from the source files and generates the corresponding decode files. 
<li>TraceBuilder UI that enables you to add and maintain OST traces. </li>
<td><img src="..\images\traceviewer.png" alt="TraceViewer logo">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../../../"><b>TraceViewer</b></a></td>
<td><p>A tool for activating, viewing and manipulating traces received from
a target device. </p></td>
<td><img src="..\images\traceanalyser.png" alt="TraceAnalyser logo">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../../../"><b>TraceAnalyser</b></a></td>
<td height="23"><p>TraceAnalyser is a tool that enables you to measure the
time consumption of an application and detect timing violations. It also enables
you to supervise parameters in Open System Trace (OST) traces. </p></td>

<p>Tracing requires also the following non-Carbide tools:</p>
<li><b>TraceCompiler</b> &ndash; build time tool used to generate the needed headers and decoding files for traces.</li>
<li><b>TraceSwitch</b> &ndash; Symbian application used to route traces either to USB or to a file.</li>

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