TraceViewer is a tool for tracing a target device. The device can be
+connected to a PC via USB connection. TraceViewer gathers the trace data
+directly to the host side for further manipulation.
The TraceViewer tool can be started either by selecting the Carbide >
+TraceViewer menu item or via Window > Show View > Other...
+under Carbide Extensions category.
Main features
UI for displaying traces received from the connected device.
Search and filter traces from the view.
Write traces to an ASCII or binary log file.
Color and count the traces.
Trace variable values shown in the traces.
Activate Open System Traces (OST) from the device during run-time.
Saving trace configurations in a file.
What's new
New: Added max ASCII line length (10000 characters) check to prevent
+ possible freeze up in case of too much data.
New: Opened log file name is shown in the TraceViewer name tab.
Bug fix: Sometimes, other DataReader was left alive to background when
+ changing Data Format.
Bug fix: TraceViewer didn't save connection settings over Carbide.c++
+ reboot.
Bug fix: Reloading of the Dictionaries were not always reliable.
Changed: Fixed some FindBugs warnings.
Changed: TraceViewer is now released under EPL license.
Installation notes
To install the tool, do the following:
The tool already comes in SymSEE installation of Carbide.c++
To upgrade to newer version:
Unzip everything inside the zip into Carbide "dropins" folder. If you
+ already had old TraceViewer go to "Help - About Carbide.c++ - Installation
+ details - TraceViewer" and click "Update...
System requirements
Basic requirements:
Windows XP
Carbide.c++ 2.5.0 or newer.
Additional requirements:
Connection to a target device using USB.
Compatibility issues
Known issues
Version history
Version 2.5.3 – 9th April 2010
New: Dropped traces notification is now added before the timestamp of the
+ trace.
New: Support for formatting to length in trace parameters (e.g. "My var =
+ %02x").
New: Added possibility to create shortcut keys to some TraceViewer
+ actions. This can be done from "Keys" preference page in Carbide.c++.
New: Possibility to create Activation trigger so that when a specific
+ trace is received, activation is sent to the device.
Version 2.4.12 – 16th February 2010
Requires Carbide.c++ 2.5.0 or newer to work!
New: New connection preference option called "Current connection". If
+ this is selected, user can change the currently active connection easily
+ either from Remote Connection view or from a new Trim widget showing the
+ current connection.
New: Support for some XTIv3 tracebox control messages.
New: Possibility to add comments to traces when taking log file. This
+ will result in a separate .meta file when the log file is closed. Both
+ files are needed to see the comments when opening the log file again.
New: Added "Deactivate rule" actions for line count and variable tracing
+ rules in Property View.
New: Support for Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End keys. Ctrl+Home jumps to the
+ first trace and Ctrl+End to the last one.
New: Support for searching again with F3.
Changed: Cleaned up the code.
Bug fix: Setting trigger when in pause state sets wrong pause mode icon
+ to toolbar.
Bug fix: Line count and variable tracing rules were count again even no
+ changes were done.
Bug fix: Triggering didn't work with filtering on.
Bug fix: Regression: Copying data from the view didn't work.
Bug fix: One trace too much was copied to clipboard in some cases.
Bug fix: Regression: Trace text was missing when there is Thread ID but
+ no CPU ID.
Bug fix: Sometimes, trace offset went wrong by one which caused view to
+ look weird and coloring not to work properly.
Bug fix: Sometimes, the "Traces selected X. Time difference: X" text
+ could not fit in to the Trim.
Version 2.3.8 – 8th December 2009
New: Option to not to show component and group name in OST traces.
New: API function to get trace name with component, group and trace
+ ID.
New: Line count and variable tracing rules can now be added and edited
+ with right mouse button from Trace Property View.
New: Option to save currently visible traces to a ASCII log file.
New: Combined option to hide Thread ID to option to hide CPU ID from the
+ OST traces.
New: Support for XTIv3 messages containing multipart OST messages inside
+ them.
Changed: TraceProperties.timeFromPreviousTrace now contains milliseconds
+ passed from previous trace. TraceProperties.timestampString doesn't contain
+ that information anymore but only the actual timestamp.
Bug fix: Drag and Drop of rules in various dialogs didn't work.
Bug fix: Progressbar didn't advance from 0% when saving current traces to
+ ASCII log.
Bug fix: CPU ID was not shown correctly on real SMP HW if it was
+ something else than CPU 0.
Version 2.2.17 – 13th October 2009
Requires Carbide.c++ 2.0.4 or newer to work!
New: Option to turn off displaying Thread ID in OST traces.
New: Added BTrace variables into info dialog.
New: Added new alternative client API (TraceViewerAPI2 class). The client
+ of the API gets notifications when connection status or connection
+ preferences are changed.
New: Support for multipart BTrace traces.
New: Color headers and data parts of multipart BTraces in info dialog.
Changed: Reworked some help files.
Changed: When using OST protocol, OST TraceCore protocol header is added
+ to outgoing messages.
Changed: Modified older client API implementation (TraceViewerAPI class)
+ to not disconnect active connection in case there are currently registered
+ TraceViewerAPI2 using the connection.
Bug fix: Copy to clipboard didn't always work as it should.
Bug fix: Sometimes, the view contained one trace too much.
Bug fix: Remote Connections UI was not updated when connecting.
Bug fix: Color rules were lost if there was Groups defined.
Bug fix: Log dialog gave access to plain log options even when not
+ writing plain log.
Bug fix: It was possible to freeze TraceViewer with simultaneous async
+ commands.
Bug fix: Canceling filtering didn't work very well.
Bug fix: Filters were not marked after switching to advanced filter
+ view.
Bug fix: Thread ID was not written separately to machine readable ASCII
+ log.
Bug fix: Added coprocessors went to wrong offset if TraceViewer view was
+ not yet initialized.
Bug fix: TraceViewer didn't ask about changing Data Format with USB in
+ certain case.
Bug fix: Variable tracing history didn't always show up correctly.
Bug fix: API function connect() should not pop up error message.
Bug fix: Open previously opened Dictionaries dialog offered also removed
+ Dictionaries.
Bug fix: Traces are not decoded after closing and reopening
+ TraceViewer.
Bug fix: Missed notification about number of selected traces if using
+ CTRL + A.
Version 1.0.21
Made changes for releasing to Carbide 2.0.
Made changes to be able to release into SymSEE.
Made to work with TraceCommon feature.
New: TraceViewer API functions: getTraceComponentName and
+ getTraceGroupName.
New: TraceViewer can now open ZIP files containing Dictionary decode
+ files.
New: TraceViewer will now show a warning icon in a toolbar if decode file
+ is changed after loading.
Updated: TraceViewer help files to follow Carbide help guidelines.
Updated: Loading of Dictionary files is now much faster.
Updated: Added preference option to show class name and function name
+ before the trace text.
Changed: Don't disable apply button from activation dialog when apply is
+ clicked.
Changed: Activation dialog now shows components sorted by the name.
Changed: Removed Configurations preference page. Importing and exporting
+ configuration can bow be done from File - Import / Export in Eclipse
+ menu.
Changed: Changed default binary log extension from .log to .bin.
Bug fix: Saving and loading configuration XML files did not work if
+ workspace path contains spaces.
Bug fix: If loaded lots of Dictionaries, "open previous files" dialog was
+ too big.
Bug fix: Confusing text "defaultActivations.xml" under the configurations
+ tag.
Bug fix: Trace EventView doesn't open if there is error when loading
+ Dictionary.
Bug fix: Parameters were not correctly decoded when using OST traces with
+ USB connection.
Bug fix: Activation information of groups doesn't anymore disappear when
+ appending more decode files.
Bug fix: Configurations in Activation dialog now shows the file path and
+ only allows file to be changed using the "Change file" button.
Bug fix: Rule text was replicated from rule name when editing a old
+ rule.
Bug fix: Wrong text copied to search window after clicking twice on
+ trace.
Bug fix: Wrong help in search dialog.
Bug fix: When using loadDecodeFile API function, Trace Activation dialog
+ was not updated.