To instrument traces to your source code, do the following:
From the TraceBuilder menu, select Instrument Code.
Select a group for your traces or define a new one by typing the name
+ into the Trace Group field.
Type a name format for your traces.
The default is {$CN}_{$FN}, which means
+ className_functionName.
The values for className and functionName
+ are parsed from the source code.
Type a text format for your traces.
The default is {$cn}::{$fn}, which means
+ className::functionName.
The values for className and functionName
+ are parsed from the source code.
(Optional) From the Templates list, you can select pre-defined
+ format for the trace.
For example, Function entry-exit template parses the name
+ of the class and function where the cursor is currently located.
+ An entry trace is added to the beginning of the function and the exit trace
+ is added to the end.
(Optional) Select any of the following options, as needed:
Add "this" pointer parameter to add this pointer to the
+ instrumented traces.
Add function parameters to add function parameters to the instrumented
+ traces.
Add exit traces to add exit trace to every function instrumented.
+ Note: this option is selected only if the Function Entry-Exit template
+ is selected.
Add return value to exit traces to add a function return value
+ to every function that is instrumented.
Click OK.
In the displayed dialog, select the functions you want to instrument.
Click OK to start instrumentation of the source code.