changeset 0 818e61de6cd1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:818e61de6cd1
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 * 
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    17 using System;
    18 using System.Collections.Generic;
    19 using System.Text;
    20 using System.Reflection;
    21 using System.ComponentModel;
    22 using SymbianParserLib.Enums;
    23 using SymbianParserLib.BaseStructures;
    24 using SymbianParserLib.Elements;
    25 using SymbianParserLib.Elements.SubFields;
    27 namespace SymbianParserLib.ValueStores
    28 {
    29     public class ValueStore
    30     {
    31         #region Enumerations
    32         internal enum TValueStoreType
    33         {
    34             EValueStoreTypeProperty = 0,
    35             EValueStoreTypeMethod,
    36             EValueStoreTypeStoreInternally
    37         }
    38         #endregion
    40         #region Constructors
    41         public ValueStore()
    42         {
    43         }
    44         #endregion
    46         #region API
    47         public void SetTargetProperty( object aPropertyObject, string aPropertyName )
    48         {
    49             iValueStore = aPropertyObject;
    50             iValueStoreType = TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeProperty;
    51             iValueStoreMemberName = aPropertyName;
    52             //
    53         }
    55         public void SetTargetMethod( object aMethodObject, string aMethodName, params TValueStoreMethodArguments[] aArgs )
    56         {
    57             iValueStore = aMethodObject;
    58             iValueStoreType = TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeMethod;
    59             iValueStoreMemberName = aMethodName;
    60             //
    61             iMethodArgumentSpecifier = aArgs;
    62         }
    63         #endregion
    65         #region Internal API
    66         internal void SetValue( ParserFieldFormatSpecifier aFieldFormatSpecifier, ParserFieldFormatValue aFieldFormatValue )
    67         {
    68             CheckForValidValueStore();
    69             //
    70             if ( iValueStoreType == TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeProperty )
    71             {
    72                 // Store value to user-supplied property within object
    73                 Binder binder = null;
    74                 Type typeInfo = iValueStore.GetType();
    75                 PropertyInfo propInfo = typeInfo.GetProperty( iValueStoreMemberName, PropertyBindingFlags );
    76                 if ( propInfo == null )
    77                 {
    78                     throw new MissingMemberException( "A property called: \"" + iValueStoreMemberName + "\" was not found within object: " + iValueStore.ToString() );
    79                 }
    80                 //
    81                 Type propType = propInfo.PropertyType;
    82                 object[] args = PrepareMethodArgument( aFieldFormatValue.Value, propType );
    83                 typeInfo.InvokeMember( iValueStoreMemberName, PropertyBindingFlags, binder, iValueStore, args );
    84             }
    85             else if ( iValueStoreType == TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeMethod )
    86             {
    87                 object[] args = null;
    88                 //
    89                 try
    90                 {
    91                     // Store value to user-supplied method
    92                     Binder binder = null;
    94                     // Build arguments
    95                     Type valueTypeInfo = aFieldFormatValue.Value.GetType();
    96                     TValueStoreMethodArguments[] argumentSpecification = BuildMethodArgumentSpecification( valueTypeInfo, iValueStore, iValueStoreMemberName );
    97                     args = BuildCustomFunctionArguments( argumentSpecification, aFieldFormatSpecifier, aFieldFormatValue );
    99                     // Sanity check number of arguments for method implementation actually agrees with our run-time generated
   100                     // object array of parameters.
   101                     Type valueStoreTypeInfo = iValueStore.GetType();
   102                     MethodInfo methodInfo = valueStoreTypeInfo.GetMethod( iValueStoreMemberName, MethodBindingFlags );
   103                     ParameterInfo[] methodParams = methodInfo.GetParameters();
   104                     if ( args.Length != methodParams.Length )
   105                     {
   106                         throw new MissingMethodException( "Argument specification doesn't align with method implementation" );
   107                     }
   108                     else
   109                     {
   110                         valueStoreTypeInfo.InvokeMember( iValueStoreMemberName, MethodBindingFlags, binder, iValueStore, args );
   111                     }
   112                 }
   113                 catch ( Exception exception )
   114                 {
   115                     if ( exception is TargetInvocationException || 
   116                          exception is MissingMethodException || 
   117                          exception is MissingMemberException || 
   118                          exception is AmbiguousMatchException )
   119                     {
   120                         StringBuilder funcDetails = new StringBuilder();
   121                         funcDetails.Append( iValueStoreMemberName + "( " );
   122                         //
   123                         int count = ( args != null ) ? args.Length : 0;
   124                         for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   125                         {
   126                             object arg = args[ i ];
   127                             string argTypeName = ( arg != null ) ? arg.GetType().ToString() : "null";
   128                             funcDetails.Append( argTypeName );
   129                             //
   130                             if ( i < count - 1 )
   131                             {
   132                                 funcDetails.Append( ", " );
   133                             }
   134                         }
   135                         //
   136                         funcDetails.Append( " )" );
   137                         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "Failed to invoke method: " + funcDetails.ToString() );
   138                     }
   139                     else
   140                     {
   141                         throw exception;
   142                     }
   143                 }
   144             }
   145             else if ( iValueStoreType == TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeStoreInternally )
   146             {
   147                 // Store it in the value store and the client can extract it via the public properties...
   148                 iValueStore = aFieldFormatValue.Value;
   149             }
   150         }
   151         #endregion
   153         #region Properties
   154         public bool IsInt
   155         {
   156             get
   157             {
   158                 bool ret = IsDynamicAndOfType( typeof( int ) );
   159                 return ret;
   160             }
   161         }
   163         public bool IsUint
   164         {
   165             get
   166             {
   167                 bool ret = IsDynamicAndOfType( typeof( uint ) );
   168                 return ret;
   169             }
   170         }
   172         public bool IsString
   173         {
   174             get
   175             {
   176                 bool ret = IsDynamicAndOfType( typeof( string ) );
   177                 return ret;
   178             }
   179         }
   181         public int AsInt
   182         {
   183             get
   184             {
   185                 int ret = 0;
   186                 //
   187                 if ( IsInt )
   188                 {
   189                     ret = (int) iValueStore;
   190                 }
   191                 //
   192                 return ret;
   193             }
   194         }
   196         public uint AsUint
   197         {
   198             get
   199             {
   200                 uint ret = 0;
   201                 //
   202                 if ( IsUint )
   203                 {
   204                     ret = (uint) iValueStore;
   205                 }
   206                 //
   207                 return ret;
   208             }
   209         }
   211         public string AsString
   212         {
   213             get
   214             {
   215                 string ret = string.Empty;
   216                 //
   217                 if ( IsString )
   218                 {
   219                     ret = (string) iValueStore;
   220                 }
   221                 //
   222                 return ret;
   223             }
   224         }
   226         internal TValueStoreType ValueStoreType
   227         {
   228             get
   229             {
   230                 return iValueStoreType;
   231             }
   232         }
   234         internal BindingFlags MethodBindingFlags
   235         {
   236             get
   237             {
   238                 BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod;
   239                 return bindingFlags;
   240             }
   241         }
   243         internal BindingFlags PropertyBindingFlags
   244         {
   245             get
   246             {
   247                 BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty;
   248                 return bindingFlags;
   249             }
   250         }
   251         #endregion
   253         #region Internal methods
   254         private bool IsDynamicAndOfType( Type aExpectedType )
   255         {
   256             bool ret = false;
   257             //
   258             object vs = iValueStore;
   259             TValueStoreType vsType = ValueStoreType;
   260             if ( vs != null && vsType == TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeStoreInternally )
   261             {
   262                 Type typeInfo = vs.GetType();
   263                 ret = ( typeInfo == aExpectedType );
   264             }
   265             //
   266             return ret;
   267         }
   269         private void CheckForValidValueStore()
   270         {
   271             if ( iValueStoreType == TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeProperty ||
   272                  iValueStoreType == TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeMethod )
   273             {
   274                 if ( iValueStore == null )
   275                 {
   276                     throw new Exception( "Missing value store" );
   277                 }
   278             }
   279         }
   281         private object[] PrepareMethodArgument( object aValue, Type aExpectedPropertyType )
   282         {
   283             // If we're calling a property where the expected property type doesn't match the value
   284             // we have been asked to use (for example, a property expects an enumerator, but we are given
   285             // a uint or int) then we must convert from the value type to the expected property type.
   286             object[] ret = { aValue };
   287             Type valueType = aValue.GetType();
   288             //
   289             if ( aExpectedPropertyType != valueType )
   290             {
   291                 // Get a type converter to perform the operation. Note that some of the built-in type
   292                 // converters are very "dumb" in that they only convert from strings to numbers (and vice
   293                 // versa). This doesn't help us when we need to convert from e.g. a uint to a long.
   294                 TypeConverter conv = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( aExpectedPropertyType );
   295                 if ( conv == null )
   296                 {
   297                     throw new NotSupportedException( "No type converter exists to convert between " + valueType.ToString() + " and " + aExpectedPropertyType.ToString() );
   298                 }
   299                 else if ( conv.CanConvertFrom( valueType ) )
   300                 {
   301                     object converted = conv.ConvertFrom( aValue );
   302                     ret = new object[] { converted };
   303                 }
   304                 else
   305                 {
   306                     // Might be one of the built-in type converters that only works
   307                     // with strings. Convert the value to a string and try once more
   308                     string asString = aValue.ToString();
   309                     try
   310                     {
   311                         object converted = conv.ConvertFrom( asString );
   312                         ret = new object[] { converted };
   313                     }
   314                     catch ( NotSupportedException )
   315                     {
   316                         throw new NotSupportedException( "No type converter exists to convert between " + valueType.ToString() + " and " + aExpectedPropertyType.ToString() );
   317                     }
   318                 }
   319             }
   320             //
   321             return ret;
   322         }
   324         private TValueStoreMethodArguments[] BuildMethodArgumentSpecification( Type aValueTypeInfo, object aObject, string aMethodName )
   325         {
   326             List<TValueStoreMethodArguments> args = new List<TValueStoreMethodArguments>();
   327             //
   328             if ( iMethodArgumentSpecifier == null )
   329             {
   330                 iMethodArgumentSpecifier = new TValueStoreMethodArguments[] { TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentCalculateAtRuntime };
   331             }
   332             //
   333             bool done = false;
   334             int count = iMethodArgumentSpecifier.Length;
   335             for( int i=0; i<count && !done; i++ )
   336             {
   337                 TValueStoreMethodArguments argType = iMethodArgumentSpecifier[ i ];
   338                 switch ( argType )
   339                 {
   340                 default:
   341                     args.Add( argType );
   342                     break;
   343                 case TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentCalculateAtRuntime:
   344                     args.Clear();
   345                     BuildRuntimeGeneratedArgumentList( aValueTypeInfo, aObject, aMethodName, ref args );
   346                     done = true;
   347                     break;
   348                 }
   349             }
   350             //
   351             return args.ToArray();
   352         }
   354         private void BuildRuntimeGeneratedArgumentList( Type aValueTypeInfo, object aObject, string aMethodName, ref List<TValueStoreMethodArguments> aArgs )
   355         {
   356             Type typeInfo = aObject.GetType();
   357             MethodInfo methodInfo = typeInfo.GetMethod( aMethodName, MethodBindingFlags );
   358             if ( methodInfo == null )
   359             {
   360                 throw new MissingMemberException( "Method: " + aMethodName + " was not found within object: " + aObject.ToString() );
   361             }
   362             ParameterInfo[] methodParams = methodInfo.GetParameters();
   364             // Check if the parameters include an explicit request for a ParserFieldName object
   365             // If so, we'll not send the "argument name as string" since the client has
   366             // explicitly requested it as an object...
   367             bool requestingArgNameAsObject = false;
   368             foreach ( ParameterInfo info in methodParams )
   369             {
   370                 if ( info.ParameterType == typeof( ParserFieldName ) )
   371                 {
   372                     requestingArgNameAsObject = true;
   373                     break;
   374                 }
   375             }
   377             // Second pass to build real list...
   378             foreach ( ParameterInfo info in methodParams )
   379             {
   380                 Type paramType = info.ParameterType;
   381                 //
   382                 if ( paramType == typeof( ParserFieldName ) )
   383                 {
   384                     aArgs.Add( TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentNameAsObject );
   385                 }
   386                 else if ( paramType == typeof( ParserField ) )
   387                 {
   388                     aArgs.Add( TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentField );
   389                 }
   390                 else if ( paramType == typeof( ParserLine ) )
   391                 {
   392                     aArgs.Add( TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentLine );
   393                 }
   394                 else if ( paramType == typeof( ParserParagraph ) )
   395                 {
   396                     aArgs.Add( TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentParagraph );
   397                 }
   398                 else if ( paramType == typeof( string ) && !requestingArgNameAsObject )
   399                 {
   400                     // Best guess - if the first argument of the method is actually
   401                     // a string-based "value" argument (rather than field name argument) then we'll
   402                     // pass the parameter out of order - hence the "name as object" approach used
   403                     // above, which let's us accurately infer type...
   404                     aArgs.Add( TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentNameAsString );
   405                 }
   406                 else if ( paramType == aValueTypeInfo )
   407                 {
   408                     aArgs.Add( TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentValue );
   409                 }
   410             }
   411         }
   413         private object[] BuildCustomFunctionArguments( TValueStoreMethodArguments[] aArgumentSpecification, ParserFieldFormatSpecifier aFieldFormatSpecifier, ParserFieldFormatValue aFieldFormatValue )
   414         {
   416             List<object> args = new List<object>();
   417             //
   418             foreach ( TValueStoreMethodArguments argType in aArgumentSpecification )
   419             {
   420                 if ( argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentNameAsString )
   421                 {
   422                     args.Add( aFieldFormatSpecifier.Name.ToString() );
   423                 }
   424                 else if ( argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentNameAsObject )
   425                 {
   426                     args.Add( aFieldFormatSpecifier.Name );
   427                 }
   428                 else if ( argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentValue )
   429                 {
   430                     args.Add( aFieldFormatValue.Value );
   431                 }
   432                 else if ( argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentParagraph )
   433                 {
   434                     ParserParagraph para = null;
   435                     //
   436                     if ( aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent != null && aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent is ParserLine )
   437                     {
   438                         ParserLine line = (ParserLine) aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent;
   439                         if ( line.Parent != null && line.Parent is ParserParagraph )
   440                         {
   441                             para = (ParserParagraph) line.Parent;
   442                         }
   443                     }
   444                     //
   445                     args.Add( para );
   446                 }
   447                 else if ( argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentLine )
   448                 {
   449                     ParserLine line = null;
   450                     //
   451                     if ( aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent != null && aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent is ParserLine )
   452                     {
   453                         line = (ParserLine) aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field.Parent;
   454                     }
   455                     //
   456                     args.Add( line );
   457                 }
   458                 else if ( argType == TValueStoreMethodArguments.EValueStoreMethodArgumentField )
   459                 {
   460                     args.Add( aFieldFormatSpecifier.Field );
   461                 }
   462                 else
   463                 {
   464                     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert( false, "Argument specification contains unresolved runtime reference" );
   465                 }
   466             }
   467             //
   468             return args.ToArray();
   469         }
   470         #endregion
   472         #region Internal constants
   473         #endregion
   475         #region From System.Object
   476         public override string ToString()
   477         {
   478             return base.ToString();
   479         }
   480         #endregion
   482         #region Data members
   483         // Common members
   484         private object iValueStore = null;
   485         private string iValueStoreMemberName = string.Empty;
   486         private TValueStoreType iValueStoreType = TValueStoreType.EValueStoreTypeStoreInternally;
   488         // Method-specific members
   489         private TValueStoreMethodArguments[] iMethodArgumentSpecifier = null;
   490         #endregion
   491     }
   492 }