changeset 0 818e61de6cd1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:818e61de6cd1
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 * 
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    17 using System;
    18 using System.Collections.Generic;
    19 using System.Text;
    20 using System.IO;
    21 using System.Reflection;
    23 namespace SymbianUtils.PluginManager
    24 {
    25     public class PluginManager<T> : DisposableObject, IEnumerable<T>
    26     {
    27         #region Events
    28         public delegate void PluginLoadedHandler( T aPlugin );
    29         public event PluginLoadedHandler PluginLoaded;
    30         #endregion
    32         #region Constructors
    33         public PluginManager()
    34         {
    35         }
    37         public PluginManager( bool aDiagnostics )
    38         {
    39             iDiagnostics = aDiagnostics;
    40         }
    42         public PluginManager( int aMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins )
    43         {
    44             iMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins = aMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins;
    45         }
    47         public PluginManager( bool aDiagnostics, int aMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins )
    48             : this( aDiagnostics )
    49         {
    50             iMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins = aMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins;
    51         }
    52         #endregion
    54         #region API - loading
    55         public void Load( object[] aPluginConstructorParameters )
    56         {
    57             Trace( "Load() - invoked by: " + System.Environment.StackTrace );
    58             Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
    59             string path = Path.GetDirectoryName( assembly.Location );
    60             FindPluginsWithinPath( path, KDefaultSearchSpecification, aPluginConstructorParameters, assembly );
    61         }
    63         public void LoadFromCallingAssembly()
    64         {
    65             Trace( "LoadFromCallingAssembly(1) - invoked by: " + System.Environment.StackTrace );
    66             Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
    67             FindPluginsWithinAssembly( assembly, true, new object[] {} );
    68             Rationalise();
    69         }
    71         public void LoadFromCallingAssembly( object[] aPluginConstructorParameters )
    72         {
    73             Trace( "LoadFromCallingAssembly(2) - invoked by: " + System.Environment.StackTrace );
    74             Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
    75             FindPluginsWithinAssembly( assembly, true, aPluginConstructorParameters );
    76             Rationalise();
    77         }
    79         public void LoadFromPath( string aPath, object[] aPluginConstructorParameters )
    80         {
    81             FindPluginsWithinPath( aPath, KDefaultSearchSpecification, aPluginConstructorParameters, null );
    82         }
    84         public void LoadFromPath( string aPath, string aMatchSpec, object[] aPluginConstructorParameters )
    85         {
    86             FindPluginsWithinPath( aPath, aMatchSpec, aPluginConstructorParameters, null );
    87         }
    88         #endregion
    90         #region API - misc
    91         public void Unload()
    92         {
    93             foreach ( T plugin in iPlugins )
    94             {
    95                 IDisposable disposable = plugin as IDisposable;
    96                 if ( disposable != null )
    97                 {
    98                     disposable.Dispose();
    99                 }
   100             }
   101             //
   102             iPlugins.Clear();
   103         }
   105         public void Sort( IComparer<T> aComparer )
   106         {
   107             iPlugins.Sort( aComparer );
   108         }
   110         public void Sort( Comparison<T> aComparer )
   111         {
   112             iPlugins.Sort( aComparer );
   113         }
   115         public bool Predicate( Predicate<T> aPredicate )
   116         {
   117             bool ret = iPlugins.Exists( aPredicate );
   118             return ret;
   119         }
   121         public void Rationalise()
   122         {
   123             List<T> plugins = iPlugins;
   124             iPlugins = new List<T>();
   125             //
   126             int count = plugins.Count;
   127             for ( int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   128             {
   129                 T pluginToCheck = plugins[ i ];
   130                 plugins.RemoveAt( i );
   131                 Trace( "Rationalise() - checking hierarchy for derivates of: " + pluginToCheck.GetType().ToString() );
   132                 //
   133                 bool isDerviedFromByOtherPlugin = IsClassDerivedFrom( plugins, pluginToCheck );
   134                 Trace( "Rationalise() - is base class for other plugin: " + isDerviedFromByOtherPlugin );
   135                 //
   136                 if ( !isDerviedFromByOtherPlugin )
   137                 {
   138                     iPlugins.Add( pluginToCheck );
   139                     Trace( "Rationalise() - found good plugin: " + pluginToCheck.GetType().ToString() );
   140                     OnPluginLoaded( pluginToCheck );
   141                 }
   142             }
   144             // Check that we loaded the expected minimum amount
   145             count = iPlugins.Count;
   146             SymbianUtils.SymDebug.SymDebugger.Assert( iMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins < 0 || count >= iMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins );
   147         }
   148         #endregion
   150         #region Properties
   151         public int Count
   152         {
   153             get { return iPlugins.Count; }
   154         }
   156         public T this[ int aIndex ]
   157         {
   158             get { return iPlugins[ aIndex ]; }
   159         }
   161         public Type PluginType
   162         {
   163             get { return typeof( T ); }
   164         }
   165         #endregion
   167         #region Internal constants
   168         private const string KDefaultSearchSpecification = "*.plugin.dll";
   169         #endregion
   171         #region Event propgation
   172         private void OnPluginLoaded( T aPlugin )
   173         {
   174             if ( PluginLoaded != null )
   175             {
   176                 PluginLoaded( aPlugin );
   177             }
   178         }
   179         #endregion
   181         #region Internal methods
   182         private void Trace( string aMessage )
   183         {
   184             System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf( iDiagnostics, "PluginLoader<" + typeof(T).Name + "> " + aMessage );
   185         }
   187         private void Trace( Exception aException, string aFunction )
   188         {
   189             Trace( string.Format( "PluginLoader.{0}() - exception: {1}", aFunction, aException.Message ) );
   190             Trace( string.Format( "PluginLoader.{0}() - stack:     {1}", aFunction, aException.StackTrace ) );
   191             //
   192             if ( aException is ReflectionTypeLoadException )
   193             {
   194                 ReflectionTypeLoadException refEx = (ReflectionTypeLoadException) aException;
   195                 foreach ( Exception l in refEx.LoaderExceptions )
   196                 {
   197                     Trace( string.Format( "     loader exception: {0}", l.Message ) );
   198                     Trace( string.Format( "     loader stack:     {0}", l.StackTrace ) );
   199                 }
   200             }
   201             else if ( aException is FileNotFoundException )
   202             {
   203                 FileNotFoundException fnf = (FileNotFoundException) aException;
   204                 Trace( string.Format( "     file name:  {0}", fnf.FileName ) );
   205                 Trace( string.Format( "     fusion log: {0}", fnf.FusionLog ) );
   206             }
   207         }
   209         private static bool IsClassDerivedFrom( List<T> aPluginList, T aPlugin )
   210         {
   211             bool ret = false;
   212             Type checkType = aPlugin.GetType();
   213             //
   214             foreach ( T plugin in aPluginList )
   215             {
   216                 Type type = plugin.GetType();
   217                 if ( type.IsSubclassOf( checkType ) )
   218                 {
   219                     ret = true;
   220                     break;
   221                 }
   222             }
   223             //
   224             return ret;
   225         }
   227         private void CreateFromTypes( Type[] aTypes, object[] aPluginConstructorParameters )
   228         {
   229             Type pluginType = PluginType;
   230             Trace( "CreateFromTypes() - got " + aTypes.Length + " types. Searching for instances of: " + pluginType.Name );
   231             // 
   232             foreach ( Type type in aTypes )
   233             {
   234                 if ( pluginType.IsAssignableFrom( type ) )
   235                 {
   236                     Trace( "CreateFromTypes() - found type: " + type.Name );
   237                     if ( !type.IsAbstract )
   238                     {
   239                         Trace( "CreateFromTypes() - type \'" + type.Name + "\' is concrete implementation" );
   240                         CreateFromType( type, aPluginConstructorParameters );
   241                     }
   242                 }
   243             }
   244         }
   246         private void CreateFromType( Type aType, object[] aPluginConstructorParameters )
   247         {
   248             try
   249             {
   250                 Trace( "CreateFromType() - calling constructor: " + aType.Name );
   251                 //
   252                 object ret = CallConstructor( aType, aPluginConstructorParameters );
   253                 if ( ret != null )
   254                 {
   255                     T plugin = (T) ret;
   256                     Trace( "CreateFromType() - saving instance: " + plugin.GetType().ToString() );
   257                     iPlugins.Add( plugin );
   258                 }
   259             }
   260             catch ( FileNotFoundException )
   261             {
   262             }
   263             catch ( Exception e )
   264             {
   265                 Trace( e, "CreateFromType" );
   266             }
   267         }
   269         private object CallConstructor( Type aType, object[] aParameters )
   270         {
   271             object ret = null;
   272             //
   273             try
   274             {
   275                 ret = Activator.CreateInstance( aType, aParameters );
   276             }
   277             catch ( Exception e )
   278             {
   279                 Trace( e, "CallConstructor" );
   280             }
   281             //
   282             return ret;
   283         }
   285         private void LoadAssemblyAndCreatePlugins( string aFileName, object[] aPluginConstructorParameters, bool aExplicit )
   286         {
   287             try
   288             {
   289                 Trace( "LoadAssemblyAndCreatePlugins() - Trying to load plugins from dll: " + aFileName );
   290                 if ( SymbianUtils.Assemblies.AssemblyHelper.IsCLRAssembly( aFileName ) )
   291                 {
   292                     Assembly pluginAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom( aFileName );
   293                     if ( pluginAssembly != null )
   294                     {
   295                         FindPluginsWithinAssembly( pluginAssembly, aExplicit, aPluginConstructorParameters );
   296                     }
   297                 }
   298             }
   299             catch ( BadImageFormatException )
   300             {
   301                 // Not a managed dll - ignore error
   302             }
   303             catch ( Exception assemblyLoadException )
   304             {
   305                 Trace( assemblyLoadException, "LoadAssemblyAndCreatePlugins" );
   306             }
   307         }
   309         private void FindPluginsWithinAssembly( Assembly aAssembly, bool aExplit, object[] aPluginConstructorParameters )
   310         {
   311             bool okayToGetTypes = aExplit;
   314             // If explit load requested, then don't check for plugin attribute. Otherwise, to avoid
   315             // enumerating all types we can check for our special "plugin" attribute
   316             object[] attributes = aAssembly.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( PluginAssemblyAttribute ), false) ;
   317             if ( attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0 ) 
   318             {
   319                 okayToGetTypes = true;
   320             }
   321 #else
   322             okayToGetTypes = true;
   323 #endif
   325             // Now get types
   326             if ( okayToGetTypes )
   327             {
   328                 Trace( "DoLoad() - getting types from assembly: " + aAssembly.Location );
   329                 Type[] types = aAssembly.GetTypes();
   330                 CreateFromTypes( types, aPluginConstructorParameters );
   331             }
   332         }
   334         private void FindPluginsWithinPath( string aPath, string aMatchSpec, object[] aPluginConstructorParameters, Assembly aAdditionalSearchAssembly )
   335         {
   336             Trace( string.Format( "FindPluginsWithinPath() - path: {0}, matchSpec: {1}, invoked by: {2}", aPath, aMatchSpec, System.Environment.StackTrace ) );
   337             Unload();
   339             // Find from path
   340             string[] dllNames = Directory.GetFiles( aPath, aMatchSpec );
   341             foreach ( string dll in dllNames )
   342             {
   343                 string justFileName = Path.GetFileName( dll );
   344                 LoadAssemblyAndCreatePlugins( dll, aPluginConstructorParameters, false );
   345             }
   347             // Check additional assembly
   348             if ( aAdditionalSearchAssembly != null )
   349             {
   350                 FindPluginsWithinAssembly( aAdditionalSearchAssembly, true, aPluginConstructorParameters );
   351             }
   353             // Check hierarchy for derived plugins
   354             Rationalise();
   355         }
   356         #endregion
   358         #region From IEnumerable<T>
   359         public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
   360         {
   361             foreach ( T p in iPlugins )
   362             {
   363                 yield return p;
   364             }
   365         }
   367         System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
   368         {
   369             foreach ( T p in iPlugins )
   370             {
   371                 yield return p;
   372             }
   373         }
   374         #endregion
   376         #region From System.Object
   377         public override string ToString()
   378         {
   379             StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
   380             ret.AppendFormat( "Found: {0} of type: {1}", iPlugins.Count, typeof(T).Name );
   381             if ( iMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins > 0 )
   382             {
   383                 ret.AppendFormat( ", expected: {2}", iMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins );
   384             }
   385             return ret.ToString();
   386         }
   387         #endregion
   389         #region From DisposableObject
   390         protected override void CleanupManagedResources()
   391         {
   392             try
   393             {
   394                 base.CleanupManagedResources();
   395             }
   396             finally
   397             {
   398                 foreach ( T obj in iPlugins )
   399                 {
   400                     IDisposable disp = obj as IDisposable;
   401                     if ( disp != null )
   402                     {
   403                         disp.Dispose();
   404                     }
   405                 }
   406                 //
   407                 iPlugins.Clear();
   408                 iPlugins = null;
   409             }
   410         }
   411         #endregion
   413         #region Data members
   414         private bool iDiagnostics = false;
   415         private int iMinimumNumberOfExpectedPlugins = -1;
   416         private List<T> iPlugins = new List<T>();
   417         #endregion
   418     }
   419 }