changeset 0 818e61de6cd1
child 2 0c91f0baec58
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:818e61de6cd1
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    17 using System;
    18 using System.Text;
    19 using System.IO;
    20 using System.Reflection;
    21 using System.Collections.Generic;
    22 using SymbianUtils.Tracer;
    23 using CrashItemLib.Engine;
    24 using CrashItemLib.Crash;
    25 using CrashItemLib.Crash.Container;
    26 using CrashItemLib.PluginAPI;
    27 using SymbianUtils.FileSystem.Utilities;
    28 using SymbianXmlInputLib.Parser;
    29 using SymbianXmlInputLib.Parser.Nodes;
    30 using SymbianXmlInputLib.Elements;
    31 using SymbianXmlInputLib.Elements.Types.Category;
    32 using SymbianXmlInputLib.Elements.Types.Extension;
    33 using SymbianXmlInputLib.Elements.Types.FileSystem;
    34 using SymbianXmlInputLib.Elements.Types.Command;
    35 using CrashItemLib.Sink;
    36 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    37 using System.Globalization;
    40 namespace CrashAnalyserServerExe.Engine
    41 {
    42 	internal class CACmdLineInputParameters
    43 	{
    44 		#region Constructors
    45         public CACmdLineInputParameters( ITracer aTracer )
    46 		{
    47             iTracer = aTracer;
    49             Assembly myAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
    50             iAppPath = Path.GetDirectoryName( myAssembly.Location );
    52             // CHECKME:
    53             // Source files are identified from command line current working directory.
    54             DirectoryInfo sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo( Environment.CurrentDirectory );
    55             iSources.AddRange( sourceDir.GetFiles( "*.bin", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly ) );
    57             // CHECKME:
    58             // Read selge.ini from tool directory or CWD
    59             FindDebugMetaDataFile( KDebugMetaDataFileSelgeIni );
    61             // CHECKME:
    62             // Read selge_event.ini from tool directory or CWD
    63             FindDebugMetaDataFile( KDebugMetaDataFileSelgeEventIni );
    65             // Sink parameters are fairly simple
    66             Version version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
    67             string commandLine = System.Environment.CommandLine;
    68             iSinkParams = new CISinkSerializationParameters( version, commandLine );
    69             iSinkParams.DetailLevel = CISinkSerializationParameters.TDetailLevel.EFull;
    70             iSinkParams.FileExtensionFailed = ".corrupt_ci";
    71             iSinkParams.FileExtensionFailed = ".ci";
    73             // CHECKME:
    74             // The output data is written to the same directory as the input file.
    75             iSinkParams.OutputDirectory = sourceDir;
    76         }
    77         #endregion
    79         #region Command line parsing
    80         public bool ParseCommandLine()
    81         {
    82             bool retval = true;
    83             string commandLine = System.Environment.CommandLine;
    85             string ppattern = @"\s*(-.\s*[^-]*)";
    86             MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(commandLine, ppattern, RegexOptions.None);
    87             if (matches.Count < 1)
    88             {
    89                 PrintCommandHelp();
    90                 System.Console.WriteLine("Error: No valid parameters given");                
    91                 throw new CACmdLineException("Error: No valid parameters given", CACmdLineException.KErrCommandLineError);
    92             }
    93             foreach (Match parameter in matches)
    94             {
    95                 Regex pparser = new Regex(@"(?<id>-.)\s*(?<content>.*)");
    97                 Match m = pparser.Match(parameter.ToString());
    98                 if (m.Success)
    99                 {
   100                     GroupCollection groups = m.Groups;
   101                     string paramId = m.Result("${id}").Trim();
   102                     string paramContent = m.Result("${content}").Trim();
   104                     if (paramId == "-a")
   105                     {
   106                         ArchivePath = paramContent;
   107                     }
   108                     if (paramId == "-s")
   109                     {
   110                         SkippedPath = paramContent;
   111                         ErrorPath = paramContent + @"\errors";
   112                     }
   113                     if (paramId == "-f")
   114                     {
   115                         DecodeWithoutSymbols = true;
   116                     }
   117                     if (paramId == "-t")
   118                     {
   119                         TestWithoutMovingFiles = true;
   120                     }
   122                 }
   123                 else
   124                 {
   125                     System.Console.WriteLine("Error: No parameters found");
   126                     retval = false;
   127                 }          
   129             }
   131             //Parameter scanning finished - validate content
   132             if (ArchivePath == string.Empty)
   133             {
   134                 System.Console.WriteLine("Error: No archive path given");
   135                 retval = false;
   136             }
   137             else if (!Directory.Exists(ArchivePath))
   138             {
   139                 System.Console.WriteLine("Error: Archive path " + ArchivePath +" cannot be found");
   140                 retval = false;
   142             }
   143             if (SkippedPath == string.Empty)
   144             {
   145                 System.Console.WriteLine("Error: No skipped file path given");
   146                 retval = false;
   147             }
   148             else if (!Directory.Exists(SkippedPath))
   149             {
   150                 System.Console.WriteLine("Error: Skipped path " + SkippedPath + " cannot be found");
   151                 retval = false;
   152             }
   153             else //skipped path exists, create error path if not there
   154             {
   155                 if (!Directory.Exists(ErrorPath))
   156                 {
   157                     Directory.CreateDirectory(ErrorPath);
   158                 }
   160             }
   162             //make sure paths are absolute
   163             iArchivePath = Path.GetFullPath(iArchivePath);
   164             iSkippedPath = Path.GetFullPath(iSkippedPath);
   165             iErrorPath = Path.GetFullPath(iErrorPath);
   167             //add weekly division        
   168             DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
   169             CultureInfo culInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
   170             int weekNum = culInfo.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(today, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
   171             int year = culInfo.Calendar.GetYear(today);
   173             iArchivePath = iArchivePath + @"\" + year + "_" + weekNum.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
   174             iSkippedPath = iSkippedPath + @"\" + year + "_" + weekNum.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
   175             iErrorPath = iErrorPath + @"\" + year + "_" + weekNum.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
   178             if (TestWithoutMovingFiles)
   179             {
   180                 System.Console.WriteLine("Test mode parameter -t given: Not moving any files!" );
   181                 retval = true;
   182             }
   183             else if (retval) //Archive & skipped directories exsits, clean up paths and add week numbers
   184             {
   186                 if (!Directory.Exists(iArchivePath))
   187                 {
   188                     Directory.CreateDirectory(iArchivePath);
   189                 }
   190                 if (!Directory.Exists(iSkippedPath))
   191                 {
   192                     Directory.CreateDirectory(iSkippedPath);
   193                 }
   194                 if (!Directory.Exists(iErrorPath))
   195                 {
   196                     Directory.CreateDirectory(iErrorPath);
   197                 }                    
   198             }
   199             else
   200             {
   201                 PrintCommandHelp();
   202             }
   203             System.Console.WriteLine("Using archive path " + ArchivePath + ", skipped path " + SkippedPath + " and error path " + ErrorPath);
   206             return retval;
   207         }
   209         private void PrintCommandHelp()
   210         {
   211             System.Console.WriteLine("Command line parameters:");
   212             System.Console.WriteLine("-a C:\\folderarchive\\   --Location where to move files to permanent archive");
   213             System.Console.WriteLine("-s C:\\folder\\skipped\\  --Location whére to put skipped files to wait reprocessing");
   214             System.Console.WriteLine("-f --Force decoding even if files are without symbols");
   215             System.Console.WriteLine("-t --Test mode, will not move any files, ignores -a and -s");
   217         }
   219         #endregion
   221         #region API
   222         #endregion
   224         #region Properties
   225         public CISinkSerializationParameters SinkParameters
   226         {
   227             get { return iSinkParams; }
   228         }
   230         public CACmdLineFSEntityList<CACmdLineFileSource> SourceFiles
   231         {
   232             get { return iSources; }
   233         }
   235         public CACmdLineFSEntityList<CACmdLineFSEntity> MetaDataFiles
   236         {
   237             get { return iMetaData; }
   238         }
   240         public string ArchivePath
   241         {
   242             get { return iArchivePath; }
   243             set { iArchivePath = value; }
   244         }
   245         public string SkippedPath
   246         {
   247             get { return iSkippedPath; }
   248             set { iSkippedPath = value; }
   249         }
   250         public string ErrorPath
   251         {
   252             get { return iErrorPath; }
   253             set { iErrorPath = value; }
   254         }
   255         public bool DecodeWithoutSymbols
   256         {
   257             get { return iDecodeWithoutSymbols; }
   258             set { iDecodeWithoutSymbols = value; }
   259         }
   260         public bool TestWithoutMovingFiles
   261         {
   262             get { return iTestWithoutMovingFiles; }
   263             set { iTestWithoutMovingFiles = value; }
   264         }
   266         #endregion
   268         #region Internal constants
   269         private const string KDebugMetaDataFileSelgeIni = "selge.ini";
   270         private const string KDebugMetaDataFileSelgeEventIni = "selge_event.ini";
   271         #endregion
   273         #region Internal methods
   274         private void FindDebugMetaDataFile( string aFileName )
   275         {
   276             // First try current working directory, and if not, then try application path.
   277             DirectoryInfo sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo( Environment.CurrentDirectory );
   279             string fileName = Path.Combine( sourceDir.FullName, aFileName );
   280             FileInfo file = new FileInfo( fileName );
   281             if ( file.Exists )
   282             {
   283                 iMetaData.Add( file );
   284             }
   285             else
   286             {
   287                 // Try app path
   288                 fileName = Path.Combine(iAppPath, aFileName);
   289                 file = new FileInfo( fileName );
   290                 if ( file.Exists )
   291                 {
   292                     iMetaData.Add( file );
   293                 }
   294                 else
   295                 {
   296                     iTracer.Trace( "WARNING: Could not find debug meta data file: " + aFileName );
   297                 }
   298             }
   299         }
   300         #endregion
   303         #region Data members
   304         private readonly ITracer iTracer;
   305         private readonly string iAppPath;
   306         private readonly CISinkSerializationParameters iSinkParams;
   307         private CACmdLineFSEntityList<CACmdLineFSEntity> iMetaData = new CACmdLineFSEntityList<CACmdLineFSEntity>();
   308         private CACmdLineFSEntityList<CACmdLineFileSource> iSources = new CACmdLineFSEntityList<CACmdLineFileSource>();
   310         private string iArchivePath = string.Empty;       
   311         private string iSkippedPath = string.Empty;      
   312         private string iErrorPath = string.Empty;    
   313         private bool iTestWithoutMovingFiles = false;
   314         private bool iDecodeWithoutSymbols = false;
   320         #endregion
   321 	}
   322 }