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     5 <title>Configuring the API metadata file data source properties</title>
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    10 <h3>Configuring the API metadata file data source properties</h3>
    11 <p>Using the API metadata file data source from an SDK is a good option, for example, for cases when you have network restrictions for using the Web data source option. This data source only requires a suitable SDK to be present.</p>
    12 <p>To configure the API metadata file data source, do the following:</p>
    13 <ol>
    14 <li>On the <b>Properties</b> tab, select <b>API Metadata files from the SDK</b> from the <b>Data Source</b> drop-down list.
    15 <p><img src="screenshots\sdk_data_source_properties.png"></p></li>
    16 <li>
    17 From the listbox, select an SDK from your local workstation.To aid selection ,cached/uncached information is displayed against each sdk.
    18 <p>With applicable SDKs, API Query starts seeking for the existing <i>.metaxml</i> files from the SDK.</p>
    19 <p>If you have problems with the SDK, see the <a href="#tips">Tips and hints</a> below for more information. </p> 
    21 </li>
    22 </ol>
    23 <p>Next, you can start an API query either from the <b>Search</b> tab or from the context menu of your project. For instructions, see the <i>Tasks</i> section in the Table of Contents in API Query Help.</p>
    25 <h3><a id="tips"></a>Tips and hints for API metadata file data source</h3>
    26 <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
    27 <colgroup><col><col></colgroup>
    28 <tbody>
    29 <tr>
    30 <td><b>Situation</b></td>
    31 <td><b>Solution</b></td>
    32 </tr>
    33 <tr>
    34 <td><p>The selected SDK does not contain any API metadata <i>.metaxml</i> files.</p></td>
    35 <td><p>The SDK cannot be used in API queries. Select another SDK and try again.</p></td>
    36 </tr>
    37 <tr>
    38 <td><p>Some of the data sources cannot be loaded. </p></td>
    39 <td><p>The SDK contains API metadata files that are not formally valid XML. These files are excluded from API queries. </p><p>(If possible, to fix the issue, notify the API's responsible person about the problem.)</p></td>
    40 </tr>
    41 <tr>
    42 <td><p>The SDK contents have changed since it was first loaded. </p></td>
    43 <td><p>You can refresh the local cache of the specified SDK by clicking <b>Refresh cache</b>. </p><p>Refreshing the SDK data is useful in cases when the metadata files have been updated or errors detected earlier have been corrected. </p></td>
    44 </tr>
    45 </tbody>
    46 </table>
    48 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. 
    49 License: <a href=""></a>.</div>
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