changeset 1 22878952f6e2
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:509e4801c378 1:22878952f6e2
     1 #! /usr/bin/env/python
     2 # Automatically build spec files containing a description of the project
     3 # Copyright (C) 2005, Giovanni Bajo
     4 # Based on previous work under copyright (c) 2002 McMillan Enterprises, Inc.
     5 #
     6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     7 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     8 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
     9 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    10 #
    11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    18 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
    20 import sys, os, string
    22 # For Python 1.5 compatibility
    23 try:
    24     True
    25 except:
    26     True,False = 1,0
    28 freezetmplt = """\
    29 a = Analysis(%(scripts)s,
    30              pathex=%(pathex)s)
    31 pyz = PYZ(a.pure)
    32 exe = EXE(%(tkpkg)s pyz,
    33           a.scripts,
    34           a.binaries,
    35           name='%(exename)s',
    36           debug=%(debug)s,
    37           strip=%(strip)s,
    38           upx=%(upx)s,
    39           console=%(console)s %(exe_options)s)
    40 """ # pathex scripts exename tkpkg debug console
    42 collecttmplt = """\
    43 a = Analysis(%(scripts)s,
    44              pathex=%(pathex)s)
    45 pyz = PYZ(a.pure)
    46 exe = EXE(pyz,
    47           a.scripts,
    48           exclude_binaries=1,
    49           name='%(builddir)s/%(exename)s',
    50           debug=%(debug)s,
    51           strip=%(strip)s,
    52           upx=%(upx)s,
    53           console=%(console)s %(exe_options)s)
    54 coll = COLLECT(%(tktree)s exe,
    55                a.binaries,
    56                strip=%(strip)s,
    57                upx=%(upx)s,
    58                name='%(distdir)s')
    59 """ # scripts pathex, exename, debug, console tktree distdir
    61 comsrvrtmplt = """\
    62 a = Analysis(%(scripts)s,
    63              pathex=%(pathex)s)
    64 pyz = PYZ(a.pure)
    65 exe = EXE(pyz,
    66           a.scripts,
    67           exclude_binaries=1,
    68           name='%(builddir)s/%(exename)s',
    69           debug=%(debug)s,
    70           strip=%(strip)s,
    71           upx=%(upx)s,
    72           console=%(console)s %(exe_options)s)
    73 dll = DLL(pyz,
    74           a.scripts,
    75           exclude_binaries=1,
    76           name='%(builddir)s/%(dllname)s',
    77           debug=%(debug)s)
    78 coll = COLLECT(exe, dll,
    79                a.binaries,
    80                strip=%(strip)s,
    81                upx=%(upx)s,
    82                name='%(distdir)s')
    83 """ # scripts pathex, exename, debug, console tktree distdir
    84 HOME = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    85 if HOME == '':
    86     HOME = os.getcwd()
    87 if not os.path.isabs(HOME):
    88     HOME = os.path.abspath(HOME)
    89 iswin = sys.platform[:3] == "win"
    90 cygwin = sys.platform == "cygwin"
    91 try:
    92     config = eval(open(os.path.join(HOME, 'config.dat'), 'r').read())
    93 except IOError:
    94     print "You must run before building!"
    95     sys.exit(1)
    97 if config['pythonVersion'] != sys.version:
    98     print "The current version of Python is not the same with which PyInstaller was configured."
    99     print "Please re-run with this version."
   100     sys.exit(1)
   102 def quote_win_filepath( path ):
   103     # quote all \ with another \ after using normpath to clean up the path
   104     return string.join( string.split( os.path.normpath( path ), '\\' ), '\\\\' )
   106 # Support for trying to avoid hard-coded paths in the .spec files.
   107 # Eg, all files rooted in the Installer directory tree will be
   108 # written using "HOMEPATH", thus allowing this spec file to
   109 # be used with any Installer installation.
   110 # Same thing could be done for other paths too.
   111 path_conversions = (
   112     (HOME, "HOMEPATH"),
   113     # Add Tk etc?
   114     )
   116 def make_variable_path(filename, conversions = path_conversions):
   117     for (from_path, to_name) in conversions:
   118         assert os.path.abspath(from_path)==from_path, \
   119             "path '%s' should already be absolute" % (from_path,)
   120         if filename[:len(from_path)] == from_path:
   121             rest = filename[len(from_path):]
   122             if rest[0] in "\\/":
   123                 rest = rest[1:]
   124             return to_name, rest
   125     return None, filename
   127 # An object used in place of a "path string" which knows how to repr()
   128 # itself using variable names instead of hard-coded paths.
   129 class Path:
   130     def __init__(self, *parts):
   131         self.path = apply(os.path.join, parts)
   132         self.variable_prefix = self.filename_suffix = None
   133     def __repr__(self):
   134         if self.filename_suffix is None:
   135             self.variable_prefix, self.filename_suffix = make_variable_path(self.path)
   136         if self.variable_prefix is None:
   137             return repr(self.path)
   138         return "os.path.join(" + self.variable_prefix + "," + repr(self.filename_suffix) + ")"
   140 def main(scripts, name=None, tk=0, freeze=0, console=1, debug=0, strip=0, upx=0,
   141          comserver=0, ascii=0, workdir=None, pathex=[], version_file=None, icon_file=None):
   142     if name is None:
   143         name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(scripts[0]))[0]
   144     distdir = "dist%s" % name
   145     builddir = "build%s" % name
   146     pathex = pathex[:]
   147     if workdir is None:
   148         workdir = os.getcwd()
   149         pathex.append(workdir)
   150     else:
   151         pathex.append(os.getcwd())
   152     if workdir == HOME:
   153         workdir = os.path.join(HOME, name)
   154     if not os.path.exists(workdir):
   155         os.makedirs(workdir)
   156     exe_options = ''
   157     if version_file:
   158         exe_options = "%s, version='%s'" % (exe_options, quote_win_filepath(version_file))
   159     if icon_file:
   160         exe_options = "%s, icon='%s'" % (exe_options, quote_win_filepath(icon_file))
   161     if not ascii and config['hasUnicode']:
   162         scripts.insert(0, os.path.join(HOME, 'support', ''))
   163     for i in range(len(scripts)):
   164         scripts[i] = Path(scripts[i]) # Use relative path in specfiles
   166     d = {'tktree':'',
   167          'tkpkg' :'',
   168          'scripts':scripts,
   169          'pathex' :pathex,
   170          'exename': '',
   171          'distdir': distdir,
   172          'builddir': builddir,
   173          'debug': debug,
   174          'strip': strip,
   175          'upx' : upx,
   176          'console': console or debug,
   177          'exe_options': exe_options}
   178     if tk:
   179         d['tktree'] = "TkTree(),"
   180         if freeze:
   181             scripts.insert(0, Path(HOME, 'support', ''))
   182             scripts.insert(0, Path(HOME, 'support', ''))
   183             scripts.append(Path(HOME, 'support', ''))
   184             d['tkpkg'] = "TkPKG(),"
   185         else:
   186             scripts.insert(0, Path(HOME, 'support', ''))
   187     scripts.insert(0, Path(HOME, 'support', ''))
   188     if iswin or cygwin:
   189         d['exename'] = name+'.exe'
   190         d['dllname'] = name+'.dll'
   191     else:
   192         d['exename'] = name
   193         d['console'] = 1
   194     specfnm = os.path.join(workdir, name+'.spec')
   195     specfile = open(specfnm, 'w')
   196     if freeze:
   197         specfile.write(freezetmplt % d)
   198     elif comserver:
   199         specfile.write(comsrvrtmplt % d)
   200     else:
   201         specfile.write(collecttmplt % d)
   202     specfile.close()
   203     return specfnm
   205 if __name__ == '__main__':
   206     import optparse
   207     p = optparse.OptionParser(
   208         usage="python %prog [opts] <scriptname> [<scriptname> ...]"
   209     )
   210     p.add_option("-F", "--onefile", dest="freeze",
   211                  action="store_true", default=False,
   212                  help="create a single file deployment")
   213     p.add_option("-D", "--onedir", dest="freeze", action="store_false",
   214                  help="create a single directory deployment (default)")
   215     p.add_option("-w", "--windowed", "--noconsole", dest="console",
   216                  action="store_false", default=True,
   217                  help="use a Windows subsystem executable (Windows only)")
   218     p.add_option("-c", "--nowindowed", "--console", dest="console",
   219                  action="store_true",
   220                  help="use a console subsystem executable (Windows only) "
   221                       "(default)")
   222     p.add_option("-a", "--ascii", action="store_true", default=False,
   223                  help="do NOT include unicode encodings "
   224                       "(default: included if available)")
   225     p.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False,
   226                  help="use the debug (verbose) build of the executable")
   227     p.add_option("-s", "--strip", action="store_true", default=False,
   228                  help="strip the exe and shared libs "
   229                       "(don't try this on Windows)")
   230     p.add_option("-X", "--upx", action="store_true", default=False,
   231                  help="use UPX if available (works differently between "
   232                       "Windows and *nix)")
   233     p.add_option("-K", "--tk", default=False, action="store_true",
   234                  help="include TCL/TK in the deployment")
   235     p.add_option("-o", "--out", type="string", default=None,
   236                  dest="workdir", metavar="DIR",
   237                  help="generate the spec file in the specified directory")
   238     p.add_option("-n", "--name", type="string", default=None,
   239                  help="name to assign to the project, from which the spec file "
   240                       "name is generated. (default: use the basename of the "
   241                       "(first) script)")
   242     p.add_option("-p", "--paths", type="string", default=[], dest="pathex",
   243                  metavar="DIR", action="append",
   244                  help="set base path for import (like using PYTHONPATH). "
   245                       "Multiple directories are allowed, separating them "
   246                       "with %s, or using this option multiple times"
   247                       % repr(os.pathsep))
   248     p.add_option("-v", "--version", type="string",
   249                  dest="version_file", metavar="FILE",
   250                  help="add a version resource from FILE to the exe "
   251                       "(Windows only)")
   252     p.add_option("--icon", type="string", dest="icon_file",
   253                  metavar="FILE.ICO or FILE.EXE,ID",
   254                  help="If FILE is an .ico file, add the icon to the final "
   255                       "executable. Otherwise, the syntax 'file.exe,id' to "
   256                       "extract the icon with the specified id "
   257                       "from file.exe and add it to the final executable")
   259     opts,args = p.parse_args()
   261     # Split pathex by using the path separator
   262     temppaths = opts.pathex[:]
   263     opts.pathex = []
   264     for p in temppaths:
   265         opts.pathex.extend(string.split(p, os.pathsep))
   267     if not args:
   268         p.print_help()
   269         sys.exit(1)
   271     nm = apply(main, (args,), opts.__dict__)
   272     print "wrote %s" % nm
   273     print "now run to build the executable"