changeset 1 22878952f6e2
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:509e4801c378 1:22878952f6e2
     1 /*
     2  * Bootloader for a DLL COM server.
     3  * Copyright (C) 2005, Giovanni Bajo
     4  * Based on previous work under copyright (c) 2002 McMillan Enterprises, Inc.
     5  *
     6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
     9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    10  *
    11  * In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
    12  * authors give you unlimited permission to link or embed the compiled
    13  * version of this file into combinations with other programs, and to
    14  * distribute those combinations without any restriction coming from the
    15  * use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions do apply in
    16  * other respects; for example, they cover modification of the file, and
    17  * distribution when not linked into a combine executable.)
    18  *
    19  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    20  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    22  * GNU General Public License for more details.
    23  *
    24  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    25  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    26  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
    27  */
    28 #include "launch.h"
    29 #include <windows.h>
    30 #include <olectl.h>
    32 typedef int (__stdcall *__PROC__DllCanUnloadNow) (void);
    33 __PROC__DllCanUnloadNow Pyc_DllCanUnloadNow = NULL;
    34 typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *__PROC__DllGetClassObject) (REFCLSID, REFIID, LPVOID *);
    35 __PROC__DllGetClassObject Pyc_DllGetClassObject = NULL;
    36 typedef int (__cdecl *__PROC__DllRegisterServerEx) (const char *);
    37 __PROC__DllRegisterServerEx Pyc_DllRegisterServerEx = NULL;
    38 typedef int (__cdecl *__PROC__DllUnregisterServerEx) (const char *);
    39 __PROC__DllUnregisterServerEx Pyc_DllUnregisterServerEx = NULL;
    40 typedef void (__cdecl *__PROC__PyCom_CoUninitialize) (void);
    41 __PROC__PyCom_CoUninitialize PyCom_CoUninitialize = NULL;
    43 HINSTANCE gPythoncom = 0;
    44 char here[_MAX_PATH + 1];
    45 int LoadPythonCom(void);
    46 void releasePythonCom(void);
    47 HINSTANCE gInstance;
    48 PyThreadState *thisthread = NULL;
    50 int launch(char const * archivePath, char  const * archiveName)
    51 {
    52 	PyObject *obHandle;
    53 	int loadedNew = 0;
    54 	char pathnm[_MAX_PATH];
    56     VS("START");
    57 	strcpy(pathnm, archivePath);
    58 	strcat(pathnm, archiveName);
    59     /* Set up paths */
    60     if (setPaths(archivePath, archiveName))
    61         return -1;
    62 	VS("Got Paths");
    63     /* Open the archive */
    64     if (openArchive())
    65         return -1;
    66 	VS("Opened Archive");
    67     /* Load Python DLL */
    68     if (attachPython(&loadedNew))
    69         return -1;
    71 	if (loadedNew) {
    72 		/* Start Python with silly command line */
    73 		PyEval_InitThreads();
    74 		if (startPython(1, (char**)&pathnm))
    75 			return -1;
    76 		VS("Started new Python");
    77 		thisthread = PyThreadState_Swap(NULL);
    78 		PyThreadState_Swap(thisthread);
    79 	}
    80 	else {
    81 		VS("Attached to existing Python");
    83 		/* start a mew interp */
    84 		thisthread = PyThreadState_Swap(NULL);
    85 		PyThreadState_Swap(thisthread);
    86 		if (thisthread == NULL) {
    87 			thisthread = Py_NewInterpreter();
    88 			VS("created thisthread");
    89 		}
    90 		else
    91 			VS("grabbed thisthread");
    92 		PyRun_SimpleString("import sys;sys.argv=[]");
    93 	}
    95 	/* a signal to scripts */
    96 	PyRun_SimpleString("import sys;sys.frozen='dll'\n");
    97 	VS("set sys.frozen");
    98 	/* Create a 'frozendllhandle' as a counterpart to
    99 	   sys.dllhandle (which is the Pythonxx.dll handle)
   100 	*/
   101 	obHandle = Py_BuildValue("i", gInstance);
   102 	PySys_SetObject("frozendllhandle", obHandle);
   103 	Py_XDECREF(obHandle);
   104     /* Import modules from archive - this is to bootstrap */
   105     if (importModules())
   106         return -1;
   107 	VS("Imported Modules");
   108     /* Install zlibs - now import hooks are in place */
   109     if (installZlibs())
   110         return -1;
   111 	VS("Installed Zlibs");
   112     /* Run scripts */
   113     if (runScripts())
   114         return -1;
   115 	VS("All scripts run");
   116     if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
   117 		// PyErr_Print();
   118 		//PyErr_Clear();
   119 		VS("Some error occurred");
   120     }
   121 	VS("PGL released");
   122 	// Abandon our thread state.
   123 	PyEval_ReleaseThread(thisthread);
   124     VS("OK.");
   125     return 0;
   126 }
   127 void startUp()
   128 {
   129 	char thisfile[_MAX_PATH + 1];
   130 	char *p;
   131 	int len;
   133 	if (!GetModuleFileNameA(gInstance, thisfile, _MAX_PATH)) {
   134 		FATALERROR("System error - unable to load!");
   135 		return;
   136 	}
   137 	// fill in here (directory of thisfile)
   138 	//GetModuleFileName returns an absolute path
   139 	strcpy(here, thisfile);
   140 	for (p=here+strlen(here); *p != '\\' && p >= here+2; --p);
   141 	*++p = '\0';
   142 	len = p - here;
   143 	//VS(here);
   144 	//VS(&thisfile[len]);
   145 	launch(here, &thisfile[len]);
   146 	LoadPythonCom();
   147 	// Now Python is up and running (any scripts have run)
   148 }
   150 BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
   151 {
   152 	char msg[40];
   154 	if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
   155 		sprintf(msg, "Attach from thread %x", GetCurrentThreadId()); 
   156 		VS(msg);
   157 		gInstance = hInstance;
   158 	}
   159 	else if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ) {
   160 		VS("Process Detach");
   161 		//if (gPythoncom)
   162 		//	releasePythonCom();
   163 		//finalizePython();
   164 	}
   166 	return TRUE; 
   167 }
   169 int LoadPythonCom()
   170 {
   171 	char dllpath[_MAX_PATH+1];
   172 	VS("Loading Pythoncom");
   173 	// see if pythoncom is already loaded
   174 	sprintf(dllpath, "pythoncom%02d.dll", getPyVersion());
   175 	gPythoncom = GetModuleHandle(dllpath);
   176 	if (gPythoncom == NULL) {
   177 		sprintf(dllpath, "%spythoncom%02d.dll", here, getPyVersion());
   178 		//VS(dllpath);
   179 		gPythoncom = LoadLibraryEx( dllpath, // points to name of executable module 
   180 					   NULL, // HANDLE hFile, // reserved, must be NULL 
   181 					   LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH // DWORD dwFlags // entry-point execution flag 
   182 					  ); 
   183 	}
   184 	if (!gPythoncom) {
   185 		VS("Pythoncom failed to load");
   186 		return -1;
   187 	}
   188 	// debugging
   189 	GetModuleFileNameA(gPythoncom, dllpath, _MAX_PATH);
   190 	VS(dllpath);
   192 	Pyc_DllCanUnloadNow = (__PROC__DllCanUnloadNow)GetProcAddress(gPythoncom, "DllCanUnloadNow");
   193 	Pyc_DllGetClassObject = (__PROC__DllGetClassObject)GetProcAddress(gPythoncom, "DllGetClassObject");
   194 	// DllRegisterServerEx etc are mainly used for "scripts", so that regsvr32.exe can be run on
   195 	// a .py file, for example.  They aren't really relevant here.
   196 	Pyc_DllRegisterServerEx = (__PROC__DllRegisterServerEx)GetProcAddress(gPythoncom, "DllRegisterServerEx");
   197 	Pyc_DllUnregisterServerEx = (__PROC__DllUnregisterServerEx)GetProcAddress(gPythoncom, "DllUnregisterServerEx");
   198 	PyCom_CoUninitialize = (__PROC__PyCom_CoUninitialize)GetProcAddress(gPythoncom, "PyCom_CoUninitialize");
   199 	if (Pyc_DllGetClassObject == NULL) {
   200 		VS("Couldn't get DllGetClassObject from pythoncom!");
   201 		return -1;
   202 	}
   203 	if (PyCom_CoUninitialize == NULL) {
   204 		VS("Couldn't get PyCom_CoUninitialize from pythoncom!");
   205 		return -1;
   206 	}
   207 	return 0;
   208 }
   209 void releasePythonCom(void)
   210 {
   211 	if (gPythoncom) {
   212 		PyCom_CoUninitialize();
   213 		FreeLibrary(gPythoncom);
   214 		gPythoncom = 0;
   215 	}
   216 }
   217 //__declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall DllCanUnloadNow(void)
   218 //__declspec(dllexport)
   219 //STDAPI
   220 HRESULT __stdcall DllCanUnloadNow(void)
   221 {
   222 	char msg[80];
   223 	HRESULT rc;
   225 	sprintf(msg, "DllCanUnloadNow from thread %x", GetCurrentThreadId()); 
   226 	VS(msg);
   227 	if (gPythoncom == 0)
   228 		startUp();
   229 	rc = Pyc_DllCanUnloadNow();
   230 	sprintf(msg, "DllCanUnloadNow returns %x", rc); 
   231 	VS(msg);
   232 	//if (rc == S_OK)
   233 	//	PyCom_CoUninitialize();
   234 	return rc;
   235 }
   237 //__declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall DllGetClassObject(void *rclsid, void *riid, void *ppv)
   238 HRESULT __stdcall DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv)
   239 {
   240 	char msg[80];
   241 	HRESULT rc;
   242 	sprintf(msg, "DllGetClassObject from thread %x", GetCurrentThreadId()); 
   243 	VS(msg);
   244 	if (gPythoncom == 0)
   245 		startUp();
   246 	rc = Pyc_DllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv);
   247 	sprintf(msg, "DllGetClassObject set %x and returned %x", *ppv, rc);
   248 	VS(msg);
   249 	return rc;
   250 }
   252 __declspec(dllexport) int DllRegisterServerEx(LPCSTR fileName)
   253 {
   254 	char msg[40];
   255 	sprintf(msg, "DllRegisterServerEx from thread %x", GetCurrentThreadId()); 
   256 	VS(msg);
   257 	if (gPythoncom == 0)
   258 		startUp();
   259 	return Pyc_DllRegisterServerEx(fileName);
   260 }
   262 __declspec(dllexport) int DllUnregisterServerEx(LPCSTR fileName)
   263 {
   264 	if (gPythoncom == 0)
   265 		startUp();
   266 	return Pyc_DllUnregisterServerEx(fileName);
   267 }
   269 STDAPI DllRegisterServer()
   270 {
   271 	int rc, pyrc;
   272 	if (gPythoncom == 0)
   273 		startUp();
   274 	PyEval_AcquireThread(thisthread);
   275 	rc = callSimpleEntryPoint("DllRegisterServer", &pyrc);
   276 	PyEval_ReleaseThread(thisthread);
   277 	return rc==0 ? pyrc : SELFREG_E_CLASS;
   278 }
   280 STDAPI DllUnregisterServer()
   281 {
   282 	int rc, pyrc;
   283 	if (gPythoncom == 0)
   284 		startUp();
   285 	PyEval_AcquireThread(thisthread);
   286 	rc = callSimpleEntryPoint("DllUnregisterServer", &pyrc);
   287 	PyEval_ReleaseThread(thisthread);
   288 	return rc==0 ? pyrc : SELFREG_E_CLASS;
   289 }