1. Copyrights changed to EPL
2. Feature updates mentioned in release notes.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Handling of sis files
#include "appdep.hpp"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note that in C/C++ code \ has been replaced with \\ and " with \".
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void DoInitialChecksAndPreparationsForSisFiles()
// specify full location for dumpsis
_dumpsis_location = _cl_releasedir + DUMPSIS_LOCATION;
// check if dumpsis can be found
if (!FileExists(_dumpsis_location))
cerr << "ERROR: Unable to find " + _dumpsis_location << ", check -release param" << endl;
cerr << "Please notice that this feature is available only in Symbian OS 9.x" << endl;
cerr << "It is possible the user to copy dumpsis.exe from some other release under" << endl;
cerr << "this release to support this feature." << endl;
// insert quotes to the dumpsis location to avoid any problems caused by white spaces
// parse commandline argument "sisfiles" from sisfile;sisfile;...
int last_found_semicolon_pos = -1;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_cl_sisfiles.length(); i++)
// try to find ';' characters
string::size_type semicolon_pos = _cl_sisfiles.find(";", i);
if (semicolon_pos == string::npos)
// could not find the ';' character, append last part of the list
string sis_file = _cl_sisfiles.substr(last_found_semicolon_pos+1,_cl_sisfiles.length()-last_found_semicolon_pos-1);
// found a ';' character, append to the list, but needs to check if there are more
string sis_file = _cl_sisfiles.substr(last_found_semicolon_pos+1, semicolon_pos-last_found_semicolon_pos-1);
if (sis_file.length() > 0)
last_found_semicolon_pos = semicolon_pos;
i = last_found_semicolon_pos;
// check that all given sisfiles can be found and it is supported
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sisfiles.size(); i++)
// report an error if the file does not exist
if (!FileExists(_sisfiles.at(i)))
cerr << "ERROR: Unable to find " + _sisfiles.at(i) << ", check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
// open the sis file for reading to check if it is supported
ifstream sisf(_sisfiles.at(i).c_str(), ios::binary);
if (sisf.is_open())
int c1, c2, c3, c4;
c1 = sisf.get();
c2 = sisf.get();
c3 = sisf.get();
c4 = sisf.get();
// in valid sis first four bytes of the file are 7A1A2010
if (c1==0x7A && c2==0x1A && c3==0x20 && c4==0x10)
//cerr << _sisfiles.at(i) << " is supported" << endl;
// if starting from offset 8, four next bytes are 19040010, the file is
// unsupported SIS file used in previous Symbian OS releases.
sisf.seekg(8, ios::beg);
c1 = sisf.get();
c2 = sisf.get();
c3 = sisf.get();
c4 = sisf.get();
if (c1==0x19 && c2==0x04 && c3==0x00 && c4==0x10)
cerr << "ERROR: " + _sisfiles.at(i) << " is a pre-Symbian OS 9.x" << endl;
cerr << "sisfile which is not supported, check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: " + _sisfiles.at(i) << " is not a valid sis file," << endl;
cerr << "check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open " + _sisfiles.at(i) << " for reading, check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AnalyseSisFiles()
// create a new target and set some defaults
target sis_target;
sis_target.name = "sis";
sis_target.cache_dir = _cl_cachedir + sis_target.name + DIR_SEPARATOR;
sis_target.dep_cache_path = sis_target.cache_dir + CACHE_DEP_FILENAME;
cerr << "Analysing sis files..." << endl;
// define path to a temp directory where dumpsis will extract the files
const string tempdir = _cl_cachedir + SIS_TEMP_DIR + DIR_SEPARATOR;
const string tempdir2 = _cl_cachedir + SIS_TEMP_DIR;
// do analysis for each file
for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sisfiles.size(); i++)
// create the temporary directory
cerr << "Binaries in " << _sisfiles.at(i) << " are:" << endl;
// due to bugginess of a specific version of dumpsis, we need to copy the source file under the temporary directory
const string new_sis_loc = tempdir + "tempsis.sis";
ifstream src_sis_f(_sisfiles.at(i).c_str(), ios::binary);
if (src_sis_f.is_open())
ofstream trgt_sis_f(new_sis_loc.c_str(), ios::binary);
if (trgt_sis_f.is_open())
// read all bytes from source and write to the target
int c1;
c1 = src_sis_f.get();
cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open " + new_sis_loc << " for writing, check write permissions" << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open " + _sisfiles.at(i) << " for reading, check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
// execute dumpsis
string cmd = _dumpsis_location + " -x -d \"" + tempdir2 + "\" \"" + new_sis_loc + "\" " + CERR_TO_NULL;
vector<string> tempVector;
ExecuteCommand(cmd, tempVector);
// check if pkg file found
string pkgfile_location = tempdir + "tempsis.pkg";
if (!FileExists(pkgfile_location))
// try again with an alternative
pkgfile_location = tempdir + "tempsis.sis.pkg";
if (!FileExists(pkgfile_location))
cerr << "ERROR: Dumpsis failed for " << _sisfiles.at(i) << " since it does not contain a pkg file, check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
// open the pkg file for reading
ifstream pkgf(pkgfile_location.c_str(), ios::binary);
if (pkgf.is_open())
int c1, c2;
c1 = pkgf.get();
c2 = pkgf.get();
// we only support unicode format
if (c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE)
string line;
// read more chars
c1 = pkgf.get();
c2 = pkgf.get();
// if (c1 == 0x0D && c2 == 0x00) // new line marker #1
// {
// c1 = pkgf.get();
// c2 = pkgf.get();
if (c1 == 0x0A && c2 == 0x00) // new line marker #2
// full line is now available, parse it
boost::regex re1("^\\\"(.+)\\\"-\\\".*\\\\(\\S+)\\\",.*$");
boost::cmatch matches1;
if (boost::regex_match(line.c_str(), matches1, re1))
// match found
string ms1(matches1[1].first, matches1[1].second); // source name
string ms2(matches1[2].first, matches1[2].second); // target name
binary_info b_info;
b_info.directory = tempdir;
b_info.filename = ms1;
GetImportTableWithPetran(_petran_location, b_info);
// make sure that Petran succeeded for this file since we don't do any file
// extension checks when parsering the file
if (b_info.binary_format != UNKNOWN)
// print name of the destination binary
cerr << ms2 << endl;
b_info.directory = "";
b_info.filename = ms2;
// get statistics of the file and set the modification time
struct stat stat_p;
stat((tempdir + ms1).c_str(), &stat_p);
b_info.mod_time = stat_p.st_mtime;
// create a new entry to list of binary files
sis_target.binaries.push_back( b_info );
// clear the buffer since we start scanning another line
line = "";
char c(c1); // simple unicode to ascii conversion, just ignore c2
line += c; // append the char to end of the line
cerr << "ERROR: Pkg file " + pkgfile_location << " is not supported, check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open " + pkgfile_location << " for reading, check -sisfiles parameter" << endl;
// close handles and clear any temp files
// make sure that the cache directory exists
// write the dependencies cache of the sis files
// append to targets
cerr << endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------