1 |
2 # <copyright> |
3 # </copyright> |
4 # |
5 # $Id$ |
6 |
7 # ==================================================================== |
8 # To code developer: |
9 # Do NOT change the properties between this line and the |
10 # "%%% END OF TRANSLATED PROPERTIES %%%" line. |
11 # Make a new property name, append to the end of the file and change |
12 # the code to use the new property. |
13 # ==================================================================== |
14 |
15 # ==================================================================== |
17 # ==================================================================== |
18 |
19 pluginName = TEF ini file |
20 providerName = Nokia Corporation. |
21 |
22 _UI_IniEditor_menu = &TEF Ini Editor |
23 _UI_CommentEditor_menu = &Comment Editor |
24 |
25 _UI_CreateChild_menu_item = &New Child |
26 _UI_CreateSibling_menu_item = N&ew Sibling |
27 |
28 _UI_ShowPropertiesView_menu_item = Show &Properties View |
29 _UI_RefreshViewer_menu_item = &Refresh |
30 |
31 _UI_SelectionPage_label = Selection |
32 _UI_ParentPage_label = Parent |
33 _UI_ListPage_label = List |
34 _UI_TreePage_label = Tree |
35 _UI_TablePage_label = Table |
36 _UI_TreeWithColumnsPage_label = Tree with Columns |
37 _UI_ObjectColumn_label = Object |
38 _UI_SelfColumn_label = Self |
39 |
40 _UI_NoObjectSelected = Selected Nothing |
41 _UI_SingleObjectSelected = Selected Object: {0} |
42 _UI_MultiObjectSelected = Selected {0} Objects |
43 |
44 _UI_OpenEditorError_label = Open Editor |
45 |
46 _UI_Wizard_category = Symbian OS Test |
47 |
48 _UI_CreateModelError_message = Problems encountered in file "{0}" |
49 |
50 _UI_IniModelWizard_label = TEF ini file |
51 _UI_IniModelWizard_description = Create a new TEF ini file |
52 |
53 _UI_IniEditor_label = Ini file Editor |
54 |
55 _UI_IniEditorFilenameDefaultBase = My |
56 _UI_IniEditorFilenameExtension = ini |
57 |
58 _UI_CommentModelWizard_label = Comment Model |
59 _UI_CommentModelWizard_description = Create a new Comment model |
60 |
61 _UI_CommentEditor_label = Comment Model Editor |
62 |
63 _UI_CommentEditorFilenameDefaultBase = My |
64 _UI_CommentEditorFilenameExtension = comment |
65 |
66 _UI_Wizard_label = New |
67 |
68 _WARN_FilenameExtension = The file name must end in ".{0}" |
69 |
70 _UI_ModelObject = &Model Object |
71 _UI_XMLEncoding = &XML Encoding |
72 _UI_XMLEncodingChoices = UTF-8 ASCII UTF-16 UTF-16BE UTF-16LE ISO-8859-1 |
73 _UI_Wizard_initial_object_description = Select a model object to create |
74 |
75 _UI_FileConflict_label = File Conflict |
76 _WARN_FileConflict = There are unsaved changes that conflict with changes made outside the editor. Do you wish to discard this editor's changes? |
77 |
78 _UI_Perspective_label = Symbian OS Test |