1 |
2 # <copyright> |
3 # </copyright> |
4 # |
5 # $Id$ |
6 |
7 # ==================================================================== |
8 # To code developer: |
9 # Do NOT change the properties between this line and the |
10 # "%%% END OF TRANSLATED PROPERTIES %%%" line. |
11 # Make a new property name, append to the end of the file and change |
12 # the code to use the new property. |
13 # ==================================================================== |
14 |
15 # ==================================================================== |
17 # ==================================================================== |
18 |
19 pluginName = TEF Script Edit |
20 providerName = Nokia Corporation. |
21 |
22 _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
23 _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
24 _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
25 _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
26 _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
27 _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
28 |
29 _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
30 |
31 _UI_TefModel_type = Tef Model |
32 _UI_Tef_type = Tef |
33 _UI_Container_type = Container |
34 _UI_Leaf_type = Leaf |
35 _UI_TestCase_type = Test Case |
36 _UI_Prefix_type = Prefix |
37 _UI_Repeat_type = Repeat |
38 _UI_TestStep_type = Test Step |
39 _UI_Print_type = Print |
40 _UI_LoadSuite_type = Load Suite |
41 _UI_LoadServer_type = Load Server |
42 _UI_RunUtils_type = Run Utils |
43 _UI_RunProgram_type = Run Program |
44 _UI_RunScript_type = Run Script |
45 _UI_Pause_type = Pause |
46 _UI_Delay_type = Delay |
47 _UI_Consecutive_type = Consecutive |
48 _UI_Concurrent_type = Concurrent |
49 _UI_SharedData_type = Shared Data |
50 _UI_SectionPesistance_type = Section Pesistance |
51 _UI_TefComment_type = Tef Comment |
52 _UI_Comment_type = Comment |
53 _UI_CommentTag_type = Tag |
54 _UI_AttachedComment_type = Attached Comment |
55 _UI_IniModel_type = Model |
56 _UI_Ini_type = Ini |
57 _UI_IniLeaf_type = Leaf |
58 _UI_Section_type = Section |
59 _UI_Data_type = Data |
60 _UI_IniComment_type = Comment |
61 _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
62 |
63 _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
64 |
65 _UI_TefModel_tef_feature = Tef |
66 _UI_Container_tef_feature = Tef |
67 _UI_TestCase_name_feature = Name |
68 _UI_Repeat_name_feature = Name |
69 _UI_TestStep_server_feature = Server |
70 _UI_TestStep_timeout_feature = Timeout |
71 _UI_TestStep_method_feature = Method |
72 _UI_TestStep_Error_feature = Error |
73 _UI_TestStep_PanicString_feature = Panic String |
74 _UI_TestStep_PanicCode_feature = Panic Code |
75 _UI_TestStep_Result_feature = Result |
76 _UI_TestStep_Heap_feature = Heap |
77 _UI_TestStep_OOM_feature = OOM |
78 _UI_Print_print_feature = Print |
79 _UI_LoadSuite_server_feature = Server |
80 _UI_LoadSuite_sharedData_feature = Shared Data |
81 _UI_LoadServer_server_feature = Server |
82 _UI_LoadServer_sharedData_feature = Shared Data |
83 _UI_RunUtils_utilityCommand_feature = Utility Command |
84 _UI_RunUtils_param_feature = Param |
85 _UI_RunProgram_name_feature = Name |
86 _UI_RunProgram_Timeout_feature = Timeout |
87 _UI_RunProgram_WS_feature = WS |
88 _UI_RunScript_script_feature = Script |
89 _UI_RunScript_scriptPersistance_feature = Script Persistance |
90 _UI_Delay_timeout_feature = Timeout |
91 _UI_SectionPesistance_section_feature = Section |
92 _UI_SectionPesistance_iniPersistance_feature = Ini Persistance |
93 _UI_SectionPesistance_sectionPersistance_feature = Section Persistance |
94 _UI_Comment_comment_feature = Comment |
95 _UI_Comment_tag_feature = Tag |
96 _UI_CommentTag_key_feature = Key |
97 _UI_CommentTag_value_feature = Value |
98 _UI_AttachedComment_attachedComment_feature = Attached Comment |
99 _UI_AttachedComment_attachedTag_feature = Attached Tag |
100 _UI_IniModel_ini_feature = Ini |
101 _UI_Section_name_feature = Name |
102 _UI_Section_iniLeaf_feature = Ini Leaf |
103 _UI_Data_key_feature = Key |
104 _UI_Data_value_feature = Value |
105 _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
106 |
107 _UI_UtilityCommand_MakeReadWrite_literal = MakeReadWrite |
108 _UI_UtilityCommand_DeleteFile_literal = DeleteFile |
109 _UI_UtilityCommand_DeleteDirectory_literal = DeleteDirectory |
110 _UI_UtilityCommand_CopyFile_literal = CopyFile |
111 _UI_UtilityCommand_MkDir_literal = MkDir |
112 _UI_TestBlock_type = Test Block |
113 _UI_CreateObject_type = Create Object |
114 _UI_RestoreObject_type = Restore Object |
115 _UI_Command_type = Command |
116 _UI_Store_type = Store |
117 _UI_Outstanding_type = Outstanding |
118 _UI_AsyncDelay_type = Async Delay |
119 _UI_SharedActiveScheduler_type = Shared Active Scheduler |
120 _UI_StoreActiveScheduler_type = Store Active Scheduler |
121 _UI_TestBlock_Heap_feature = Heap |
122 _UI_TestBlock_timeout_feature = Timeout |
123 _UI_TestBlock_server_feature = Server |
124 _UI_TestBlock_iniFile_feature = Ini File |
125 _UI_TestBlock_PanicCode_feature = Panic Code |
126 _UI_TestBlock_PanicString_feature = Panic String |
127 _UI_CreateObject_objectType_feature = Object Type |
128 _UI_CreateObject_objectName_feature = Object Name |
129 _UI_RestoreObject_objectType_feature = Object Type |
130 _UI_RestoreObject_objectName_feature = Object Name |
131 _UI_Command_Error_feature = Error |
132 _UI_Command_AsyncError_feature = Async Error |
133 _UI_Command_objectName_feature = Object Name |
134 _UI_Command_functionName_feature = Function Name |
135 _UI_Command_section_feature = Section |
136 _UI_Store_section_feature = Section |
137 _UI_Outstanding_pollInterval_feature = Poll Interval |
138 _UI_Outstanding_objectName_feature = Object Name |
139 _UI_AsyncDelay_timeout_feature = Timeout |