changeset 0 f1112f777ce9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testdev/svstestdev/driver/com.symbian.driver.edit/plugin.properties	Mon Mar 08 15:05:03 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# <copyright>
+# </copyright>
+# $Id$
+# ====================================================================
+# To code developer:
+#   Do NOT change the properties between this line and the
+#   Make a new property name, append to the end of the file and change
+#   the code to use the new property.
+# ====================================================================
+# ====================================================================
+# ====================================================================
+pluginName = TestDriver Edit
+providerName = Nokia Corporation.
+_UI_CreateChild_text = {0}
+_UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0}
+_UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1}
+_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature
+_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}.
+_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent.
+_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1}
+_UI_Build_type = Build
+_UI_CmdPC_type = Cmd PC
+_UI_CmdSymbian_type = Cmd Symbian
+_UI_DocumentRoot_type = Document Root
+_UI_Driver_type = Driver
+_UI_DriverInfo_type = Info
+_UI_ExecuteOnPC_type = Execute On PC
+_UI_ExecuteOnSymbian_type = Execute On Symbian
+_UI_FlashROM_type = Flash ROM
+_UI_Info_type = Info
+_UI_Reference_type = Reference
+_UI_RetrieveFromSymbian_type = Retrieve From Symbian
+_UI_Rtest_type = Rtest
+_UI_Task_type = Task
+_UI_TestCase_type = Test Case
+_UI_TestCasesList_type = Test Cases List
+_UI_TestExecuteScript_type = Test Execute Script
+_UI_Transfer_type = Transfer
+_UI_TransferToSymbian_type = Transfer To Symbian
+_UI_Unknown_type = Object
+_UI_Unknown_datatype= Value
+_UI_Build_componentName_feature = Component Name
+_UI_Build_testBuild_feature = Test Build
+_UI_Build_uRI_feature = URI
+_UI_CmdPC_value_feature = Value
+_UI_CmdPC_phase_feature = Phase
+_UI_CmdPC_sync_feature = Sync
+_UI_CmdPC_uRI_feature = URI
+_UI_CmdSymbian_argument_feature = Argument
+_UI_CmdSymbian_output_feature = Output
+_UI_CmdSymbian_statCommand_feature = Stat Command
+_UI_CmdSymbian_sync_feature = Sync
+_UI_DocumentRoot_mixed_feature = Mixed
+_UI_DocumentRoot_xMLNSPrefixMap_feature = XMLNS Prefix Map
+_UI_DocumentRoot_xSISchemaLocation_feature = XSI Schema Location
+_UI_DocumentRoot_driver_feature = Driver
+_UI_Driver_driverInfo_feature = Driver Info
+_UI_Driver_task_feature = Task
+_UI_DriverInfo_info_feature = Info
+_UI_ExecuteOnPC_group_feature = Group
+_UI_ExecuteOnPC_cmd_feature = Cmd
+_UI_ExecuteOnPC_build_feature = Build
+_UI_ExecuteOnSymbian_group_feature = Group
+_UI_ExecuteOnSymbian_cmd_feature = Cmd
+_UI_ExecuteOnSymbian_testExecuteScript_feature = Test Execute Script
+_UI_ExecuteOnSymbian_rtest_feature = Rtest
+_UI_FlashROM_pCPath_feature = PC Path
+_UI_Info_value_feature = Value
+_UI_Info_key_feature = Key
+_UI_Reference_uri_feature = Uri
+_UI_RetrieveFromSymbian_group_feature = Group
+_UI_RetrieveFromSymbian_transfer_feature = Transfer
+_UI_Rtest_resultFile_feature = Result File
+_UI_Rtest_symbianPath_feature = Symbian Path
+_UI_Task_group_feature = Group
+_UI_Task_executeOnPC_feature = Execute On PC
+_UI_Task_transferToSymbian_feature = Transfer To Symbian
+_UI_Task_executeOnSymbian_feature = Execute On Symbian
+_UI_Task_retrieveFromSymbian_feature = Retrieve From Symbian
+_UI_Task_reference_feature = Reference
+_UI_Task_task_feature = Task
+_UI_Task_flashrom_feature = Flashrom
+_UI_Task_name_feature = Name
+_UI_Task_preRebootDevice_feature = Pre Reboot Device
+_UI_Task_timeout_feature = Timeout
+_UI_TestCase_target_feature = Target
+_UI_TestCasesList_testCase_feature = Test Case
+_UI_TestCasesList_operator_feature = Operator
+_UI_TestExecuteScript_testCasesList_feature = Test Cases List
+_UI_TestExecuteScript_pCPath_feature = PC Path
+_UI_TestExecuteScript_symbianPath_feature = Symbian Path
+_UI_Transfer_move_feature = Move
+_UI_Transfer_pCPath_feature = PC Path
+_UI_Transfer_symbianPath_feature = Symbian Path
+_UI_TransferToSymbian_group_feature = Group
+_UI_TransferToSymbian_transfer_feature = Transfer
+_UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_comment_feature = Comment
+_UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_text_feature = Text
+_UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_processingInstruction_feature = Processing Instruction
+_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified
+_UI_OperatorType_include_literal = include
+_UI_OperatorType_exclude_literal = exclude
+_UI_Phase_build_literal = build
+_UI_Phase_run_literal = run
+_UI_Phase_both_literal = both
+_UI_StatCommand_createFolder_literal = createFolder
+_UI_StatCommand_removeFolder_literal = removeFolder
+_UI_StatCommand_listDrives_literal = listDrives
+_UI_StatCommand_listFiles_literal = listFiles
+_UI_StatCommand_getScreenCapture_literal = getScreenCapture
+_UI_StatCommand_delete_literal = delete
+_UI_StatCommand_run_literal = run
+_UI_StatCommand_startLogging_literal = startLogging
+_UI_StatCommand_stopLogging_literal = stopLogging
+_UI_StartTrace_type = Start Trace
+_UI_StopTrace_type = Stop Trace
+_UI_Task_startTrace_feature = Start Trace
+_UI_Task_stopTrace_feature = Stop Trace
+_UI_StartTrace_enablePrimaryFilters_feature = Enable Primary Filters
+_UI_StartTrace_enableSecondaryFilters_feature = Enable Secondary Filters
+_UI_StartTrace_disablePrimaryFilters_feature = Disable Primary Filters
+_UI_StartTrace_disableSecondaryFilters_feature = Disable Secondary Filters
+_UI_StartTrace_configFilePath_feature = Config File Path
\ No newline at end of file