changeset 0 3da2a79470a7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3da2a79470a7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 * Local Includes
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include "assert.h"
    22 #include "CSerialTransport.h"
    24 /**************************************************************************************
    25  *
    26  * Definitions
    27  *
    28  *************************************************************************************/
    29 _LIT(LDD_NAME,"ECOMM");
    30 #ifdef __WINS__
    31 _LIT(PDD_NAME,"ECDRV");
    32 #else
    33 _LIT(PDD_NAME,"EUART1");
    34 #endif
    36 #define KMaxTimeoutRetries	(0x0FFFFFFF)
    37 #define KWriteTimeout		50000000
    39 /********************************************************************************
    40  *
    41  * Macro functions
    42  *
    43  ********************************************************************************/
    45 /**************************************************************************************
    46  *
    47  * CSerialTransport - Construction
    48  *
    49  *************************************************************************************/
    50 CSerialTransport* CSerialTransport::NewL( TPtrC16 aModule )
    51 {
    52     CSerialTransport *self = new (ELeave) CSerialTransport();
    53     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    54 	self->ConstructL( aModule );
    55 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    56     return self;
    57 }
    59 CSerialTransport::CSerialTransport() 
    60 {
    61 }
    63 CSerialTransport::~CSerialTransport()
    64 {
    65 	iCommPort.Close();
    66 	iCommServer.Close();
    67 }
    69 void CSerialTransport::ConstructL( TPtrC16 aModule )
    70 {
    71 	// set parameters
    72 	assert( aModule.Length() <= KModuleSize );
    73 	iModule.Copy( aModule );
    74 	iSerialStatus = EIdle;
    75 	iRetries = 0;
    76 	iCommPortOpen = 0;
    77 	iCommOldSettingsValid = 0;
    78 }
    80 /**************************************************************************************
    81  *
    82  * CSerialTransport - Initialise and Release
    83  *
    84  *************************************************************************************/
    85 TInt CSerialTransport::InitialiseL()
    86 {
    87 	TInt r;
    89 	// set the state
    90 	SetStatus( EInitialising );
    92 	// Under WINS we must force a link to the file server so that we're sure we'll be 
    93 	// able to load the device drivers. On a MARM implementation, this code would not
    94 	// be required because higher level components (EIKON) will automatically have started 
    95 	// the services. NOTE: this is now no longer required since we are an app and so even
    96 	// on WINS everything else should have started up by now.
    98 	// Load up the physical and the logical device drivers. If they are already loaded 
    99 	// then it won't make any difference.
   100 	r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice( PDD_NAME );
   101 	if( (r != KErrNone) && (r != KErrAlreadyExists) ) {
   102 		User::Leave( r );
   103 	}
   104 	r = User::LoadLogicalDevice( LDD_NAME );	
   105 	if( (r != KErrNone) && (r != KErrAlreadyExists) ) {
   106 		User::Leave( r );
   107 	}
   109 	// Both WINS and EIKON will have started the comms server process.
   110 	// (this is only really needed for ARM hardware development racks)
   111 #ifndef __WINS__
   112 	r = StartC32();
   113 	if( (r != KErrNone) && (r != KErrAlreadyExists) )
   114 		User::Leave( r );
   115 #endif
   117 	// Now connect to the comm server	
   118 	User::LeaveIfError( iCommServer.Connect() );
   120 	// Load the CSY module
   121 	r = iCommServer.LoadCommModule( iModule );
   122 	User::LeaveIfError( r );
   124 	// check we loaded correctly
   125 	TInt numPorts;
   126 	r = iCommServer.NumPorts( numPorts );
   127 	User::LeaveIfError( r );
   129 	// set the state
   130 	SetStatus( EInitialised );
   131 	return KErrNone;
   132 }
   134 TInt CSerialTransport::Release(void)
   135 {
   136 	// make sure the status is as expected
   137 	assert( (iSerialStatus == EInitialising) || (iSerialStatus == EInitialised) || (iSerialStatus == EDisconnected) );
   138 	SetStatus( EReleasing );
   140 	// disconnect from the comms server
   141 	iCommServer.Close();
   143 	// update state and finish
   144 	SetStatus( EIdle );
   145 	return KErrNone;
   146 }
   148 /**************************************************************************************
   149  *
   150  * CSerialTransport - Connect and Close
   151  *
   152  *************************************************************************************/
   153 static int atoi( const short *str )
   154 {
   155 	int ret = 0;
   156 	for( int i = 0; str[i] != NULL; i++ ) {
   157 		ret *= 10;
   158 		ret += str[i] - '0';
   159 	}
   160 	return ret;
   161 }
   163 void CSerialTransport::ExtractOptions( TDesC *aRemoteHost, TInt& aPortNumber, TInt& aBaudCap, TBps& aBaudRate )
   164 {
   165 	TInt baud;
   166 	short *delim;
   168 	// get the character array for the remote host (note that this is in unicode)
   169 	short *opt = (short*)aRemoteHost->Ptr();
   171 	// extract the portnumber
   172 	aPortNumber = opt[0] - '0';
   174 	// make sure the next char is a delimiter
   175 	assert( opt[1] == OPT_DELIMITER );
   177 	// now search for the next delimiter and NULL it
   178 	for( delim = &opt[2]; (*delim != NULL) && (*delim != OPT_DELIMITER); delim++ )
   179 		;
   181 	// if this is a delim then NULL it
   182 	if( *delim == OPT_DELIMITER ) {
   183 		*delim = NULL;
   184 	}
   186 	// extract the baud -- and set the correct constants for the given baud
   187 	baud = atoi( &(opt[2]) ); 
   188 	switch( baud ) {
   189 	case 115200:
   190 		aBaudRate = EBps115200;
   191 		aBaudCap = KCapsBps115200;
   192 		break;
   193 	case 38400:
   194 		aBaudRate = EBps38400;
   195 		aBaudCap = KCapsBps38400;
   196 		break;
   197 	case 19200:
   198 		aBaudRate = EBps19200;
   199 		aBaudCap = KCapsBps19200;
   200 		break;
   201 	case 9600:
   202 		aBaudRate = EBps9600;
   203 		aBaudCap = KCapsBps9600;
   204 		break;
   205 	default:
   206 		assert( !"Unsupported baud rate" );
   207 		break;
   208 	}
   209 }
   211 TInt CSerialTransport::ConnectL( TDesC *aRemoteHost )
   212 {
   213 	TInt portNumber;
   214 	TInt baudCap;
   215 	TBps baudRate;
   217 	TBuf8<1> iDummyBuffer;
   219 	// verify state 
   220 	assert( iSerialStatus == EInitialised );
   221 	SetStatus( EConnecting );
   223 	// extract the options from the string
   224 	ExtractOptions( aRemoteHost, portNumber, baudCap, baudRate ); 
   226 	// construct the address -- aRemoteHost should provide the COM port number
   227 	TBuf16<KMaxPortName + 4> portName;
   228 	portName.Num( portNumber );
   229 	portName.Insert( 0, _L("::") );
   230 	if( iModule == _L("IrCOMM") ) 
   231 		portName.Insert( 0, _L("IrCOMM") );
   232 	else if( iModule == _L("ECUART") )
   233 		portName.Insert( 0, _L("COMM") );
   235 	// open the serial port
   236 	TInt r = iCommPort.Open( iCommServer, portName, ECommExclusive );
   237 	User::LeaveIfError( r );
   238 	iCommPortOpen = 1;
   240 	// check our configuration is supported
   241 	TCommCaps ourCapabilities;
   242 	iCommPort.Caps( ourCapabilities );
   243 	if (((ourCapabilities ().iRate & baudCap) == 0) ||
   244 		 ((ourCapabilities ().iDataBits & KCapsData8) == 0) ||
   245 		 ((ourCapabilities ().iStopBits & KCapsStop1) == 0) ||
   246 		 ((ourCapabilities ().iParity & KCapsParityNone) == 0)) 
   247 	{
   248 			User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   249 	}
   252 	// save port settings for restoring later
   253 	iCommPort.Config( iOldPortSettings );
   254 	iCommOldSettingsValid = 1;
   256 	// set new port settings
   257 	iCommPort.Config( iPortSettings );
   258 	iPortSettings().iRate = baudRate;
   259 	iPortSettings().iParity = EParityNone;
   260 	iPortSettings().iDataBits = EData8;
   261 	iPortSettings().iStopBits = EStop1;
   262 	iPortSettings().iFifo = EFifoEnable;
   263   	iPortSettings().iHandshake = KConfigObeyCTS;
   264 	iPortSettings().iTerminatorCount = 0;
   266 	// cancel any pending reads / writes to be safe and set the config
   267 	iCommPort.Cancel();
   268 	r = iCommPort.SetConfig( iPortSettings );
   269 	if( r != KErrNone ) {
   270 		User::Leave(r);
   271 	}
   273 	// set the receive buffer length then check it did it ok
   274 	iCommPort.SetReceiveBufferLength( 2*KMaxPacketSize );
   275 	if( iCommPort.ReceiveBufferLength() != 2*KMaxPacketSize ) {
   276 		User::Leave( KErrTooBig );
   277 	}
   279 	// power up the serial port by doing a null read on the port
   280 	if( iModule != _L("IrCOMM") ) {
   281 		iCommPort.Read(iStatus, iDummyBuffer,0);
   282 		User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
   283 		if(iStatus.Int() != KErrNone){
   284 			Disconnect();
   285 			Release();
   286 			User::Leave(iStatus.Int());
   288 		}
   289 	} else {
   290 		iCommPort.Write(iStatus, iDummyBuffer,0);
   291 		User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
   292 		if(iStatus.Int() != KErrNone){
   293 			Disconnect();
   294 			Release();
   295 			User::Leave(iStatus.Int());
   297 		}
   298 	}
   300 	SetStatus(EConnected);
   301 	return KErrNone;
   302 }
   304 TInt CSerialTransport::Disconnect(void)
   305 {
   306 	// verify the status
   307 	assert( (iSerialStatus == EConnected) || (iSerialStatus == EConnecting) );
   308 	SetStatus( EDisconnecting );
   310 	// clean up the port
   311 	if( iCommPortOpen )
   312 		iCommPort.Cancel();
   313 	if( iCommOldSettingsValid )
   314 		iCommPort.SetConfig( iOldPortSettings );
   315 	if( iCommPortOpen )
   316 		iCommPort.Close();
   317 	iCommPortOpen = 0;
   318 	iCommOldSettingsValid = 0;
   320 	// done
   321 	SetStatus( EDisconnected );
   322 	return KErrNone;
   323 }
   325 /**************************************************************************************
   326  *
   327  * CSerialTransport - Receive and Send. The ID / Length / Data nonsense 
   328  * is handled by the packetisation layer. All serial has to do here is send data -- 
   329  * serial is also assuming that the upper layer will keep the data until the response
   330  *
   331  *************************************************************************************/
   332 TInt CSerialTransport::RequestSend( TDesC8 *aData, const TUint aDataLength )
   333 {
   335 	// make sure we are in the appropriate state 
   336 	assert( iSerialStatus == EConnected );
   338 	// do the send
   339 	assert( (unsigned)aData->Length() == aDataLength );
   340 	iCommPort.Write( iStatus, (*aData), aDataLength );
   341 	User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
   342 	return iStatus.Int();
   343 }
   345 TInt CSerialTransport::RequestReceive( TPtr8 *recvBufferPtr,TUint aByteCount  )
   346 {
   347 	// make sure we are in the appropriate state
   348 	assert( iSerialStatus == EConnected );
   350 	// allocate a buffer for the read
   351 	assert( aByteCount <= KMaxPacketSize );
   352 	recvBufferPtr->SetLength( 0 );
   353 	iCommPort.ReadCancel();
   354 	iCommPort.Read( iStatus, *recvBufferPtr, aByteCount );
   355 	User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
   356 	return iStatus.Int();
   357 }
   359 TText8 *CSerialTransport::Error( void )
   360 {
   361 	return NULL;
   362 }
   364 /**************************************************************************************
   365  *
   366  * CSerialTransport - Private Functions
   367  *
   368  *************************************************************************************/
   369 void CSerialTransport::SetStatus( TCommStatus aNewStatus )
   370 {
   371 	iSerialStatus = aNewStatus;
   372 }