changeset 0 3da2a79470a7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testtoolsconn/wintap/driver/x64driver/tap0901.inf	Mon Mar 08 15:04:18 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+; ****************************************************************************
+; * Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Telethra, Inc.                            *
+; *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+; *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2          *
+; *  as published by the Free Software Foundation.                           *
+; ****************************************************************************
+; cd \WINDDK\3790\tools\chkinf
+; chkinf c:\src\openvpn\tap-win32\i386\oemwin2k.inf
+; OUTPUT -> file:///c:/WINDDK/3790/tools/chkinf/htm/c%23+src+openvpn+tap-win32+i386+__OemWin2k.htm
+;   tapinstall install OemWin2k.inf TAP0901
+;   tapinstall update OemWin2k.inf TAP0901
+;   tapinstall remove TAP0901
+; Note to Developers:
+; If you are bundling the TAP-Win32 driver with your app,
+; you should try to rename it in such a way that it will
+; not collide with other instances of TAP-Win32 defined
+; by other apps.  Multiple versions of the TAP-Win32
+; driver, each installed by different apps, can coexist
+; on the same machine if you follow these guidelines.
+; NOTE: these instructions assume you are editing the
+; generated OemWin2k.inf file, not the source
+; OemWin2k.inf.in file which is preprocessed by winconfig
+; and uses macro definitions from settings.in.
+; (1) Rename all tapXXXX instances in this file to
+;     something different (use at least 5 characters
+;     for this name!)
+; (2) Change the "!define TAP" definition in openvpn.nsi
+;     to match what you changed tapXXXX to.
+; (3) Change TARGETNAME in SOURCES to match what you
+;     changed tapXXXX to.
+; (4) Change TAP_COMPONENT_ID in common.h to match what
+;     you changed tapXXXX to.
+; (5) Change SZDEPENDENCIES in service.h to match what
+;     you changed tapXXXX to.
+; (6) Change DeviceDescription and Provider strings.
+; (7) Change PRODUCT_STRING in constants.h to what you
+;     set DeviceDescription to.
+   Signature = "$Windows NT$"
+   CatalogFile = tap0901.cat
+   ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
+   Provider = %Provider%
+   Class = Net
+; This version number should match the version
+; number given in SOURCES.
+   DriverVer=01/22/2008,
+   DeviceDescription = "TAP-Win32 Adapter V9"
+   Provider = "TAP-Win32 Provider V9"
+;                      Manufacturer + Product Section (Done)
+   %Provider% = tap0901, NTamd64
+   %DeviceDescription% = tap0901.ndi, tap0901
+;                             Driver Section (Done)
+;----------------- Characteristics ------------
+;    NCF_PHYSICAL = 0x04
+;    NCF_VIRTUAL = 0x01
+;    NCF_HIDDEN = 0x08
+;    NCF_NO_SERVICE = 0x10
+;    NCF_HAS_UI = 0x80
+;----------------- Characteristics ------------
+   CopyFiles       = tap0901.driver, tap0901.files
+   AddReg          = tap0901.reg
+   AddReg          = tap0901.params.reg
+   Characteristics = 0x81
+   AddService = tap0901,        2, tap0901.service
+   HKR, Ndi,            Service,      0, "tap0901"
+   HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange,   0, "ndis5"
+   HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange,   0, "ethernet"
+   HKR, ,               Manufacturer, 0, "%Provider%"
+   HKR, ,               ProductName,  0, "%DeviceDescription%"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MTU,                  ParamDesc, 0, "MTU"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MTU,                  Type,      0, "int"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MTU,                  Default,   0, "1500"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MTU,                  Optional,  0, "0"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MTU,                  Min,       0, "100"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MTU,                  Max,       0, "1500"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MTU,                  Step,      0, "1"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MediaStatus,          ParamDesc, 0, "Media Status"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MediaStatus,          Type,      0, "enum"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MediaStatus,          Default,   0, "0"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MediaStatus,          Optional,  0, "0"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MediaStatus\enum,     "0",       0, "Application Controlled"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MediaStatus\enum,     "1",       0, "Always Connected"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MAC,                  ParamDesc, 0, "MAC Address"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MAC,                  Type,      0, "edit"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\MAC,                  Optional,  0, "1"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\AllowNonAdmin,        ParamDesc, 0, "Non-Admin Access"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\AllowNonAdmin,        Type,      0, "enum"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\AllowNonAdmin,        Default,   0, "1"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\AllowNonAdmin,        Optional,  0, "0"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\AllowNonAdmin\enum,   "0",       0, "Not Allowed"
+   HKR, Ndi\params\AllowNonAdmin\enum,   "1",       0, "Allowed"
+;                             Service Section
+;---------- Service Type -------------
+;    SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER     = 0x01
+;---------- Service Type -------------
+;---------- Start Mode ---------------
+;    SERVICE_BOOT_START   = 0x0
+;    SERVICE_AUTO_START   = 0x2
+;    SERVICE_DISABLED     = 0x4
+;---------- Start Mode ---------------
+   DisplayName = %DeviceDescription%
+   ServiceType = 1
+   StartType = 3
+   ErrorControl = 1
+   LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
+   ServiceBinary = %12%\tap0901.sys
+;                                File Installation
+;----------------- Copy Flags ------------
+;    COPYFLG_NOSKIP = 0x02
+;----------------- Copy Flags ------------
+; SourceDisksNames
+; diskid = description[, [tagfile] [, <unused>, subdir]]
+; 1 = "Intel Driver Disk 1",e100bex.sys,,
+   1 = %DeviceDescription%, tap0901.sys
+; SourceDisksFiles
+; filename_on_source = diskID[, [subdir][, size]]
+; e100bex.sys = 1,, ; on distribution disk 1
+tap0901.sys = 1
+   tap0901.files  = 11
+   tap0901.driver = 12
+;                                      End