changeset 0 3da2a79470a7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testexecmgmt/ucc/Source/MobileTermination/CPhone.cpp	Mon Mar 08 15:04:18 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+* Switches
+* System Includes
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+ *
+ * Local Includes
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "CPhone.h"
+ *
+ * Definitions
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define POLLINTERVAL 1000 
+ *
+ * Macro Functions
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef WIN32
+#define closesocket(x) (shutdown(x,SHUT_RDWR),close(x))
+ *
+ * Macro functions
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef WIN32
+#define Sleep(x) sleep(x/1000)
+ *
+ * Prototypes
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Construction
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+CPhone::CPhone() : iUdpAirInterface(&iPhoneData,&iLog), iTcpTeChannel(&iPhoneData,&iLog), iFilterPpp(&iPhoneData,&iLog), iMainThread("MainThread"), iAirInterfaceThread("AirInterfaceThread"), iTEChannelThread("TeChannelThread")
+	// just need to set all the pointers to null
+	iFilter = NULL;
+	iDatalinkPacketise = NULL;
+	iDatalinkNull = NULL;
+	iProcessData = NULL;
+	iExitFlag = 0;
+	iStatus = MTS_INIT;
+	// clear the phone state
+	memset( &iPhoneData, 0, sizeof(iPhoneData) );
+	// just need to check that all the pointers are freed
+	assert( iFilter == NULL );
+	assert( iDatalinkPacketise == NULL );
+	assert( iDatalinkNull == NULL );
+	assert( iProcessData == NULL );
+	assert( iStatus != MTS_RUNNING );
+ *
+ * PRIVATE METHOD: MAIN-THREAD: InternalInitialisePhone - setup everything - if 
+ * this returns an error all resource MUST be cleaned up.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::InternalInitialisePhone( int aPhoneID, int aDatalinkConfig, int aFilterConfig, int *aErrCode )
+	MTError merr;
+	TThreadError terr;
+	// check the params
+	assert( aPhoneID >= 0 );
+	assert( aErrCode != NULL );
+	// init the errors
+	*aErrCode = 0;
+	// setup the phone state 
+	iPhoneData.iPhoneID = aPhoneID;
+	// create the appropriate filters
+	merr = CreateFilters( aFilterConfig );
+	if( merr != MTL_SUCCESS ) {
+		return merr;
+	}
+	// create the data link object
+	merr = CreateDatalinkLayer( aDatalinkConfig );
+	if( merr != MTL_SUCCESS ) {
+		DeleteFilters();
+		return merr;
+	}
+	// give the datalink object pointers to the air interface and the uu interface
+	iProcessData->SetAirInterface( &iUdpAirInterface );
+	iProcessData->SetTEChannel( &iTcpTeChannel );
+	// give each channel a pointer to the datalink
+	iUdpAirInterface.SetDatalink( iProcessData );
+	iTcpTeChannel.SetDatalink( iProcessData );
+	iUdpAirInterface.SetFilter( iFilter );
+	iTcpTeChannel.SetFilter( iFilter );
+	// create a thread for the air interface to listen
+	terr = iAirInterfaceThread.StartThread( (void*)AirInterfaceThreadProc, this, aErrCode );
+	if( terr != TE_NONE ) {
+	}
+	// create a thread for the te channel to listen
+	terr = iTEChannelThread.StartThread( (void*)TEChannelThreadProc, this, aErrCode );
+	if( terr != TE_NONE ) {
+	}
+	// cool, we are setup and ready to go
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+ *
+ * PRIVATE METHOD: MAIN-THREAD: InternalRunPhone - the main execution loop for 
+ * the main thread of the phone - if this returns error then it MUST be cleaned 
+ * up.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::InternalRunPhone( int *aErrCode )
+	TThreadError terr;
+	// wait for the threads to complete or for a command to stop them
+	while( 1 ) {
+		// perform checks every X milliseconds
+		// check the state of the air_interface thread
+		terr = iAirInterfaceThread.WaitForThread( 0 );
+		if( terr == TE_NONE ) {
+		  break;
+		}
+		assert( terr == TE_TIMEOUT );
+		// check the state of the channel thread
+		terr = iTEChannelThread.WaitForThread( 0 );
+		if( terr == TE_NONE ) {
+			break;
+		}
+		assert( terr == TE_TIMEOUT );
+		// check whether the external program has requested that we shutdown
+		if( iExitFlag != 0 ) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	// cleanup everything
+	// done
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: RPC-THREAD: StartPhone - this wraps up init phone and run phone
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::StartPhone( int aPhoneID, int aDatalinkConfig, int aFilterConfig, int *aErrCode )
+	MTError merr;
+	TThreadError terr;
+	// check params
+	assert( aErrCode != NULL );
+	*aErrCode = 0;
+	// check the state
+	if( iStatus != MTS_INIT ) {
+	}
+	// initialise all the sub-components
+	merr = InternalInitialisePhone( aPhoneID, aDatalinkConfig, aFilterConfig, aErrCode );
+	if( merr != 0 ) {
+		return merr;
+	}
+	// set the state
+	iStatus = MTS_RUNNING;
+	// start up a new thread that calls InternalRunPhone
+	terr = iMainThread.StartThread( (void*)MainThreadProc, this, aErrCode );
+	if( terr != TE_NONE ) {
+	}
+	// ok everything is running -- return ok
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: RPC-THREAD: StopPhone - signal the main handler to stop 
+ * everything
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::StopPhone()
+	MTStatus mstatus;
+	// set the exit flag
+	iExitFlag = 1;
+	// depends on our state
+	switch( iStatus ) {
+	case MTS_INIT:
+		return MTL_SUCCESS;
+		while( 1 ) {
+			mstatus = GetStatus();
+			if( mstatus == MTS_SHUTDOWN_ALL ) {
+				return MTL_SUCCESS;
+			}
+			Sleep( 500 );
+		}
+		break;
+		return MTL_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	// should never get here
+	assert( !"INVALID CODE PATH" );
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: RPC-THREAD: Sets the remote address for the uu interface
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::SetRemoteUUAddress( struct sockaddr_in sockaddr )
+	iUdpAirInterface.SetRemoteAddress( sockaddr );
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: RPC-THREAD: Gets the remote address for the uu interface
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::GetRemoteUUAddress( struct sockaddr_in *sockaddr )
+	iUdpAirInterface.GetRemoteAddress( sockaddr );
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: RPC-THREAD: Gets the local address for the uu interface.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::GetLocalUUAddress( struct sockaddr_in *sockaddr )
+	assert( sockaddr != NULL );
+	iUdpAirInterface.GetLocalAddress( sockaddr );
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: SERVER-THREAD: Sets the socket to be used by the TE channel.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::SetTeSocket( int aSock )
+	TChannelError cerr;
+	cerr = iTcpTeChannel.SetSocket( aSock );
+	assert( (cerr == CE_NONE) || (cerr == CE_SOCKET_ALREADY_SET) );
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: RPC-THREAD: Returns a pointer to the log.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+CLog *CPhone::GetLog()
+	return &iLog;
+ *
+ * PUBLIC METHOD: RPC-THREAD: Gets the current status of the MT.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTStatus CPhone::GetStatus()
+	TThreadError terr;
+	// if the status is MTS_SHUTDOWN_ALL_BUT_MAIN then we check to see if the 
+	// main thread has exited and then we update it
+	if( iStatus == MTS_SHUTDOWN_ALL_BUT_MAIN ) {
+		terr = iMainThread.WaitForThread( 0 );
+		if( terr == TE_NONE ) {
+			iStatus = MTS_SHUTDOWN_ALL;
+		}
+	}
+	// return the status
+	return iStatus;
+ *
+ * Cleanupstate - cleans up everything
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void CPhone::CleanupState( int aRequestSource )
+	int err;
+	TThreadState thread_state;
+	TThreadError terr;
+	// if the air interface thread is still listening then stop it
+	thread_state = iAirInterfaceThread.GetThreadState();
+	if( thread_state == TS_ACTIVE ) {
+		err = iUdpAirInterface.StopInterface();
+		assert( err == 0 );
+		terr = iAirInterfaceThread.WaitForThread( INFINITE );
+		assert( terr == TE_NONE );
+	}
+	// if the te channel thread is still listening then stop it
+	thread_state = iTEChannelThread.GetThreadState();
+	if( thread_state == TS_ACTIVE ) {
+		iTcpTeChannel.StopChannel();
+		terr = iTEChannelThread.WaitForThread( INFINITE );
+		assert( terr == TE_NONE );
+	}
+	// Remove the datalink layer
+	DeleteDatalinkLayer();
+	// Remove the fitler
+	DeleteFilters();
+	// update the status
+	thread_state = iMainThread.GetThreadState();
+	iStatus = ((thread_state == TS_ACTIVE) ? MTS_SHUTDOWN_ALL_BUT_MAIN : MTS_SHUTDOWN_ALL);
+	// verification
+	assert( (iStatus == MTS_SHUTDOWN_ALL) || (aRequestSource == CLEANUP_SOURCE_INTERNAL_RUN_PHONE) );
+ *
+ * SECTION: Helpers
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Create And Delete filters layers 
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::CreateFilters( int aFilterConfig )
+	// if the config isn't zero or one then we have an error
+	if( (aFilterConfig != 0) && (aFilterConfig != 1) ) {
+	}
+	// the only filter is the ppp logger filter
+	if( aFilterConfig == FILTER_PPP ) {
+		iFilter = &iFilterPpp;
+	}
+	// done
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+void CPhone::DeleteFilters()
+	// just set the pointer to NULL
+	iFilter = NULL;
+ *
+ * CreateAndDelete Datalink layers - these are the methods who know the class 
+ * (rather than the interface) of the datalink layer.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+MTError CPhone::CreateDatalinkLayer( int aDatalinkConfig )
+	// create the appropriate datalink layer object and set the process data pointer
+	if( aDatalinkConfig == DL_NULL ) {
+		iDatalinkNull = new CDatalinkNull( &iPhoneData, &iLog );
+		assert( iDatalinkNull != NULL );
+		iProcessData = iDatalinkNull;
+	} else if( aDatalinkConfig == DL_PACKETISE ) {
+		iDatalinkPacketise = new CDatalinkPacketise( &iPhoneData, &iLog );
+		assert( iDatalinkPacketise != NULL );
+		iProcessData = iDatalinkPacketise;
+	} else {
+	}
+	// success
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+void CPhone::DeleteDatalinkLayer()
+	// delete whichever datalink layers are active 
+	if( iDatalinkNull != NULL ) {
+		delete iDatalinkNull;
+		iDatalinkNull = NULL;
+		iProcessData = NULL;
+	}
+	if( iDatalinkPacketise != NULL ) {
+		delete iDatalinkPacketise;
+		iDatalinkPacketise = NULL;
+		iProcessData = NULL;
+	}
+ *
+ * SECTION: Thread entry procedures
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Thread Entry Procedures
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+int MainThreadProc( CPhone *aPhone )
+	MTError merr;
+	CLog *log;
+	int errcode;
+	// check the param
+	assert( aPhone != NULL );
+	// log
+	log = &(aPhone->iLog);
+	log->WriteLogEntry( SV_INFO, "MainThreadProc", "Started" );
+	// now call startup
+	merr = aPhone->InternalRunPhone( &errcode );
+	// the result is logged
+	if( merr != MTL_SUCCESS ) {
+		log->WriteLogEntry( SV_WARNING, "MainThreadProc", "InternalRunPhone returned error", merr, errcode );
+	}
+	// log
+	log->WriteLogEntry( SV_INFO, "MainThreadProc", "Stopped" );
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+int AirInterfaceThreadProc( CPhone *aPhone )
+	TAirInterfaceError aerr;
+	int errcode;
+	CUDPAirInterface *air_interface;
+	CLog *log;
+	// check the param
+	assert( aPhone != NULL );
+	// log
+	log = &(aPhone->iLog);
+	log->WriteLogEntry( SV_INFO, "AirInterfaceThreadProc", "Started" );
+	// now recv from the air interface
+	air_interface = &(aPhone->iUdpAirInterface);
+	aerr = air_interface->ListenOnInterface( &errcode );
+	// the result is logged
+	if( aerr != AIE_NONE ) {
+		log->WriteLogEntry( SV_WARNING, "AirInterfaceThreadProc", "ListenOnInterface returned error", aerr, errcode );
+	}
+	// log
+	log->WriteLogEntry( SV_INFO, "AirInterfaceThreadProc", "Stopped" );
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;
+int TEChannelThreadProc( CPhone *aPhone )
+	TChannelError cerr;
+	int errcode;
+	CTcpTeChannel *te_channel;
+	CLog *log;
+	// check the param
+	assert( aPhone != NULL );
+	// log
+	log = &(aPhone->iLog);
+	log->WriteLogEntry( SV_INFO, "TEChannelThreadProc", "Started" );
+	// now recv from the channel
+	te_channel = &(aPhone->iTcpTeChannel);
+	cerr = te_channel->ListenOnChannel( &errcode );
+	// the result is logged
+	if( cerr != CE_NONE ) {
+		log->WriteLogEntry( SV_WARNING, "TEChannelThreadProc", "ListenOnChannel returned error", cerr, errcode );
+	}
+	// log
+	log->WriteLogEntry( SV_INFO, "TEChannelThreadProc", "Stopped" );
+	return MTL_SUCCESS;